chore: add test for DefaultCommunityRepository

This commit is contained in:
Diego Beraldin 2024-04-16 21:05:20 +02:00
parent 1b1e4a83bd
commit ba901f826a
2 changed files with 297 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class DefaultCommentRepositoryTest {
private val serviceProvider = mockk<ServiceProvider> { private val serviceProvider = mockk<ServiceProvider> {
every { comment } returns commentService every { comment } returns commentService
} }
private val customServiceProvider = mockk<ServiceProvider> { private val customServiceProvider = mockk<ServiceProvider>(relaxUnitFun = true) {
every { comment } returns commentService every { comment } returns commentService
} }
private val sut = DefaultCommentRepository( private val sut = DefaultCommentRepository(

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@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
package com.github.diegoberaldin.raccoonforlemmy.domain.lemmy.repository
import com.github.diegoberaldin.raccoonforlemmy.core.api.dto.SearchResponse
import com.github.diegoberaldin.raccoonforlemmy.core.api.dto.SearchType
import com.github.diegoberaldin.raccoonforlemmy.core.api.provider.ServiceProvider
import com.github.diegoberaldin.raccoonforlemmy.core.api.service.CommunityService
import com.github.diegoberaldin.raccoonforlemmy.core.api.service.SearchService
import com.github.diegoberaldin.raccoonforlemmy.core.api.service.SiteService
import com.github.diegoberaldin.raccoonforlemmy.core.testutils.DispatcherTestRule
import com.github.diegoberaldin.raccoonforlemmy.domain.lemmy.repository.utils.toAuthHeader
import com.github.diegoberaldin.raccoonforlemmy.domain.lemmy.repository.utils.toDto
import io.mockk.Called
import io.mockk.coEvery
import io.mockk.coVerify
import io.mockk.every
import io.mockk.mockk
import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runTest
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertIs
import kotlin.test.assertNotNull
class DefaultCommunityRepositoryTest {
val dispatcherTestRule = DispatcherTestRule()
private val communityService = mockk<CommunityService>()
private val searchService = mockk<SearchService>()
private val siteService = mockk<SiteService>()
private val serviceProvider = mockk<ServiceProvider> {
every { community } returns communityService
every { search } returns searchService
every { site } returns siteService
private val customServiceProvider = mockk<ServiceProvider>(relaxUnitFun = true) {
every { community } returns communityService
every { search } returns searchService
every { site } returns siteService
private val sut = DefaultCommunityRepository(
services = serviceProvider,
customServices = customServiceProvider,
fun givenSuccess_whenSearch_thenResultIsAsExpected() = runTest {
coEvery {
authHeader = any(),
auth = any(),
q = any(),
communityId = any(),
communityName = any(),
creatorId = any(),
type = any(),
sort = any(),
listingType = any(),
page = any(),
limit = any(),
} returns mockk {
every { isSuccessful } returns true
every { body() } returns SearchResponse(
type = SearchType.Communities,
comments = emptyList(),
posts = emptyList(),
communities = listOf(
mockk(relaxed = true)
users = emptyList(),
val token = "fake-token"
val query = "q"
val res =
query = query,
auth = token,
page = 1,
limit = 20,
listingType = ListingType.All,
sortType = SortType.Active,
resultType = SearchResultType.Communities,
assertEquals(1, res.size)
coVerify {
customServiceProvider wasNot Called
authHeader = token.toAuthHeader(),
auth = token,
q = query,
communityId = null,
communityName = null,
creatorId = null,
type = SearchType.Communities,
sort = SortType.Active.toDto(),
listingType = ListingType.All.toDto(),
page = 1,
limit = 20,
fun givenSuccess_whenGetList_thenResultIsAsExpected() = runTest {
coEvery {
authHeader = any(),
auth = any(),
sort = any(),
page = any(),
limit = any(),
} returns mockk {
every { isSuccessful } returns true
every { body() } returns mockk {
every { communities } returns listOf(
mockk(relaxed = true)
val otherInstance = "other-instance"
val res = sut.getList(
page = 1,
instance = otherInstance,
limit = 20,
sortType = SortType.Active
assertEquals(1, res.size)
coVerify {
serviceProvider wasNot Called
authHeader = null,
auth = null,
page = 1,
showNsfw = any(),
limit = 20,
sort = SortType.Active.toDto(),
fun givenSuccess_whenGetResolved_thenResultIsAsExpected() = runTest {
coEvery {
authHeader = any(),
q = any(),
} returns mockk {
every { isSuccessful } returns true
every { body() } returns mockk {
every { community } returns mockk(relaxed = true)
val token = "fake-token"
val query = "q"
val res = sut.getResolved(
query = query,
auth = token
coVerify {
authHeader = token.toAuthHeader(),
q = query,
fun givenSuccess_whenGetSubscribed_thenResultIsAsExpected() = runTest {
coEvery {
authHeader = any(),
auth = any(),
} returns mockk {
every { isSuccessful } returns true
every { body() } returns mockk {
every { myUser } returns mockk {
every { follows } returns listOf(
mockk {
every { community } returns mockk(relaxed = true)
val token = "fake-token"
val res = sut.getSubscribed(
auth = token,
assertEquals(1, res.size)
coVerify {
auth = token,
authHeader = token.toAuthHeader(),
fun givenSuccess_whenGet_thenResultIsAsExpected() = runTest {
val communityId = 1L
coEvery {
authHeader = any(),
auth = any(),
id = any(),
name = any(),
} returns mockk {
every { isSuccessful } returns true
every { body() } returns mockk {
every { communityView } returns mockk(relaxed = true) {
every { community } returns mockk(relaxed = true) {
every { id } returns communityId
val token = "fake-token"
val res = sut.get(
auth = token,
id = communityId
coVerify {
id = communityId,
name = null,
auth = token,
authHeader = token.toAuthHeader(),
fun givenSuccess_whenGetModerators_thenResultIsAsExpected() = runTest {
val communityId = 1L
coEvery {
authHeader = any(),
auth = any(),
id = any(),
name = any(),
} returns mockk {
every { isSuccessful } returns true
every { body() } returns mockk {
every { communityView } returns mockk(relaxed = true) {
every { community } returns mockk(relaxed = true) {
every { id } returns communityId
every { moderators } returns listOf(mockk(relaxed = true))
val token = "fake-token"
val res = sut.getModerators(
auth = token,
id = communityId,
assertEquals(1, res.size)
coVerify {
id = communityId,
name = null,
auth = token,
authHeader = token.toAuthHeader(),