import 'package:lemmy_api_client/v3.dart'; import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart'; import '../../util/async_store.dart'; part 'create_post_store.g.dart'; class CreatePostStore = _CreatePostStore with _$CreatePostStore; abstract class _CreatePostStore with Store { final Post? postToEdit; bool get isEdit => postToEdit != null; _CreatePostStore({ required this.instanceHost, this.postToEdit, this.selectedCommunity, }) : title = postToEdit?.name ?? '', nsfw = postToEdit?.nsfw ?? false, body = postToEdit?.body ?? '', url = postToEdit?.url ?? ''; @observable bool showFancy = false; @observable String instanceHost; @observable CommunityView? selectedCommunity; @observable String url; @observable String title; @observable String body; @observable bool nsfw; final submitState = AsyncStore(); @action Future submit(Jwt token) async { await submitState.runLemmy( instanceHost, isEdit ? EditPost( url: url.isEmpty ? null : url, body: body.isEmpty ? null : body, nsfw: nsfw, name: title, postId: postToEdit!.id, auth: token.raw, ) : CreatePost( url: url.isEmpty ? null : url, body: body.isEmpty ? null : body, nsfw: nsfw, name: title, communityId: selectedCommunity!, auth: token.raw, ), ); } }