import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hooks/flutter_hooks.dart'; import 'package:lemmy_api_client/v3.dart'; import 'package:nested/nested.dart'; import '../../hooks/stores.dart'; import '../../l10n/l10n.dart'; import '../../stores/accounts_store.dart'; import '../../util/async_store.dart'; import '../../util/async_store_listener.dart'; import '../../util/extensions/api.dart'; import '../../util/icons.dart'; import '../../util/observer_consumers.dart'; import '../../util/share.dart'; import '../../widgets/failed_to_load.dart'; import '../../widgets/reveal_after_scroll.dart'; import '../../widgets/sortable_infinite_list.dart'; import '../create_post.dart'; import 'community_about_tab.dart'; import 'community_more_menu.dart'; import 'community_overview.dart'; import 'community_store.dart'; /// Displays posts, comments, and general info about the given community class CommunityPage extends HookWidget { const CommunityPage(); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final theme = Theme.of(context); final accountsStore = useAccountsStore(); final scrollController = useScrollController(); return Nested( children: [ AsyncStoreListener( asyncStore:, AsyncStoreListener( asyncStore:, AsyncStoreListener( asyncStore:, successMessageBuilder: (context, BlockedCommunity data) { final name =; final blocked = data.blocked ? 'blocked' : 'unblocked'; return '$name $blocked'; }, ), ], child: ObserverBuilder(builder: (context, store) { final communityState = store.communityState; final communityAsyncState = communityState.asyncState; // FALLBACK if (communityAsyncState is! AsyncStateData) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(), body: Center( child: (communityState.errorTerm != null) ? FailedToLoad( refresh: () => store.refresh(context .read() .defaultUserDataFor(store.instanceHost) ?.jwt), message: communityState.errorTerm!.tr(context), ) : const CircularProgressIndicator.adaptive()), ); } final fullCommunityView =; final community = fullCommunityView.communityView; void _share() => share(, context: context); return Scaffold( floatingActionButton: CreatePostFab(community: community), body: DefaultTabController( length: 3, child: NestedScrollView( controller: scrollController, headerSliverBuilder: (context, innerBoxIsScrolled) => [ SliverAppBar( expandedHeight: == null ? 220 : 300, pinned: true, backgroundColor: theme.cardColor, title: RevealAfterScroll( scrollController: scrollController, after: == null ? 110 : 190, fade: true, child: Text(, overflow: TextOverflow.fade, softWrap: false, ), ), actions: [ IconButton(icon: Icon(shareIcon), onPressed: _share), IconButton( icon: Icon(moreIcon), onPressed: () =>, fullCommunityView)), ], flexibleSpace: FlexibleSpaceBar( background: CommunityOverview(fullCommunityView), ), bottom: PreferredSize( preferredSize: const TabBar(tabs: []).preferredSize, child: Material( color: theme.cardColor, child: TabBar( tabs: [ Tab(text: L10n.of(context).posts), Tab(text: L10n.of(context).comments), const Tab(text: 'About'), ], ), ), ), ), ], body: TabBarView( children: [ InfinitePostList( fetcher: (page, batchSize, sort) => LemmyApiV3(community.instanceHost).run(GetPosts( type:, sort: sort, communityId:, page: page, limit: batchSize, savedOnly: false, )), ), InfiniteCommentList( fetcher: (page, batchSize, sortType) => LemmyApiV3(community.instanceHost).run(GetComments( communityId:, auth: accountsStore .defaultUserDataFor(community.instanceHost) ?.jwt .raw, type:, sort: sortType, limit: batchSize, page: page, savedOnly: false, ))), CommmunityAboutTab(fullCommunityView), ], ), ), ), ); }), ); } static Route _route(String instanceHost, CommunityStore store) { return MaterialPageRoute( builder: (context) { return Provider.value( value: store ..refresh(context .read() .defaultUserDataFor(instanceHost) ?.jwt), child: const CommunityPage(), ); }, ); } static Route fromNameRoute(String instanceHost, String name) { return _route( instanceHost, CommunityStore.fromName(communityName: name, instanceHost: instanceHost), ); } static Route fromIdRoute(String instanceHost, int id) { return _route( instanceHost, CommunityStore.fromId(id: id, instanceHost: instanceHost), ); } }