/* timer.cc This file is part of Cygwin. This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details. */ #include "winsup.h" #include "thread.h" #include "cygtls.h" #include "sigproc.h" #include "path.h" #include "fhandler.h" #include "dtable.h" #include "cygheap.h" #include #define TT_MAGIC 0x513e4a1c class timer_tracker { unsigned magic; timer_tracker *next; clockid_t clock_id; sigevent evp; timespec it_interval; HANDLE hcancel; HANDLE syncthread; long long interval_us; long long sleepto_us; bool cancel (); public: timer_tracker (clockid_t, const sigevent *); ~timer_tracker (); inline bool is_timer_tracker () { return magic == TT_MAGIC; } void gettime (itimerspec *); int settime (int, const itimerspec *, itimerspec *); int clean_and_unhook (); DWORD thread_func (); void fixup_after_fork (); }; timer_tracker NO_COPY ttstart (CLOCK_REALTIME, NULL); class lock_timer_tracker { static muto protect; public: lock_timer_tracker (); ~lock_timer_tracker (); }; muto NO_COPY lock_timer_tracker::protect; lock_timer_tracker::lock_timer_tracker () { protect.init ("timer_protect")->acquire (); } lock_timer_tracker::~lock_timer_tracker () { protect.release (); } bool timer_tracker::cancel () { if (!hcancel) return false; SetEvent (hcancel); DWORD res = WaitForSingleObject (syncthread, INFINITE); if (res != WAIT_OBJECT_0) system_printf ("WFSO returned unexpected value %u, %E", res); return true; } timer_tracker::~timer_tracker () { if (cancel ()) { CloseHandle (hcancel); #ifdef DEBUGGING hcancel = NULL; #endif } if (syncthread) CloseHandle (syncthread); magic = 0; } timer_tracker::timer_tracker (clockid_t c, const sigevent *e) { if (e != NULL) evp = *e; else { evp.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL; evp.sigev_signo = SIGALRM; evp.sigev_value.sival_ptr = this; } clock_id = c; magic = TT_MAGIC; hcancel = NULL; if (this != &ttstart) { lock_timer_tracker here; next = ttstart.next; ttstart.next = this; } } static inline long long timespec_to_us (const timespec& ts) { long long res = ts.tv_sec; res *= USPERSEC; res += (ts.tv_nsec + (NSPERSEC/USPERSEC) - 1) / (NSPERSEC/USPERSEC); return res; } DWORD timer_tracker::thread_func () { long long now; long long cur_sleepto_us = sleepto_us; while (1) { long long sleep_us; LONG sleep_ms; /* Account for delays in starting thread and sending the signal */ now = get_clock (clock_id)->usecs (); sleep_us = cur_sleepto_us - now; if (sleep_us > 0) { sleepto_us = cur_sleepto_us; sleep_ms = (sleep_us + (USPERSEC / MSPERSEC) - 1) / (USPERSEC / MSPERSEC); } else { sleepto_us = now; sleep_ms = 0; } debug_printf ("%p waiting for %u ms", this, sleep_ms); switch (WaitForSingleObject (hcancel, sleep_ms)) { case WAIT_TIMEOUT: debug_printf ("timed out"); break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0: debug_printf ("%p cancelled", this); goto out; default: debug_printf ("%p wait failed, %E", this); goto out; } switch (evp.sigev_notify) { case SIGEV_SIGNAL: { siginfo_t si = {0}; si.si_signo = evp.sigev_signo; si.si_sigval.sival_ptr = evp.sigev_value.sival_ptr; si.si_code = SI_TIMER; debug_printf ("%p sending signal %d", this, evp.sigev_signo); sig_send (myself_nowait, si); break; } case SIGEV_THREAD: { pthread_t notify_thread; debug_printf ("%p starting thread", this); pthread_attr_t *attr; pthread_attr_t default_attr; if (evp.sigev_notify_attributes) attr = evp.sigev_notify_attributes; else { pthread_attr_init(attr = &default_attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate (attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); } int rc = pthread_create (¬ify_thread, attr, (void * (*) (void *)) evp.sigev_notify_function, evp.sigev_value.sival_ptr); if (rc) { debug_printf ("thread creation failed, %E"); return 0; } // FIXME: pthread_join? break; } } if (!interval_us) break; cur_sleepto_us = sleepto_us + interval_us; debug_printf ("looping"); } out: _my_tls._ctinfo->auto_release (); /* automatically return the cygthread to the cygthread pool */ return 0; } static DWORD WINAPI timer_thread (VOID *x) { timer_tracker *tt = ((timer_tracker *) x); return tt->thread_func (); } static inline bool timespec_bad (const timespec& t) { if (t.tv_nsec < 0 || t.tv_nsec >= NSPERSEC || t.tv_sec < 0) { set_errno (EINVAL); return true; } return false; } int timer_tracker::settime (int in_flags, const itimerspec *value, itimerspec *ovalue) { int ret = -1; __try { if (!value) { set_errno (EINVAL); __leave; } if (timespec_bad (value->it_value) || timespec_bad (value->it_interval)) __leave; long long now = in_flags & TIMER_ABSTIME ? 0 : get_clock (clock_id)->usecs (); lock_timer_tracker here; cancel (); if (ovalue) gettime (ovalue); if (!value->it_value.tv_sec && !value->it_value.tv_nsec) interval_us = sleepto_us = 0; else { sleepto_us = now + timespec_to_us (value->it_value); interval_us = timespec_to_us (value->it_interval); it_interval = value->it_interval; if (!hcancel) hcancel = CreateEvent (&sec_none_nih, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); else ResetEvent (hcancel); if (!syncthread) syncthread = CreateEvent (&sec_none_nih, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); else ResetEvent (syncthread); new cygthread (timer_thread, this, "itimer", syncthread); } ret = 0; } __except (EFAULT) {} __endtry return ret; } void timer_tracker::gettime (itimerspec *ovalue) { if (!hcancel) memset (ovalue, 0, sizeof (*ovalue)); else { ovalue->it_interval = it_interval; long long now = get_clock (clock_id)->usecs (); long long left_us = sleepto_us - now; if (left_us < 0) left_us = 0; ovalue->it_value.tv_sec = left_us / USPERSEC; ovalue->it_value.tv_nsec = (left_us % USPERSEC) * (NSPERSEC/USPERSEC); } } int timer_tracker::clean_and_unhook () { for (timer_tracker *tt = &ttstart; tt->next != NULL; tt = tt->next) if (tt->next == this) { tt->next = this->next; return 0; } return -1; } void timer_tracker::fixup_after_fork () { hcancel = syncthread = NULL; for (timer_tracker *tt = this; tt->next != NULL; /* nothing */) { timer_tracker *deleteme = tt->next; tt->next = deleteme->next; deleteme->hcancel = deleteme->syncthread = NULL; delete deleteme; } } void fixup_timers_after_fork () { ttstart.fixup_after_fork (); } extern "C" int timer_gettime (timer_t timerid, struct itimerspec *ovalue) { int ret = -1; __try { timer_tracker *tt = (timer_tracker *) timerid; if (!tt->is_timer_tracker ()) { set_errno (EINVAL); return -1; } tt->gettime (ovalue); ret = 0; } __except (EFAULT) {} __endtry return ret; } extern "C" int timer_create (clockid_t clock_id, struct sigevent *__restrict evp, timer_t *__restrict timerid) { int ret = -1; __try { if (CLOCKID_IS_PROCESS (clock_id) || CLOCKID_IS_THREAD (clock_id)) { set_errno (ENOTSUP); return -1; } if (clock_id >= MAX_CLOCKS) { set_errno (EINVAL); return -1; } *timerid = (timer_t) new timer_tracker (clock_id, evp); ret = 0; } __except (EFAULT) {} __endtry return ret; } extern "C" int timer_settime (timer_t timerid, int flags, const struct itimerspec *__restrict value, struct itimerspec *__restrict ovalue) { int ret = -1; __try { timer_tracker *tt = (timer_tracker *) timerid; if (!tt->is_timer_tracker ()) { set_errno (EINVAL); __leave; } ret = tt->settime (flags, value, ovalue); } __except (EFAULT) {} __endtry return ret; } extern "C" int timer_delete (timer_t timerid) { int ret = -1; __try { timer_tracker *in_tt = (timer_tracker *) timerid; if (!in_tt->is_timer_tracker ()) { set_errno (EINVAL); __leave; } lock_timer_tracker here; if (in_tt->clean_and_unhook () == 0) { delete in_tt; ret = 0; } else set_errno (EINVAL); } __except (EFAULT) {} __endtry return ret; } extern "C" int setitimer (int which, const struct itimerval *__restrict value, struct itimerval *__restrict ovalue) { int ret; if (which != ITIMER_REAL) { set_errno (EINVAL); ret = -1; } else { struct itimerspec spec_value, spec_ovalue; spec_value.it_interval.tv_sec = value->it_interval.tv_sec; spec_value.it_interval.tv_nsec = value->it_interval.tv_usec * 1000; spec_value.it_value.tv_sec = value->it_value.tv_sec; spec_value.it_value.tv_nsec = value->it_value.tv_usec * 1000; ret = timer_settime ((timer_t) &ttstart, 0, &spec_value, &spec_ovalue); if (ret) ret = -1; else if (ovalue) { ovalue->it_interval.tv_sec = spec_ovalue.it_interval.tv_sec; ovalue->it_interval.tv_usec = spec_ovalue.it_interval.tv_nsec / 1000; ovalue->it_value.tv_sec = spec_ovalue.it_value.tv_sec; ovalue->it_value.tv_usec = spec_ovalue.it_value.tv_nsec / 1000; } } syscall_printf ("%R = setitimer()", ret); return ret; } extern "C" int getitimer (int which, struct itimerval *ovalue) { int ret = -1; if (which != ITIMER_REAL) set_errno (EINVAL); else { __try { struct itimerspec spec_ovalue; ret = timer_gettime ((timer_t) &ttstart, &spec_ovalue); if (!ret) { ovalue->it_interval.tv_sec = spec_ovalue.it_interval.tv_sec; ovalue->it_interval.tv_usec = spec_ovalue.it_interval.tv_nsec / 1000; ovalue->it_value.tv_sec = spec_ovalue.it_value.tv_sec; ovalue->it_value.tv_usec = spec_ovalue.it_value.tv_nsec / 1000; } } __except (EFAULT) {} __endtry } syscall_printf ("%R = getitimer()", ret); return ret; } /* FIXME: POSIX - alarm survives exec */ extern "C" unsigned int alarm (unsigned int seconds) { struct itimerspec newt = {}, oldt; /* alarm cannot fail, but only needs not be correct for arguments < 64k. Truncate */ if (seconds > (CLOCK_DELAY_MAX / 1000 - 1)) seconds = (CLOCK_DELAY_MAX / 1000 - 1); newt.it_value.tv_sec = seconds; timer_settime ((timer_t) &ttstart, 0, &newt, &oldt); int ret = oldt.it_value.tv_sec + (oldt.it_value.tv_nsec > 0); syscall_printf ("%d = alarm(%u)", ret, seconds); return ret; } extern "C" useconds_t ualarm (useconds_t value, useconds_t interval) { struct itimerspec timer = {}, otimer; /* ualarm cannot fail. Interpret negative arguments as zero */ if (value > 0) { timer.it_value.tv_sec = value / USPERSEC; timer.it_value.tv_nsec = (value % USPERSEC) * (NSPERSEC/USPERSEC); } if (interval > 0) { timer.it_interval.tv_sec = interval / USPERSEC; timer.it_interval.tv_nsec = (interval % USPERSEC) * (NSPERSEC/USPERSEC); } timer_settime ((timer_t) &ttstart, 0, &timer, &otimer); useconds_t ret = otimer.it_value.tv_sec * USPERSEC + (otimer.it_value.tv_nsec + (NSPERSEC/USPERSEC) - 1) / (NSPERSEC/USPERSEC); syscall_printf ("%d = ualarm(%ld , %ld)", ret, value, interval); return ret; }