import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hooks/flutter_hooks.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import '../../formatter.dart'; import '../../hooks/logged_in_action.dart'; import '../../resources/links.dart'; import '../../url_launcher.dart'; import '../../util/async_store_listener.dart'; import '../../util/extensions/api.dart'; import '../../util/extensions/spaced.dart'; import '../../util/files.dart'; import '../../util/mobx_provider.dart'; import '../../util/observer_consumers.dart'; import '../../util/text_lines_iterator.dart'; import 'editor_picking_dialog.dart'; import 'editor_toolbar_store.dart'; class Reformat { final String text; final int selectionBeginningShift; final int selectionEndingShift; Reformat({ required this.text, this.selectionBeginningShift = 0, this.selectionEndingShift = 0, }); } extension on TextEditingController { String get selectionText => text.substring(selection.baseOffset, selection.extentOffset); String get beforeSelectionText => text.substring(0, selection.baseOffset); String get afterSelectionText => text.substring(selection.extentOffset); /// surroungs selection with given strings. If nothing is selected, placeholder is used in the middle void surround( String before, [ String? after, String placeholder = '[write text here]', ]) { after ??= before; final beg = text.substring(0, selection.baseOffset); final mid = () { final m = text.substring(selection.baseOffset, selection.extentOffset); if (m.isEmpty) return placeholder; return m; }(); final end = text.substring(selection.extentOffset); value = value.copyWith( text: '$beg$before$mid$after$end', selection: selection.copyWith( baseOffset: selection.baseOffset + before.length, extentOffset: selection.baseOffset + before.length + mid.length, )); } String get firstSelectedLine { if (text.isEmpty) return ''; return text.substring(text.getBeginningOfTheLine(selection.start - 1), text.getEndOfTheLine(selection.end)); } void insertAtBeginningOfFirstSelectedLine(String s) { final lines = TextLinesIterator.fromController(this)..moveNext(); lines.current = s + lines.current; value = value.copyWith( text: lines.text, selection: selection.copyWith( baseOffset: selection.baseOffset + s.length, extentOffset: selection.extentOffset + s.length, ), ); } void removeAtBeginningOfEverySelectedLine(String s) { final lines = TextLinesIterator.fromController(this); var linesCount = 0; while (lines.moveNext()) { if (lines.isWithinSelection) { if (lines.current.startsWith(RegExp.escape(s))) { lines.current = lines.current.substring(s.length); linesCount++; } } } value = value.copyWith( text: lines.text, selection: selection.copyWith( baseOffset: selection.baseOffset - s.length, extentOffset: selection.extentOffset - s.length * linesCount, ), ); } void insertAtBeginningOfEverySelectedLine(String s) { final lines = TextLinesIterator.fromController(this); var linesCount = 0; while (lines.moveNext()) { if (lines.isWithinSelection) { if (!lines.current.startsWith(RegExp.escape(s))) { lines.current = '$s${lines.current}'; linesCount++; } } } value = value.copyWith( text: lines.text, selection: selection.copyWith( baseOffset: selection.baseOffset + s.length, extentOffset: selection.extentOffset + s.length * linesCount, ), ); } void reformat(Reformat Function(String selection) reformatter) { final beg = beforeSelectionText; final mid = selectionText; final end = afterSelectionText; final r = reformatter(mid); value = value.copyWith( text: '$beg${r.text}$end', selection: selection.copyWith( baseOffset: selection.baseOffset + r.selectionBeginningShift, extentOffset: selection.extentOffset + r.selectionEndingShift, ), ); } void reformatSimple(String text) => reformat((selection) => Reformat(text: text)); } enum HeaderLevel { h1(1), h2(2), h3(3), h4(4), h5(5), h6(6); const HeaderLevel(this.value); final int value; } class Toolbar extends HookWidget { final TextEditingController controller; final String instanceHost; final EditorToolbarStore store; static const _height = 50.0; Toolbar({ required this.controller, required this.instanceHost, }) : store = EditorToolbarStore(instanceHost); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MobxProvider.value( value: store, child: AsyncStoreListener( asyncStore: store.imageUploadState, child: Container( height: _height, width: double.infinity, color: Theme.of(context).cardColor, child: Material( child: SingleChildScrollView( scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, child: _ToolbarBody( controller: controller, instanceHost: instanceHost, ), ), ), ), ), ); } static Widget safeArea = const SizedBox(height: _height); } class _ToolbarBody extends HookWidget { const _ToolbarBody({ required this.controller, required this.instanceHost, }); final TextEditingController controller; final String instanceHost; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final loggedInAction = useLoggedInAction(instanceHost); return Row( children: [ IconButton( onPressed: () => controller.surround('**'), icon: const Icon(Icons.format_bold), ), IconButton( onPressed: () => controller.surround('*'), icon: const Icon(Icons.format_italic), ), IconButton( onPressed: () async { final r = await, controller.selectionText); if (r != null) controller.reformat((_) => r); }, icon: const Icon(, ), // Insert image ObserverBuilder( builder: (context, store) { return IconButton( onPressed: loggedInAction((token) async { if (store.imageUploadState.isLoading) { return; } try { // FIXME: for some reason it doesn't go past this line on iOS. idk why final pic = await pickImage(); // pic is null when the picker was cancelled if (pic != null) { final picUrl = await context .read() .uploadImage(pic.path, token); if (picUrl != null) { controller.reformatSimple('![]($picUrl)'); } } } on Exception catch (_) { ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar( const SnackBar(content: Text('Failed to upload image'))); } }), icon: store.imageUploadState.isLoading ? const CircularProgressIndicator.adaptive() : const Icon(Icons.image), ); }, ), IconButton( onPressed: () async { final person = await; if (person != null) { final name = '@${}@${person.person.originInstanceHost}'; final link = person.person.actorId; controller.reformatSimple('[$name]($link)'); } }, icon: const Icon(Icons.person), ), IconButton( onPressed: () async { final community = await; if (community != null) { final name = '!${}@${}'; final link =; controller.reformatSimple('[$name]($link)'); } }, icon: const Icon(Icons.home), ), PopupMenuButton( itemBuilder: (context) => [ for (final h in HeaderLevel.values) PopupMenuItem( value: h, child: Text(describeEnum(h).toUpperCase()), ), ], onSelected: (val) { final header = '${'#' * val.value} '; if (!controller.firstSelectedLine.startsWith(header)) { controller.insertAtBeginningOfFirstSelectedLine(header); } }, child: const Icon(Icons.h_mobiledata), ), IconButton( onPressed: () => controller.surround('~~'), icon: const Icon(Icons.format_strikethrough), ), IconButton( onPressed: () { controller.insertAtBeginningOfEverySelectedLine('> '); }, icon: const Icon(Icons.format_quote), ), IconButton( onPressed: () { final line = controller.firstSelectedLine; if (line.startsWith(RegExp.escape('* '))) { controller.removeAtBeginningOfEverySelectedLine('* '); } else if (line.startsWith('- ')) { controller.removeAtBeginningOfEverySelectedLine('- '); } else { controller.insertAtBeginningOfEverySelectedLine('- '); } }, icon: const Icon(Icons.format_list_bulleted)), IconButton( onPressed: () => controller.surround('`'), icon: const Icon(Icons.code), ), IconButton( onPressed: () => controller.surround('~'), icon: const Icon(Icons.subscript), ), IconButton( onPressed: () => controller.surround('^'), icon: const Icon(Icons.superscript), ), //spoiler IconButton( onPressed: () { controller.reformat((selection) { final insides = selection.isNotEmpty ? selection : '___'; Logger.root .info([21, 21 + insides.length, insides, insides.length]); return Reformat( text: '\n::: spoiler spoiler\n$insides\n:::\n', selectionBeginningShift: 21, selectionEndingShift: 21 + insides.length - selection.length, ); }); }, icon: const Icon(Icons.warning)), IconButton( onPressed: () { launchLink(link: markdownGuide, context: context); }, icon: const Icon(Icons.question_mark), ), ], ); } } class AddLinkDialog extends HookWidget { final String title; final String url; final String selection; static final _websiteRegex = RegExp(r'https?:\/\/', caseSensitive: false); AddLinkDialog(this.selection) : title = selection.startsWith(_websiteRegex) ? '' : selection, url = selection.startsWith(_websiteRegex) ? selection : ''; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final titleController = useTextEditingController(text: title); final urlController = useTextEditingController(text: url); void submit() { final finalString = '(${titleController.text})[${urlController.text}]'; Navigator.of(context).pop(Reformat( text: finalString, selectionBeginningShift: finalString.length, selectionEndingShift: finalString.length - selection.length, )); } return AlertDialog( title: const Text('Add link'), content: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ TextField( controller: titleController, decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: 'title'), textInputAction:, autofocus: true, ), TextField( controller: urlController, decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: ''), onEditingComplete: submit, autocorrect: false, ), ].spaced(10), ), actions: [ TextButton( onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(), child: const Text('Cancel')), ElevatedButton( onPressed: submit, child: const Text('Add link'), ) ], ); } static Future show(BuildContext context, String selection) async { return showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) => AddLinkDialog(selection), ); } }