/* mount.cc

   Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005,
   2008 Red Hat, Inc.

This file is part of Cygwin.

This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
Cygwin license.  Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for
details. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <mntent.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <sys/cygwin.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <dirent.h>

#ifdef errno
#undef errno
#include <errno.h>

#define NT_MAX_PATH 32768


static void mount_entries (void);
static void show_mounts (void);
static void show_cygdrive_info (void);
static void change_cygdrive_prefix (const char *new_prefix, int flags);
static int mount_already_exists (const char *posix_path, int flags);

// static short create_missing_dirs = FALSE;
static short force = FALSE;

static const char version[] = "$Revision$";
static const char *progname;

static void
error (const char *path)
  fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", progname, path,
	   (errno == EMFILE) ? "Too many mount entries" : strerror (errno));
  exit (1);

/* FIXME: do_mount should also print a warning message if the dev arg
   is a non-existent Win32 path. */

static void
do_mount (const char *dev, const char *where, int flags)
  struct stat statbuf;
  int statres;

  statres = stat (where, &statbuf);

#if 0
  if (statres == -1)
      /* FIXME: this'll fail if mount dir is missing any parent dirs */
      if (create_missing_dirs == TRUE)
	  if (mkdir (where, 0755) == -1)
	    fprintf (stderr, "Warning: unable to create %s!\n", where);
	    statres = 0; /* Pretend stat succeeded if we could mkdir. */

  if (statres == -1)
      if (!force)
	fprintf (stderr, "%s: warning - %s does not exist.\n", progname, where);
  else if (!(statbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR))
      if (!force)
	fprintf (stderr, "%s: warning: %s is not a directory.\n", progname, where);

  if (!force && !(flags & EXEC_FLAGS) && strlen (dev))
      char devtmp[1 + 2 * strlen (dev)];
      strcpy (devtmp, dev);
      char c = strchr (devtmp, '\0')[-1];
      if (c == '/' || c == '\\')
	strcat (devtmp, ".");
      /* Use a curious property of Windows which allows the use of \.. even
	 on non-directory paths. */
      for (const char *p = dev; (p = strpbrk (p, "/\\")); p++)
	strcat (devtmp, "\\..");
      strcat (devtmp, "\\");
      if (GetDriveType (devtmp) == DRIVE_REMOTE)
	  fprintf (stderr, "%s: defaulting to '--no-executable' flag for speed since native path\n"
		   "%*creferences a remote share.  Use '-f' option to override.\n", progname,
		   strlen(progname) + 2, ' ');
	  flags |= MOUNT_NOTEXEC;

  if (mount (dev, where, flags))
    error (where);

  exit (0);

static struct option longopts[] =
  {"change-cygdrive-prefix", no_argument, NULL, 'c'},
  {"force", no_argument, NULL, 'f'},
  {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' },
  {"mount-entries", no_argument, NULL, 'm'},
  {"options", required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
  {"show-cygdrive-prefix", no_argument, NULL, 'p'},
  {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
  {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}

static char opts[] = "cfhmpvo:";

struct opt
  const char *name;
  unsigned val;
  bool clear;
} oopts[] =
  {"binary", MOUNT_BINARY, false},
  {"text", MOUNT_BINARY, true},
  {"exec", MOUNT_EXEC, false},
  {"notexec", MOUNT_NOTEXEC, false},
  {"cygexec", MOUNT_CYGWIN_EXEC, false},
  {"nosuid", 0, 0},
  {"acl", MOUNT_NOACL, true},
  {"noacl", MOUNT_NOACL, false},
  {"posix=1", MOUNT_NOPOSIX, true},
  {"posix=0", MOUNT_NOPOSIX, false},

static void
usage (FILE *where = stderr)
  fprintf (where, "Usage: %s [OPTION] [<win32path> <posixpath>]\n\
Display information about mounted filesystems, or mount a filesystem\n\
  -c, --change-cygdrive-prefix  change the cygdrive path prefix to <posixpath>\n\
  -f, --force                   force mount, don't warn about missing mount\n\
				point directories\n\
  -h, --help                    output usage information and exit\n\
  -m, --mount-entries           write fstab entries to replicate mount points\n\
				and cygdrive prefixes\n\
  -o, --options X[,X...]	specify mount options\n\
  -p, --show-cygdrive-prefix    show user and/or system cygdrive path prefix\n\
  -v, --version                 output version information and exit\n\
Valid options are:\n\n  ", progname);
  for (opt *o = oopts; o < (oopts + (sizeof (oopts) / sizeof (oopts[0]))); o++)
    fprintf (where, "%s%s", o == oopts ? "" : ",", o->name);
  fputs ("\n\n", where);
  exit (where == stderr ? 1 : 0);

static void
print_version ()
  const char *v = strchr (version, ':');
  int len;
  if (!v)
      v = "?";
      len = 1;
      v += 2;
      len = strchr (v, ' ') - v;
  printf ("\
%s (cygwin) %.*s\n\
Filesystem Utility\n\
Copyright 1996-2008 Red Hat, Inc.\n\
Compiled on %s\n\
", progname, len, v, __DATE__);

static char *
concat3 (char *a, const char *b, const char *c)
  size_t totlen = strlen (a) + strlen (b) + strlen (c) + 1;
  a = (char *) realloc (a, totlen);
  return strcat (strcat (a, b), c);

main (int argc, char **argv)
  int i;
  int flags = MOUNT_BINARY;
  char *options = strdup ("");
  enum do_what
  } do_what = nada;

  progname = strrchr (argv[0], '/');
  if (progname == NULL)
    progname = strrchr (argv[0], '\\');
  if (progname == NULL)
    progname = argv[0];

  if (argc == 1)
      show_mounts ();
      exit (0);

  while ((i = getopt_long (argc, argv, opts, longopts, NULL)) != EOF)
    switch (i)
      case 'c':
	if (do_what == nada)
	  do_what = saw_change_cygdrive_prefix;
	  usage ();
      case 'f':
	force = TRUE;
      case 'h':
	usage (stdout);
      case 'm':
	if (do_what == nada)
	  do_what = saw_mount_commands;
	  usage ();
      case 'o':
	if (*options)
	  options = concat3 (options, ",", optarg);
	  options = strdup (optarg);
      case 'p':
	if (do_what == nada)
	  do_what = saw_show_cygdrive_prefix;
	  usage ();
      case 'v':
	print_version ();
	return 0;
	usage ();

  while (*options)
      char *p = strchr (options, ',');
      if (p)
	*p++ = '\0';
	p = strchr (options, '\0');

      for (opt *o = oopts; o < (oopts + (sizeof (oopts) / sizeof (oopts[0]))); o++)
	if (strcmp (options, o->name) == 0)
	    if (o->clear)
	      flags &= ~o->val;
	      flags |= o->val;
	    goto gotit;
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: invalid option - '%s'\n", progname, options);
      exit (1);

      options = p;

  if (flags & MOUNT_NOTEXEC && flags & (MOUNT_EXEC | MOUNT_CYGWIN_EXEC))
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: invalid combination of executable options\n", progname);
      exit (1);

  cygwin_internal (CW_SET_DOS_FILE_WARNING, false);

  switch (do_what)
    case saw_change_cygdrive_prefix:
      if (optind != argc)
	usage ();
      change_cygdrive_prefix (argv[optind], flags);
    case saw_show_cygdrive_prefix:
      if (optind <= argc)
	usage ();
      show_cygdrive_info ();
    case saw_mount_commands:
      if (optind <= argc)
	usage ();
      mount_entries ();
      if (optind != (argc - 1))
	  if (optind >= argc)
	    fprintf (stderr, "%s: not enough arguments\n", progname);
	    fprintf (stderr, "%s: too many arguments\n", progname);
	  usage ();
      if (force || !mount_already_exists (argv[optind + 1], flags))
	do_mount (argv[optind], argv[optind + 1], flags);
	  errno = EBUSY;
	  error (argv[optind + 1]);

  return 0;

static char *
convert_spaces (char *tgt, const char *src)
  char *tp, *spacep;
  const char *sp;

  tp = tgt;
  for (sp = src; (spacep = strchr (sp, ' ')); sp = spacep + 1)
      tp = stpncpy (tp, sp, spacep - sp);
      tp = stpcpy (tp, "\\040");
  stpcpy (tp, sp);
  return tgt;

static void
mount_entries (void)
  FILE *m = setmntent ("/-not-used-", "r");
  struct mntent *p;
  const char *format_mnt = "%s %s %s %s 0 0\n";
  const char *format_cyg = "none %s cygdrive %s 0 0\n";

  // write fstab entries for normal mount points
  while ((p = getmntent (m)) != NULL)
    // Only list non-cygdrives
    if (!strstr (p->mnt_opts, ",noumount"))
	char fsname[NT_MAX_PATH], dirname[NT_MAX_PATH];
	printf (format_mnt, convert_spaces (fsname, p->mnt_fsname),
			    convert_spaces (dirname, p->mnt_dir),
			    p->mnt_type, p->mnt_opts);
  endmntent (m);

  // write fstab entry for cygdrive prefix
  m = setmntent ("/-not-used-", "r");
  while ((p = getmntent (m)) != NULL)
      char *noumount;
      if ((noumount = strstr (p->mnt_opts, ",noumount")))
	  char dirname[NT_MAX_PATH];
	  char opts[strlen (p->mnt_opts) + 1];

	  convert_spaces (dirname, p->mnt_dir);
	  // remove trailing slash
	  char *ls = strrchr (dirname, '/');
	  if (ls)
	      // last slash == leading slash?  cygdrive prefix == "/"
	      if (ls == dirname)
	      *ls = '\0';
	  *stpncpy (opts, p->mnt_opts, noumount - p->mnt_opts) = '\0';
	  printf (format_cyg, dirname, opts);
  endmntent (m);

static void
show_mounts (void)
  FILE *m = setmntent ("/-not-used-", "r");
  struct mntent *p;
  const char *format = "%s on %s type %s (%s)\n";

  // printf (format, "Device", "Directory", "Type", "Flags");
  while ((p = getmntent (m)) != NULL)
    printf (format, p->mnt_fsname, p->mnt_dir, p->mnt_type, p->mnt_opts);
  endmntent (m);

/* Return 1 if mountpoint from the same registry area is already in
   mount table.  Otherwise return 0. */
static int
mount_already_exists (const char *posix_path, int flags)
  int found_matching = 0;

  FILE *m = setmntent ("/-not-used-", "r");
  struct mntent *p;

  while ((p = getmntent (m)) != NULL)
      /* if the paths match, and they're both the same type of mount. */
      if (strcmp (p->mnt_dir, posix_path) == 0)
	  if (p->mnt_type[0] == 'u')
	      if (!(flags & MOUNT_SYSTEM)) /* both current_user */
		found_matching = 1;
		fprintf (stderr,
			 "%s: warning: system mount point of '%s' "
			 "will always be masked by user mount.\n",
			 progname, posix_path);
	  else if (p->mnt_type[0] == 's')
	      if (flags & MOUNT_SYSTEM) /* both system */
		found_matching = 1;
		fprintf (stderr,
			 "%s: warning: user mount point of '%s' "
			 "masks system mount.\n",
			 progname, posix_path);
	      fprintf (stderr, "%s: warning: couldn't determine mount type.\n", progname);
  endmntent (m);

  return found_matching;

/* change_cygdrive_prefix: Change the cygdrive prefix */
static void
change_cygdrive_prefix (const char *new_prefix, int flags)
  flags |= MOUNT_CYGDRIVE;

  if (mount (NULL, new_prefix, flags))
    error (new_prefix);

  exit (0);

/* show_cygdrive_info: Show the user and/or cygdrive info, i.e., prefix and
static void
show_cygdrive_info ()
  /* Get the cygdrive info */
  char user[MAX_PATH];
  char system[MAX_PATH];
  char user_flags[MAX_PATH];
  char system_flags[MAX_PATH];
  cygwin_internal (CW_GET_CYGDRIVE_INFO, user, system, user_flags,

  /* Display the user and system cygdrive path prefix, if necessary
     (ie, not empty) */
  const char *format = "%-18s  %-11s  %s\n";
  printf (format, "Prefix", "Type", "Flags");
  if (strlen (user) > 0)
    printf (format, user, "user", user_flags);
  if (strlen (system) > 0)
    printf (format, system, "nouser", system_flags);

  exit (0);