import 'package:lemmy_api_client/v3.dart'; import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart'; import '../../util/async_store.dart'; import '../../util/cleanup_url.dart'; part 'post_store.g.dart'; class PostStore = _PostStore with _$PostStore; abstract class _PostStore with Store { @observable PostView postView; final votingState = AsyncStore(); final savingState = AsyncStore(); final userBlockingState = AsyncStore(); @computed bool get wasVoted => (postView.myVote ?? VoteType.none) != VoteType.none; @computed String? get urlDomain => != null ? urlHost(!) : null; @computed bool get hasMedia { final url =; if (url == null || url.isEmpty) return false; // TODO: detect video // this is how they do it in lemmy-ui: // if (!url.startsWith('https://') && !url.startsWith('http://')) { return false; } return url.endsWith('.jpg') || url.endsWith('.jpeg') || url.endsWith('.png') || url.endsWith('.gif') || url.endsWith('.webp') || url.endsWith('.bmp') || url.endsWith('.svg') || url.endsWith('.wbpm'); } @action Future save(Jwt token) async { final result = await savingState.runLemmy( postView.instanceHost, SavePost( postId:, save: !postView.saved, auth: token.raw)); if (result != null) postView = result; } @action Future blockUser(Jwt token) async { final result = await userBlockingState.runLemmy(, BlockPerson( personId:, block: !postView.creatorBlocked, auth: token.raw, )); if (result != null) { postView = postView.copyWith(creatorBlocked: result.blocked); } } @action // ignore: use_setters_to_change_properties void updatePostView(PostView postView) { this.postView = postView; } // VOTING @action Future _vote(Jwt token, VoteType voteType) async { final result = await votingState.runLemmy( postView.instanceHost, CreatePostLike( postId:, score: voteType, auth: token.raw), ); if (result != null) postView = result; } @action Future upVote(Jwt token) => _vote( token, postView.myVote == VoteType.up ? VoteType.none : VoteType.up); @action Future downVote(Jwt token) => _vote( token, postView.myVote == VoteType.down ? VoteType.none : VoteType.down); _PostStore(this.postView); }