/* cygpath.cc -- convert pathnames between Windows and Unix format Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of Cygwin. This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details. */ #define NOCOMATTRIBUTE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const char version[] = "$Revision$"; static char *prog_name; static char *file_arg, *output_arg; static int path_flag, unix_flag, windows_flag, absolute_flag; static int shortname_flag, longname_flag; static int ignore_flag, allusers_flag, output_flag; static int mixed_flag, options_from_file_flag, mode_flag; static const char *format_type_arg; static struct option long_options[] = { {(char *) "absolute", no_argument, NULL, 'a'}, {(char *) "close", required_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {(char *) "dos", no_argument, NULL, 'd'}, {(char *) "file", required_argument, NULL, 'f'}, {(char *) "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {(char *) "ignore", no_argument, NULL, 'i'}, {(char *) "long-name", no_argument, NULL, 'l'}, {(char *) "mixed", no_argument, NULL, 'm'}, {(char *) "mode", no_argument, NULL, 'M'}, {(char *) "option", no_argument, NULL, 'o'}, {(char *) "path", no_argument, NULL, 'p'}, {(char *) "short-name", no_argument, NULL, 's'}, {(char *) "type", required_argument, NULL, 't'}, {(char *) "unix", no_argument, NULL, 'u'}, {(char *) "version", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, {(char *) "windows", no_argument, NULL, 'w'}, {(char *) "allusers", no_argument, NULL, 'A'}, {(char *) "desktop", no_argument, NULL, 'D'}, {(char *) "homeroot", no_argument, NULL, 'H'}, {(char *) "mydocs", no_argument, NULL, 'O'}, {(char *) "smprograms", no_argument, NULL, 'P'}, {(char *) "sysdir", no_argument, NULL, 'S'}, {(char *) "windir", no_argument, NULL, 'W'}, {(char *) "folder", required_argument, NULL, 'F'}, {0, no_argument, 0, 0} }; static char options[] = "ac:df:hilmMopst:uvwADHOPSWF:"; static void usage (FILE * stream, int status) { if (!ignore_flag || !status) fprintf (stream, "\ Usage: %s (-d|-m|-u|-w|-t TYPE) [-f FILE] [OPTION]... NAME...\n\ %s [-c HANDLE] \n\ %s [-ADHOPSW] \n\ %s [-F ID] \n\ Convert Unix and Windows format paths, or output system path information\n\ \n\ Output type options:\n\ -d, --dos print DOS (short) form of NAMEs (C:\\PROGRA~1\\)\n\ -m, --mixed like --windows, but with regular slashes (C:/WINNT)\n\ -M, --mode report on mode of file (binmode or textmode)\n\ -u, --unix (default) print Unix form of NAMEs (/cygdrive/c/winnt)\n\ -w, --windows print Windows form of NAMEs (C:\\WINNT)\n\ -t, --type TYPE print TYPE form: 'dos', 'mixed', 'unix', or 'windows'\n\ Path conversion options:\n\ -a, --absolute output absolute path\n\ -l, --long-name print Windows long form of NAMEs (with -w, -m only)\n\ -p, --path NAME is a PATH list (i.e., '/bin:/usr/bin')\n\ -s, --short-name print DOS (short) form of NAMEs (with -w, -m only)\n\ System information:\n\ -A, --allusers use `All Users' instead of current user for -D, -O, -P\n\ -D, --desktop output `Desktop' directory and exit\n\ -H, --homeroot output `Profiles' directory (home root) and exit\n\ -O, --mydocs output `My Documents' directory and exit\n\ -P, --smprograms output Start Menu `Programs' directory and exit\n\ -S, --sysdir output system directory and exit\n\ -W, --windir output `Windows' directory and exit\n\ -F, --folder ID output special folder with numeric ID and exit\n\ ", prog_name, prog_name, prog_name, prog_name); if (ignore_flag) /* nothing to do */; else if (stream != stdout) fprintf(stream, "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", prog_name); else { fprintf (stream, "\ Other options:\n\ -f, --file FILE read FILE for input; use - to read from STDIN\n\ -o, --option read options from FILE as well (for use with --file)\n\ -c, --close HANDLE close HANDLE (for use in captured process)\n\ -i, --ignore ignore missing argument\n\ -h, --help output usage information and exit\n\ -v, --version output version information and exit\n\ "); } exit (ignore_flag ? 0 : status); } static inline BOOLEAN RtlAllocateUnicodeString (PUNICODE_STRING uni, ULONG size) { uni->Length = 0; uni->MaximumLength = 512; uni->Buffer = (WCHAR *) malloc (size); return uni->Buffer != NULL; } static char * get_device_name (char *path) { UNICODE_STRING ntdev, tgtdev, ntdevdir; ANSI_STRING ans; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ntobj; NTSTATUS status; HANDLE lnk, dir; char *ret = strdup (path); PDIRECTORY_BASIC_INFORMATION odi = (PDIRECTORY_BASIC_INFORMATION) alloca (4096); BOOLEAN restart; ULONG cont; if (strncasecmp (path, "\\Device\\", 8)) return ret; if (!RtlAllocateUnicodeString (&ntdev, MAX_PATH * 2)) return ret; if (!RtlAllocateUnicodeString (&tgtdev, MAX_PATH * 2)) return ret; RtlInitAnsiString (&ans, path); RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString (&ntdev, &ans, FALSE); /* First check if the given device name is a symbolic link itself. If so, query it and use the new name as actual device name to search for in the DOS device name directory. If not, just use the incoming device name. */ InitializeObjectAttributes (&ntobj, &ntdev, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL); status = ZwOpenSymbolicLinkObject (&lnk, SYMBOLIC_LINK_QUERY, &ntobj); if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { status = ZwQuerySymbolicLinkObject (lnk, &tgtdev, NULL); ZwClose (lnk); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) goto out; RtlCopyUnicodeString (&ntdev, &tgtdev); } else if (status != STATUS_OBJECT_TYPE_MISMATCH) goto out; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { /* There are two DOS device directories, the local and the global dir. Try both, local first. */ RtlInitUnicodeString (&ntdevdir, i ? L"\\GLOBAL??" : L"\\??"); /* Open the directory... */ InitializeObjectAttributes (&ntobj, &ntdevdir, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL); status = ZwOpenDirectoryObject (&dir, DIRECTORY_QUERY, &ntobj); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) break; /* ...and scan it. */ for (restart = TRUE, cont = 0; NT_SUCCESS (ZwQueryDirectoryObject (dir, odi, 4096, TRUE, restart, &cont, NULL)); restart = FALSE) { /* For each entry check if it's a symbolic link. */ InitializeObjectAttributes (&ntobj, &odi->ObjectName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, dir, NULL); status = ZwOpenSymbolicLinkObject (&lnk, SYMBOLIC_LINK_QUERY, &ntobj); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) continue; tgtdev.Length = 0; tgtdev.MaximumLength = 512; /* If so, query it and compare the target of the symlink with the incoming device name. */ status = ZwQuerySymbolicLinkObject (lnk, &tgtdev, NULL); ZwClose (lnk); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) continue; if (RtlEqualUnicodeString (&ntdev, &tgtdev, TRUE)) { /* If the comparison succeeds, the name of the directory entry is a valid DOS device name, if prepended with "\\.\". Return that valid DOS path. */ ULONG len = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize (&odi->ObjectName); ret = (char *) malloc (len + 4); strcpy (ret, "\\\\.\\"); ans.Length = 0; ans.MaximumLength = len; ans.Buffer = ret + 4; RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString (&ans, &odi->ObjectName, FALSE); ZwClose (dir); goto out; } } ZwClose (dir); } out: free (tgtdev.Buffer); free (ntdev.Buffer); return ret; } static char * get_device_paths (char *path) { char *sbuf; char *ptr; int n = 1; ptr = path; while ((ptr = strchr (ptr, ';'))) { ptr++; n++; } char *paths[n]; DWORD acc = 0; int i; if (!n) return strdup (""); for (i = 0, ptr = path; ptr; i++) { char *next = ptr; ptr = strchr (ptr, ';'); if (ptr) *ptr++ = 0; paths[i] = get_device_name (next); acc += strlen (paths[i]) + 1; } sbuf = (char *) malloc (acc + 1); if (sbuf == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", prog_name); exit (1); } sbuf[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { strcat (strcat (sbuf, paths[i]), ";"); free (paths[i]); } strchr (sbuf, '\0')[-1] = '\0'; return sbuf; } static char * get_short_paths (char *path) { char *sbuf; char *sptr; char *next; char *ptr = path; char *end = strrchr (path, 0); DWORD acc = 0; DWORD len; while (ptr != NULL) { next = ptr; ptr = strchr (ptr, ';'); if (ptr) *ptr++ = 0; len = GetShortPathName (next, NULL, 0); if (!len) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot create short name of %s\n", prog_name, next); exit (2); } acc += len + 1; } sptr = sbuf = (char *) malloc (acc + 1); if (sbuf == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", prog_name); exit (1); } ptr = path; for (;;) { len = GetShortPathName (ptr, sptr, acc); if (!len) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot create short name of %s\n", prog_name, ptr); exit (2); } ptr = strrchr (ptr, 0); sptr = strrchr (sptr, 0); if (ptr == end) break; *sptr = ';'; ++ptr, ++sptr; acc -= len + 1; } return sbuf; } static char * get_short_name (const char *filename) { char *sbuf, buf[MAX_PATH]; DWORD len = GetShortPathName (filename, buf, MAX_PATH); if (!len) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot create short name of %s\n", prog_name, filename); exit (2); } sbuf = (char *) malloc (++len); if (sbuf == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", prog_name); exit (1); } return strcpy (sbuf, buf); } static DWORD WINAPI get_long_path_name_w32impl (LPCSTR src, LPSTR sbuf, DWORD) { char buf1[MAX_PATH], buf2[MAX_PATH], *ptr; const char *pelem, *next; WIN32_FIND_DATA w32_fd; int len; strcpy (buf1, src); *buf2 = 0; pelem = src; ptr = buf2; while (pelem) { next = pelem; if (*next == '\\') { strcat (ptr++, "\\"); pelem++; if (!*pelem) break; continue; } pelem = strchr (next, '\\'); len = pelem ? (pelem++ - next) : strlen (next); strncpy (ptr, next, len); ptr[len] = 0; if (next[1] != ':' && strcmp(next, ".") && strcmp(next, "..")) { HANDLE h; h = FindFirstFile (buf2, &w32_fd); if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { strcpy (ptr, w32_fd.cFileName); FindClose (h); } } ptr += strlen (ptr); if (pelem) { *ptr++ = '\\'; *ptr = 0; } } if (sbuf) strcpy (sbuf, buf2); SetLastError (0); return strlen (buf2) + (sbuf ? 0 : 1); } static char * get_long_name (const char *filename, DWORD& len) { char *sbuf, buf[MAX_PATH]; static HINSTANCE k32 = LoadLibrary ("kernel32.dll"); static DWORD (WINAPI *GetLongPathName) (LPCSTR, LPSTR, DWORD) = (DWORD (WINAPI *) (LPCSTR, LPSTR, DWORD)) GetProcAddress (k32, "GetLongPathNameA"); if (!GetLongPathName) GetLongPathName = get_long_path_name_w32impl; len = GetLongPathName (filename, buf, MAX_PATH); if (len == 0) { DWORD err = GetLastError (); if (err == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot create long name of %s\n", prog_name, filename); exit (2); } else if (err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) len = get_long_path_name_w32impl (filename, buf, MAX_PATH); else { buf[0] = '\0'; strncat (buf, filename, MAX_PATH - 1); len = strlen (buf); } } sbuf = (char *) malloc (len + 1); if (!sbuf) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", prog_name); exit (1); } return strcpy (sbuf, buf); } static char * get_long_paths (char *path) { char *sbuf; char *ptr; int n = 1; ptr = path; while ((ptr = strchr (ptr, ';'))) { ptr++; n++; } char *paths[n]; DWORD acc = 0; int i; if (!n) return strdup (""); for (i = 0, ptr = path; ptr; i++) { DWORD len; char *next = ptr; ptr = strchr (ptr, ';'); if (ptr) *ptr++ = 0; paths[i] = get_long_name (next, len); acc += len + 1; } sbuf = (char *) malloc (acc + 1); if (sbuf == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", prog_name); exit (1); } sbuf[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { strcat (strcat (sbuf, paths[i]), ";"); free (paths[i]); } strchr (sbuf, '\0')[-1] = '\0'; return sbuf; } static void convert_slashes (char* name) { while ((name = strchr (name, '\\')) != NULL) { if (*name == '\\') *name = '/'; name++; } } static char * get_mixed_name (const char* filename) { char* mixed_buf = strdup (filename); if (mixed_buf == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", prog_name); exit (1); } convert_slashes (mixed_buf); return mixed_buf; } static bool get_special_folder (char* path, int id) { path[0] = 0; LPITEMIDLIST pidl = 0; if (SHGetSpecialFolderLocation (NULL, id, &pidl) != S_OK) return false; if (!SHGetPathFromIDList (pidl, path) || !path[0]) return false; return true; } static void get_user_folder (char* path, int id, int allid) { if (!get_special_folder (path, allusers_flag ? allid : id) && allusers_flag) get_special_folder (path, id); // Fix for Win9x without any "All Users" } static void do_sysfolders (char option) { char *buf, buf1[MAX_PATH], buf2[MAX_PATH]; DWORD len = MAX_PATH; WIN32_FIND_DATA w32_fd; HINSTANCE k32; BOOL (*GetProfilesDirectoryAPtr) (LPSTR, LPDWORD) = 0; buf = buf1; buf[0] = 0; switch (option) { case 'D': get_user_folder (buf, CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY, CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY); break; case 'P': get_user_folder (buf, CSIDL_PROGRAMS, CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS); break; case 'O': get_user_folder (buf, CSIDL_PERSONAL, CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS); break; case 'F': { int val = -1, len = -1; if (!(sscanf (output_arg, "%i%n", &val, &len) == 1 && len == (int) strlen (output_arg) && val >= 0)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: syntax error in special folder ID %s\n", prog_name, output_arg); exit (1); } get_special_folder (buf, val); } break; case 'H': k32 = LoadLibrary ("userenv"); if (k32) GetProfilesDirectoryAPtr = (BOOL (*) (LPSTR, LPDWORD)) GetProcAddress (k32, "GetProfilesDirectoryA"); if (GetProfilesDirectoryAPtr) (*GetProfilesDirectoryAPtr) (buf, &len); else { GetWindowsDirectory (buf, MAX_PATH); strcat (buf, "\\Profiles"); } break; case 'S': GetSystemDirectory (buf, MAX_PATH); FindFirstFile (buf, &w32_fd); strcpy (strrchr (buf, '\\') + 1, w32_fd.cFileName); break; case 'W': GetWindowsDirectory (buf, MAX_PATH); break; default: usage (stderr, 1); } if (!buf[0]) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: failed to retrieve special folder path\n", prog_name); } else if (!windows_flag) { if (cygwin_conv_to_posix_path (buf, buf2)) fprintf (stderr, "%s: error converting \"%s\" - %s\n", prog_name, buf, strerror (errno)); else buf = buf2; } else { if (shortname_flag) buf = get_short_name (buf); if (mixed_flag) buf = get_mixed_name (buf); } printf ("%s\n", buf); } static void report_mode (char *filename) { switch (cygwin_internal (CW_GET_BINMODE, filename)) { case O_BINARY: printf ("%s: binary\n", filename); break; case O_TEXT: printf ("%s: text\n", filename); break; default: fprintf (stderr, "%s: file '%s' - %s\n", prog_name, filename, strerror (errno)); break; } } static void do_pathconv (char *filename) { char *buf; DWORD len; int err; int (*conv_func) (const char *, char *); if (!path_flag) { len = strlen (filename); if (len) len += MAX_PATH + 1001; else if (ignore_flag) exit (0); else { fprintf (stderr, "%s: can't convert empty path\n", prog_name); exit (1); } } else if (unix_flag) len = cygwin_win32_to_posix_path_list_buf_size (filename); else len = cygwin_posix_to_win32_path_list_buf_size (filename); buf = (char *) malloc (len); if (buf == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", prog_name); exit (1); } if (path_flag) { if (unix_flag) err = cygwin_win32_to_posix_path_list (filename, buf); else { err = cygwin_posix_to_win32_path_list (filename, buf); if (err) /* oops */; buf = get_device_paths (buf); if (shortname_flag) buf = get_short_paths (buf); if (longname_flag) buf = get_long_paths (buf); if (mixed_flag) buf = get_mixed_name (buf); } if (err) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: error converting \"%s\" - %s\n", prog_name, filename, strerror (errno)); exit (1); } } else { if (unix_flag) conv_func = (absolute_flag ? cygwin_conv_to_full_posix_path : cygwin_conv_to_posix_path); else conv_func = (absolute_flag ? cygwin_conv_to_full_win32_path : cygwin_conv_to_win32_path); err = conv_func (filename, buf); if (err) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: error converting \"%s\" - %s\n", prog_name, filename, strerror (errno)); exit (1); } if (!unix_flag) { buf = get_device_name (buf); if (shortname_flag) buf = get_short_name (buf); if (longname_flag) buf = get_long_name (buf, len); if (mixed_flag) buf = get_mixed_name (buf); } } puts (buf); } static void print_version () { const char *v = strchr (version, ':'); int len; if (!v) { v = "?"; len = 1; } else { v += 2; len = strchr (v, ' ') - v; } printf ("\ cygpath (cygwin) %.*s\n\ Path Conversion Utility\n\ Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, \n\ 2007 Red Hat, Inc.\n\ Compiled on %s\n\ ", len, v, __DATE__); } static int do_options (int argc, char **argv, int from_file) { int c, o = 0; path_flag = 0; unix_flag = 0; windows_flag = 0; shortname_flag = 0; longname_flag = 0; mixed_flag = 0; ignore_flag = 0; allusers_flag = 0; output_flag = 0; mode_flag = 0; if (!from_file) options_from_file_flag = 0; optind = 0; while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, options, long_options, (int *) NULL)) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'a': absolute_flag = 1; break; case 'c': if (!optarg) usage (stderr, 1); CloseHandle ((HANDLE) strtoul (optarg, NULL, 16)); break; case 'd': windows_flag = 1; shortname_flag = 1; break; case 'f': if (from_file || !optarg) usage (stderr, 1); file_arg = optarg; break; case 'M': mode_flag = 1; break; case 'o': if (from_file) usage (stderr, 1); options_from_file_flag = 1; break; case 'p': path_flag = 1; break; case 'u': unix_flag = 1; break; case 'w': windows_flag = 1; break; case 'm': windows_flag = 1; mixed_flag = 1; break; case 'l': longname_flag = 1; break; case 's': shortname_flag = 1; break; case 't': if (!optarg) usage (stderr, 1); format_type_arg = (*optarg == '=') ? (optarg + 1) : (optarg); if (strcasecmp (format_type_arg, "dos") == 0) { windows_flag = 1; shortname_flag = 1; } else if (!strcasecmp (format_type_arg, "mixed")) { windows_flag = 1; mixed_flag = 1; } else if (!strcasecmp (format_type_arg, "unix")) unix_flag = 1; else if (!strcasecmp (format_type_arg, "windows")) windows_flag = 1; else usage (stderr, 1); break; case 'A': allusers_flag = 1; break; case 'D': case 'H': case 'O': case 'P': case 'S': case 'W': ++output_flag; o = c; break; case 'F': if (!optarg) usage (stderr, 1); ++output_flag; output_arg = optarg; o = c; break; case 'i': ignore_flag = 1; break; case 'h': usage (stdout, 0); break; case 'v': print_version (); exit (0); default: usage (stderr, 1); break; } } /* If none of the "important" flags are set, -u is default. */ if (!unix_flag && !windows_flag && !mode_flag && (!from_file ? !options_from_file_flag : 1)) unix_flag = 1; /* Only one of ... */ if (unix_flag + windows_flag + mode_flag > 1 + (!from_file ? options_from_file_flag : 0)) usage (stderr, 1); /* options_from_file_flag requires a file. */ if (!from_file && options_from_file_flag && !file_arg) usage (stderr, 1); /* longname and shortname don't play well together. */ if (longname_flag && shortname_flag) usage (stderr, 1); /* longname and shortname only make sense with Windows paths. */ if ((longname_flag || shortname_flag) && !windows_flag) usage (stderr, 1); return o; } static void action (int argc, char **argv, int opt) { if (output_flag) { if (argv[optind]) usage (stderr, 1); do_sysfolders (opt); } else { if (optind > argc - 1) usage (stderr, 1); for (int i = optind; argv[i]; i++) if (mode_flag) report_mode (argv[i]); else do_pathconv (argv[i]); } } int main (int argc, char **argv) { int o; prog_name = strrchr (argv[0], '/'); if (!prog_name) prog_name = strrchr (argv[0], '\\'); if (!prog_name) prog_name = argv[0]; else prog_name++; o = do_options (argc, argv, 0); if (!file_arg) action (argc, argv, o); else { FILE *fp; char buf[PATH_MAX * 2 + 1]; if (argv[optind]) usage (stderr, 1); if (strcmp (file_arg, "-")) { if (!(fp = fopen (file_arg, "rt"))) { perror ("cygpath"); exit (1); } } else { fp = stdin; setmode (0, O_TEXT); } setbuf (stdout, NULL); while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), fp)) { size_t azl = 0; int ac; char *az, **av; char *p = strchr (buf, '\n'); if (p) *p = '\0'; if (argz_create_sep (buf, ' ', &az, &azl)) { perror ("cygpath"); exit (1); } if (!az) continue; ac = argz_count (az, azl) + 1; av = (char **) malloc ((ac + 1) * sizeof (char *)); if (!av) { perror ("cygpath"); exit (1); } av[0] = prog_name; argz_extract (az, azl, av + 1); if (options_from_file_flag) o = do_options (ac, av, 1); else optind = 1; action (ac, av, o); free (az); free (av); } } exit (0); }