/* uinfo.cc: user info (uid, gid, etc...) Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of Cygwin. This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details. */ #include "winsup.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pinfo.h" #include "security.h" #include "fhandler.h" #include "path.h" #include "dtable.h" #include "cygerrno.h" #include "cygheap.h" #include "registry.h" #include "child_info.h" #include "environ.h" #include "pwdgrp.h" void internal_getlogin (cygheap_user &user) { struct passwd *pw = NULL; HANDLE ptok = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; myself->gid = DEFAULT_GID; if (wincap.has_security ()) { DWORD siz; cygsid tu; DWORD ret = 0; /* Try to get the SID either from current process and store it in user.psid */ if (!OpenProcessToken (hMainProc, TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT | TOKEN_QUERY, &ptok)) system_printf ("OpenProcessToken(): %E"); else if (!GetTokenInformation (ptok, TokenUser, &tu, sizeof tu, &siz)) system_printf ("GetTokenInformation (TokenUser): %E"); else if (!(ret = user.set_sid (tu))) system_printf ("Couldn't retrieve SID from access token!"); else if (!GetTokenInformation (ptok, TokenPrimaryGroup, &user.groups.pgsid, sizeof tu, &siz)) system_printf ("GetTokenInformation (TokenPrimaryGroup): %E"); /* We must set the user name, uid and gid. If we have a SID, try to get the corresponding Cygwin password entry. Set user name which can be different from the Windows user name */ if (ret) { pw = internal_getpwsid (tu); /* Set token owner to the same value as token user */ if (!SetTokenInformation (ptok, TokenOwner, &tu, sizeof tu)) debug_printf ("SetTokenInformation(TokenOwner): %E"); } } if (!pw && !(pw = internal_getpwnam (user.name ())) && !(pw = internal_getpwuid (DEFAULT_UID))) debug_printf("user not found in augmented /etc/passwd"); else { myself->uid = pw->pw_uid; myself->gid = pw->pw_gid; user.set_name (pw->pw_name); if (wincap.has_security ()) { cygsid gsid; if (gsid.getfromgr (internal_getgrgid (pw->pw_gid))) { /* Set primary group to the group in /etc/passwd. */ user.groups.pgsid = gsid; if (!SetTokenInformation (ptok, TokenPrimaryGroup, &gsid, sizeof gsid)) debug_printf ("SetTokenInformation(TokenPrimaryGroup): %E"); } else debug_printf ("gsid not found in augmented /etc/group"); } } if (ptok != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (ptok); (void) cygheap->user.ontherange (CH_HOME, pw); return; } void uinfo_init () { if (!child_proc_info || cygheap->user.token != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!child_proc_info) internal_getlogin (cygheap->user); /* Set the cygheap->user. */ else CloseHandle (cygheap->user.token); cygheap->user.set_orig_sid (); /* Update the original sid */ cygheap->user.token = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; /* No token present */ } /* Real and effective uid/gid are identical on process start up. */ cygheap->user.orig_uid = cygheap->user.real_uid = myself->uid; cygheap->user.orig_gid = cygheap->user.real_gid = myself->gid; } extern "C" char * getlogin (void) { #ifdef _MT_SAFE char *this_username=_reent_winsup ()->_username; #else static char this_username[UNLEN + 1] NO_COPY; #endif return strcpy (this_username, cygheap->user.name ()); } extern "C" __uid32_t getuid32 (void) { return cygheap->user.real_uid; } extern "C" __uid16_t getuid (void) { return cygheap->user.real_uid; } extern "C" __gid32_t getgid32 (void) { return cygheap->user.real_gid; } extern "C" __gid16_t getgid (void) { return cygheap->user.real_gid; } extern "C" __uid32_t geteuid32 (void) { return myself->uid; } extern "C" __uid16_t geteuid (void) { return myself->uid; } extern "C" __gid32_t getegid32 (void) { return myself->gid; } extern "C" __gid16_t getegid (void) { return myself->gid; } /* Not quite right - cuserid can change, getlogin can't */ extern "C" char * cuserid (char *src) { if (!src) return getlogin (); strcpy (src, getlogin ()); return src; } const char * cygheap_user::ontherange (homebodies what, struct passwd *pw) { LPUSER_INFO_3 ui = NULL; WCHAR wuser[UNLEN + 1]; NET_API_STATUS ret; char homepath_env_buf[MAX_PATH + 1]; char homedrive_env_buf[3]; char *newhomedrive = NULL; char *newhomepath = NULL; debug_printf ("what %d, pw %p", what, pw); if (what == CH_HOME) { char *p; if (homedrive) newhomedrive = homedrive; else if ((p = getenv ("HOMEDRIVE"))) newhomedrive = p; if (homepath) newhomepath = homepath; else if ((p = getenv ("HOMEPATH"))) newhomepath = p; if ((p = getenv ("HOME"))) debug_printf ("HOME is already in the environment %s", p); else { if (pw && pw->pw_dir && *pw->pw_dir) { debug_printf ("Set HOME (from /etc/passwd) to %s", pw->pw_dir); setenv ("HOME", pw->pw_dir, 1); } else if (!newhomedrive || !newhomepath) setenv ("HOME", "/", 1); else { char home[MAX_PATH]; char buf[MAX_PATH + 1]; strcpy (buf, newhomedrive); strcat (buf, newhomepath); cygwin_conv_to_full_posix_path (buf, home); debug_printf ("Set HOME (from HOMEDRIVE/HOMEPATH) to %s", home); setenv ("HOME", home, 1); } } } if (what != CH_HOME && homepath == NULL && newhomepath == NULL) { if (!pw) pw = internal_getpwnam (name ()); if (pw && pw->pw_dir && *pw->pw_dir) cygwin_conv_to_full_win32_path (pw->pw_dir, homepath_env_buf); else { homepath_env_buf[0] = homepath_env_buf[1] = '\0'; if (logsrv ()) { WCHAR wlogsrv[INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH + 3]; sys_mbstowcs (wlogsrv, logsrv (), sizeof (wlogsrv) / sizeof (*wlogsrv)); sys_mbstowcs (wuser, winname (), sizeof (wuser) / sizeof (*wuser)); if (!(ret = NetUserGetInfo (wlogsrv, wuser, 3,(LPBYTE *)&ui))) { sys_wcstombs (homepath_env_buf, ui->usri3_home_dir, MAX_PATH); if (!homepath_env_buf[0]) { sys_wcstombs (homepath_env_buf, ui->usri3_home_dir_drive, MAX_PATH); if (homepath_env_buf[0]) strcat (homepath_env_buf, "\\"); else cygwin_conv_to_full_win32_path ("/", homepath_env_buf); } } } if (ui) NetApiBufferFree (ui); } if (homepath_env_buf[1] != ':') { newhomedrive = almost_null; newhomepath = homepath_env_buf; } else { homedrive_env_buf[0] = homepath_env_buf[0]; homedrive_env_buf[1] = homepath_env_buf[1]; homedrive_env_buf[2] = '\0'; newhomedrive = homedrive_env_buf; newhomepath = homepath_env_buf + 2; } } if (newhomedrive && newhomedrive != homedrive) cfree_and_set (homedrive, (newhomedrive == almost_null) ? almost_null : cstrdup (newhomedrive)); if (newhomepath && newhomepath != homepath) cfree_and_set (homepath, cstrdup (newhomepath)); switch (what) { case CH_HOMEDRIVE: return homedrive; case CH_HOMEPATH: return homepath; default: return homepath; } } const char * cygheap_user::test_uid (char *&what, const char *name, size_t namelen) { if (!what && !issetuid ()) what = getwinenveq (name, namelen, HEAP_STR); return what; } const char * cygheap_user::env_logsrv (const char *name, size_t namelen) { if (test_uid (plogsrv, name, namelen)) return plogsrv; const char *mydomain = domain (); const char *myname = winname (); if (!mydomain || strcasematch (myname, "SYSTEM")) return almost_null; char logsrv[INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH + 3]; cfree_and_set (plogsrv, almost_null); if (get_logon_server (mydomain, logsrv, NULL)) plogsrv = cstrdup (logsrv); return plogsrv; } const char * cygheap_user::env_domain (const char *name, size_t namelen) { if (pwinname && test_uid (pdomain, name, namelen)) return pdomain; char username[UNLEN + 1]; DWORD ulen = sizeof (username); char userdomain[DNLEN + 1]; DWORD dlen = sizeof (userdomain); SID_NAME_USE use; cfree_and_set (pwinname, almost_null); cfree_and_set (pdomain, almost_null); if (!LookupAccountSid (NULL, sid (), username, &ulen, userdomain, &dlen, &use)) __seterrno (); else { pwinname = cstrdup (username); pdomain = cstrdup (userdomain); } return pdomain; } const char * cygheap_user::env_userprofile (const char *name, size_t namelen) { if (test_uid (puserprof, name, namelen)) return puserprof; char userprofile_env_buf[MAX_PATH + 1]; cfree_and_set (puserprof, almost_null); /* FIXME: Should this just be setting a puserprofile like everything else? */ const char *myname = winname (); if (myname && strcasematch (myname, "SYSTEM") && get_registry_hive_path (sid (), userprofile_env_buf)) puserprof = cstrdup (userprofile_env_buf); return puserprof; } const char * cygheap_user::env_homepath (const char *name, size_t namelen) { return ontherange (CH_HOMEPATH); } const char * cygheap_user::env_homedrive (const char *name, size_t namelen) { return ontherange (CH_HOMEDRIVE); } const char * cygheap_user::env_name (const char *name, size_t namelen) { if (!test_uid (pwinname, name, namelen)) (void) domain (); return pwinname; } char * pwdgrp::next_str (char c) { char *res = lptr; lptr = strechr (lptr, c); if (*lptr) *lptr++ = '\0'; return res; } bool pwdgrp::next_num (unsigned long& n) { char *p = next_str (':'); char *cp; n = strtoul (p, &cp, 10); return p != cp && !*cp; } char * pwdgrp::add_line (char *eptr) { if (eptr) { lptr = eptr; eptr = strchr (lptr, '\n'); if (eptr) { if (eptr > lptr && eptr[-1] == '\r') eptr[-1] = '\0'; else *eptr = '\0'; eptr++; } if (curr_lines >= max_lines) { max_lines += 10; *pwdgrp_buf = realloc (*pwdgrp_buf, max_lines * pwdgrp_buf_elem_size); } if ((this->*parse) ()) curr_lines++; } return eptr; } void pwdgrp::load (const char *posix_fname) { const char *res; static const char failed[] = "failed"; static const char succeeded[] = "succeeded"; if (buf) free (buf); buf = NULL; pc.check (posix_fname); etc_ix = etc::init (etc_ix, pc); paranoid_printf ("%s", posix_fname); if (pc.error || !pc.exists () || !pc.isdisk () || pc.isdir ()) { paranoid_printf ("strange path_conv problem"); res = failed; } else { HANDLE fh = CreateFile (pc, GENERIC_READ, wincap.shared (), NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { paranoid_printf ("%s CreateFile failed, %E"); res = failed; } else { DWORD size = GetFileSize (fh, NULL), read_bytes; buf = (char *) malloc (size + 1); if (!ReadFile (fh, buf, size, &read_bytes, NULL)) { paranoid_printf ("ReadFile failed, %E"); CloseHandle (fh); if (buf) free (buf); buf = NULL; res = failed; } else { CloseHandle (fh); buf[read_bytes] = '\0'; char *eptr = buf; curr_lines = 0; while ((eptr = add_line (eptr))) continue; debug_printf ("%s curr_lines %d", posix_fname, curr_lines); res = succeeded; } } } debug_printf ("%s load %s", posix_fname, res); initialized = true; return; }