/* strace.cc Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Red Hat Inc. Written by Chris Faylor This file is part of Cygwin. This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details. */ #define cygwin_internal cygwin_internal_dontuse #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cygwin/include/sys/strace.h" #include "cygwin/include/sys/cygwin.h" #include "path.h" #undef cygwin_internal /* we *know* we're being built with GCC */ #define alloca __builtin_alloca // Version string. static const char version[] = "$Revision$"; static const char *pgm; static int forkdebug = 1; static int numerror = 1; static int usecs = 1; static int delta = 1; static int hhmmss = 0; static int bufsize = 0; static int new_window = 0; static long flush_period = 0; static int include_hex = 0; static BOOL close_handle (HANDLE h, DWORD ok); #define CloseHandle(h) close_handle(h, 0) struct child_list { DWORD id; HANDLE hproc; int saw_stars; char nfields; long long start_time; DWORD last_usecs; struct child_list *next; child_list ():id (0), hproc (NULL), saw_stars (0), nfields (0), start_time (0), last_usecs (0), next (NULL) { } }; child_list children; static void warn (int geterrno, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char buf[4096]; va_start (args, fmt); sprintf (buf, "%s: ", pgm); vsprintf (strchr (buf, '\0'), fmt, args); if (geterrno) perror (buf); else { fputs (buf, stderr); fputs ("\n", stderr); } } static void __attribute__ ((noreturn)) error (int geterrno, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char buf[4096]; va_start (args, fmt); sprintf (buf, "%s: ", pgm); vsprintf (strchr (buf, '\0'), fmt, args); if (geterrno) perror (buf); else { fputs (buf, stderr); fputs ("\n", stderr); } exit (1); } DWORD lastid = 0; HANDLE lasth; #define PROCFLAGS \ PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS /*(PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE | PROCESS_TERMINATE | PROCESS_VM_READ | PROCESS_VM_WRITE) */ static void add_child (DWORD id, HANDLE hproc) { child_list *c = children.next; children.next = (child_list *) calloc (1, sizeof (child_list)); children.next->next = c; lastid = children.next->id = id; lasth = children.next->hproc = hproc; } static child_list * get_child (DWORD id) { child_list *c; for (c = &children; (c = c->next) != NULL;) if (c->id == id) return c; error (0, "no process id %d found", id); } static void remove_child (DWORD id) { child_list *c; if (id == lastid) lastid = 0; for (c = &children; c->next != NULL; c = c->next) if (c->next->id == id) { child_list *c1 = c->next; c->next = c1->next; free (c1); return; } error (0, "no process id %d found", id); } #define LINE_BUF_CHUNK 128 class linebuf { size_t alloc; public: size_t ix; char *buf; linebuf () { ix = 0; alloc = 0; buf = NULL; } ~linebuf () { if (buf) free (buf); } void add (const char *what, int len); void add (const char *what) { add (what, strlen (what)); } void prepend (const char *what, int len); }; void linebuf::add (const char *what, int len) { size_t newix; if ((newix = ix + len) >= alloc) { alloc += LINE_BUF_CHUNK + len; buf = (char *) realloc (buf, alloc + 1); } memcpy (buf + ix, what, len); ix = newix; buf[ix] = '\0'; } void linebuf::prepend (const char *what, int len) { int buflen; size_t newix; if ((newix = ix + len) >= alloc) { alloc += LINE_BUF_CHUNK + len; buf = (char *) realloc (buf, alloc + 1); buf[ix] = '\0'; } if ((buflen = strlen (buf))) memmove (buf + len, buf, buflen + 1); else buf[newix] = '\0'; memcpy (buf, what, len); ix = newix; } static void make_command_line (linebuf & one_line, char **argv) { for (; *argv; argv++) { char *p = NULL; const char *a = *argv; int len = strlen (a); if (len != 0 && !(p = strpbrk (a, " \t\n\r\""))) one_line.add (a, len); else { one_line.add ("\"", 1); for (; p; a = p, p = strchr (p, '"')) { one_line.add (a, ++p - a); if (p[-1] == '"') one_line.add ("\"", 1); } if (*a) one_line.add (a); one_line.add ("\"", 1); } one_line.add (" ", 1); } if (one_line.ix) one_line.buf[one_line.ix - 1] = '\0'; else one_line.add ("", 1); } static DWORD child_pid; static BOOL WINAPI ctrl_c (DWORD) { static int tic = 1; if ((tic ^= 1) && !GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent (CTRL_C_EVENT, 0)) error (0, "couldn't send CTRL-C to child, win32 error %d\n", GetLastError ()); return TRUE; } DWORD (*cygwin_internal) (int, ...); static int load_cygwin () { static HMODULE h; if (cygwin_internal) return 1; if (h) return 0; if (!(h = LoadLibrary ("cygwin1.dll"))) { errno = ENOENT; return 0; } if (!(cygwin_internal = (DWORD (*) (int, ...)) GetProcAddress (h, "cygwin_internal"))) { errno = ENOSYS; return 0; } return 1; } static void attach_process (pid_t pid) { load_cygwin (); child_pid = (DWORD) cygwin_internal (CW_CYGWIN_PID_TO_WINPID, pid); if (!child_pid) { warn (0, "no such cygwin pid - %d", pid); child_pid = pid; } if (!DebugActiveProcess (child_pid)) error (0, "couldn't attach to pid %d<%d> for debugging", pid, child_pid); printf ("Attached to pid %d (windows pid %u)\n", pid, (unsigned) child_pid); return; } static void create_child (char **argv) { linebuf one_line; STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; BOOL ret; DWORD flags; *argv = cygpath (*argv, NULL); memset (&si, 0, sizeof (si)); si.cb = sizeof (si); flags = CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE | (forkdebug ? DEBUG_PROCESS : DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS); if (new_window) flags |= CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP; make_command_line (one_line, argv); SetConsoleCtrlHandler (NULL, 0); ret = CreateProcess (0, one_line.buf, /* command line */ NULL, /* Security */ NULL, /* thread */ TRUE, /* inherit handles */ flags, /* start flags */ NULL, NULL, /* current directory */ &si, &pi); if (!ret) error (0, "error creating process %s, (error %d)", *argv, GetLastError ()); CloseHandle (pi.hThread); CloseHandle (pi.hProcess); child_pid = pi.dwProcessId; SetConsoleCtrlHandler (ctrl_c, 1); } static int output_winerror (FILE *ofile, char *s) { char *winerr = strstr (s, "Win32 error "); if (!winerr) return 0; DWORD errnum = atoi (winerr + sizeof ("Win32 error ") - 1); if (!errnum) return 0; /* * NOTE: Currently there is no policy for how long the * the buffers are, and looks like 256 is a smallest one * (dlfcn.cc). Other than error 1395 (length 213) and * error 1015 (length 249), the rest are all under 188 * characters, and so I'll use 189 as the buffer length. * For those longer error messages, FormatMessage will * return FALSE, and we'll get the old behaviour such as * ``Win32 error 1395'' etc. */ char buf[4096]; if (!FormatMessage (FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, errnum, MAKELANGID (LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) buf, sizeof (buf), NULL)) return 0; /* Get rid the trailing CR/NL pair. */ char *p = strchr (buf, '\0'); p[-2] = '\n'; p[-1] = '\0'; *winerr = '\0'; fputs (s, ofile); fputs (buf, ofile); return 1; } static SYSTEMTIME * syst (long long t) { FILETIME n; static SYSTEMTIME st; long long now = t + ((long long) usecs * 10); n.dwHighDateTime = now >> 32; n.dwLowDateTime = now & 0xffffffff; FileTimeToSystemTime (&n, &st); return &st; } static void __stdcall handle_output_debug_string (DWORD id, LPVOID p, unsigned mask, FILE *ofile) { int len; int special; char alen[3 + 8 + 1]; DWORD nbytes; child_list *child = get_child (id); HANDLE hchild = child->hproc; #define INTROLEN (sizeof (alen) - 1) if (id == lastid && hchild != lasth) warn (0, "%p != %p", hchild, lasth); alen[INTROLEN] = '\0'; if (!ReadProcessMemory (hchild, p, alen, INTROLEN, &nbytes)) #ifndef DEBUGGING return; #else error (0, "couldn't get message length from subprocess %d<%p>, windows error %d", id, hchild, GetLastError ()); #endif if (strncmp (alen, "cYg", 3)) return; len = (int) strtoul (alen + 3, NULL, 16); if (!len) return; if (len > 0) special = 0; else { special = len; if (special == _STRACE_INTERFACE_ACTIVATE_ADDR) len = 17; } char *buf; buf = (char *) alloca (len + 85) + 20; if (!ReadProcessMemory (hchild, ((char *) p) + INTROLEN, buf, len, &nbytes)) error (0, "couldn't get message from subprocess, windows error %d", GetLastError ()); buf[len] = '\0'; char *s = strtok (buf, " "); unsigned n = strtoul (s, NULL, 16); s = strchr (s, '\0') + 1; if (special == _STRACE_INTERFACE_ACTIVATE_ADDR) { DWORD new_flag = 1; if (!WriteProcessMemory (hchild, (LPVOID) n, &new_flag, sizeof (new_flag), &nbytes)) error (0, "couldn't write strace flag to subprocess, windows error %d", GetLastError ()); return; } char *origs = s; if (mask & n) /* got it */ ; else if (!(mask & _STRACE_ALL) || (n & _STRACE_NOTALL)) return; /* This should not be included in "all" output */ DWORD dusecs, usecs; char *ptusec, *ptrest; dusecs = strtoul (s, &ptusec, 10); char *q = ptusec; while (*q == ' ') q++; if (*q != '[') { usecs = strtoul (q, &ptrest, 10); while (*ptrest == ' ') ptrest++; } else { ptrest = q; ptusec = s; usecs = dusecs; } if (child->saw_stars == 0) { FILETIME st; char *news; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (&st); FileTimeToLocalFileTime (&st, &st); child->start_time = st.dwHighDateTime; child->start_time <<= 32; child->start_time |= st.dwLowDateTime; if (*(news = ptrest) != '[') child->saw_stars = 2; else { child->saw_stars++; while ((news = strchr (news, ' ')) != NULL && *++news != '*') child->nfields++; if (news == NULL) child->saw_stars++; else { s = news; child->nfields++; } } } else if (child->saw_stars < 2) { int i; char *news; if (*(news = ptrest) != '[') child->saw_stars = 2; else { for (i = 0; i < child->nfields; i++) if ((news = strchr (news, ' ')) == NULL) break; // Should never happen else news++; if (news == NULL) child->saw_stars = 2; else { s = news; if (*s == '*') { SYSTEMTIME *st = syst (child->start_time); fprintf (ofile, "Date/Time: %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", st->wYear, st->wMonth, st->wDay, st->wHour, st->wMinute, st->wSecond); child->saw_stars++; } } } } long long d = usecs - child->last_usecs; char intbuf[40]; if (child->saw_stars < 2 || s != origs) /* Nothing */ ; else if (hhmmss) { s = ptrest - 9; SYSTEMTIME *st = syst (child->start_time + (long long) usecs * 10); sprintf (s, "%02d:%02d:%02d", st->wHour, st->wMinute, st->wSecond); *strchr (s, '\0') = ' '; } else if (!delta) s = ptusec; else { s = ptusec; sprintf (intbuf, "%5d ", (int) d); int len = strlen (intbuf); memcpy ((s -= len), intbuf, len); } if (include_hex) { s -= 8; sprintf (s, "%p", n); strchr (s, '\0')[0] = ' '; } child->last_usecs = usecs; if (numerror || !output_winerror (ofile, s)) fputs (s, ofile); if (!bufsize) fflush (ofile); } static void proc_child (unsigned mask, FILE *ofile, pid_t pid) { DEBUG_EVENT ev; int processes = 0; time_t cur_time, last_time; SetThreadPriority (GetCurrentThread (), THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST); last_time = time (NULL); while (1) { BOOL debug_event = WaitForDebugEvent (&ev, 1000); DWORD status = DBG_CONTINUE; if (bufsize && flush_period > 0 && (cur_time = time (NULL)) >= last_time + flush_period) { last_time = cur_time; fflush (ofile); } if (!debug_event) continue; if (pid) { (void) cygwin_internal (CW_STRACE_TOGGLE, pid); pid = 0; } switch (ev.dwDebugEventCode) { case CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT: if (ev.u.CreateProcessInfo.hFile) CloseHandle (ev.u.CreateProcessInfo.hFile); add_child (ev.dwProcessId, ev.u.CreateProcessInfo.hProcess); processes++; break; case CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT: break; case LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT: if (ev.u.LoadDll.hFile) CloseHandle (ev.u.LoadDll.hFile); break; case OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_EVENT: handle_output_debug_string (ev.dwProcessId, ev.u.DebugString.lpDebugStringData, mask, ofile); break; case EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT: remove_child (ev.dwProcessId); break; case EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT: if (ev.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode != STATUS_BREAKPOINT) { status = DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED; #if 0 fprintf (stderr, "exception %p at %p\n", ev.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode, ev.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress); #endif } break; } if (!ContinueDebugEvent (ev.dwProcessId, ev.dwThreadId, status)) error (0, "couldn't continue debug event, windows error %d", GetLastError ()); if (ev.dwDebugEventCode == EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT && --processes == 0) break; } } static void dotoggle (pid_t pid) { load_cygwin (); child_pid = (DWORD) cygwin_internal (CW_CYGWIN_PID_TO_WINPID, pid); if (!child_pid) { warn (0, "no such cygwin pid - %d", pid); child_pid = pid; } if (cygwin_internal (CW_STRACE_TOGGLE, child_pid)) error (0, "failed to toggle tracing for process %d<%d>", pid, child_pid); return; } static void dostrace (unsigned mask, FILE *ofile, pid_t pid, char **argv) { if (!pid) create_child (argv); else attach_process (pid); proc_child (mask, ofile, pid); return; } typedef struct tag_mask_mnemonic { unsigned long val; const char *text; } mask_mnemonic; static const mask_mnemonic mnemonic_table[] = { {_STRACE_ALL, "all"}, {_STRACE_FLUSH, "flush"}, {_STRACE_INHERIT, "inherit"}, {_STRACE_UHOH, "uhoh"}, {_STRACE_SYSCALL, "syscall"}, {_STRACE_STARTUP, "startup"}, {_STRACE_DEBUG, "debug"}, {_STRACE_PARANOID, "paranoid"}, {_STRACE_TERMIOS, "termios"}, {_STRACE_SELECT, "select"}, {_STRACE_WM, "wm"}, {_STRACE_SIGP, "sigp"}, {_STRACE_MINIMAL, "minimal"}, {_STRACE_EXITDUMP, "exitdump"}, {_STRACE_SYSTEM, "system"}, {_STRACE_NOMUTEX, "nomutex"}, {_STRACE_MALLOC, "malloc"}, {_STRACE_THREAD, "thread"}, {0, NULL} }; static unsigned long mnemonic2ul (const char *nptr, char **endptr) { // Look up mnemonic in table, return value. // *endptr = ptr to char that breaks match. const mask_mnemonic *mnp = mnemonic_table; while (mnp->text != NULL) { if (strcmp (mnp->text, nptr) == 0) { // Found a match. if (endptr != NULL) { *endptr = ((char *) nptr) + strlen (mnp->text); } return mnp->val; } mnp++; } // Didn't find it. if (endptr != NULL) { *endptr = (char *) nptr; } return 0; } static unsigned long parse_mask (const char *ms, char **endptr) { const char *p = ms; char *newp; unsigned long retval = 0, thisval; const size_t bufsize = 16; char buffer[bufsize]; size_t len; while (*p != '\0') { // First extract the term, terminate it, and lowercase it. strncpy (buffer, p, bufsize); buffer[bufsize - 1] = '\0'; len = strcspn (buffer, "+,\0"); buffer[len] = '\0'; strlwr (buffer); // Check if this is a mnemonic. We have to do this first or strtoul() // will false-trigger on anything starting with "a" through "f". thisval = mnemonic2ul (buffer, &newp); if (buffer == newp) { // This term isn't mnemonic, check if it's hex. thisval = strtoul (buffer, &newp, 16); if (newp != buffer + len) { // Not hex either, syntax error. *endptr = (char *) p; return 0; } } p += len; retval += thisval; // Handle operators if (*p == '\0') break; if ((*p == '+') || (*p == ',')) { // For now these both equate to addition/ORing. Until we get // fancy and add things like "all-", all we need do is // continue the looping. p++; continue; } else { // Syntax error *endptr = (char *) p; return 0; } } *endptr = (char *) p; return retval; } static void usage (FILE *where = stderr) { fprintf (where, "\ Usage: %s [OPTIONS] \n\ Usage: %s [OPTIONS] -p \n\ Trace system calls and signals\n\ \n\ -b, --buffer-size=SIZE set size of output file buffer\n\ -d, --no-delta don't display the delta-t microsecond timestamp\n\ -f, --trace-children trace child processes (toggle - default true)\n\ -h, --help output usage information and exit\n\ -m, --mask=MASK set message filter mask\n\ -n, --crack-error-numbers output descriptive text instead of error\n\ numbers for Windows errors\n\ -o, --output=FILENAME set output file to FILENAME\n\ -p, --pid=n attach to executing program with cygwin pid n\n\ -S, --flush-period=PERIOD flush buffered strace output every PERIOD secs\n\ -t, --timestamp use an absolute hh:mm:ss timestamp insted of \n\ the default microsecond timestamp. Implies -d\n\ -T, --toggle toggle tracing in a process already being\n\ traced. Requires -p \n\ -v, --version output version information and exit\n\ -w, --new-window spawn program under test in a new window\n\ \n", pgm, pgm); if ( where == stdout) fprintf (stdout, "\ MASK can be any combination of the following mnemonics and/or hex values\n\ (0x is optional). Combine masks with '+' or ',' like so:\n\ \n\ --mask=wm+system,malloc+0x00800\n\ \n\ Mnemonic Hex Corresponding Def Description\n\ =========================================================================\n\ all 0x00001 (_STRACE_ALL) All strace messages.\n\ flush 0x00002 (_STRACE_FLUSH) Flush output buffer after each message.\n\ inherit 0x00004 (_STRACE_INHERIT) Children inherit mask from parent.\n\ uhoh 0x00008 (_STRACE_UHOH) Unusual or weird phenomenon.\n\ syscall 0x00010 (_STRACE_SYSCALL) System calls.\n\ startup 0x00020 (_STRACE_STARTUP) argc/envp printout at startup.\n\ debug 0x00040 (_STRACE_DEBUG) Info to help debugging. \n\ paranoid 0x00080 (_STRACE_PARANOID) Paranoid info.\n\ termios 0x00100 (_STRACE_TERMIOS) Info for debugging termios stuff.\n\ select 0x00200 (_STRACE_SELECT) Info on ugly select internals.\n\ wm 0x00400 (_STRACE_WM) Trace Windows msgs (enable _strace_wm).\n\ sigp 0x00800 (_STRACE_SIGP) Trace signal and process handling.\n\ minimal 0x01000 (_STRACE_MINIMAL) Very minimal strace output.\n\ exitdump 0x04000 (_STRACE_EXITDUMP) Dump strace cache on exit.\n\ system 0x08000 (_STRACE_SYSTEM) Serious error; goes to console and log.\n\ nomutex 0x10000 (_STRACE_NOMUTEX) Don't use mutex for synchronization.\n\ malloc 0x20000 (_STRACE_MALLOC) Trace malloc calls.\n\ thread 0x40000 (_STRACE_THREAD) Thread-locking calls.\n\ "); if (where == stderr) fprintf (stderr, "Try '%s --help' for more information.\n", pgm); exit (where == stderr ? 1 : 0 ); } struct option longopts[] = { {"buffer-size", required_argument, NULL, 'b'}, {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"flush-period", required_argument, NULL, 'S'}, {"hex", no_argument, NULL, 'H'}, {"mask", required_argument, NULL, 'm'}, {"new-window", no_argument, NULL, 'w'}, {"output", required_argument, NULL, 'o'}, {"no-delta", no_argument, NULL, 'd'}, {"pid", required_argument, NULL, 'p'}, {"timestamp", no_argument, NULL, 't'}, {"toggle", no_argument, NULL, 'T'}, {"trace-children", no_argument, NULL, 'f'}, {"translate-error-numbers", no_argument, NULL, 'n'}, {"usecs", no_argument, NULL, 'u'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; static const char *const opts = "+b:dhHfm:no:p:S:tTuvw"; static void print_version () { const char *v = strchr (version, ':'); int len; if (!v) { v = "?"; len = 1; } else { v += 2; len = strchr (v, ' ') - v; } printf ("\ %s (cygwin) %.*s\n\ System Trace\n\ Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Red Hat, Inc.\n\ Compiled on %s\n\ ", pgm, len, v, __DATE__); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { unsigned mask = 0; FILE *ofile = NULL; pid_t pid = 0; int opt; int toggle = 0; if (!(pgm = strrchr (*argv, '\\')) && !(pgm = strrchr (*argv, '/'))) pgm = *argv; else pgm++; while ((opt = getopt_long (argc, argv, opts, longopts, NULL)) != EOF) switch (opt) { case 'b': bufsize = atoi (optarg); break; case 'd': delta ^= 1; break; case 'f': forkdebug ^= 1; break; case 'h': // Print help and exit usage (stdout); break; case 'H': include_hex ^= 1; break; case 'm': { char *endptr; mask = parse_mask (optarg, &endptr); if (*endptr != '\0') { // Bad mask expression. error (0, "syntax error in mask expression \"%s\" near \ character #%d.\n", optarg, (int) (endptr - optarg), endptr); } break; } case 'n': numerror ^= 1; break; case 'o': if ((ofile = fopen (cygpath (optarg, NULL), "w")) == NULL) error (1, "can't open %s", optarg); #ifdef F_SETFD (void) fcntl (fileno (ofile), F_SETFD, 0); #endif break; case 'p': pid = strtoul (optarg, NULL, 10); break; case 'S': flush_period = strtoul (optarg, NULL, 10); break; case 't': hhmmss ^= 1; break; case 'T': toggle ^= 1; break; case 'u': // FIXME: currently unimplemented usecs ^= 1; break; case 'v': // Print version info and exit print_version (); return 0; case 'w': new_window ^= 1; break; case '?': fprintf (stderr, "Try '%s --help' for more information.\n", pgm); exit (1); } if (pid && argv[optind]) error (0, "cannot provide both a command line and a process id"); if (!pid && !argv[optind]) error (0, "must provide either a command line or a process id"); if (toggle && !pid) error (0, "must provide a process id to toggle tracing"); if (!mask) mask = _STRACE_ALL; if (bufsize) setvbuf (ofile, (char *) alloca (bufsize), _IOFBF, bufsize); if (!ofile) ofile = stdout; if (toggle) dotoggle (pid); else dostrace (mask, ofile, pid, argv + optind); } #undef CloseHandle static BOOL close_handle (HANDLE h, DWORD ok) { child_list *c; for (c = &children; (c = c->next) != NULL;) if (c->hproc == h && c->id != ok) error (0, "Closing child handle %p", h); return CloseHandle (h); }