import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hooks/flutter_hooks.dart'; import 'package:image_picker/image_picker.dart'; import 'package:lemmy_api_client/lemmy_api_client.dart'; import '../hooks/delayed_loading.dart'; import '../hooks/image_picker.dart'; import '../hooks/logged_in_action.dart'; import '../hooks/memo_future.dart'; import '../hooks/stores.dart'; import '../util/extensions/api.dart'; import '../util/extensions/spaced.dart'; import '../util/goto.dart'; import '../util/pictrs.dart'; import '../widgets/markdown_text.dart'; import 'full_post.dart'; /// Fab that triggers the [CreatePost] modal class CreatePostFab extends HookWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final loggedInAction = useLoggedInAction(null, any: true); return FloatingActionButton( child: Icon(Icons.add), onPressed: loggedInAction((_) => showCupertinoModalPopup( context: context, builder: (_) => CreatePost())), ); } } /// Modal for creating a post to some community in some instance class CreatePost extends HookWidget { final CommunityView community; final GlobalKey scaffoldKey = GlobalKey(); CreatePost() : community = null; CreatePost.toCommunity(; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final urlController = useTextEditingController(); final titleController = useTextEditingController(); final bodyController = useTextEditingController(); final accStore = useAccountsStore(); final selectedInstance = useState(community?.instanceUrl ?? accStore.loggedInInstances.first); final selectedCommunity = useState(community); final showFancy = useState(false); final nsfw = useState(false); final delayed = useDelayedLoading(); final imagePicker = useImagePicker(); final imageUploadLoading = useState(false); final pictrsDeleteToken = useState(null); final allCommunitiesSnap = useMemoFuture( () => LemmyApi(selectedInstance.value) .v1 .listCommunities( sort:, limit: 9999, auth: accStore.defaultTokenFor(selectedInstance.value).raw, ) .then( (value) { value.sort((a, b) =>; return value; }, ), [selectedInstance.value], ); uploadPicture() async { try { final pic = await imagePicker.getImage(source:; // pic is null when the picker was cancelled if (pic != null) { imageUploadLoading.value = true; final pictrs = LemmyApi(selectedInstance.value).pictrs; final upload = await pictrs.upload(pic.path); pictrsDeleteToken.value = upload.files[0]; urlController.text = pathToPictrs(selectedInstance.value, upload.files[0].file); } // ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses } catch (e) { scaffoldKey.currentState .showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text('Failed to upload image'))); } finally { imageUploadLoading.value = false; } } removePicture() { LemmyApi(selectedInstance.value) .pictrs .delete(pictrsDeleteToken.value) .catchError((_) {}); pictrsDeleteToken.value = null; urlController.text = ''; } // TODO: use drop down from AddAccountPage final instanceDropdown = InputDecorator( decoration: const InputDecoration( contentPadding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 1, horizontal: 20), border: OutlineInputBorder()), child: DropdownButtonHideUnderline( child: DropdownButton( value: selectedInstance.value, onChanged: (val) => selectedInstance.value = val, items: accStore.loggedInInstances .map((instance) => DropdownMenuItem( value: instance, child: Text(instance), )) .toList(), ), ), ); // TODO: use lazy autocomplete final communitiesDropdown = InputDecorator( decoration: const InputDecoration( contentPadding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 1, horizontal: 20), border: OutlineInputBorder()), child: DropdownButtonHideUnderline( child: DropdownButton( value: selectedCommunity.value?.name, hint: Text('Community'), onChanged: (val) => selectedCommunity.value = => == val), items: allCommunitiesSnap.hasData ? .map((e) => DropdownMenuItem( value:, child: Text(, )) .toList() : [ DropdownMenuItem( value: '', child: CircularProgressIndicator(), ) ], ), ), ); final url = Row(children: [ Expanded( child: TextField( enabled: pictrsDeleteToken.value == null, controller: urlController, decoration: InputDecoration( border: OutlineInputBorder(), labelText: 'URL', suffixIcon: Icon(, ), ), SizedBox(width: 5), IconButton( icon: imageUploadLoading.value ? CircularProgressIndicator() : Icon(pictrsDeleteToken.value == null ? Icons.add_photo_alternate : Icons.close), onPressed: pictrsDeleteToken.value == null ? uploadPicture : removePicture, tooltip: pictrsDeleteToken.value == null ? 'Add picture' : 'Delete picture', ) ]); final title = TextField( controller: titleController, minLines: 1, maxLines: 2, decoration: InputDecoration(border: OutlineInputBorder(), labelText: 'Title'), ); final body = IndexedStack( index: showFancy.value ? 1 : 0, children: [ TextField( controller: bodyController, keyboardType: TextInputType.multiline, maxLines: null, minLines: 5, textAlignVertical:, decoration: InputDecoration(border: OutlineInputBorder(), labelText: 'Body'), ), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16), child: MarkdownText( bodyController.text, instanceUrl: selectedInstance.value, ), ), ], ); handleSubmit() async { if (selectedCommunity.value == null || titleController.text.isEmpty) { scaffoldKey.currentState.showSnackBar(SnackBar( content: Text('Choosing a community and a title is required'), )); return; } final api = LemmyApi(selectedInstance.value).v1; final token = accStore.defaultTokenFor(selectedInstance.value); delayed.start(); try { final res = await api.createPost( url: urlController.text.isEmpty ? null : urlController.text, body: bodyController.text.isEmpty ? null : bodyController.text, nsfw: nsfw.value, name: titleController.text, communityId:, auth: token.raw); goToReplace(context, (_) => FullPostPage.fromPostView(res)); return; // ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses } catch (e) { scaffoldKey.currentState .showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text('Failed to post'))); } delayed.cancel(); } return Scaffold( key: scaffoldKey, appBar: AppBar( leading: IconButton( icon: Icon(Icons.close), onPressed: Navigator.of(context).pop, ), actions: [ IconButton( icon: Icon(showFancy.value ? : Icons.brush), onPressed: () => showFancy.value = !showFancy.value, ), ], ), body: SafeArea( child: ListView( padding: EdgeInsets.all(5), children: [ instanceDropdown, communitiesDropdown, url, title, body, Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: [ GestureDetector( onTap: () => nsfw.value = !nsfw.value, child: Row( children: [ Checkbox( value: nsfw.value, onChanged: (val) => nsfw.value = val, ), Text('NSFW') ], ), ), FlatButton( onPressed: delayed.pending ? () {} : handleSubmit, child: delayed.loading ? CircularProgressIndicator() : Text('post'), ) ], ), ].spaced(6), ), ), ); } }