/* cygwait.h Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of Cygwin. This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details. */ #pragma once enum cw_wait_mask { cw_cancel = 0x0001, cw_cancel_self = 0x0002, cw_sig = 0x0004, cw_sig_eintr = 0x0008 }; const unsigned cw_std_mask = cw_cancel | cw_cancel_self | cw_sig; DWORD cancelable_wait (HANDLE, PLARGE_INTEGER timeout = NULL, unsigned = cw_std_mask) __attribute__ ((regparm (3))); static inline DWORD __attribute__ ((always_inline)) cygwait (HANDLE h, DWORD howlong = INFINITE) { PLARGE_INTEGER pli_howlong; LARGE_INTEGER li_howlong; if (howlong == INFINITE) pli_howlong = NULL; else { li_howlong.QuadPart = 10000ULL * howlong; pli_howlong = &li_howlong; } return cancelable_wait (h, pli_howlong, cw_cancel | cw_sig_eintr); } static inline DWORD __attribute__ ((always_inline)) cygwait (DWORD howlong) { return cygwait ((HANDLE) NULL, howlong); }