/* pinfo.cc: process table support Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of Cygwin. This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details. */ #include "winsup.h" #include #include #include #include #include "security.h" #include "path.h" #include "fhandler.h" #include "dtable.h" #include "cygerrno.h" #include "sigproc.h" #include "pinfo.h" #include "cygwin_version.h" #include "perprocess.h" #include "environ.h" #include #include #include "ntdll.h" #include "cygthread.h" #include "shared_info.h" #include "cygheap.h" #include "fhandler.h" static char NO_COPY pinfo_dummy[sizeof (_pinfo)] = {0}; pinfo NO_COPY myself ((_pinfo *)&pinfo_dummy); // Avoid myself != NULL checks HANDLE hexec_proc; void __stdcall pinfo_fixup_after_fork () { if (hexec_proc) CloseHandle (hexec_proc); if (!DuplicateHandle (hMainProc, hMainProc, hMainProc, &hexec_proc, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) { system_printf ("couldn't save current process handle %p, %E", hMainProc); hexec_proc = NULL; } } /* Initialize the process table. This is done once when the dll is first loaded. */ void __stdcall set_myself (pid_t pid, HANDLE h) { DWORD winpid = GetCurrentProcessId (); if (pid == 1) pid = cygwin_pid (winpid); myself.init (pid, PID_IN_USE | PID_MYSELF, h); myself->dwProcessId = winpid; myself->process_state |= PID_IN_USE; myself->start_time = time (NULL); /* Register our starting time. */ (void) GetModuleFileName (NULL, myself->progname, sizeof (myself->progname)); if (!strace.active) strace.hello (); InitializeCriticalSection (&myself->lock); return; } /* Initialize the process table entry for the current task. This is not called for forked tasks, only execed ones. */ void __stdcall pinfo_init (char **envp, int envc) { if (envp) { environ_init (envp, envc); /* spawn has already set up a pid structure for us so we'll use that */ myself->process_state |= PID_CYGPARENT; } else { /* Invent our own pid. */ set_myself (1); myself->ppid = 1; myself->pgid = myself->sid = myself->pid; myself->ctty = -1; myself->uid = ILLEGAL_UID; myself->gid = UNKNOWN_GID; environ_init (NULL, 0); /* call after myself has been set up */ } debug_printf ("pid %d, pgid %d", myself->pid, myself->pgid); } void _pinfo::exit (UINT n, bool norecord) { if (this) { if (!norecord) process_state = PID_EXITED; /* FIXME: There is a potential race between an execed process and its parent here. I hated to add a mutex just for this, though. */ struct rusage r; fill_rusage (&r, hMainProc); add_rusage (&rusage_self, &r); } cygthread::terminate (); sigproc_printf ("Calling ExitProcess %d", n); ExitProcess (n); } void pinfo::init (pid_t n, DWORD flag, HANDLE in_h) { if (myself && n == myself->pid) { procinfo = myself; destroy = 0; h = NULL; return; } void *mapaddr; if (!(flag & PID_MYSELF)) mapaddr = NULL; else { flag &= ~PID_MYSELF; HANDLE hdummy; mapaddr = open_shared (NULL, 0, hdummy, 0, SH_MYSELF); } int createit = flag & (PID_IN_USE | PID_EXECED); DWORD access = FILE_MAP_READ | (flag & (PID_IN_USE | PID_EXECED | PID_MAP_RW) ? FILE_MAP_WRITE : 0); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int created; char mapname[MAX_PATH]; __small_sprintf (mapname, "cygpid.%x", n); int mapsize; if (flag & PID_EXECED) mapsize = PINFO_REDIR_SIZE; else mapsize = sizeof (_pinfo); if (in_h) { h = in_h; created = 0; } else if (!createit) { h = OpenFileMappingA (access, FALSE, mapname); created = 0; } else { char sa_buf[1024]; PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sec_attribs = sec_user_nih (sa_buf, cygheap->user.sid(), well_known_world_sid, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE); /* FIXME */ h = CreateFileMapping (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, sec_attribs, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, mapsize, mapname); created = h && GetLastError () != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; } if (!h) { if (createit) __seterrno (); procinfo = NULL; return; } procinfo = (_pinfo *) MapViewOfFileEx (h, access, 0, 0, 0, mapaddr); ProtectHandle1 (h, pinfo_shared_handle); if ((procinfo->process_state & PID_INITIALIZING) && (flag & PID_NOREDIR) && cygwin_pid (procinfo->dwProcessId) != procinfo->pid) { release (); set_errno (ENOENT); return; } if (procinfo->process_state & PID_EXECED) { assert (!i); pid_t realpid = procinfo->pid; debug_printf ("execed process windows pid %d, cygwin pid %d", n, realpid); if (realpid == n) api_fatal ("retrieval of execed process info for pid %d failed due to recursion.", n); n = realpid; release (); if (flag & PID_ALLPIDS) { set_errno (ENOENT); break; } continue; } /* In certain rare, pathological cases, it is possible for the shared memory region to exist for a while after a process has exited. This should only be a brief occurrence, so rather than introduce some kind of locking mechanism, just loop. FIXME: I'm sure I'll regret doing it this way at some point. */ if (i < 9 && !created && createit && (procinfo->process_state & PID_EXITED)) { low_priority_sleep (5); release (); continue; } if (!created) /* nothing */; else if (!(flag & PID_EXECED)) procinfo->pid = n; else { procinfo->process_state |= PID_IN_USE | PID_EXECED; procinfo->pid = myself->pid; } break; } destroy = 1; } bool _pinfo::alive () { HANDLE h = OpenProcess (PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, false, dwProcessId); if (h) CloseHandle (h); return !!h; } extern char **__argv; void _pinfo::commune_recv () { DWORD nr; DWORD code; HANDLE hp; HANDLE __fromthem = NULL; HANDLE __tothem = NULL; hp = OpenProcess (PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, false, dwProcessId); if (!hp) { sigproc_printf ("couldn't open handle for pid %d(%u)", pid, dwProcessId); hello_pid = -1; return; } if (!DuplicateHandle (hp, fromthem, hMainProc, &__fromthem, 0, false, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) { sigproc_printf ("couldn't duplicate fromthem, %E"); CloseHandle (hp); hello_pid = -1; return; } if (!DuplicateHandle (hp, tothem, hMainProc, &__tothem, 0, false, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) { sigproc_printf ("couldn't duplicate tothem, %E"); CloseHandle (__fromthem); CloseHandle (hp); hello_pid = -1; return; } CloseHandle (hp); hello_pid = 0; if (!ReadFile (__fromthem, &code, sizeof code, &nr, NULL) || nr != sizeof code) { /* __seterrno ();*/ // this is run from the signal thread, so don't set errno goto out; } switch (code) { case PICOM_CMDLINE: { unsigned n = 1; CloseHandle (__fromthem); __fromthem = NULL; extern int __argc_safe; const char *argv[__argc_safe + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < __argc_safe; i++) { if (IsBadStringPtr (__argv[i], 0x7fffffff)) argv[i] = ""; else argv[i] = __argv[i]; n += strlen (argv[i]) + 1; } argv[__argc_safe] = NULL; if (!WriteFile (__tothem, &n, sizeof n, &nr, NULL)) { /*__seterrno ();*/ // this is run from the signal thread, so don't set errno sigproc_printf ("WriteFile sizeof argv failed, %E"); } else for (const char **a = argv; *a; a++) if (!WriteFile (__tothem, *a, strlen (*a) + 1, &nr, NULL)) { sigproc_printf ("WriteFile arg %d failed, %E", a - argv); break; } if (!WriteFile (__tothem, "", 1, &nr, NULL)) { sigproc_printf ("WriteFile null failed, %E"); break; } break; } case PICOM_FIFO: { int formic; if (!ReadFile (__fromthem, &formic, sizeof formic, &nr, NULL) || nr != sizeof formic) { /* __seterrno ();*/ // this is run from the signal thread, so don't set errno goto out; } fhandler_fifo *fh = cygheap->fdtab.find_fifo ((ATOM) formic); HANDLE it[] = {(fh->get_handle ()), (fh->get_output_handle ())}; if (!WriteFile (__tothem, it, sizeof (it), &nr, NULL)) { /*__seterrno ();*/ // this is run from the signal thread, so don't set errno sigproc_printf ("WriteFile read handle failed, %E"); } (void) ReadFile (__fromthem, &nr, sizeof (nr), &nr, NULL); break; } } out: if (__fromthem) CloseHandle (__fromthem); if (__tothem) CloseHandle (__tothem); } #define PIPEBUFSIZE (16 * sizeof (DWORD)) commune_result _pinfo::commune_send (DWORD code, ...) { HANDLE fromthem = NULL, tome = NULL; HANDLE fromme = NULL, tothem = NULL; DWORD nr; commune_result res; va_list args; va_start (args, code); res.s = NULL; res.n = 0; if (!pid || !this || (dwProcessId != (DWORD) pid && !pinfo (myself->dwProcessId))) { set_errno (ESRCH); goto err; } if (!CreatePipe (&fromthem, &tome, &sec_all_nih, PIPEBUFSIZE)) { sigproc_printf ("first CreatePipe failed, %E"); __seterrno (); goto err; } if (!CreatePipe (&fromme, &tothem, &sec_all_nih, PIPEBUFSIZE)) { sigproc_printf ("first CreatePipe failed, %E"); __seterrno (); goto err; } EnterCriticalSection (&myself->lock); myself->tothem = tome; myself->fromthem = fromme; myself->hello_pid = pid; if (!WriteFile (tothem, &code, sizeof code, &nr, NULL) || nr != sizeof code) { __seterrno (); goto err; } switch (code) { case PICOM_FIFO: { int formic = va_arg (args, int); if (!WriteFile (tothem, &formic, sizeof formic, &nr, NULL) || nr != sizeof formic) { __seterrno (); goto err; } break; } } if (sig_send (this, __SIGCOMMUNE)) goto err; /* FIXME: Need something better than an busy loop here */ bool isalive; for (int i = 0; (isalive = alive ()) && (i < 10000); i++) if (myself->hello_pid <= 0) break; else low_priority_sleep (0); CloseHandle (tome); tome = NULL; CloseHandle (fromme); fromme = NULL; if (!isalive) { set_errno (ESRCH); goto err; } if (myself->hello_pid < 0) { set_errno (ENOSYS); goto err; } size_t n; switch (code) { case PICOM_CMDLINE: if (!ReadFile (fromthem, &n, sizeof n, &nr, NULL) || nr != sizeof n) { __seterrno (); goto err; } res.s = (char *) malloc (n); char *p; for (p = res.s; ReadFile (fromthem, p, n, &nr, NULL); p += nr) continue; if ((unsigned) (p - res.s) != n) { __seterrno (); goto err; } res.n = n; break; case PICOM_FIFO: { DWORD x = ReadFile (fromthem, res.handles, sizeof (res.handles), &nr, NULL); WriteFile (tothem, &x, sizeof (x), &x, NULL); if (!x) goto err; if (nr != sizeof (res.handles)) { set_errno (EPIPE); goto err; } break; } } CloseHandle (tothem); CloseHandle (fromthem); goto out; err: if (tome) CloseHandle (tome); if (fromthem) CloseHandle (fromthem); if (tothem) CloseHandle (tothem); if (fromme) CloseHandle (fromme); memset (&res, 0, sizeof (res)); out: myself->hello_pid = 0; LeaveCriticalSection (&myself->lock); return res; } char * _pinfo::cmdline (size_t& n) { char *s; if (!this || !pid) return NULL; if (pid != myself->pid) { commune_result cr = commune_send (PICOM_CMDLINE); s = cr.s; n = cr.n; } else { n = 1; for (char **a = __argv; *a; a++) n += strlen (*a) + 1; char *p; p = s = (char *) malloc (n); for (char **a = __argv; *a; a++) { strcpy (p, *a); p = strchr (p, '\0') + 1; } *p = '\0'; } return s; } void pinfo::release () { if (h) { #ifdef DEBUGGING if (((DWORD) procinfo & 0x77000000) == 0x61000000) try_to_debug (); #endif UnmapViewOfFile (procinfo); procinfo = NULL; ForceCloseHandle1 (h, pinfo_shared_handle); h = NULL; } } /* DOCTOOL-START cygwin_winpid_to_pid extern "C" pid_t cygwin_winpid_to_pid int winpid Given a windows pid, converts to the corresponding Cygwin pid, if any. Returns -1 if windows pid does not correspond to a cygwin pid. Example use of cygwin_winpid_to_pid extern "C" cygwin_winpid_to_pid (int winpid); pid_t mypid; mypid = cygwin_winpid_to_pid (windows_pid); DOCTOOL-END */ extern "C" pid_t cygwin_winpid_to_pid (int winpid) { pinfo p (cygwin_pid (winpid)); if (p) return p->pid; set_errno (ESRCH); return (pid_t) -1; } #include #define slop_pidlist 200 #define size_pidlist(i) (sizeof (pidlist[0]) * ((i) + 1)) #define size_pinfolist(i) (sizeof (pinfolist[0]) * ((i) + 1)) inline void winpids::add (DWORD& nelem, bool winpid, DWORD pid) { pid_t cygpid = cygwin_pid (pid); if (nelem >= npidlist) { npidlist += slop_pidlist; pidlist = (DWORD *) realloc (pidlist, size_pidlist (npidlist + 1)); pinfolist = (pinfo *) realloc (pinfolist, size_pinfolist (npidlist + 1)); } pinfolist[nelem].init (cygpid, PID_NOREDIR | (winpid ? PID_ALLPIDS : 0) | pinfo_access); if (winpid) goto out; if (!pinfolist[nelem]) { if (!pinfo_access) return; pinfolist[nelem].init (cygpid, PID_NOREDIR | (winpid ? PID_ALLPIDS : 0)); if (!pinfolist[nelem]) return; } /* Scan list of previously recorded pids to make sure that this pid hasn't shown up before. This can happen when a process execs. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < nelem; i++) if (pinfolist[i]->pid == pinfolist[nelem]->pid) { if ((_pinfo *) pinfolist[nelem] != (_pinfo *) myself) pinfolist[nelem].release (); return; } out: pidlist[nelem++] = pid; } DWORD winpids::enumNT (bool winpid) { static DWORD szprocs; static SYSTEM_PROCESSES *procs; DWORD nelem = 0; if (!szprocs) procs = (SYSTEM_PROCESSES *) malloc (sizeof (*procs) + (szprocs = 200 * sizeof (*procs))); NTSTATUS res; for (;;) { res = NtQuerySystemInformation (SystemProcessesAndThreadsInformation, procs, szprocs, NULL); if (res == 0) break; if (res == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH) procs = (SYSTEM_PROCESSES *) realloc (procs, szprocs += 200 * sizeof (*procs)); else { system_printf ("error %p reading system process information", res); return 0; } } SYSTEM_PROCESSES *px = procs; for (;;) { if (px->ProcessId) add (nelem, winpid, px->ProcessId); if (!px->NextEntryDelta) break; px = (SYSTEM_PROCESSES *) ((char *) px + px->NextEntryDelta); } return nelem; } DWORD winpids::enum9x (bool winpid) { DWORD nelem = 0; HANDLE h = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (!h) { system_printf ("Couldn't create process snapshot, %E"); return 0; } PROCESSENTRY32 proc; proc.dwSize = sizeof (proc); if (Process32First (h, &proc)) do { if (proc.th32ProcessID) add (nelem, winpid, proc.th32ProcessID); } while (Process32Next (h, &proc)); CloseHandle (h); return nelem; } NO_COPY CRITICAL_SECTION winpids::cs; void winpids::set (bool winpid) { EnterCriticalSection (&cs); npids = (this->*enum_processes) (winpid); if (pidlist) pidlist[npids] = 0; LeaveCriticalSection (&cs); } void winpids::init () { InitializeCriticalSection (&cs); } DWORD winpids::enum_init (bool winpid) { if (wincap.is_winnt ()) enum_processes = &winpids::enumNT; else enum_processes = &winpids::enum9x; return (this->*enum_processes) (winpid); } void winpids::release () { for (unsigned i = 0; i < npids; i++) if (pinfolist[i] && (_pinfo *) pinfolist[i] != (_pinfo *) myself) pinfolist[i].release (); } winpids::~winpids () { if (npidlist) { release (); free (pidlist); free (pinfolist); } }