Christopher Faylor 63b61cd19f Revert much of previous erroneous checkin. Add ChangeLog entry.
* pinfo.h: Correctly set __SIGOFFSET.
* (hash_path_name): Avoid calling library functions for simple copying
of characters.
* shortcut.c: Use WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN.
* smallprint.c: Ditto.
* (getwinenv): Minor clarity fix.
* localtime.c: No need to include windows.h
* string.h: New file.
2001-05-04 21:02:15 +00:00

295 lines
9.5 KiB

/* all dynamic load stuff.
Copyright 2000, 2001 Red Hat, Inc.
This file is part of Cygwin.
This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for
details. */
#include "winsup.h"
#include "autoload.h"
extern "C" {
/* This struct is unused, but it illustrates the layout of a DLL
information block. */
struct DLLinfo
char jmpinst[4];
DWORD flag;
char name[0];
/* FIXME: This is not thread-safe! */
__asm__ ("\n\
.ascii \"couldn't dynamically determine load address for '%s' (handle %p), %E\\0\"\n\
.align 32\n\
popl %edx # Get the address of the information block\n\
movl 8(%edx),%eax # Should we 'ignore' the lack\n\
test $1,%eax # of this function?\n\
jz 1f # Nope.\n\
decl %eax # Yes. This is the # of bytes + 1\n\
popl %edx # Caller's caller\n\
addl %eax,%esp # Pop off bytes\n\
xor %eax,%eax # Zero functional return\n\
jmp *%edx # Return\n\
movl 4(%edx),%eax # Handle value\n\
pushl (%eax)\n\
leal 12(%edx),%eax # Location of name of function\n\
push %eax\n\
push $msg1 # The message\n\
call ___api_fatal # Print message. Never returns\n\
.globl cygwin_dll_func_load\n\
movl (%esp),%eax # 'Return address' contains load info\n\
addl $12,%eax # Address of name of function to load\n\
pushl %eax # Second argument\n\
movl -8(%eax),%eax # Address of Handle to DLL\n\
pushl (%eax) # Handle to DLL\n\
call _GetProcAddress@8# Load it\n\
test %eax,%eax # Success?\n\
jne gotit # Yes\n\
jmp noload # Issue an error or return\n\
popl %ecx # Pointer to 'return address'\n\
movb $0xe0,-1(%ecx) # Turn preceding call to a jmp *%eax\n\
movl %eax,(%ecx) # Point dispatch to address loaded above\n\
jmp *%eax\n\
std_dll_init (HANDLE &dll_handle, const char *dll_name, LONG &here)
while (InterlockedIncrement (&here))
InterlockedDecrement (&here);
Sleep (0);
if (dll_handle)
/* nothing to do */;
else if ((h = LoadLibrary (dll_name)) != NULL)
dll_handle = h;
api_fatal ("could not load %s, %E", dll_name);
InterlockedDecrement (&here);
return 0;
LoadDLLinitfunc (advapi32)
LoadDLLinitfunc (netapi32)
LoadDLLinitfunc (ntdll)
LoadDLLinitfunc (secur32)
LoadDLLinitfunc (user32)
LoadDLLinitfunc (iphlpapi)
LoadDLLinitfunc (ole32)
LoadDLLinitfunc (kernel32)
LoadDLLinitfunc (winmm)
extern void wsock_init ();
LoadDLLinitfuncdef (wsock32)
LoadDLLstdfunc (wsock32);
wsock_init ();
return 0;
LoadDLLinitfuncdef (ws2_32)
LoadDLLstdfunc (ws2_32);
wsock_init ();
return 0;
static void __stdcall dummy_autoload (void) __attribute__ ((unused));
static void __stdcall
dummy_autoload (void)
LoadDLLinit (advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (AddAccessAllowedAce, 16, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (AddAccessDeniedAce, 16, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (AddAce, 20, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (AdjustTokenPrivileges, 24, advapi32)
LoadDLLfuncEx (AllocateLocallyUniqueId, 4, advapi32, 1)
LoadDLLfunc (CopySid, 12, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (CreateProcessAsUserA, 44, advapi32)
LoadDLLfuncEx (CryptAcquireContextA, 20, advapi32, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (CryptGenRandom, 12, advapi32, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (CryptReleaseContext, 8, advapi32, 1)
LoadDLLfunc (DeregisterEventSource, 4, advapi32)
LoadDLLfuncEx (DuplicateTokenEx, 24, advapi32, 1)
LoadDLLfunc (EqualSid, 8, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetAce, 12, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetFileSecurityA, 20, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetLengthSid, 4, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetSecurityDescriptorDacl, 16, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetSecurityDescriptorGroup, 12, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetSecurityDescriptorOwner, 12, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetSidIdentifierAuthority, 4, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetSidSubAuthority, 8, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetSidSubAuthorityCount, 4, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetTokenInformation, 20, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetUserNameA, 8, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (ImpersonateLoggedOnUser, 4, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (InitializeAcl, 12, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (InitializeSecurityDescriptor, 8, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (InitializeSid, 12, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (IsValidSid, 4, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (LogonUserA, 24, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (LookupAccountNameA, 28, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (LookupAccountSidA, 28, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (LookupPrivilegeValueA, 12, advapi32)
LoadDLLfuncEx (LsaNtStatusToWinError, 4, advapi32, 1)
LoadDLLfunc (MakeSelfRelativeSD, 12, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (OpenProcessToken, 12, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegCloseKey, 4, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegCreateKeyExA, 36, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegDeleteKeyA, 8, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegDeleteValueA, 8, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegLoadKeyA, 12, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegEnumKeyExA, 32, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegEnumValueA, 32, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegOpenKeyExA, 20, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegQueryValueExA, 24, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegSetValueExA, 24, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegisterEventSourceA, 8, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (ReportEventA, 36, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RevertToSelf, 0, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (SetKernelObjectSecurity, 12, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (SetSecurityDescriptorControl, 12, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (SetSecurityDescriptorDacl, 16, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (SetSecurityDescriptorGroup, 12, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (SetSecurityDescriptorOwner, 12, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (SetTokenInformation, 16, advapi32)
LoadDLLinit (netapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (NetWkstaUserGetInfo, 12, netapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (NetUserGetInfo, 16, netapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (NetApiBufferFree, 4, netapi32)
LoadDLLinit (ntdll)
LoadDLLfuncEx (NtMapViewOfSection, 40, ntdll, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (NtOpenSection, 12, ntdll, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (NtQuerySystemInformation, 16, ntdll, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (NtUnmapViewOfSection, 8, ntdll, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (RtlInitUnicodeString, 8, ntdll, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (RtlNtStatusToDosError, 4, ntdll, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (ZwQuerySystemInformation, 16, ntdll, 1)
LoadDLLinit (secur32)
LoadDLLfuncEx (LsaDeregisterLogonProcess, 4, secur32, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (LsaFreeReturnBuffer, 4, secur32, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (LsaLogonUser, 56, secur32, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (LsaLookupAuthenticationPackage, 12, secur32, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (LsaRegisterLogonProcess, 12, secur32, 1)
LoadDLLinit (user32)
LoadDLLfunc (CharToOemA, 8, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (CharToOemBuffA, 12, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (CloseClipboard, 0, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (CreateWindowExA, 48, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (DefWindowProcA, 16, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (DispatchMessageA, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (EmptyClipboard, 0, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (FindWindowA, 8, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetClipboardData, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetKeyboardLayout, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetMessageA, 16, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetPriorityClipboardFormat, 8, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetProcessWindowStation, 0, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetThreadDesktop, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetUserObjectInformationA, 20, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (KillTimer, 8, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (MessageBoxA, 16, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (MsgWaitForMultipleObjects, 20, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (OemToCharBuffA, 12, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (OpenClipboard, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (PeekMessageA, 20, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (PostMessageA, 16, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (PostQuitMessage, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegisterClassA, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegisterClipboardFormatA, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (SendMessageA, 16, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (SetClipboardData, 8, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (SetTimer, 16, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (SetUserObjectSecurity, 12, user32)
LoadDLLinit (wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (WSAAsyncSelect, 16, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (WSACleanup, 0, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (WSAGetLastError, 0, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (WSASetLastError, 4, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (WSAStartup, 8, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (__WSAFDIsSet, 8, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (accept, 12, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (bind, 12, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (closesocket, 4, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (connect, 12, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (gethostbyaddr, 12, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (gethostbyname, 4, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (gethostname, 8, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (getpeername, 12, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (getprotobyname, 4, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (getprotobynumber, 4, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (getservbyname, 8, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (getservbyport, 8, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (getsockname, 12, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (getsockopt, 20, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (inet_addr, 4, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (inet_network, 4, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (inet_ntoa, 4, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (ioctlsocket, 12, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (listen, 8, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (rcmd, 24, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (recv, 16, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (recvfrom, 24, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (rexec, 24, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (rresvport, 4, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (select, 20, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (send, 16, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (sendto, 24, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (setsockopt, 20, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (shutdown, 8, wsock32)
LoadDLLfunc (socket, 12, wsock32)
LoadDLLinit (ws2_32)
LoadDLLfuncEx (WSADuplicateSocketA, 12, ws2_32, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (WSASocketA, 24, ws2_32, 1)
LoadDLLinit (iphlpapi)
LoadDLLfuncEx (GetIfTable, 12, iphlpapi, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (GetIpAddrTable, 12, iphlpapi, 1)
LoadDLLinit (ole32)
LoadDLLfunc (CoInitialize, 4, ole32)
LoadDLLfunc (CoUninitialize, 0, ole32)
LoadDLLfunc (CoCreateInstance, 20, ole32)
LoadDLLinit (kernel32)
LoadDLLfuncEx (SignalObjectAndWait, 16, kernel32, 1)
LoadDLLinit (winmm)
LoadDLLfuncEx (waveOutGetNumDevs, 0, winmm, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (waveOutOpen, 24, winmm, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (waveOutReset, 4, winmm, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (waveOutClose, 4, winmm, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (waveOutGetVolume, 8, winmm, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (waveOutSetVolume, 8, winmm, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (waveOutUnprepareHeader, 12, winmm, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (waveOutPrepareHeader, 12, winmm, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx (waveOutWrite, 12, winmm, 1)