# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. # # This file is part of a free win32 library # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. AC_PREREQ([2.59]) # # Extract current release version from include/w32api.h at autoconf time. # m4_define([__ver__],dnl m4_esyscmd([awk '$2=="__W32API_VERSION"{printf "%s","v"$3}' include/w32api.h])) AC_INIT([MS-Windows API],[__ver__],[http://mingw.org/reporting_bugs],[w32api]) MINGW_AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([__W32API_VERSION],[include/w32api.h]) AC_ARG_VAR([RELEASE],[release serial number for current package version]) AC_SUBST([PACKAGE_RELEASE],[${RELEASE-"1"}]) AC_CANONICAL_SYSTEM # Identify commands which are to be used for installation. # AC_PROG_MKDIR_P AC_PROG_INSTALL # Check for CC and CFLAGS # FIXME: why do we not just use AC_PROG_CC here? AC_CHECK_TOOL # may be better, in this instance, because it avoids the check for # ability to create executables, (which we don't actually need). It # does also cost us a few other checks, such as identification of the # proper object file extension, OBJEXT, but that may be a price which # is justifiable, since we may need to run this in a partially built # compiler environment, before the compiler is capable of creating # executables; since we don't actually need that capability, the # check for it, in AC_PROG_CC, could hurt. # AC_CHECK_TOOL([CC], [gcc], [gcc]) AC_SUBST([CFLAGS], [${CFLAGS-"-O2 -g"}]) AC_SUBST([EXTRA_INCLUDES], [MINGW_AC_RUNTIME_SRCDIR]) # FIXME: What is the purpose of this? I think it should go away. # AC_SUBST([with_cross_host]) # Check for various tools # AC_CHECK_TOOL([AS], [as], [as]) AC_CHECK_TOOL([AR], [ar], [ar]) AC_CHECK_TOOL([RANLIB], [ranlib], [ranlib]) AC_CHECK_TOOL([DLLTOOL], [dlltool], [dlltool]) AC_CHECK_TOOL([WINDRES], [windres], [windres]) AC_CHECK_TOOL([LD], [ld], [ld]) # Create makefiles # AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile Makefile.comm]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([lib/Makefile lib/ddk/Makefile lib/directx/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT # configure.ac: end of file