import 'package:lemmy_api_client/v3.dart'; import 'util/hot_rank.dart'; enum CommentSortType { hot, top, new_, old, chat; /// returns a compare function for sorting a CommentTree according /// to the comment sort type int Function(CommentTree a, CommentTree b) get sortFunction { switch (this) { case throw Exception('Sorting a CommentTree in chat mode is not supported' ' because it would restructure the whole tree'); case return (b, a) => a.comment.computedHotRank.compareTo(b.comment.computedHotRank); case CommentSortType.new_: return (b, a) => a.comment.comment.published.compareTo(b.comment.comment.published); case CommentSortType.old: return (b, a) => b.comment.comment.published.compareTo(a.comment.comment.published); case return (b, a) => a.comment.counts.score.compareTo(b.comment.counts.score); } } } extension SortCommentTreeList on List { void sortBy(CommentSortType sortType) { sort(sortType.sortFunction); for (final el in this) { el._sort(sortType.sortFunction); } } } class CommentTree { CommentView comment; List children = []; CommentTree(this.comment); /// takes raw linear comments and turns them into a CommentTree static List fromList(List comments) { CommentTree gatherChildren(CommentTree parent) { for (final el in comments) { if (el.comment.parentId == { parent.children.add(gatherChildren(CommentTree(el))); } } return parent; } final topLevelParents = comments.where((e) => e.comment.parentId == null).map(; final result =; return result; } /// recursive sorter void _sort(int compare(CommentTree a, CommentTree b)) { children.sort(compare); for (final el in children) { el._sort(compare); } } }