import 'package:lemmy_api_client/v3.dart'; import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart'; import '../../util/async_store.dart'; part 'community_store.g.dart'; class CommunityStore = _CommunityStore with _$CommunityStore; abstract class _CommunityStore with Store { final String instanceHost; final String? communityName; final int? id; // ignore: unused_element _CommunityStore.fromName({ required String this.communityName, required this.instanceHost, }) : id = null; // ignore: unused_element _CommunityStore.fromId({required, required this.instanceHost}) : communityName = null; final communityState = AsyncStore(); final subscribingState = AsyncStore(); final blockingState = AsyncStore(); @action Future refresh(Jwt? token) async { await communityState.runLemmy( instanceHost, GetCommunity( auth: token?.raw, id: id, name: communityName, ), refresh: true, ); } Future block(Jwt token) async { final state = communityState.asyncState; if (state is! AsyncStateData) { throw StateError('communityState should be ready at this point'); } final res = await blockingState.runLemmy( instanceHost, BlockCommunity( communityId:, block: !, auth: token.raw, ), ); if (res != null) { communityState .setData( res.communityView)); } } @action Future subscribe(Jwt token) async { final state = communityState.asyncState; if (state is! AsyncStateData) { throw StateError('FullCommunityView should be not null at this point'); } final communityView =; final res = await subscribingState.runLemmy( instanceHost, FollowCommunity( communityId:, follow: !communityView.subscribed, auth: token.raw, ), ); if (res != null) { communityState.setData( res)); } } }