@chapter Question and Answers @section Where can I get more information? @subsection Where's the documentation? There are links to quite a lot of it on the main Cygwin project web page: @file{http://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin/}. Be sure to at least read any 'Release Notes' or 'Readme' or 'read this' links on the main web page, if there are any. There is a comprehensive Cygwin User's Guide at @file{http://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin/cygwin-ug-net/cygwin-ug-net.html} and an API Reference at @file{http://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin/cygwin-api/cygwin-api.html}. There is an interesting paper about Cygwin from the 1998 USENIX Windows NT Workshop Proceedings at @file{http://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin/usenix-98/cygwin.html}. You can find documentation for the individual GNU tools at @file{http://www.fsf.org/manual/}. (You should read GNU manuals from a local mirror, check @file{http://www.fsf.org/server/list-mirrors.html} for a list of them.) @subsection What Cygwin mailing lists can I join? Comprehensive information about the Cygwin mailing lists can be found at @file{http://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin/lists.html}. To subscribe to the main list, send a message to cygwin-subscribe@@sourceware.cygnus.com. To unsubscribe from the main list, send a message to cygwin-unsubscribe@@sourceware.cygnus.com. In both cases, the subject and body of the message are ignored. Similarly, to subscribe to the Cygwin annoucements list, send a message to cygwin-announce-subscribe@@sourceware.cygnus.com. To unsubscribe, send a message to cygwin-announce-unsubscribe@@sourceware.cygnus.com. If you are going to help develop the Cygwin library by volunteering for the project, you will want to subscribe to the Cygwin developers list, called cygwin-developers. If you are contributing to Cygwin tools & applications, rather than the library itself, then you should subscribe to cygwin-apps. The same mechanism as described for the first two lists works for these as well. Both cygwin-developers and cygwin-apps are by-approval lists. There is a searchable archive of the main mailing list at @file{http://sourceware.cygnus.com/ml/cygwin/}. There is an alternate archive, also searchable, at @file{http://www.delorie.com/archives/}. Cygwin mailing lists are not gatewayed to USENET, so anti-spam measures in your email address are neither required nor appreciated. Also, avoid sending HTML content to Cygwin mailing lists. @subsection Why won't you/the mailing list answer my questions? If you follow these guidelines, you are much more likely to get a helpful response from the Cygwin developers and/or the Cygwin community at large: @itemize @bullet @item Read the User's Guide and the FAQ first. @item Check the mailing list archives. Your topic may have come up before. (It may even have been answered!) Use the search facilities at the links above. Try the alternate site if the main archive is not producing search results. @item Explain your problem carefully and completely. "I installed Blah and it doesn't work!" wastes everybody's time. It provides no information for anyone to help you with your problem. You should provide: @itemize @bullet @item A problem statement: How does it behave, how do you think it should behave, and what makes you think it's broken? (Oh yeah, and what is @emph{"it"}?) @item Information about your Windows OS ("Win95 OSR2" or "NT4/SP3" or "Win2K" or "Win98 SE" or ...). @item Details about your installation process, or attempts at same. (Internet or Directory install? If the former, exactly when and from what mirror? If the latter, which packages did you download? Which version of setup.exe? Any subsequent updates?) @item Details about your Cygwin setup, accomplished by @emph{pasting} the output of 'cygcheck -s -v -r' into your message. (Do not send the output as a file attachment.) @item A valid return address, so that a reply doesn't require manual editing of the 'To:' header. @end itemize @item Your message must be relevant to the list. Messages that are @emph{not} directly related to Cygwin are considered off-topic and are unwelcome. For example, the following are off-topic: @itemize @bullet @item General programming language questions @item General Windows programming questions @item General UNIX shell programming questions @item General application usage questions @item How to make millions by working at home @item Announcements from LaserJet toner cartridge suppliers @end itemize @end itemize If you do not follow the above guidelines, you may still elicit a response, but you may not appreciate it! Inquiries about support contracts and commercial licensing should go to info@@cygnus.com. If you want to purchase the Cygwin 1.0 CD-ROM, visit @file{http://www.cygnus.com/cygwin/} or write to cygwin-info@@cygnus.com. While not strictly @emph{unappreciated} in the main cygwin list, you'll get the information you need more quickly if you write to the correct address in the first place. Beyond that, perhaps nobody has time to answer your question. Perhaps nobody knows the answer. @section Using Cygwin @subsection How should I set my PATH? If you look at the "Cygwin 1.1.0" (or similar) shortcut created in the "Cygnus Solutions" programs folder, you'll see that it runs @code{C:\cygwin\bin\cygwin.bat} (assuming your root is @code{C:\cygwin}). The contents should look something like this: @example @@echo off SET MAKE_MODE=unix SET PATH=C:\cygwin\bin;C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin;%PATH% bash @end example Effectively, this @strong{prepends} /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin to your Windows system path. If you choose to reset your PATH, say in $HOME/.bashrc, then you should follow this rule. You @strong{must} have @code{/usr/bin} in your PATH @strong{before} any Windows system directories. Otherwise you will likely encounter all sorts of problems running Cygwin applications. If you haven't messed up the default mounts, then @code{/bin} and @code{/usr/bin} are the same location, so you only need one of them in your PATH. You should use @code{/usr/local/bin} for installing additional Cygwin applications that are not part of the core net release. (That is, anything not found in an ftp mirror of @code{latest} and installed by @code{setup.exe}.) @subsection How do I convert between Windows and UNIX paths? Use the 'cygpath' utility. Type '@code{cygpath}' with no arguments to get usage information. For example (on my installation): @example bash$ cygpath --windows ~/.bashrc D:\starksb\.bashrc bash$ cygpath --unix C:/cygwin/bin/cygwin.bat /usr/bin/cygwin.bat bash$ cygpath --unix C:\\cygwin\\bin\\cygwin.bat /usr/bin/cygwin.bat @end example Note that bash interprets the backslash '\' as an escape character, so you must type it twice in the bash shell if you want it to be recognised as such. @subsection How do I set /etc up? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} If you want a valid /etc set up (so "ls -l" will display correct user information for example) and if you are running NT (preferably with an NTFS file system), you should just need to create the /etc directory on the filesystem mounted as / and then use mkpasswd and mkgroup to create /etc/passwd and /etc/group respectively. Since Windows 95/98's Win32 API is less complete, you're out of luck if you're running Windows 95/98. @subsection Why doesn't bash read my .bashrc file on startup? Your .bashrc is read from your home directory specified by the HOME environment variable. It uses /.bashrc if HOME is not set. So you need to set HOME correctly, or move your .bashrc to the top of the drive mounted as / in Cygwin. @subsection How can I get bash filename completion to be case insensitive? "shopt -s nocaseglob" should do the trick. @subsection Can I use paths/filenames containing spaces in them? Cygwin does support spaces in filenames and paths. That said, some utilities that use the library may not, since files don't typically contain spaces in Unix. If you stumble into problems with this, you will need to either fix the utilities or stop using spaces in filenames used by Cygwin tools. In particular, bash interprets space as a word separator. You would have to quote a filename containing spaces, or escape the space character. For example: @example bash-2.03$ cd '/cygdrive/c/Program Files' @end example or @example bash-2.03$ cd /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files @end example @subsection Why can't I cd into a shortcut to a directory? Cygwin does not follow MS Windows Explorer Shortcuts (*.lnk files). It sees a shortcut as a regular file and this you cannot "cd" into it. Some people have suggested replacing the current symbolic link scheme with shortcuts. The major problem with this is that .LNK files would then be used to symlink Cygwin paths that may or may not be valid under native Win32 non-Cygwin applications such as Explorer. @subsection I'm having basic problems with find. Why? Make sure you are using the find that came with Cygwin and that you aren't picking up the Win32 find command instead. You can verify that you are getting the right one by doing a "type find" in bash. @subsection Why don't cursor keys work under Win95/Win98? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Careful examination shows that they not just non-functional, but rather behave strangely, for example, with NumLock off, keys on numeric keyboard work, until you press usual cursor keys, when even numeric stop working, but they start working again after hitting alphanumeric key, etc. This reported to happen on localized versions of Win98 and Win95, and not specific to Cygwin (there're known cases of Alt+Enter (fullscreen/windowed toggle) not working and shifts sticking with other programs). The cause of this problem is Microsoft keyboard localizer which by default installed in 'autoexec.bat'. Corresponding line looks like: @example keyb ru,,C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\keybrd3.sys @end example (That's for russian locale.) You should comment that line if you want your keys working properly. Of course, this will deprive you of your local alphabet keyboard support, so you should think about another localizer. exUSSR users are of course knowledgable of Keyrus localizer, and it might work for other locales too, since it has keyboard layout editor. But it has russian messages and documentation ;-( Reference URL is http://www.hnet.ru/software/contrib/Utils/KeyRus/ (note the you may need to turn off Windows logo for Keyrus to operate properly). @subsection Is it OK to have multiple copies of the DLL? It is a very bad idea to have multiple *versions* of the cygwin DLL in your path. They often conflict in funny ways. If you have multiple versions, get rid of (or rename) all the older versions, keeping only the newest one. It should be OK to have multiple copies of the *same* DLL in your path, though. @subsection Where can I find "more"? If you are looking for the "more" pager, you should use the "less" pager instead. @subsection Where can I find "which"? There is no "which" command with Cygwin. However, you can use the bash shell builtin "type" which does something similar. @subsection How can I access other drives? You have some flexibility here. Cygwin has a builtin "cygdrive prefix" for drives that are not mounted. You can access any drive, say Z:, as '/cygdrive/z/'. In some applications (notably bash), you can use the familiar windows :/path/, using posix forward-slashes ('/') instead of Windows backward-slashes ('\'). (But see the warning below!) This maps in the obvious way to the Windows path, but will be converted internally to use the Cygwin path, following mounts (default or explicit). For example: @example bash-2.03$ cd C:/Windows bash-2.03$ pwd /cygdrive/c/Windows @end example and @example bash-2.03$ cd C:/cygwin bash-2.03$ pwd / @end example for a default setup. (You could also use backward-slashes in the Windows path, but these would have to be escaped from the shell.) @strong{Warning:} There is some ambiguity in going from a Windows path to the posix path, because different posix paths, through different mount points, could map to the same Windows directory. This matters because different mount points may be binmode or textmode, so the behaviour of Cygwin apps will vary depending on the posix path used to get there. You can avoid the ambiguity of Windows paths, and avoid typing "/cygdrive", by explicitly mounting drives to posix paths. For example: @example bash$ mkdir /c bash$ mount c:/ /c bash$ ls /c @end example Note that you only need to mount drives once. The mapping is kept in the registry so mounts stay valid pretty much indefinitely. You can only get rid of them with umount (or the registry editor). The '-b' option to mount mounts the mountpoint in binary mode ("binmode") where text and binary files are treated equivalently. This should only be necessary for badly ported Unix programs where binary flags are missing from open calls. It is also the setting for /, /usr/bin and /usr/lib in a default Cygwin installation. The default for new mounts is text mode ("textmode"), which is also the mode for all "cygdrive" mounts. @subsection How can I copy and paste into Cygwin console windows? Under Windows NT, open the properties dialog of the console window. The options contain a toggle button, named "Quick edit mode". It must be ON. Save the properties. Under Windows 9x, open the properties dialog of the console window. Select the Misc tab. Uncheck Fast Pasting. Check QuickEdit. @subsection What does "mount failed: Device or resource busy" mean? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} This usually means that you are trying to mount to a location already in use by mount. For example, if c: is mounted as '/' and you try to mount d: there as well, you will get this error message. First "umount" the old location, then "mount" the new one and you should have better luck. If you are trying to umount '/' and are getting this message, you may need to run @code{regedit.exe} and change the "native" key for the '/' mount in one of the mount points kept under HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Cygnus Solutions/CYGWIN.DLL setup/ where is the latest registry version associated with the Cygwin library. @subsection How can I share files between Unix and Windows? During development, we have both Unix boxes running Samba and NT/Windows 95/98 machines. We often build with cross-compilers under Unix and copy binaries and source to the Windows system or just toy with them directly off the Samba-mounted partition. On dual-boot NT/Windows 9x machines, we usually use the FAT filesystem so we can also access the files under Windows 9x. @subsection Are mixed-case filenames possible with Cygwin? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Several Unix programs expect to be able to use to filenames spelled the same way, but with different case. A prime example of this is perl's configuration script, which wants @code{Makefile} and @code{makefile}. WIN32 can't tell the difference between files with just different case, so the configuration fails. In releases prior to beta 16, mount had a special mixed case option which renamed files in such a way as to allow mixed case filenames. We chose to remove the support when we rewrote the path handling code for beta 16. @subsection What about DOS special filenames? Files cannot be named com1, lpt1, or aux (to name a few); either as the root filename or as the extension part. If you do, you'll have trouble. Unix programs don't avoid these names which can make things interesting. E.g., the perl distribution has a file called @code{aux.sh}. The perl configuration tries to make sure that @code{aux.sh} is there, but an operation on a file with the magic letters 'aux' in it will hang. @subsection When it hangs, how do I get it back? If something goes wrong and the tools hang on you for some reason (easy to do if you try and read a file called aux.sh), first try hitting ^C to return to bash or the cmd prompt. If you start up another shell, and applications don't run, it's a good bet that the hung process is still running somewhere. Use the Task Manager, pview, or a similar utility to kill the process. And, if all else fails, there's always the reset button/power switch. This should never be necessary under Windows NT. @subsection Why the weird directory structure? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Why are cpp.exe, cc1.exe, etc., not in the bin directory? Why more than one lib and include directory? @smallexample H-i586-cygwin32\lib\gcc-lib\...\egcs-2.91.57\include x86-cygwin32\include x86-cygwin32\H-i586-cygwin32\i586-cygwin32\include @end smallexample This way multiple releases for different hosts and targets can all coexist in the same tree. H-i586-cygwin32 means hosted on i586-cygwin32, common files shared by all hosts are in the top level directories, target-specific files are in the H-i586-cygwin32/i586-cygwin32 directory, etc... If you had a server sharing files to a ppc NT machine and an x86 NT machine, you could have both an H-i586-cygwin32 and an H-powerpcle-cygwin32 directory without having to duplicate the top level files that are the same for both hosts. If you built and installed an i586-cygwin32 x mips-elf cross-compiler, you would have an H-i586-cygwin32/mips-elf with its target-specific files and some mips-elf- prefixed binaries in H-i586-cygwin32/bin. Normally we also have another higher level directory that identifies the release. Then multiple Cygwin releases can coexist with different dll versions, giving: @smallexample cygnus/b19/H-i586-cygwin32 cygnus/cygwin-b20/H-i586-cygwin32 ... @end smallexample In any case, this does add complexity to the directory structure but it's worth it for people with more complex installations. @subsection How do anti-virus programs like Cygwin? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Users have reported that McAfee VirusScan for NT (and others?) is incompatible with Cygwin. This is because it tries to scan the newly loaded shared memory in the cygwin.dll, which can cause fork()s to fail, wreaking havoc on many of the tools. @subsection Why can't I run bash as a shell under NT Emacs? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Place the following code in your startup file and try again: @smallexample (load "comint") (fset 'original-comint-exec-1 (symbol-function 'comint-exec-1)) (defun comint-exec-1 (name buffer command switches) (let ((binary-process-input t) (binary-process-output nil)) (original-comint-exec-1 name buffer command switches))) @end smallexample @subsection info error "dir: No such file or directory" Cygwin packages install their info documentation in the /usr/info directory. But you need to create a @code{dir} file there before the standalone info program (probably @code{/usr/bin/info}) can be used to read those info files. This is how you do it: @example bash$ cd /usr/info bash$ for f in *.info ; do install-info $f dir ; done @end example This may generate warnings: @example install-info: warning: no info dir entry in `gzip.info' install-info: warning: no info dir entry in `time.info' @end example The @code{install-info} command cannot parse these files, so you will have to add their entries to @code{/usr/info/dir} by hand. @subsection Why do I get a message saying Out of Queue slots? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} "Out of queue slots!" generally occurs when you're trying to remove many files that you do not have permission to remove (either because you don't have permission, they are opened exclusively, etc). What happens is Cygwin queues up these files with the supposition that it will be possible to delete these files in the future. Assuming that the permission of an affected file does change later on, the file will be deleted as requested. However, if too many requests come in to delete inaccessible files, the queue overflows and you get the message you're asking about. Usually you can remedy this with a quick chmod, close of a file, or other such thing. (Thanks to Larry Hall for this explanation). @subsection Why don't symlinks work on samba-mounted filesystems? Symlinks are marked with "system" file attribute. Samba does not enable this attribute by default. To enable it, consult your Samba documentation and then add these lines to your samba configuration file: @smallexample mask system = yes create mask = 0775 @end smallexample Note that the 0775 can be anything as long as the 0010 bit is set. @subsection Why does df report sizes incorrectly. @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} There is a bug in the Win32 API function GetFreeDiskSpace that makes it return incorrect values for disks larger than 2 GB in size. Perhaps that may be your problem? @subsection Has the screen program been ported yet? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Screen requires either unix domain sockets or fifoes. Neither of them have been implemented in Cygwin yet. @section Cygwin API Questions @subsection How does everything work? There's a C library which provides a Unix-style API. The applications are linked with it and voila - they run on Windows. The aim is to add all the goop necessary to make your apps run on Windows into the C library. Then your apps should run on Unix and Windows with no changes at the source level. The C library is in a DLL, which makes basic applications quite small. And it allows relatively easy upgrades to the Win32/Unix translation layer, providing that dll changes stay backward-compatible. For a good overview of Cygwin, you may want to read the paper on Cygwin published by the Usenix Association in conjunction with the 2d Usenix NT Symposium in August 1998. It is available in html format on the project WWW site. @subsection Are development snapshots for the Cygwin library available? Yes. They're made whenever anything interesting happens inside the Cygwin library (usually roughly on a nightly basis, depending on how much is going on). They are only intended for those people who wish to contribute code to the project. If you aren't going to be happy debugging problems in a buggy snapshot, avoid these and wait for a real release. The snapshots are available from http://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin/snapshots/ @subsection How is the DOS/Unix CR/LF thing handled? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Let's start with some background. In UNIX, a file is a file and what the file contains is whatever the program/programmer/user told it to put into it. In Windows, a file is also a file and what the file contains depends not only on the program/programmer/user but also the file processing mode. When processing in text mode, certain values of data are treated specially. A \n (new line) written to the file will prepend a \r (carriage return) so that if you `printf("Hello\n") you in fact get "Hello\r\n". Upon reading this combination, the \r is removed and the number of bytes returned by the read is 1 less than was actually read. This tends to confuse programs dependant on ftell() and fseek(). A Ctrl-Z encountered while reading a file sets the End Of File flags even though it truly isn't the end of file. One of Cygwin's goals is to make it possible to easily mix Cygwin-ported Unix programs with generic Windows programs. As a result, Cygwin opens files in text mode as is normal under Windows. In the accompanying tools, tools that deal with binaries (e.g. objdump) operate in unix binary mode and tools that deal with text files (e.g. bash) operate in text mode. Some people push the notion of globally setting the default processing mode to binary via mount point options or by setting the CYGWIN32 environment variable. But that creates a different problem. In binary mode, the program receives all of the data in the file, including a \r. Since the programs will no longer deal with these properly for you, you would have to remove the \r from the relevant text files, especially scripts and startup resource files. This is a porter "cop out", forcing the user to deal with the \r for the porter. It is rather easy for the porter to fix the source code by supplying the appropriate file processing mode switches to the open/fopen functions. Treat all text files as text and treat all binary files as binary. To be specific, you can select binary mode by adding @code{O_BINARY} to the second argument of an @code{open} call, or @code{"b"} to second argument of an @code{fopen} call. You can also call @code{setmode (fd, O_BINARY)}. Note that because the open/fopen switches are defined by ANSI, they exist under most flavors of Unix; open/fopen will just ignore the switch since they have no meaning to UNIX. Also note that @code{lseek} only works in binary mode. Explanation adapted from mailing list email by Earnie Boyd . @subsection Is the Cygwin library multi-thread-safe? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} No. There is an experimental configure option (--enable-threadsafe), which allows you to build a DLL with some additional "thread safety" but there are no guarantees that this is 100% operational. This option also enables limited "POSIX thread" support. See the file cygwin.din for the list of POSIX thread functions provided. Cygnus does not distribute a DLL with this option enabled, and, currently, has no plans to do so. Cygwin is not multi-thread-safe because: 1) Newlib (out libc/libm) isn't reentrant (although it almost is). This would have to be fixed or we would have to switch to a libc/libm that is reentrant. 2) Cygwin locks shared memory areas (shared by multiple processes), but the per-process data is not locked. Thus, different threads in a multi-threaded application would have access to it and give rise to nasty race-conditions. The Mingw package (what you get when you invoke gcc with -mno-cygwin) is multi-thread-safe because that configuration doesn't use Cygwin or newlib. Instead, it uses Microsoft libraries which are multi-thread-safe for the most part. So as long as the programmer avoids Microsoft APIs that aren't multi-thread-safe (most are ok), they should be fine. @subsection Why is some functionality only supported in Windows NT? Windows 9x: n. 32 bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition. But seriously, Windows 9x lacks most of the security-related calls and has several other deficiencies with respect to its version of the Win32 API. See the calls.texinfo document for more information as to what is not supported in Win 9x. @subsection How is fork() implemented? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Cygwin fork() essentially works like a non-copy on write version of fork() (like old Unix versions used to do). Because of this it can be a little slow. In most cases, you are better off using the spawn family of calls if possible. Here's how fork works as of beta 18: Parent initializes a space in the Cygwin process table for child. Parent creates child suspended using Win32 CreateProcess call, giving the same path it was invoked with itself. Parent calls setjmp to save its own context and then sets a pointer to this in the Cygwin shared memory area (shared among all Cygwin tasks). Parent fills in the childs .data and .bss subsections by copying from its own address space into the suspended child's address space. Parent then starts the child. Parent waits on mutex for child to get to safe point. Child starts and discovers if has been forked and then longjumps using the saved jump buffer. Child sets mutex parent is waiting on and then blocks on another mutex waiting for parent to fill in its stack and heap. Parent notices child is in safe area, copies stack and heap from itself into child, releases the mutex the child is waiting on and returns from the fork call. Child wakes from blocking on mutex, recreates any mmapped areas passed to it via shared area and then returns from fork itself. @subsection How does wildcarding (globbing) work? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} If an application using CYGWIN.DLL starts up, and can't find the @code{PID} environment variable, it assumes that it has been started from the a DOS style command prompt. This is pretty safe, since the rest of the tools (including bash) set PID so that a new process knows what PID it has when it starts up. If the DLL thinks it has come from a DOS style prompt, it runs a `globber' over the arguments provided on the command line. This means that if you type @code{LS *.EXE} from DOS, it will do what you might expect. Beware: globbing uses @code{malloc}. If your application defines @code{malloc}, that will get used. This may do horrible things to you. @subsection How do symbolic links work? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} CYGWIN.DLL generates link files with a magic header. When you open a file or directory that is a link to somewhere else, it opens the file or directory listed in the magic header. Because we don't want to have to open every referenced file to check symlink status, Cygwin marks symlinks with the system attribute. Files without the system attribute are not checked. Because remote samba filesystems do not enable the system attribute by default, symlinks do not work on network drives unless you explicitly enable this attribute. @subsection Why do some files, which are not executables have the 'x' type. When working out the unix-style attribute bits on a file, the library has to fill out some information not provided by the WIN32 API. It guesses that files ending in .exe and .bat are executable, as are ones which have a "#!" as their first characters. @subsection How secure is Cygwin in a multi-user environment? Cygwin is not secure in a multi-user environment. For example if you have a long running daemon such as "inetd" running as admin while ordinary users are logged in, or if you have a user logged in remotely while another user is logged into the console, one cygwin client can trick another into running code for it. In this way one user may gain the priveledge of another cygwin program running on the machine. This is because cygwin has shared state that is accessible by all processes. (Thanks to Tim Newsham (newsham@@lava.net) for this explanation). @subsection How do the net-related functions work? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} The network support in Cygwin is supposed to provide the Unix API, not the Winsock API. There are differences between the semantics of functions with the same name under the API. E.g., the select system call on Unix can wait on a standard file handles and handles to sockets. The select call in winsock can only wait on sockets. Because of this, cygwin.dll does a lot of nasty stuff behind the scenes, trying to persuade various winsock/win32 functions to do what a Unix select would do. If you are porting an application which already uses Winsock, then using the net support in Cygwin is wrong. But you can still use native Winsock, and use Cygwin. The functions which cygwin.dll exports are called 'cygwin_'. There are a load of defines which map the standard Unix names to the names exported by the dll -- check out include/netdb.h: @example ..etc.. void cygwin_setprotoent (int); void cygwin_setservent (int); void cygwin_setrpcent (int); ..etc.. #ifndef __INSIDE_CYGWIN_NET__ #define endprotoent cygwin_endprotoent #define endservent cygwin_endservent #define endrpcent cygwin_endrpcent ..etc.. @end example The idea is that you'll get the Unix->Cygwin mapping if you include the standard Unix header files. If you use this, you won't need to link with libwinsock.a - all the net stuff is inside the dll. The mywinsock.h file is a standard winsock.h which has been hacked to remove the bits which conflict with the standard Unix API, or are defined in other headers. E.g., in mywinsock.h, the definition of struct hostent is removed. This is because on a Unix box, it lives in netdb. It isn't a good idea to use it in your applications. As of the b19 release, this information may be slightly out of date. @subsection I don't want Unix sockets, how do I use normal Win32 winsock? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} To use the vanilla Win32 winsock, you just need to #define Win32_Winsock and #include "windows.h" at the top of your source file(s). You'll also want to add -lwsock32 to the compiler's command line so you link against libwsock32.a. @subsection What version numbers are associated with Cygwin? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} There is a cygwin.dll major version number that gets incremented every time we make a new Cygwin release available. This corresponds to the name of the release (e.g. beta 19's major number is "19"). There is also a cygwin.dll minor version number. If we release an update of the library for an existing release, the minor number would be incremented. There are also Cygwin API major and minor numbers. The major number tracks important non-backward-compatible interface changes to the API. An executable linked with an earlier major number will not be compatible with the latest DLL. The minor number tracks significant API additions or changes that will not break older executables but may be required by newly compiled ones. Then there is a shared memory region compatibity version number. It is incremented when incompatible changes are made to the shared memory region or to any named shared mutexes, semaphores, etc. Finally there is a mount point registry version number which keeps track of non-backwards-compatible changes to the registry mount table layout. This has been "B15.0" since the beta 15 release. @subsection Why isn't _timezone set correctly? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Did you explicitly call tzset() before checking the value of _timezone? If not, you must do so. @section Programming Questions @subsection Why are compiled executables so huge?!? By default, gcc compiles in all symbols. You'll also find that gcc creates large executables on UNIX. If that bothers you, just use the 'strip' program, part of the binutils package. @subsection Why is gcc failing? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} If the error is "gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cpp': No such file or directory", the GCC_EXEC_PREFIX environment variable hasn't been set correctly. The current release does not need GCC_EXEC_PREFIX set -- it should be able to find cpp regardless of the install location. But if you have it set incorrectly, you may still see this message. @subsection Why can't bison find bison.simple or bison.hairy? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} If you are getting a warning to this effect, you need to set the BISONLIB environment variable. The value should be the directory in which bison.simple and bison.hairy are installed. This will be the path leading up to and including the @code{share} directory of the top-level of the binary distributions. For example, on some systems, you would want to set it to @code{C:/cygnus/cygwin-b20/share}. @subsection Why is make behaving badly? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Starting with the beta 19 release, make defaults to a win32 mode in which backslashes in filenames are permitted and cmd.exe/command.com is used as the sub-shell. In this mode, escape characters aren't allowed among other restrictions. For this reason, you must set the environment variable MAKE_MODE to UNIX to run make on ordinary Unix Makefiles. Here is the full scoop: MAKE_MODE selects between native Win32 make mode (the default) and a Unix mode where it behaves like a Unix make. The Unix mode does allow specifying Win32-style paths but only containing forward slashes as the path separator. The path list separator character is a colon in Unix mode. Win32 mode expects path separators to be either / or \. Thus no Unix-style \s as escape are allowed. Win32 mode also uses cmd.exe/command.com as the subshell which means "copy" and "del" (and other shell builtins) will work. The path list separator character is semi-colon in Win32 mode. People who want an nmake-like make might want to use this mode but no one should expect Unix Makefiles to compile in this mode. That is why the default b19 install sets MAKE_MODE to UNIX. @subsection Why the undefined reference to "WinMain@@16"? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Try adding an empty main() function to one of your sources. @subsection How do I use Win32 API calls? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} It's pretty simple actually. Cygwin tools require that you explicitly link the import libraries for whatever Win32 API functions that you are going to use, with the exception of kernel32, which is linked automatically (because the startup and/or built-in code uses it). For example, to use graphics functions (GDI) you must link with gdi32 like this: gcc -o foo.exe foo.o bar.o -lgdi32 or (compiling and linking in one step): gcc -o foo.exe foo.c bar.c -lgdi32 The following libraries are available for use in this way: advapi32 largeint ole32 scrnsave vfw32 cap lz32 oleaut32 shell32 win32spl comctl32 mapi32 oledlg snmp winmm comdlg32 mfcuia32 olepro32 svrapi winserve ctl3d32 mgmtapi opengl32 tapi32 winspool dlcapi mpr penwin32 th32 winstrm gdi32 msacm32 pkpd32 thunk32 wow32 glaux nddeapi rasapi32 url wsock32 glu32 netapi32 rpcdce4 user32 wst icmp odbc32 rpcndr uuid imm32 odbccp32 rpcns4 vdmdbg kernel32 oldnames rpcrt4 version The regular setup allows you to use the option -mwindows on the command line to include a set of the basic libraries (and also make your program a GUI program instead of a console program), including user32, gdi32 and, IIRC, comdlg32. Note that you should never include -lkernel32 on your link line unless you are invoking ld directly. Do not include the same import library twice on your link line. Finally, it is a good idea to put import libraries last on your link line, or at least after all the object files and static libraries that reference them. The first two are related to problems the linker has (as of b18 at least) when import libraries are referenced twice. Tables get messed up and programs crash randomly. The last point has to do with the fact that gcc processes the files listed on the command line in sequence and will only resolve references to libraries if they are given after the file that makes the reference. @subsection How do I compile a Win32 executable that doesn't use Cygwin? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} The -mno-cygwin flag to gcc makes gcc link against standard Microsoft DLLs instead of Cygwin. This is desirable for native Windows programs that don't need a UNIX emulation layer. @subsection How do I make the console window go away? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} The default during compilation is to produce a console application. It you are writing a GUI program, you should either compile with -mwindows as explained above, or add the string "-Wl,--subsystem,windows" to the GCC commandline. @subsection Why does make complain about a "missing separator"? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} This problem usually occurs as a result of someone editing a Makefile with a text editor that replaces tab characters with spaces. Command lines must start with tabs. @subsection Why can't we redistribute Microsoft's Win32 headers? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Subsection 2.d.f of the `Microsoft Open Tools License agreement' looks like it says that can not "permit further redistribution of the Redistributables to their end users". We take this to mean that we can give them to you, but you can't give them to anyone else, which is something that Cygnus can't agree to. Fortunately, we have our own Win32 headers which are pretty complete. @subsection How do I link against .lib files? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} 1. Build a C file with a function table. Put all functions you intend to use in that table. This forces the linker to include all the object files from the .lib. Maybe there is an option to force LINK.EXE to include an object file. 2. Build a dummy 'LibMain'. 3. Build a .def with all the exports you need. 4. Link with your .lib using link.exe. or 1. Extract all the object files from the .lib using LIB.EXE. 2. Build a dummy C file referencing all the functions you need, either with a direct call or through an initialized function pointer. 3. Build a dummy LibMain. 4. Link all the objects with this file+LibMain. 5. Write a .def. 6. Link. You can use these methods to use MSVC (and many other runtime libs) with Cygwin development tools. Note that this is a lot of work (half a day or so), but much less than rewriting the runtime library in question from specs... (thanks to Jacob Navia (root@@jacob.remcomp.fr) for this explanation) @subsection How do I rebuild the tools on my NT box? @strong{Note:} You must build in a directory @emph{outside} the source tree. Assuming that you have the src installed as /src, will build in the directory /obj, and want to install the tools in /install: @example bash cd /obj /src/configure --prefix=/install -v > configure.log 2>&1 make > make.log 2>&1 make install > install.log 2>&1 @end example @subsection How can I compile a powerpc NT toolchain? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Unfortunately, this will be difficult. It hasn't been built for some time (late 1996) since Microsoft has dropped development of powerpc NT. Exception handling/signals support semantics/args have been changed for x86 and not updated for ppc so the ppc specific support would have to be rewritten. We don't know of any other incompatibilities. Please send us patches if you do this work! @subsection How can I compile an Alpha NT toolchain? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} We have not ported the tools to Alpha NT and do not have plans to do so at the present time. We would be happy to add support for Alpha NT if someone contributes the changes to us. @subsection How can I adjust the heap/stack size of an application? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Pass heap/stack linker arguments to gcc. To create foo.exe with a heap size of 1024 and a stack size of 4096, you would invoke gcc as: @code{gcc -Wl,--heap,1024,--stack,4096 -o foo foo.c} @subsection How can I find out which dlls are needed by an executable? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} objdump -p provides this information. @subsection How do I build a DLL? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} There's documentation that explains the process on the main Cygwin project web page (http://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin/). @subsection How can I set a breakpoint at MainCRTStartup? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Set a breakpoint at *0x401000 in gdb and then run the program in question. @subsection How can I build a relocatable dll? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} You must execute the following sequence of five commands, in this order: @example $(LD) -s --base-file BASEFILE --dll -o DLLNAME OBJS LIBS -e ENTRY $(DLLTOOL) --as=$(AS) --dllname DLLNAME --def DEFFILE \ --base-file BASEFILE --output-exp EXPFILE $(LD) -s --base-file BASEFILE EXPFILE -dll -o DLLNAME OBJS LIBS -e ENTRY $(DLLTOOL) --as=$(AS) --dllname DLLNAME --def DEFFILE \ --base-file BASEFILE --output-exp EXPFILE $(LD) EXPFILE --dll -o DLLNAME OBJS LIBS -e ENTRY @end example In this example, $(LD) is the linker, ld. $(DLLTOOL) is dlltool. $(AS) is the assembler, as. DLLNAME is the name of the DLL you want to create, e.g., tcl80.dll. OBJS is the list of object files you want to put into the DLL. LIBS is the list of libraries you want to link the DLL against. For example, you may or may not want -lcygwin. You may want -lkernel32. Tcl links against -lcygwin -ladvapi32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -lkernel32. DEFFILE is the name of your definitions file. A simple DEFFILE would consist of ``EXPORTS'' followed by a list of all symbols which should be exported from the DLL. Each symbol should be on a line by itself. Other programs will only be able to access the listed symbols. BASEFILE is a temporary file that is used during this five stage process, e.g., tcl.base. EXPFILE is another temporary file, e.g., tcl.exp. ENTRY is the name of the function which you want to use as the entry point. This function should be defined using the WINAPI attribute, and should take three arguments: int WINAPI startup (HINSTANCE, DWORD, LPVOID) This means that the actual symbol name will have an appended @@12, so if your entry point really is named @samp{startup}, the string you should use for ENTRY in the above examples would be @samp{startup@@12}. If your DLL calls any Cygwin API functions, the entry function will need to initialize the Cygwin impure pointer. You can do that by declaring a global variable @samp{_impure_ptr}, and then initializing it in the entry function. Be careful not to export the global variable @samp{_impure_ptr} from your DLL; that is, do not put it in DEFFILE. @example /* This is a global variable. */ struct _reent *_impure_ptr; extern struct _reent *__imp_reent_data; int entry (HINSTANT hinst, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved) @{ _impure_ptr = __imp_reent_data; /* Whatever else you want to do. */ @} @end example You may put an optional `--subsystem windows' on the $(LD) lines. The Tcl build does this, but I admit that I no longer remember whether this is important. Note that if you specify a --subsytem flag to ld, the -e entry must come after the subsystem flag, since the subsystem flag sets a different default entry point. You may put an optional `--image-base BASEADDR' on the $(LD) lines. This will set the default image base. Programs using this DLL will start up a bit faster if each DLL occupies a different portion of the address space. Each DLL starts at the image base, and continues for whatever size it occupies. Now that you've built your DLL, you may want to build a library so that other programs can link against it. This is not required: you could always use the DLL via LoadLibrary. However, if you want to be able to link directly against the DLL, you need to create a library. Do that like this: $(DLLTOOL) --as=$(AS) --dllname DLLNAME --def DEFFILE --output-lib LIBFILE $(DLLTOOL), $(AS), DLLNAME, and DEFFILE are the same as above. Make sure you use the same DLLNAME and DEFFILE, or things won't work right. LIBFILE is the name of the library you want to create, e.g., libtcl80.a. You can then link against that library using something like -ltcl80 in your linker command. @subsection How can I debug what's going on? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} You can debug your application using @code{gdb}. Make sure you compile it with the -g flag! If your application calls functions in MS dlls, gdb will complain about not being able to load debug information for them when you run your program. This is normal since these dlls don't contain debugging information (and even if they did, that debug info would not be compatible with gdb). @subsection Can I use a system trace mechanism instead? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Yes. If you have a newer cygwin with the @code{strace.exe} program, @code{strace} can run other cygwin programs with various debug and trace messages enabled. For information on using the @code{strace} program, see the Cygwin User's Guide or the file @code{winsup/utils/utils/sgml}. If you have an older cygwin, you can set the STRACE environment variable to 1, and get a whole load of debug information on your screen whenever a Cygwin app runs. This is an especially useful tool to use when tracking bugs down inside the Cygwin library. STRACE can be set to different values to achieve different amounts of granularity. You can set it to 0x10 for information about syscalls or 0x800 for signal/process handling-related info, to name two. The strace mechanism is well documented in the Cygwin library sources in the file winsup/include/sys/strace.h. @subsection The linker complains that it can't find something. @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} A common error is to put the library on the command line before the thing that needs things from it. This is wrong @code{gcc -lstdc++ hello.cc}. This is right @code{gcc hello.cc -lstdc++}. @subsection I use a function I know is in the API, but I still get a link error. @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} The function probably isn't declared in the header files, or the UNICODE stuff for it isn't filled in. @subsection Can you make DLLs that are linked against libc ? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Yes. @subsection Where is malloc.h? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Include stdlib.h instead of malloc.h. @subsection Can I use my own malloc? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} If you define a function called @code{malloc} in your own code, and link with the DLL, the DLL @emph{will} call your @code{malloc}. Needless to say, you will run into serious problems if your malloc is buggy. If you run any programs from the DOS command prompt, rather than from in bash, the DLL will try and expand the wildcards on the command line. This process uses @code{malloc} @emph{before} your main line is started. If you have written your own @code{malloc} to need some initialization to occur after @code{main} is called, then this will surely break. @subsection Can I mix objects compiled with msvc++ and gcc? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} Yes, but only if you are combining C object files. MSVC C++ uses a different mangling scheme than GNU C++, so you will have difficulties combining C++ objects. @subsection Can I use the gdb debugger to debug programs built by VC++? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} No, not for full (high level source language) debugging. The Microsoft compilers generate a different type of debugging symbol information, which gdb does not understand. However, the low-level (assembly-type) symbols generated by Microsoft compilers are coff, which gdb DOES understand. Therefore you should at least be able to see all of your global symbols; you just won't have any information about data types, line numbers, local variables etc. @subsection Where can I find info on x86 assembly? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} CPU reference manuals for Intel's current chips are available in downloadable PDF form on Intel's web site: @file{http://developer.intel.com/design/pro/manuals/} @subsection Shell scripts aren't running properly from my makefiles? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} You need to have . (dot) in your $PATH. You should NOT need to add /bin/sh in front of each and every shell script invoked in your Makefiles. @subsection What preprocessor do I need to know about? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} We use _WIN32 to signify access to the Win32 API and __CYGWIN__ for access to the Cygwin environment provided by the dll. We chose _WIN32 because this is what Microsoft defines in VC++ and we thought it would be a good idea for compatibility with VC++ code to follow their example. We use _MFC_VER to indicate code that should be compiled with VC++. @subsection Where can I get f77 and objc components for B20 EGCS 1.1? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} B20-compatible versions of the f77 and objc components are available from @file{http://www.xraylith.wisc.edu/~khan/software/gnu-win32/}. @subsection How should I port my Unix GUI to Windows? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} There are two basic strategies for porting Unix GUIs to Windows. The first is to use a portable graphics library such as tcl/tk, X11, or V (and others?). Typically, you will end up with a GUI on Windows that requires some runtime support. With tcl/tk, you'll want to include the necessary library files and the tcl/tk DLLs. In the case of X11, you'll need everyone using your program to have an X11 server installed. The second method is to rewrite your GUI using Win32 API calls (or MFC with VC++). If your program is written in a fairly modular fashion, you may still want to use Cygwin if your program contains a lot of shared (non-GUI-related) code. That way you still gain some of the portability advantages inherent in using Cygwin. @subsection Why not use DJGPP ? @strong{(Please note: This section has not yet been updated for the latest net release.)} DJGPP is a similar idea, but for DOS instead of Win32. DJGPP uses a "DOS extender" to provide a more reasonable operating interface for its applications. The Cygwin toolset doesn't have to do this since all of the applications are native WIN32. Applications compiled with the Cygwin tools can access the Win32 API functions, so you can write programs which use the Windows GUI. You can get more info on DJGPP by following @file{http://www.delorie.com/}.