import 'package:lemmy_api_client/v3.dart'; import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart'; import '../../comment_tree.dart'; import '../../util/async_store.dart'; import '../../widgets/post/post_store.dart'; part 'full_post_store.g.dart'; class FullPostStore = _FullPostStore with _$FullPostStore; abstract class _FullPostStore with Store { final int postId; final String instanceHost; _FullPostStore({ this.postStore, required this.postId, required this.instanceHost, }); // ignore: unused_element _FullPostStore.fromPostView(PostView postView) : postId =, instanceHost = postView.instanceHost, postStore = PostStore(postView); // ignore: unused_element _FullPostStore.fromPostStore(PostStore this.postStore) : postId =, instanceHost = postStore.postView.instanceHost; @observable FullPostView? fullPostView; @observable ObservableList newComments = ObservableList(); @observable CommentSortType sorting =; @observable PostStore? postStore; final fullPostState = AsyncStore(); final communityBlockingState = AsyncStore(); @action // ignore: use_setters_to_change_properties void updateSorting(CommentSortType sort) { sorting = sort; } @computed List? get commentTree { if (fullPostView == null) return null; return CommentTree.fromList(fullPostView!.comments); } @computed List? get sortedCommentTree { return commentTree?..sortBy(sorting); } @computed PostView? get postView => postStore?.postView; @computed Iterable? get comments => fullPostView?.comments.followedBy(newComments); @action Future refresh([Jwt? token]) async { final result = await fullPostState.runLemmy( instanceHost, GetPost(id: postId, auth: token?.raw)); if (result != null) { postStore ??= PostStore(result.postView); fullPostView = result; postStore!.updatePostView(result.postView); } } @action Future blockCommunity(Jwt token) async { final result = await communityBlockingState.runLemmy( instanceHost, BlockCommunity( communityId: fullPostView!, block: !fullPostView!.communityView.blocked, auth: token.raw)); if (result != null) { fullPostView = fullPostView!.copyWith(communityView: result.communityView); } } @action void addComment(CommentView commentView) => newComments.insert(0, commentView); }