/* path.h: path data structures Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of Cygwin. This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details. */ #include "devices.h" #include "mount.h" #include "cygheap_malloc.h" #include "nfs.h" #include #include inline bool has_attribute (DWORD attributes, DWORD attribs_to_test) { return attributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (attributes & attribs_to_test); } enum executable_states { is_executable, dont_care_if_executable, not_executable = dont_care_if_executable, dont_know_if_executable }; struct suffix_info { const char *name; int addon; suffix_info (const char *s, int addit = 0): name (s), addon (addit) {} }; extern suffix_info stat_suffixes[]; enum pathconv_arg { PC_SYM_FOLLOW = 0x0001, PC_SYM_NOFOLLOW = 0x0002, PC_SYM_NOFOLLOW_REP = 0x0004, PC_SYM_CONTENTS = 0x0008, PC_NOFULL = 0x0010, PC_NULLEMPTY = 0x0020, PC_POSIX = 0x0080, PC_NOWARN = 0x0100, PC_KEEP_HANDLE = 0x00400000, PC_NO_ACCESS_CHECK = 0x00800000 }; #define PC_NONULLEMPTY -1 #include "sys/mount.h" enum path_types { PATH_NOTHING = 0, PATH_SYMLINK = MOUNT_SYMLINK, PATH_BINARY = MOUNT_BINARY, PATH_EXEC = MOUNT_EXEC, PATH_NOTEXEC = MOUNT_NOTEXEC, PATH_CYGWIN_EXEC = MOUNT_CYGWIN_EXEC, PATH_RO = MOUNT_RO, PATH_NOACL = MOUNT_NOACL, PATH_NOPOSIX = MOUNT_NOPOSIX, PATH_DOS = MOUNT_DOS, PATH_IHASH = MOUNT_IHASH, PATH_ALL_EXEC = (PATH_CYGWIN_EXEC | PATH_EXEC), PATH_NO_ACCESS_CHECK = PC_NO_ACCESS_CHECK, PATH_LNK = 0x01000000, PATH_TEXT = 0x02000000, PATH_REP = 0x04000000, PATH_HAS_SYMLINKS = 0x10000000, PATH_SOCKET = 0x40000000 }; class symlink_info; struct _FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION; class path_conv_handle { HANDLE hdl; union { /* Identical to FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION. We don't want to pull in ntdll.h here, though. */ struct { LARGE_INTEGER CreationTime; LARGE_INTEGER LastAccessTime; LARGE_INTEGER LastWriteTime; LARGE_INTEGER ChangeTime; LARGE_INTEGER AllocationSize; LARGE_INTEGER EndOfFile; ULONG FileAttributes; } _fnoi; /* For NFS. */ fattr3 _fattr3; } attribs; public: path_conv_handle () : hdl (NULL) {} inline void set (HANDLE h) { hdl = h; } inline void close () { if (hdl) CloseHandle (hdl); set (NULL); } inline void dup (path_conv_handle &pch) { if (!DuplicateHandle (GetCurrentProcess (), pch.handle (), GetCurrentProcess (), &hdl, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) hdl = NULL; } inline HANDLE handle () const { return hdl; } inline struct _FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION *fnoi () { return (struct _FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION *) &attribs._fnoi; } inline struct fattr3 *nfsattr () { return (struct fattr3 *) &attribs._fattr3; } }; class path_conv { DWORD fileattr; ULONG caseinsensitive; fs_info fs; PWCHAR wide_path; UNICODE_STRING uni_path; void add_ext_from_sym (symlink_info&); DWORD symlink_length; const char *path; path_conv_handle conv_handle; public: unsigned path_flags; const char *known_suffix; const char *normalized_path; int error; device dev; bool isremote () const {return fs.is_remote_drive ();} ULONG objcaseinsensitive () const {return caseinsensitive;} bool has_acls () const {return !(path_flags & PATH_NOACL) && fs.has_acls (); } bool hasgood_inode () const {return !(path_flags & PATH_IHASH); } bool isgood_inode (__ino64_t ino) const; int has_symlinks () const {return path_flags & PATH_HAS_SYMLINKS;} int has_dos_filenames_only () const {return path_flags & PATH_DOS;} int has_buggy_open () const {return fs.has_buggy_open ();} int has_buggy_reopen () const {return fs.has_buggy_reopen ();} int has_buggy_fileid_dirinfo () const {return fs.has_buggy_fileid_dirinfo ();} int has_buggy_basic_info () const {return fs.has_buggy_basic_info ();} int binmode () const { if (path_flags & PATH_BINARY) return O_BINARY; if (path_flags & PATH_TEXT) return O_TEXT; return 0; } int issymlink () const {return path_flags & PATH_SYMLINK;} int is_lnk_symlink () const {return path_flags & PATH_LNK;} int is_rep_symlink () const {return path_flags & PATH_REP;} int isdevice () const {return dev.not_device (FH_FS) && dev.not_device (FH_FIFO);} int isfifo () const {return dev.is_device (FH_FIFO);} int isspecial () const {return dev.not_device (FH_FS);} int iscygdrive () const {return dev.is_device (FH_CYGDRIVE);} int is_auto_device () const {return isdevice () && !is_fs_special ();} int is_fs_device () const {return isdevice () && is_fs_special ();} int is_fs_special () const {return dev.is_fs_special ();} int is_lnk_special () const {return is_fs_device () || isfifo () || is_lnk_symlink ();} int issocket () const {return dev.is_device (FH_UNIX);} int iscygexec () const {return path_flags & PATH_CYGWIN_EXEC;} void set_cygexec (bool isset) { if (isset) path_flags |= PATH_CYGWIN_EXEC; else path_flags &= ~PATH_CYGWIN_EXEC; } bool isro () const {return !!(path_flags & PATH_RO);} bool exists () const {return fileattr != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES;} bool has_attribute (DWORD x) const {return exists () && (fileattr & x);} int isdir () const {return has_attribute (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);} executable_states exec_state () { extern int _check_for_executable; if (path_flags & PATH_ALL_EXEC) return is_executable; if (path_flags & PATH_NOTEXEC) return not_executable; if (!_check_for_executable) return dont_care_if_executable; return dont_know_if_executable; } void set_symlink (DWORD n) {path_flags |= PATH_SYMLINK; symlink_length = n;} void set_has_symlinks () {path_flags |= PATH_HAS_SYMLINKS;} void set_exec (int x = 1) {path_flags |= x ? PATH_EXEC : PATH_NOTEXEC;} void check (const UNICODE_STRING *upath, unsigned opt = PC_SYM_FOLLOW, const suffix_info *suffixes = NULL) __attribute__ ((regparm(3))); void check (const char *src, unsigned opt = PC_SYM_FOLLOW, const suffix_info *suffixes = NULL) __attribute__ ((regparm(3))); path_conv (const device& in_dev) : fileattr (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES), wide_path (NULL), path (NULL), path_flags (0), known_suffix (NULL), normalized_path (NULL), error (0), dev (in_dev) { set_path (in_dev.native); } path_conv (int, const char *src, unsigned opt = PC_SYM_FOLLOW, const suffix_info *suffixes = NULL) : fileattr (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES), wide_path (NULL), path (NULL), path_flags (0), known_suffix (NULL), normalized_path (NULL), error (0) { check (src, opt, suffixes); } path_conv (const UNICODE_STRING *src, unsigned opt = PC_SYM_FOLLOW, const suffix_info *suffixes = NULL) : fileattr (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES), wide_path (NULL), path (NULL), path_flags (0), known_suffix (NULL), normalized_path (NULL), error (0) { check (src, opt | PC_NULLEMPTY, suffixes); } path_conv (const char *src, unsigned opt = PC_SYM_FOLLOW, const suffix_info *suffixes = NULL) : fileattr (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES), wide_path (NULL), path (NULL), path_flags (0), known_suffix (NULL), normalized_path (NULL), error (0) { check (src, opt | PC_NULLEMPTY, suffixes); } path_conv () : fileattr (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES), wide_path (NULL), path (NULL), path_flags (0), known_suffix (NULL), normalized_path (NULL), error (0) {} ~path_conv (); inline const char *get_win32 () { return path; } PUNICODE_STRING get_nt_native_path (); inline POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES get_object_attr (OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES &attr, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES &sa) { if (!get_nt_native_path ()) return NULL; InitializeObjectAttributes (&attr, &uni_path, objcaseinsensitive () | (sa.bInheritHandle ? OBJ_INHERIT : 0), NULL, sa.lpSecurityDescriptor); return &attr; } inline void init_reopen_attr (POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES attr, HANDLE h) { if (has_buggy_reopen ()) InitializeObjectAttributes (attr, get_nt_native_path (), objcaseinsensitive (), NULL, NULL) else InitializeObjectAttributes (attr, &ro_u_empty, objcaseinsensitive (), h, NULL); } inline size_t get_wide_win32_path_len () { get_nt_native_path (); return uni_path.Length / sizeof (WCHAR); } PWCHAR get_wide_win32_path (PWCHAR wc); operator DWORD &() {return fileattr;} operator int () {return fileattr; } path_conv &operator =(path_conv& pc) { memcpy (this, &pc, sizeof pc); path = cstrdup (pc.path); conv_handle.dup (pc.conv_handle); normalized_path = cstrdup(pc.normalized_path); wide_path = NULL; return *this; } void free_strings () { cfree (modifiable_path ()); cfree ((char *) normalized_path); } DWORD get_devn () {return (DWORD) dev;} short get_unitn () const {return dev.get_minor ();} DWORD file_attributes () const {return fileattr;} void file_attributes (DWORD new_attr) {fileattr = new_attr;} DWORD fs_flags () {return fs.flags ();} DWORD fs_name_len () {return fs.name_len ();} bool fs_is_fat () const {return fs.is_fat ();} bool fs_is_ntfs () const {return fs.is_ntfs ();} bool fs_is_samba () const {return fs.is_samba ();} bool fs_is_nfs () const {return fs.is_nfs ();} bool fs_is_netapp () const {return fs.is_netapp ();} bool fs_is_cdrom () const {return fs.is_cdrom ();} bool fs_is_mvfs () const {return fs.is_mvfs ();} bool fs_is_cifs () const {return fs.is_cifs ();} bool fs_is_nwfs () const {return fs.is_nwfs ();} ULONG fs_serial_number () const {return fs.serial_number ();} inline const char *set_path (const char *p) { if (path) cfree (modifiable_path ()); char *new_path = (char *) cmalloc_abort (HEAP_STR, strlen (p) + 7); strcpy (new_path, p); return path = new_path; } bool is_binary (); HANDLE handle () const { return conv_handle.handle (); } struct _FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION *fnoi () { return conv_handle.fnoi (); } struct fattr3 *nfsattr () { return conv_handle.nfsattr (); } void reset_conv_handle () { conv_handle.set (NULL); } void close_conv_handle () { conv_handle.close (); } __ino64_t get_ino_by_handle (HANDLE h); #if 0 /* obsolete, method still exists in fhandler_disk_file.cc */ unsigned __stdcall ndisk_links (DWORD); #endif void set_normalized_path (const char *) __attribute__ ((regparm (2))); DWORD get_symlink_length () { return symlink_length; }; private: char *modifiable_path () {return (char *) path;} }; /* Symlink marker */ #define SYMLINK_COOKIE "!" /* Socket marker */ #define SOCKET_COOKIE "!" /* Interix symlink marker */ #define INTERIX_SYMLINK_COOKIE "IntxLNK\1" enum fe_types { FE_NADA = 0, /* Nothing special */ FE_NNF = 1, /* Return NULL if not found */ FE_NATIVE = 2, /* Return native path in path_conv struct */ FE_CWD = 4, /* Search CWD for program */ FE_DLL = 8 /* Search for DLLs, not executables. */ }; const char *__stdcall find_exec (const char *name, path_conv& buf, const char *winenv = "PATH=", unsigned opt = FE_NADA, const char **known_suffix = NULL) __attribute__ ((regparm(3))); /* Common macros for checking for invalid path names */ #define isdrive(s) (isalpha (*(s)) && (s)[1] == ':') #define iswdrive(s) (iswalpha (*(s)) && (s)[1] == L':') static inline bool has_exec_chars (const char *buf, int len) { return len >= 2 && ((buf[0] == '#' && buf[1] == '!') || (buf[0] == ':' && buf[1] == '\n') || (buf[0] == 'M' && buf[1] == 'Z')); } int pathmatch (const char *path1, const char *path2, bool caseinsensitive) __attribute__ ((regparm (3))); int pathnmatch (const char *path1, const char *path2, int len, bool caseinsensitive) __attribute__ ((regparm (3))); bool has_dot_last_component (const char *dir, bool test_dot_dot) __attribute__ ((regparm (2))); int path_prefix_p (const char *path1, const char *path2, int len1, bool caseinsensitive) __attribute__ ((regparm (3))); bool is_floppy (const char *); int normalize_win32_path (const char *, char *, char *&); int normalize_posix_path (const char *, char *, char *&); PUNICODE_STRING get_nt_native_path (const char *, UNICODE_STRING&, bool) __attribute__ ((regparm (3))); /* FIXME: Move to own include file eventually */ #define MAX_ETC_FILES 2 class etc { friend class dtable; static int curr_ix; static HANDLE changed_h; static bool change_possible[MAX_ETC_FILES + 1]; static OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES fn[MAX_ETC_FILES + 1]; static LARGE_INTEGER last_modified[MAX_ETC_FILES + 1]; static bool dir_changed (int); static int init (int, POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES); static bool file_changed (int); static bool test_file_change (int); friend class pwdgrp; };