/* cygcheck.cc Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of Cygwin. This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details. */ #define cygwin_internal cygwin_internal_dontuse #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "path.h" #include #include "cygwin/include/sys/cygwin.h" #include "cygwin/include/mntent.h" #undef cygwin_internal #define alloca __builtin_alloca int verbose = 0; int registry = 0; int sysinfo = 0; int givehelp = 0; int keycheck = 0; int check_setup = 0; int dump_only = 0; int find_package = 0; int list_package = 0; #ifdef __GNUC__ typedef long long longlong; #else typedef __int64 longlong; #endif void dump_setup (int, char **, bool); void package_find (int, char **); void package_list (int, char **); static const char version[] = "$Revision$"; static const char *known_env_vars[] = { "c_include_path", "compiler_path", "cxx_include_path", "cygwin", "cygwin32", "dejagnu", "expect", "gcc_default_options", "gcc_exec_prefix", "home", "ld_library_path", "library_path", "login", "lpath", "make_mode", "makeflags", "path", "pwd", "strace", "tcl_library", "user", 0 }; struct { const char *name; int missing_is_good; } static common_apps[] = { {"awk", 0}, {"bash", 0}, {"cat", 0}, {"cp", 0}, {"cpp", 1}, {"find", 0}, {"gcc", 0}, {"gdb", 0}, {"grep", 0}, {"ld", 0}, {"ls", 0}, {"make", 0}, {"mv", 0}, {"rm", 0}, {"sed", 0}, {"sh", 0}, {"tar", 0}, {0, 0} }; static int num_paths = 0, max_paths = 0; static char **paths = 0; void eprintf (const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap, format); vfprintf (stderr, format, ap); va_end (ap); } /* * display_error() is used to report failure modes */ static int display_error (const char *name, bool show_error = true, bool print_failed = true) { if (show_error) fprintf (stderr, "cygcheck: %s%s: %lu\n", name, print_failed ? " failed" : "", GetLastError ()); else fprintf (stderr, "cygcheck: %s%s\n", name, print_failed ? " failed" : ""); return 1; } static void add_path (char *s, int maxlen) { if (num_paths >= max_paths) { max_paths += 10; if (paths) paths = (char **) realloc (paths, max_paths * sizeof (char *)); else paths = (char **) malloc (max_paths * sizeof (char *)); } paths[num_paths] = (char *) malloc (maxlen + 1); if (paths[num_paths] == NULL) { display_error ("add_path: malloc()"); return; } memcpy (paths[num_paths], s, maxlen); paths[num_paths][maxlen] = 0; char *e = paths[num_paths] + strlen (paths[num_paths]); if (e[-1] == '\\' && e[-2] != ':') *--e = 0; for (int i = 1; i < num_paths; i++) if (strcasecmp (paths[num_paths], paths[i]) == 0) { free (paths[num_paths]); return; } num_paths++; } static void init_paths () { char tmp[4000], *sl; add_path ((char *) ".", 1); /* to be replaced later */ if (GetCurrentDirectory (4000, tmp)) add_path (tmp, strlen (tmp)); else display_error ("init_paths: GetCurrentDirectory()"); if (GetSystemDirectory (tmp, 4000)) add_path (tmp, strlen (tmp)); else display_error ("init_paths: GetSystemDirectory()"); sl = strrchr (tmp, '\\'); if (sl) { strcpy (sl, "\\SYSTEM"); add_path (tmp, strlen (tmp)); } GetWindowsDirectory (tmp, 4000); add_path (tmp, strlen (tmp)); char *wpath = getenv ("PATH"); if (wpath) { char *b, *e; b = wpath; while (1) { for (e = b; *e && *e != ';'; e++); if (strncmp(b, ".", 1) && strncmp(b, ".\\", 2)) add_path (b, e - b); if (!*e) break; b = e + 1; } } else printf ("WARNING: PATH is not set at all!\n"); } static char * find_on_path (char *file, char *default_extension, int showall = 0, int search_sysdirs = 0) { static char rv[4000]; char tmp[4000], *ptr = rv; if (!file) { display_error ("find_on_path: NULL pointer for file", false, false); return 0; } if (default_extension == NULL) { display_error ("find_on_path: NULL pointer for default_extension", false, false); return 0; } if (strchr (file, ':') || strchr (file, '\\') || strchr (file, '/')) return cygpath (file, NULL); if (strchr (file, '.')) default_extension = (char *) ""; for (int i = 0; i < num_paths; i++) { if (!search_sysdirs && (i == 0 || i == 2 || i == 3)) continue; if (i == 0 || !search_sysdirs || strcasecmp (paths[i], paths[0])) { sprintf (ptr, "%s\\%s%s", paths[i], file, default_extension); if (GetFileAttributes (ptr) != (DWORD) - 1) { if (showall) printf ("Found: %s\n", ptr); if (ptr == tmp && verbose) printf ("Warning: %s hides %s\n", rv, ptr); ptr = tmp; } } } if (ptr == tmp) return rv; return 0; } #define DID_NEW 1 #define DID_ACTIVE 2 #define DID_INACTIVE 3 struct Did { Did *next; char *file; int state; }; static Did *did = 0; static Did * already_did (char *file) { Did *d; for (d = did; d; d = d->next) if (strcasecmp (d->file, file) == 0) return d; d = (Did *) malloc (sizeof (Did)); d->file = strdup (file); d->next = did; d->state = DID_NEW; did = d; return d; } static int get_word (HANDLE fh, int offset) { short rv; unsigned r; if (SetFilePointer (fh, offset, 0, FILE_BEGIN) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER && GetLastError () != NO_ERROR) display_error ("get_word: SetFilePointer()"); if (!ReadFile (fh, &rv, 2, (DWORD *) &r, 0)) display_error ("get_word: Readfile()"); return rv; } static int get_dword (HANDLE fh, int offset) { int rv; unsigned r; if (SetFilePointer (fh, offset, 0, FILE_BEGIN) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER && GetLastError () != NO_ERROR) display_error ("get_dword: SetFilePointer()"); if (!ReadFile (fh, &rv, 4, (DWORD *) &r, 0)) display_error ("get_dword: Readfile()"); return rv; } struct Section { char name[8]; int virtual_size; int virtual_address; int size_of_raw_data; int pointer_to_raw_data; }; static int rva_to_offset (int rva, char *sections, int nsections, int *sz) { int i; if (sections == NULL) { display_error ("rva_to_offset: NULL passed for sections", true, false); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < nsections; i++) { Section *s = (Section *) (sections + i * 40); #if 0 printf ("%08x < %08x < %08x ? %08x\n", s->virtual_address, rva, s->virtual_address + s->virtual_size, s->pointer_to_raw_data); #endif if (rva >= s->virtual_address && rva < s->virtual_address + s->virtual_size) { if (sz) *sz = s->virtual_address + s->virtual_size - rva; return rva - s->virtual_address + s->pointer_to_raw_data; } } return 0; /* punt */ } struct ExpDirectory { int flags; int timestamp; short major_ver; short minor_ver; int name_rva; }; struct ImpDirectory { unsigned characteristics; unsigned timestamp; unsigned forwarder_chain; unsigned name_rva; unsigned iat_rva; }; static bool track_down (char *file, char *suffix, int lvl); #define CYGPREFIX (sizeof ("%%% Cygwin ") - 1) static void cygwin_info (HANDLE h) { char *buf, *bufend, *buf_start = NULL; const char *hello = " Cygwin DLL version info:\n"; DWORD size = GetFileSize (h, NULL); DWORD n; if (size == 0xffffffff) return; buf_start = buf = (char *) calloc (1, size + 1); if (buf == NULL) { display_error ("cygwin_info: calloc()"); return; } (void) SetFilePointer (h, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); if (!ReadFile (h, buf, size, &n, NULL)) { free (buf_start); return; } static char dummy[] = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; char *dll_major = dummy; bufend = buf + size; while (buf < bufend) if ((buf = (char *) memchr (buf, '%', bufend - buf)) == NULL) break; else if (strncmp ("%%% Cygwin ", buf, CYGPREFIX) != 0) buf++; else { char *p = strchr (buf += CYGPREFIX, '\n'); if (!p) break; if (strncasecmp (buf, "dll major:", 10) == 0) { dll_major = buf + 11; continue; } char *s, pbuf[80]; int len; len = 1 + p - buf; if (strncasecmp (buf, "dll minor:", 10) != 0) s = buf; else { char c = dll_major[1]; dll_major[1] = '\0'; int maj = atoi (dll_major); dll_major[1] = c; int min = atoi (dll_major + 1); sprintf (pbuf, "DLL version: %d.%d.%.*s", maj, min, len - 11, buf + 11); len = strlen (s = pbuf); } if (strncmp (s, "dll", 3) == 0) memcpy (s, "DLL", 3); else if (strncmp (s, "api", 3) == 0) memcpy (s, "API", 3); else if (islower (*s)) *s = toupper (*s); fprintf (stdout, "%s %.*s", hello, len, s); hello = ""; } if (!*hello) puts (""); free (buf_start); return; } static void dll_info (const char *path, HANDLE fh, int lvl, int recurse) { DWORD junk; int i; int pe_header_offset = get_dword (fh, 0x3c); int opthdr_ofs = pe_header_offset + 4 + 20; unsigned short v[6]; if (path == NULL) { display_error ("dll_info: NULL passed for path", true, false); return; } if (SetFilePointer (fh, opthdr_ofs + 40, 0, FILE_BEGIN) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER && GetLastError () != NO_ERROR) display_error ("dll_info: SetFilePointer()"); if (!ReadFile (fh, &v, sizeof (v), &junk, 0)) display_error ("dll_info: Readfile()"); if (verbose) printf (" - os=%d.%d img=%d.%d sys=%d.%d\n", v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5]); else printf ("\n"); int num_entries = get_dword (fh, opthdr_ofs + 92); int export_rva = get_dword (fh, opthdr_ofs + 96); int export_size = get_dword (fh, opthdr_ofs + 100); int import_rva = get_dword (fh, opthdr_ofs + 104); int import_size = get_dword (fh, opthdr_ofs + 108); int nsections = get_word (fh, pe_header_offset + 4 + 2); char *sections = (char *) malloc (nsections * 40); if (SetFilePointer (fh, pe_header_offset + 4 + 20 + get_word (fh, pe_header_offset + 4 + 16), 0, FILE_BEGIN) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER && GetLastError () != NO_ERROR) display_error ("dll_info: SetFilePointer()"); if (!ReadFile (fh, sections, nsections * 40, &junk, 0)) display_error ("dll_info: Readfile()"); if (verbose && num_entries >= 1 && export_size > 0) { int expsz; int expbase = rva_to_offset (export_rva, sections, nsections, &expsz); if (expbase) { if (SetFilePointer (fh, expbase, 0, FILE_BEGIN) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER && GetLastError () != NO_ERROR) display_error ("dll_info: SetFilePointer()"); unsigned char *exp = (unsigned char *) malloc (expsz); if (!ReadFile (fh, exp, expsz, &junk, 0)) display_error ("dll_info: Readfile()"); ExpDirectory *ed = (ExpDirectory *) exp; int ofs = ed->name_rva - export_rva; struct tm *tm = localtime ((const time_t *) &(ed->timestamp)); if (tm->tm_year < 60) tm->tm_year += 2000; if (tm->tm_year < 200) tm->tm_year += 1900; printf ("%*c", lvl + 2, ' '); printf ("\"%s\" v%d.%d ts=", exp + ofs, ed->major_ver, ed->minor_ver); printf ("%d/%d/%d %d:%02d\n", tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min); } } if (num_entries >= 2 && import_size > 0 && recurse) { int impsz; int impbase = rva_to_offset (import_rva, sections, nsections, &impsz); if (impbase) { if (SetFilePointer (fh, impbase, 0, FILE_BEGIN) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER && GetLastError () != NO_ERROR) display_error ("dll_info: SetFilePointer()"); unsigned char *imp = (unsigned char *) malloc (impsz); if (imp == NULL) { display_error ("dll_info: malloc()"); return; } if (!ReadFile (fh, imp, impsz, &junk, 0)) display_error ("dll_info: Readfile()"); ImpDirectory *id = (ImpDirectory *) imp; for (i = 0; id[i].name_rva; i++) { /* int ofs = id[i].name_rva - import_rva; */ track_down ((char *) imp + id[i].name_rva - import_rva, (char *) ".dll", lvl + 2); } } } if (strstr (path, "\\cygwin1.dll")) cygwin_info (fh); } // Return true on success, false if error printed static bool track_down (char *file, char *suffix, int lvl) { if (file == NULL) { display_error ("track_down: NULL passed for file", true, false); return false; } if (suffix == NULL) { display_error ("track_down: NULL passed for suffix", false, false); return false; } char *path = find_on_path (file, suffix, 0, 1); if (!path) { printf ("Error: could not find %s\n", file); return false; } Did *d = already_did (file); switch (d->state) { case DID_NEW: break; case DID_ACTIVE: if (verbose) { if (lvl) printf ("%*c", lvl, ' '); printf ("%s", path); printf (" (recursive)\n"); } return true; case DID_INACTIVE: if (verbose) { if (lvl) printf ("%*c", lvl, ' '); printf ("%s", path); printf (" (already done)\n"); } return true; default: break; } if (lvl) printf ("%*c", lvl, ' '); if (!path) { printf ("%s not found\n", file); return false; } printf ("%s", path); HANDLE fh = CreateFile (path, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf (" - Cannot open\n"); return false; } d->state = DID_ACTIVE; dll_info (path, fh, lvl, 1); d->state = DID_INACTIVE; if (!CloseHandle (fh)) display_error ("track_down: CloseHandle()"); return true; } static void ls (char *f) { HANDLE h = CreateFile (f, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION info; if (!GetFileInformationByHandle (h, &info)) display_error ("ls: GetFileInformationByHandle()"); SYSTEMTIME systime; if (!FileTimeToSystemTime (&info.ftLastWriteTime, &systime)) display_error ("ls: FileTimeToSystemTime()"); printf ("%5dk %04d/%02d/%02d %s", (((int) info.nFileSizeLow) + 512) / 1024, systime.wYear, systime.wMonth, systime.wDay, f); dll_info (f, h, 16, 0); if (!CloseHandle (h)) display_error ("ls: CloseHandle()"); } // Return true on success, false if error printed static bool cygcheck (char *app) { char *papp = find_on_path (app, (char *) ".exe", 1, 0); if (!papp) { printf ("Error: could not find %s\n", app); return false; } char *s = strdup (papp); char *sl = 0, *t; for (t = s; *t; t++) if (*t == '/' || *t == '\\' || *t == ':') sl = t; if (sl == 0) paths[0] = (char *) "."; else { *sl = 0; paths[0] = s; } did = 0; return track_down (papp, (char *) ".exe", 0); } extern char **environ; struct RegInfo { RegInfo *prev; char *name; HKEY key; }; static void show_reg (RegInfo * ri, int nest) { if (!ri) return; show_reg (ri->prev, 1); if (nest) printf ("%s\\", ri->name); else printf ("%s\n", ri->name); } static void scan_registry (RegInfo * prev, HKEY hKey, char *name, int cygnus) { RegInfo ri; ri.prev = prev; ri.name = name; ri.key = hKey; char *cp; for (cp = name; *cp; cp++) if (strncasecmp (cp, "cygnus", 6) == 0) cygnus = 1; DWORD num_subkeys, max_subkey_len, num_values; DWORD max_value_len, max_valdata_len, i; if (RegQueryInfoKey (hKey, 0, 0, 0, &num_subkeys, &max_subkey_len, 0, &num_values, &max_value_len, &max_valdata_len, 0, 0) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { #if 0 char tmp[400]; FormatMessage (FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, GetLastError (), MAKELANGID (LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), tmp, 400, 0); printf ("RegQueryInfoKey: %s\n", tmp); #endif return; } if (cygnus) { show_reg (&ri, 0); char *value_name = (char *) malloc (max_value_len + 1); if (value_name == NULL) { display_error ("scan_registry: malloc()"); return; } char *value_data = (char *) malloc (max_valdata_len + 1); if (value_data == NULL) { display_error ("scan_registry: malloc()"); return; } for (i = 0; i < num_values; i++) { DWORD dlen = max_valdata_len + 1; DWORD nlen = max_value_len + 1; DWORD type; RegEnumValue (hKey, i, value_name, &nlen, 0, &type, (BYTE *) value_data, &dlen); { printf (" %s = ", i ? value_name : "(default)"); switch (type) { case REG_DWORD: printf ("0x%08x\n", *(unsigned *) value_data); break; case REG_EXPAND_SZ: case REG_SZ: printf ("`%s'\n", value_data); break; default: printf ("(unsupported type)\n"); break; } } } free (value_name); free (value_data); } char *subkey_name = (char *) malloc (max_subkey_len + 1); for (i = 0; i < num_subkeys; i++) { if (RegEnumKey (hKey, i, subkey_name, max_subkey_len + 1) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HKEY sKey; if (RegOpenKeyEx (hKey, subkey_name, 0, KEY_READ, &sKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { scan_registry (&ri, sKey, subkey_name, cygnus); if (RegCloseKey (sKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) display_error ("scan_registry: RegCloseKey()"); } } } free (subkey_name); } void pretty_id (const char *s, char *cygwin, size_t cyglen) { char *groups[16384]; strcpy (cygwin + cyglen++, " "); strcpy (cygwin + cyglen, s); putenv (cygwin); char *id = cygpath ("/bin/id.exe", NULL); for (char *p = id; (p = strchr (p, '/')); p++) *p = '\\'; if (access (id, X_OK)) { fprintf (stderr, "`id' program not found\n"); return; } FILE *f = popen (id, "rt"); char buf[16384]; buf[0] = '\0'; fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f); pclose (f); char *uid = strtok (buf, ")"); if (uid) uid += strlen ("uid="); else { fprintf (stderr, "garbled output from `id' command - no uid= found\n"); return; } char *gid = strtok (NULL, ")"); if (gid) gid += strlen ("gid=") + 1; else { fprintf (stderr, "garbled output from `id' command - no gid= found\n"); return; } char **ng = groups - 1; size_t len_uid = strlen ("UID: )") + strlen (uid); size_t len_gid = strlen ("GID: )") + strlen (gid); *++ng = groups[0] = (char *) alloca (len_uid + 1); *++ng = groups[1] = (char *) alloca (len_gid + 1); sprintf (groups[0], "UID: %s)", uid); sprintf (groups[1], "GID: %s)", gid); size_t sz = max (len_uid, len_gid); while ((*++ng = strtok (NULL, ","))) { char *p = strchr (*ng, '\n'); if (p) *p = '\0'; if (ng == groups + 2) *ng += strlen (" groups="); size_t len = strlen (*ng); if (sz < len) sz = len; } ng--; printf ("\nOutput from %s (%s)\n", id, s); int n = 80 / (int) ++sz; int i = n > 2 ? n - 2 : 0; sz = -sz; for (char **g = groups; g <= ng; g++) if ((g != ng) && (++i < n)) printf ("%*s", sz, *g); else { puts (*g); i = 0; } } /* This dumps information about each installed cygwin service, if cygrunsrv is available. */ void dump_sysinfo_services () { char buf[1024]; char buf2[1024]; FILE *f; if (givehelp) printf ("\nChecking for any Cygwin services... %s\n\n", verbose ? "" : "(use -v for more detail)"); else fputc ('\n', stdout); /* find the location of cygrunsrv.exe */ char *cygrunsrv = cygpath ("/bin/cygrunsrv.exe", NULL); for (char *p = cygrunsrv; (p = strchr (p, '/')); p++) *p = '\\'; if (access (cygrunsrv, X_OK)) { puts ("Can't find the cygrunsrv utility, skipping services check.\n"); return; } /* check for a recent cygrunsrv */ snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s --version", cygrunsrv); if ((f = popen (buf, "rt")) == NULL) { printf ("Failed to execute '%s', skipping services check.\n", buf); return; } int maj, min; int ret = fscanf (f, "cygrunsrv V%u.%u", &maj, &min); if (ferror (f) || feof (f) || ret == EOF || maj < 1 || min < 10) { puts ("The version of cygrunsrv installed is too old to dump service info.\n"); return; } fclose (f); /* run cygrunsrv --list */ snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s --list", cygrunsrv); if ((f = popen (buf, "rt")) == NULL) { printf ("Failed to execute '%s', skipping services check.\n", buf); return; } size_t nchars = fread ((void *) buf, 1, sizeof (buf), f); pclose (f); /* were any services found? */ if (nchars < 1) { puts ("No Cygwin services found.\n"); return; } /* In verbose mode, just run 'cygrunsrv --list --verbose' and copy the entire output. Otherwise run 'cygrunsrv --query' for each service. */ for (char *srv = strtok (buf, "\n"); srv; srv = strtok (NULL, "\n")) { if (verbose) snprintf (buf2, sizeof (buf2), "%s --list --verbose", cygrunsrv); else snprintf (buf2, sizeof (buf2), "%s --query %s", cygrunsrv, srv); if ((f = popen (buf2, "rt")) == NULL) { printf ("Failed to execute '%s', skipping services check.\n", buf2); return; } /* copy output to stdout */ do { nchars = fread ((void *)buf2, 1, sizeof (buf2), f); fwrite ((void *)buf2, 1, nchars, stdout); } while (!feof (f) && !ferror (f)); pclose (f); if (verbose) break; } } static void dump_sysinfo () { int i, j; char tmp[4000]; time_t now; char *found_cygwin_dll; bool is_nt = false; printf ("\nCygwin Configuration Diagnostics\n"); time (&now); printf ("Current System Time: %s\n", ctime (&now)); OSVERSIONINFO osversion; osversion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (osversion); if (!GetVersionEx (&osversion)) display_error ("dump_sysinfo: GetVersionEx()"); char *osname = (char *) "unknown OS"; switch (osversion.dwPlatformId) { case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s: osname = (char *) "32s"; break; case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: switch (osversion.dwMinorVersion) { case 0: if (strchr (osversion.szCSDVersion, 'C')) osname = (char *) "95 OSR2"; else osname = (char *) "95"; break; case 10: if (strchr (osversion.szCSDVersion, 'A')) osname = (char *) "98 SE"; else osname = (char *) "98"; break; case 90: osname = (char *) "ME"; break; default: osname = (char *) "9X"; break; } break; case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: is_nt = true; if (osversion.dwMajorVersion == 5) { BOOL more_info = FALSE; OSVERSIONINFOEX osversionex; osversionex.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (osversionex); if (GetVersionEx ((OSVERSIONINFO *) &osversionex)) more_info = TRUE; if (osversion.dwMinorVersion == 0) { if (!more_info) osname = (char *) "2000"; else if (osversionex.wProductType == VER_NT_SERVER || osversionex.wProductType == VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER) { if (osversionex.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER) osname = (char *) "2000 Datacenter Server"; else if (osversionex.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE) osname = (char *) "2000 Advanced Server"; else osname = (char *) "2000 Server"; } else osname = (char *) "2000 Professional"; } else if (osversion.dwMinorVersion == 1) { if (GetSystemMetrics (SM_MEDIACENTER)) osname = (char *) "XP Media Center Edition"; else if (GetSystemMetrics (SM_TABLETPC)) osname = (char *) "XP Tablet PC Edition"; else if (!more_info) osname = (char *) "XP"; else if (osversionex.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_PERSONAL) osname = (char *) "XP Home Edition"; else osname = (char *) "XP Professional"; } else if (osversion.dwMinorVersion == 2) { if (!more_info) osname = (char *) "2003 Server"; else if (osversionex.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_BLADE) osname = (char *) "2003 Web Server"; else if (osversionex.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER) osname = (char *) "2003 Datacenter Server"; else if (osversionex.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE) osname = (char *) "2003 Enterprise Server"; else osname = (char *) "2003 Server"; } } else osname = (char *) "NT"; break; default: osname = (char *) "??"; break; } printf ("Windows %s Ver %lu.%lu Build %lu %s\n\n", osname, osversion.dwMajorVersion, osversion.dwMinorVersion, osversion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT ? osversion.dwBuildNumber : (osversion.dwBuildNumber & 0xffff), osversion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT ? osversion.szCSDVersion : ""); if (GetSystemMetrics (SM_REMOTESESSION)) printf ("Running in Terminal Service session\n\n"); printf ("Path:"); char *s = getenv ("PATH"), *e; if (!s) puts (""); else { char sep = strchr (s, ';') ? ';' : ':'; int count_path_items = 0; while (1) { for (e = s; *e && *e != sep; e++); if (e-s) printf ("\t%.*s\n", e - s, s); else puts ("\t."); count_path_items++; if (!*e) break; s = e + 1; } } fflush (stdout); char *cygwin = getenv ("CYGWIN"); if (cygwin) cygwin -= strlen ("CYGWIN="); else cygwin = const_cast ("CYGWIN="); size_t cyglen = strlen (cygwin); cygwin = strcpy ((char *) malloc (cyglen + sizeof (" nontsec")), cygwin); pretty_id ("nontsec", cygwin, cyglen); pretty_id ("ntsec", cygwin, cyglen); cygwin[cyglen] = 0; putenv (cygwin); if (!GetSystemDirectory (tmp, 4000)) display_error ("dump_sysinfo: GetSystemDirectory()"); printf ("\nSysDir: %s\n", tmp); GetWindowsDirectory (tmp, 4000); printf ("WinDir: %s\n\n", tmp); if (givehelp) printf ("Here's some environment variables that may affect cygwin:\n"); for (i = 0; environ[i]; i++) { char *eq = strchr (environ[i], '='); if (!eq) continue; /* int len = eq - environ[i]; */ for (j = 0; known_env_vars[j]; j++) { *eq = 0; if (strcmp (environ[i], "PATH") == 0) continue; /* we handle this one specially */ if (strcasecmp (environ[i], known_env_vars[j]) == 0) printf ("%s = `%s'\n", environ[i], eq + 1); *eq = '='; } } printf ("\n"); if (verbose) { if (givehelp) printf ("Here's the rest of your environment variables:\n"); for (i = 0; environ[i]; i++) { int found = 0; char *eq = strchr (environ[i], '='); if (!eq) continue; /* int len = eq - environ[i]; */ for (j = 0; known_env_vars[j]; j++) { *eq = 0; if (strcasecmp (environ[i], known_env_vars[j]) == 0) found = 1; *eq = '='; } if (!found) { *eq = 0; printf ("%s = `%s'\n", environ[i], eq + 1); *eq = '='; } } printf ("\n"); } if (registry) { if (givehelp) printf ("Scanning registry for keys with `Cygnus' in them...\n"); #if 0 /* big and not generally useful */ scan_registry (0, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, (char *) "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", 0); #endif scan_registry (0, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG, (char *) "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG", 0); scan_registry (0, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, (char *) "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", 0); scan_registry (0, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, (char *) "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", 0); #if 0 /* the parts we need are duplicated in HKEY_CURRENT_USER anyway */ scan_registry (0, HKEY_USERS, (char *) "HKEY_USERS", 0); #endif printf ("\n"); } else printf ("Use `-r' to scan registry\n\n"); if (givehelp) { printf ("Listing available drives...\n"); printf ("Drv Type Size Used Flags Name\n"); } int prev_mode = SetErrorMode (SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS | SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX); int drivemask = GetLogicalDrives (); HINSTANCE k32 = LoadLibrary ("kernel32.dll"); BOOL (WINAPI * gdfse) (LPCSTR, long long *, long long *, long long *) = (BOOL (WINAPI *) (LPCSTR, long long *, long long *, long long *)) GetProcAddress (k32, "GetDiskFreeSpaceExA"); for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { if (!(drivemask & (1 << i))) continue; char drive[4], name[200], fsname[200]; DWORD serno = 0, maxnamelen = 0, flags = 0; name[0] = name[0] = fsname[0] = 0; sprintf (drive, "%c:\\", i + 'a'); /* Report all errors, except if the Volume is ERROR_NOT_READY. ERROR_NOT_READY is returned when removeable media drives are empty (CD, floppy, etc.) */ if (!GetVolumeInformation (drive, name, sizeof (name), &serno, &maxnamelen, &flags, fsname, sizeof (fsname)) && GetLastError () != ERROR_NOT_READY) display_error ("dump_sysinfo: GetVolumeInformation()"); int dtype = GetDriveType (drive); char drive_type[4] = "unk"; switch (dtype) { case DRIVE_REMOVABLE: strcpy (drive_type, "fd "); break; case DRIVE_FIXED: strcpy (drive_type, "hd "); break; case DRIVE_REMOTE: strcpy (drive_type, "net"); break; case DRIVE_CDROM: strcpy (drive_type, "cd "); break; case DRIVE_RAMDISK: strcpy (drive_type, "ram"); break; default: strcpy (drive_type, "unk"); } long capacity_mb = -1; int percent_full = -1; long long free_me = 0ULL, free_bytes = 0ULL, total_bytes = 1ULL; if (gdfse != NULL && gdfse (drive, &free_me, &total_bytes, &free_bytes)) { capacity_mb = total_bytes / (1024L * 1024L); percent_full = 100 - (int) ((100.0 * free_me) / total_bytes); } else { DWORD spc = 0, bps = 0, fc = 0, tc = 1; if (GetDiskFreeSpace (drive, &spc, &bps, &fc, &tc)) { capacity_mb = (spc * bps * tc) / (1024 * 1024); percent_full = 100 - (int) ((100.0 * fc) / tc); } } printf ("%.2s %s %-6s ", drive, drive_type, fsname); if (capacity_mb >= 0) printf ("%7dMb %3d%% ", (int) capacity_mb, (int) percent_full); else printf (" N/A N/A "); printf ("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n", flags & FS_CASE_IS_PRESERVED ? "CP" : " ", flags & FS_CASE_SENSITIVE ? "CS" : " ", flags & FS_UNICODE_STORED_ON_DISK ? "UN" : " ", flags & FS_PERSISTENT_ACLS ? "PA" : " ", flags & FS_FILE_COMPRESSION ? "FC" : " ", flags & FS_VOL_IS_COMPRESSED ? "VC" : " ", #if 0 flags & FILE_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPTION ? "EN" : " ", flags & FILE_SUPPORTS_OBJECT_IDS ? "OI" : " ", flags & FILE_SUPPORTS_REPARSE_POINTS ? "RP" : " ", flags & FILE_SUPPORTS_SPARSE_FILES ? "SP" : " ", flags & FILE_VOLUME_QUOTAS ? "QU" : " ", #endif name); } if (!FreeLibrary (k32)) display_error ("dump_sysinfo: FreeLibrary()"); SetErrorMode (prev_mode); if (givehelp) { puts ("\n" "fd = floppy, hd = hard drive, cd = CD-ROM\n" "net= Network Share, ram= RAM drive, unk= Unknown\n" "CP = Case Preserving, CS = Case Sensitive, UN = Unicode\n" "PA = Persistent ACLS, FC = File Compression, VC = Volume Compression"); } printf ("\n"); unsigned ml_fsname = 4, ml_dir = 7, ml_type = 6; bool ml_trailing = false; struct mntent *mnt; setmntent (0, 0); while ((mnt = getmntent (0))) { unsigned n = (int) strlen (mnt->mnt_fsname); ml_trailing |= (n > 1 && strchr ("\\/", mnt->mnt_fsname[n - 1])); if (ml_fsname < n) ml_fsname = n; n = (int) strlen (mnt->mnt_dir); ml_trailing |= (n > 1 && strchr ("\\/", mnt->mnt_dir[n - 1])); if (ml_dir < n) ml_dir = n; } if (ml_trailing) puts ("Warning: Mount entries should not have a trailing (back)slash\n"); if (givehelp) { printf ("Mount entries: these map POSIX directories to your NT drives.\n"); printf ("%-*s %-*s %-*s %s\n", ml_fsname, "-NT-", ml_dir, "-POSIX-", ml_type, "-Type-", "-Flags-"); } setmntent (0, 0); while ((mnt = getmntent (0))) { printf ("%-*s %-*s %-*s %s\n", ml_fsname, mnt->mnt_fsname, ml_dir, mnt->mnt_dir, ml_type, mnt->mnt_type, mnt->mnt_opts); } printf ("\n"); add_path ((char *) "\\bin", 4); /* just in case */ if (givehelp) printf ("Looking to see where common programs can be found, if at all...\n"); for (i = 0; common_apps[i].name; i++) if (!find_on_path ((char *) common_apps[i].name, (char *) ".exe", 1, 0)) { if (common_apps[i].missing_is_good) printf ("Not Found: %s (good!)\n", common_apps[i].name); else printf ("Not Found: %s\n", common_apps[i].name); } printf ("\n"); if (givehelp) printf ("Looking for various Cygwin DLLs... (-v gives version info)\n"); int cygwin_dll_count = 0; for (i = 1; i < num_paths; i++) { WIN32_FIND_DATA ffinfo; sprintf (tmp, "%s/*.*", paths[i]); HANDLE ff = FindFirstFile (tmp, &ffinfo); int found = (ff != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); found_cygwin_dll = NULL; while (found) { char *f = ffinfo.cFileName; if (strcasecmp (f + strlen (f) - 4, ".dll") == 0) { if (strncasecmp (f, "cyg", 3) == 0) { sprintf (tmp, "%s\\%s", paths[i], f); if (strcasecmp (f, "cygwin1.dll") == 0) { cygwin_dll_count++; found_cygwin_dll = strdup (tmp); } else ls (tmp); } } found = FindNextFile (ff, &ffinfo); } if (found_cygwin_dll) { ls (found_cygwin_dll); free (found_cygwin_dll); } FindClose (ff); } if (cygwin_dll_count > 1) puts ("Warning: There are multiple cygwin1.dlls on your path"); if (!cygwin_dll_count) puts ("Warning: cygwin1.dll not found on your path"); if (is_nt) dump_sysinfo_services (); } static int check_keys () { HANDLE h = CreateFileA ("CONIN$", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || h == NULL) return (display_error ("check_keys: Opening CONIN$")); DWORD mode; if (!GetConsoleMode (h, &mode)) display_error ("check_keys: GetConsoleMode()"); else { mode &= ~ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT; if (!SetConsoleMode (h, mode)) display_error ("check_keys: SetConsoleMode()"); } fputs ("\nThis key check works only in a console window,", stderr); fputs (" _NOT_ in a terminal session!\n", stderr); fputs ("Abort with Ctrl+C if in a terminal session.\n\n", stderr); fputs ("Press `q' to exit.\n", stderr); INPUT_RECORD in, prev_in; // Drop first key ReadConsoleInput (h, &in, 1, &mode); memset (&in, 0, sizeof in); do { prev_in = in; if (!ReadConsoleInput (h, &in, 1, &mode)) display_error ("check_keys: ReadConsoleInput()"); if (!memcmp (&in, &prev_in, sizeof in)) continue; switch (in.EventType) { case KEY_EVENT: printf ("%s %ux VK: 0x%02x VS: 0x%02x A: 0x%02x CTRL: ", in.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown ? "Pressed " : "Released", in.Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount, in.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode, in.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode, (unsigned char) in.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar); fputs (in.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & CAPSLOCK_ON ? "CL " : "-- ", stdout); fputs (in.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & ENHANCED_KEY ? "EK " : "-- ", stdout); fputs (in.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & LEFT_ALT_PRESSED ? "LA " : "-- ", stdout); fputs (in.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED ? "LC " : "-- ", stdout); fputs (in.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & NUMLOCK_ON ? "NL " : "-- ", stdout); fputs (in.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED ? "RA " : "-- ", stdout); fputs (in.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED ? "RC " : "-- ", stdout); fputs (in.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & SCROLLLOCK_ON ? "SL " : "-- ", stdout); fputs (in.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & SHIFT_PRESSED ? "SH " : "-- ", stdout); fputc ('\n', stdout); break; default: break; } } while (in.EventType != KEY_EVENT || in.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown != FALSE || in.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar != 'q'); CloseHandle (h); return 0; } static void usage (FILE * stream, int status) { fprintf (stream, "\ Usage: cygcheck [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM...]\n\ Check system information or PROGRAM library dependencies\n\ \n\ -c, --check-setup check packages installed via setup.exe\n\ -d, --dump-only no integrity checking of package contents (requires -c)\n\ -s, --sysinfo system information (not with -k)\n\ -v, --verbose verbose output (indented) (for -[cfls] or programs)\n\ -r, --registry registry search (requires -s)\n\ -k, --keycheck perform a keyboard check session (not with -[scfl])\n\ -f, --find-package find installed packages containing files (not with -[cl])\n\ -l, --list-package list the contents of installed packages (not with -[cf])\n\ -h, --help give help about the info (not with -[cfl])\n\ -V, --version output version information and exit\n\ You must at least give either -s or -k or a program name\n"); exit (status); } struct option longopts[] = { {"check-setup", no_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {"dump-only", no_argument, NULL, 'd'}, {"sysinfo", no_argument, NULL, 's'}, {"registry", no_argument, NULL, 'r'}, {"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, {"keycheck", no_argument, NULL, 'k'}, {"find-package", no_argument, NULL, 'f'}, {"list-package", no_argument, NULL, 'l'}, {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'V'}, {0, no_argument, NULL, 0} }; static char opts[] = "cdfhklrsvV"; static void print_version () { const char *v = strchr (version, ':'); int len; if (!v) { v = "?"; len = 1; } else { v += 2; len = strchr (v, ' ') - v; } printf ("\ cygcheck version %.*s\n\ System Checker for Cygwin\n\ Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Red Hat, Inc.\n\ Compiled on %s\n\ ", len, v, __DATE__); } void nuke (char *ev) { int n = 1 + strchr (ev, '=') - ev; char *s = (char *) alloca (n + 1); memcpy (s, ev, n); s[n] = '\0'; putenv (s); } extern "C" { unsigned long (*cygwin_internal) (int, ...); }; static void load_cygwin (int& argc, char **&argv) { HMODULE h; if (!(h = LoadLibrary ("cygwin1.dll"))) return; if (!(cygwin_internal = (DWORD (*) (int, ...)) GetProcAddress (h, "cygwin_internal"))) return; char **av = (char **) cygwin_internal (CW_ARGV); if (av && ((DWORD) av != (DWORD) -1)) for (argc = 0, argv = av; *av; av++) argc++; char **envp = (char **) cygwin_internal (CW_ENVP); if (envp && ((DWORD) envp != (DWORD) -1)) { /* Store path and revert to this value, otherwise path gets overwritten by the POSIXy Cygwin variation, which breaks cygcheck. Another approach would be to use the Cygwin PATH and convert it to Win32 again. */ char *path = NULL; char **env; while (*(env = _environ)) { if (strncmp (*env, "PATH=", 5) == 0) path = strdup (*env); nuke (*env); } for (char **ev = envp; *ev; ev++) if (strncmp (*ev, "PATH=", 5) != 0) putenv (*ev); if (path) putenv (path); } } int main (int argc, char **argv) { int i; bool ok = true; load_cygwin (argc, argv); (void) putenv("POSIXLY_CORRECT=1"); while ((i = getopt_long (argc, argv, opts, longopts, NULL)) != EOF) switch (i) { case 's': sysinfo = 1; break; case 'c': check_setup = 1; break; case 'd': dump_only = 1; break; case 'r': registry = 1; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'k': keycheck = 1; break; case 'f': find_package = 1; break; case 'l': list_package = 1; break; case 'h': givehelp = 1; break; case 'V': print_version (); exit (0); default: usage (stderr, 1); /*NOTREACHED*/} argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc == 0 && !sysinfo && !keycheck && !check_setup && !list_package) if (givehelp) usage (stdout, 0); else usage (stderr, 1); if ((check_setup || sysinfo || find_package || list_package) && keycheck) usage (stderr, 1); if ((find_package || list_package) && check_setup) usage (stderr, 1); if (dump_only && !check_setup) usage (stderr, 1); if (find_package && list_package) usage (stderr, 1); if (keycheck) return check_keys (); init_paths (); /* FIXME: Add help for check_setup and {list,find}_package */ if (argc >= 1 && givehelp && !check_setup && !find_package && !list_package) { printf("Here is where the OS will find your program%s, and which dlls\n", argc > 1 ? "s" : ""); printf ("will be used for it. Use -v to see DLL version info\n"); if (!sysinfo) printf ("\n"); } if (check_setup) dump_setup (verbose, argv, !dump_only); else if (find_package) package_find (verbose, argv); else if (list_package) package_list (verbose, argv); else for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (i) puts (""); ok &= cygcheck (argv[i]); } if (sysinfo) { dump_sysinfo (); if (!check_setup) { puts (""); dump_setup (verbose, NULL, false); } if (!givehelp) puts ("Use -h to see help about each section"); } return ok ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }