/* shared.cc: shared data area support. Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of Cygwin. This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details. */ #include "winsup.h" #include "miscfuncs.h" #include #include "cygerrno.h" #include "pinfo.h" #include "path.h" #include "fhandler.h" #include "dtable.h" #include "cygheap.h" #include "heap.h" #include "shared_info_magic.h" #include "registry.h" #include "cygwin_version.h" #include "pwdgrp.h" #include "ntdll.h" #include #include shared_info NO_COPY *cygwin_shared; user_info NO_COPY *user_shared; HANDLE NO_COPY cygwin_shared_h; HANDLE NO_COPY cygwin_user_h; /* This function returns a handle to the top-level directory in the global NT namespace used to implement global objects including shared memory. */ extern bool _cygwin_testing; HANDLE get_shared_parent_dir () { static HANDLE dir; UNICODE_STRING uname; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES attr; NTSTATUS status; if (!dir) { WCHAR bnoname[MAX_PATH]; __small_swprintf (bnoname, L"\\BaseNamedObjects\\%s%s", cygwin_version.shared_id, _cygwin_testing ? cygwin_version.dll_build_date : ""); RtlInitUnicodeString (&uname, bnoname); InitializeObjectAttributes (&attr, &uname, OBJ_INHERIT | OBJ_OPENIF, NULL, everyone_sd (CYG_SHARED_DIR_ACCESS)); status = NtCreateDirectoryObject (&dir, CYG_SHARED_DIR_ACCESS, &attr); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) api_fatal ("NtCreateDirectoryObject(%S): %p", &uname, status); } return dir; } HANDLE get_session_parent_dir () { static HANDLE dir; UNICODE_STRING uname; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES attr; NTSTATUS status; if (!dir) { PROCESS_SESSION_INFORMATION psi; status = NtQueryInformationProcess (GetCurrentProcess (), ProcessSessionInformation, &psi, sizeof psi, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status) || psi.SessionId == 0) dir = get_shared_parent_dir (); else { WCHAR bnoname[MAX_PATH]; __small_swprintf (bnoname, L"\\Sessions\\BNOLINKS\\%d\\%s%s", psi.SessionId, cygwin_version.shared_id, _cygwin_testing ? cygwin_version.dll_build_date : ""); RtlInitUnicodeString (&uname, bnoname); InitializeObjectAttributes (&attr, &uname, OBJ_INHERIT | OBJ_OPENIF, NULL, everyone_sd(CYG_SHARED_DIR_ACCESS)); status = NtCreateDirectoryObject (&dir, CYG_SHARED_DIR_ACCESS, &attr); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) api_fatal ("NtCreateDirectoryObject(%S): %p", &uname, status); } } return dir; } char * __stdcall shared_name (char *ret_buf, const char *str, int num) { __small_sprintf (ret_buf, "%s.%d", str, num); return ret_buf; } #define page_const (65535) #define pround(n) (((size_t) (n) + page_const) & ~page_const) static ptrdiff_t offsets[] = { - pround (sizeof (shared_info)) - pround (sizeof (user_info)) - pround (sizeof (console_state)) - pround (sizeof (_pinfo)), - pround (sizeof (user_info)) - pround (sizeof (console_state)) - pround (sizeof (_pinfo)), - pround (sizeof (console_state)) - pround (sizeof (_pinfo)), - pround (sizeof (_pinfo)), 0 }; #define off_addr(x) ((void *)((caddr_t) cygwin_hmodule + offsets[x])) void * __stdcall open_shared (const char *name, int n, HANDLE& shared_h, DWORD size, shared_locations& m, PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psa, DWORD access) { void *shared; void *addr; if (m == SH_JUSTCREATE || m == SH_JUSTOPEN) addr = NULL; else { addr = off_addr (m); VirtualFree (addr, 0, MEM_RELEASE); } char map_buf[MAX_PATH]; char *mapname = NULL; if (shared_h) m = SH_JUSTOPEN; else { if (name) mapname = shared_name (map_buf, name, n); if (m == SH_JUSTOPEN) shared_h = OpenFileMapping (access, FALSE, mapname); else { shared_h = CreateFileMapping (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, psa, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, size, mapname); if (GetLastError () == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) m = SH_JUSTOPEN; } if (shared_h) /* ok! */; else if (m != SH_JUSTOPEN) api_fatal ("CreateFileMapping %s, %E. Terminating.", mapname); else return NULL; } shared = (shared_info *) MapViewOfFileEx (shared_h, access, 0, 0, 0, addr); if (!shared && addr) { shared = (shared_info *) MapViewOfFileEx (shared_h, FILE_MAP_READ|FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0, NULL); #ifdef DEBUGGING system_printf ("relocating shared object %s(%d) from %p to %p", name, n, addr, shared); #endif offsets[0] = 0; } if (!shared) api_fatal ("MapViewOfFileEx '%s'(%p), %E. Terminating.", mapname, shared_h); if (m == SH_CYGWIN_SHARED && offsets[0]) { ptrdiff_t delta = (caddr_t) shared - (caddr_t) off_addr (0); offsets[0] = (caddr_t) shared - (caddr_t) cygwin_hmodule; for (int i = SH_USER_SHARED + 1; i < SH_TOTAL_SIZE; i++) { unsigned size = offsets[i + 1] - offsets[i]; offsets[i] += delta; if (!VirtualAlloc (off_addr (i), size, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS)) continue; /* oh well */ } offsets[SH_TOTAL_SIZE] += delta; } debug_printf ("name %s, n %d, shared %p (wanted %p), h %p", mapname, n, shared, addr, shared_h); return shared; } /* User shared initialization which requires malloc and cygtls stuff has to go here. */ void user_shared_initialize_1 () { if (!user_shared->cb) { cygpsid sid (cygheap->user.sid ()); struct passwd *pw = internal_getpwsid (sid); /* Correct the user name with what's defined in /etc/passwd before loading the user fstab file. */ if (pw) cygheap->user.set_name (pw->pw_name); user_shared->mountinfo.init (); /* Initialize the mount table. */ user_shared->cb = sizeof (*user_shared); } } void user_shared_initialize (bool reinit) { char name[UNLEN + 1] = ""; /* Large enough for SID */ if (reinit) { if (!UnmapViewOfFile (user_shared)) debug_printf("UnmapViewOfFile %E"); if (!ForceCloseHandle (cygwin_user_h)) debug_printf("CloseHandle %E"); cygwin_user_h = NULL; } if (!cygwin_user_h) cygheap->user.get_windows_id (name); shared_locations sh_user_shared = SH_USER_SHARED; user_shared = (user_info *) open_shared (name, USER_VERSION, cygwin_user_h, sizeof (user_info), sh_user_shared, &sec_none); debug_printf ("opening user shared for '%s' at %p", name, user_shared); ProtectHandleINH (cygwin_user_h); debug_printf ("user shared version %x", user_shared->version); DWORD sversion = (DWORD) InterlockedExchange ((LONG *) &user_shared->version, USER_VERSION_MAGIC); /* Wait for initialization of the Cygwin per-user shared, if necessary */ if (sversion) { while (!user_shared->cb) low_priority_sleep (0); // Should be hit only very very rarely if (user_shared->version != sversion) multiple_cygwin_problem ("user shared memory version", user_shared->version, sversion); else if (user_shared->cb != sizeof (*user_shared)) multiple_cygwin_problem ("user shared memory size", user_shared->cb, sizeof (*user_shared)); } } /* Use absolute path of cygwin1.dll to derive the Win32 dir which is our installation root. Note that we can't handle Cygwin installation root dirs of more than 4K path length. I assume that's ok... */ void shared_info::init_installation_root () { if (!GetModuleFileNameW (cygwin_hmodule, installation_root, PATH_MAX)) api_fatal ("Can't initialize Cygwin installation root dir.\n" "GetModuleFileNameW(%p, %p, %u), %E", cygwin_hmodule, installation_root, PATH_MAX); PWCHAR p = installation_root; if (wcsncmp (p, L"\\\\?\\", 4)) /* No long path prefix. */ { if (!wcsncasecmp (p, L"\\\\", 2)) /* UNC */ { p = wcpcpy (p, L"\\??\\UN"); GetModuleFileNameW (cygwin_hmodule, p, PATH_MAX - 6); *p = L'C'; } else { p = wcpcpy (p, L"\\??\\"); GetModuleFileNameW (cygwin_hmodule, p, PATH_MAX - 4); } } installation_root[1] = L'?'; PWCHAR w = wcsrchr (installation_root, L'\\'); if (w) { *w = L'\0'; w = wcsrchr (installation_root, L'\\'); } if (!w) api_fatal ("Can't initialize Cygwin installation root dir.\n" "Invalid DLL path"); *w = L'\0'; } /* Initialize obcaseinsensitive. Default to case insensitive on pre-XP. */ void shared_info::init_obcaseinsensitive () { HKEY key; DWORD size = sizeof (DWORD); obcaseinsensitive = 1; if (RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\kernel", 0, KEY_READ, &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegQueryValueEx (key, "obcaseinsensitive", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) &obcaseinsensitive, &size); RegCloseKey (key); } debug_printf ("obcaseinsensitive set to %d", obcaseinsensitive); } void shared_info::initialize () { DWORD sversion = (DWORD) InterlockedExchange ((LONG *) &version, SHARED_VERSION_MAGIC); if (sversion) { if (sversion != SHARED_VERSION_MAGIC) { InterlockedExchange ((LONG *) &version, sversion); multiple_cygwin_problem ("system shared memory version", sversion, SHARED_VERSION_MAGIC); } while (!cb) low_priority_sleep (0); // Should be hit only very very rarely } heap_init (); get_session_parent_dir (); /* Create session dir if first process. */ if (!sversion) { init_installation_root ();/* Initialize installation root dir. */ init_obcaseinsensitive ();/* Initialize obcaseinsensitive. */ tty.init (); /* Initialize tty table. */ mt.initialize (); /* Initialize shared tape information. */ cb = sizeof (*this); /* Do last, after all shared memory initialization */ } if (cb != SHARED_INFO_CB) system_printf ("size of shared memory region changed from %u to %u", SHARED_INFO_CB, cb); } void __stdcall memory_init () { getpagesize (); /* Initialize the Cygwin heap, if necessary */ if (!cygheap) { cygheap_init (); cygheap->user.init (); } /* Initialize general shared memory */ shared_locations sh_cygwin_shared = SH_CYGWIN_SHARED; cygwin_shared = (shared_info *) open_shared ("shared", CYGWIN_VERSION_SHARED_DATA, cygwin_shared_h, sizeof (*cygwin_shared), sh_cygwin_shared); cygwin_shared->initialize (); user_shared_initialize (false); } unsigned shared_info::heap_slop_size () { if (!heap_slop_inited) { /* Fetch from registry, first user then local machine. */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { reg_key reg (i, KEY_READ, NULL); if ((heap_slop = reg.get_int ("heap_slop_in_mb", 0))) break; heap_slop = wincap.heapslop (); } heap_slop <<= 20; heap_slop_inited = true; } return heap_slop; } unsigned shared_info::heap_chunk_size () { if (!heap_chunk) { /* Fetch from registry, first user then local machine. */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { reg_key reg (i, KEY_READ, NULL); /* Note that reserving a huge amount of heap space does not result in the use of swap since we are not committing it. */ /* FIXME: We should not be restricted to a fixed size heap no matter what the fixed size is. */ if ((heap_chunk = reg.get_int ("heap_chunk_in_mb", 0))) break; heap_chunk = 384; /* Default */ } if (heap_chunk < 4) heap_chunk = 4 * 1024 * 1024; else heap_chunk <<= 20; if (!heap_chunk) heap_chunk = 384 * 1024 * 1024; } return heap_chunk; }