/* * A test which demonstrates the use of _wopendir and related * wide char functions declared in dirent.h. * * TODO: Make this _UNICODE neutral using tchar.h mappings. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <dirent.h> int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { int i; struct _wdirent* de; _WDIR* dir; long lPos; if (argc == 2) { size_t len = strlen(argv[1]) + 1; wchar_t* wpath = (wchar_t*) malloc(len *sizeof(wchar_t)); mbstowcs(wpath, argv[1], len); wprintf (L"Opening directory \"%s\"\n", wpath); dir = _wopendir(wpath); free (wpath); } else { wprintf (L"Opening \".\"\n"); dir = _wopendir(L"."); } if (!dir) { wprintf (L"Directory open failed!\n"); if (errno) { wprintf (L"Error : %S\n", strerror(errno)); } return 1; } i = 0; lPos = -1; while ((de = _wreaddir (dir))) { i++; wprintf (L"%d : \"%s\" (tell %ld)\n", i, de->d_name, _wtelldir(dir)); if (i == 3) { wprintf (L"We will seek here later.\n"); lPos = _wtelldir (dir); } } printf ("Rewind directory.\n"); _wrewinddir (dir); if ((de = _wreaddir (dir))) { wprintf (L"First entry : \"%s\"\n", de->d_name); } else { wprintf (L"Empty directory.\n"); } if (lPos != -1) { wprintf (L"Seeking to fourth entry.\n"); _wseekdir (dir, lPos); if ((de = _wreaddir (dir))) { wprintf (L"Fourth entry : \"%s\"\n", de->d_name); } else { wprintf (L"No fourth entry.\n"); } } else { wprintf (L"Seek position is past end of directory.\n"); } wprintf (L"Closing directory.\n"); _wclosedir (dir); return 0; }