# Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014,
# 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
# This file is part of Cygwin.
# This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
# Cygwin license.  Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for
# details.
use strict;
use integer;
use Getopt::Long;

sub cleanup(@);

my $cpu;
my $output_def;
my $tls_offsets;
GetOptions('cpu=s'=>\$cpu, 'output-def=s'=>\$output_def, 'tlsoffsets=s'=>\$tls_offsets);

$main::first = 0;
if (!defined($cpu) || !defined($output_def) || !defined($tls_offsets)) {
    die "$0: missing required option\n";

require $tls_offsets;

my $is64bit = $cpu eq 'x86_64';
my $sym_prefix = $is64bit ? '' : '_';

my @top = ();
while (<>) {
    push(@top, cleanup $_);
    last if /^\s*exports$/oi;
my @in = cleanup <>;

my %sigfe = ();
my @data = ();
my @nosigfuncs = ();
my @text = ();
for (@in) {
    s/\s+DATA$//o and do {
	push @data, $_;
    if (/=/o) {
	if (s/\s+NOSIGFE\s*$//) {
	    # nothing
	} elsif (s/\s+SIGFE(_MAYBE)?$//) {
	    my $func = (split(' '))[2];
	    my $maybe = (defined($1) ? lc $1 : '') . '_';
	    $sigfe{$func} = '_sigfe' . $maybe . $func;
    } else {
	my ($func, $sigfe) = m%^\s*(\S+)(?:\s+((?:NO)?SIGFE(?:_MAYBE)?))?$%o;
	if (defined($sigfe) && $sigfe =~ /^NO/o) {
	    $_ = $func;
	} else {
	    $sigfe ||= 'sigfe';
	    $_ = '_' . lc($sigfe) . '_' . $func;
	    $sigfe{$func} = $_;
	    $_ = $func . ' = ' . $_;
    s/(\S)\s+(\S)/$1 $2/go;
    push @text, $_;

for (@text) {
    my ($alias, $func) = /^(\S+)\s+=\s+(\S+)\s*$/o;
    $_ = $alias . ' = ' . $sigfe{$func}
      if defined($func) && $sigfe{$func};

open OUT, '>', $output_def or die "$0: couldn't open \"$output_def\" - $!\n";
push @top, (map {$_ . " DATA\n"} @data), (map {$_ . "\n"} @text);
print OUT @top;
close OUT;

open SIGFE, '>', 'sigfe.s' or die "$0: couldn't open 'sigfe.s' file for writing - $!\n";

for my $k (sort keys %sigfe) {
    print SIGFE fefunc($k, $sigfe{$k});
close SIGFE;

sub fefunc {
    my $func = $sym_prefix . shift;
    my $fe = $sym_prefix . shift;
    my $sigfe_func;
    if ($is64bit) {
	$sigfe_func = ($fe =~ /^(.*)_${func}$/)[0];
    } else {
	$sigfe_func = ($fe =~ /^(.*)${func}$/)[0];
    my $extra;
    my $res;
    if ($is64bit) {
	$res = <<EOF;
	.extern	$func
	.global	$fe
	.seh_proc $fe
	leaq	$func(%rip),%r10
	pushq	%r10
	.seh_pushreg %r10
	jmp	$sigfe_func

    } else {
	$res = <<EOF;
        .extern $func
        .global $fe
        pushl   \$$func
        jmp     $sigfe_func

    if (!$main::first++) {
	if ($is64bit) {
	  $res = <<EOF . longjmp () . $res;

	.seh_proc _sigfe_maybe
_sigfe_maybe:					# stack is aligned on entry!
	movq	%gs:8,%r10			# location of bottom of stack
	leaq	$tls::initialized(%r10),%r11	# where we will be looking
	cmpq	%r11,%rsp			# stack loc > than tls
	jge	0f				# yep.  we don't have a tls.
	movl	$tls::initialized(%r10),%r11d
	cmpl	\$0xc763173f,%r11d		# initialized?
	je	1f
0:	ret

	.seh_proc _sigfe
_sigfe:						# stack is aligned on entry!
	movq	%gs:8,%r10			# location of bottom of stack
1:	movl	\$1,%r11d			# potential lock value
	xchgl	%r11d,$tls::stacklock(%r10)	# see if we can grab it
	movl	%r11d,$tls::spinning(%r10)	# flag if we are waiting for lock
	testl	%r11d,%r11d			# it will be zero
	jz	2f				#  if so
	jmp	1b				# loop
2:	movq	\$8,%rax			# have the lock, now increment the
	xaddq	%rax,$tls::stackptr(%r10)	#  stack pointer and get pointer
	leaq	_sigbe(%rip),%r11		# new place to return to
	xchgq	%r11,8(%rsp)			# exchange with real return value
	movq	%r11,(%rax)			# store real return value on alt stack
	incl	$tls::incyg(%r10)
	decl	$tls::stacklock(%r10)		# remove lock
	popq	%rax				# pop real function address from stack
	jmp	*%rax				# and jmp to it

	.global _sigbe
	.seh_proc _sigbe
_sigbe:						# return here after cygwin syscall
						# stack is aligned on entry!
	movq	%gs:8,%r10			# address of bottom of tls
1:	movl	\$1,%r11d			# potential lock value
	xchgl	%r11d,$tls::stacklock(%r10)	# see if we can grab it
	movl	%r11d,$tls::spinning(%r10)	# flag if we are waiting for lock
	testl	%r11d,%r11d			# it will be zero
	jz	2f				#  if so
	jmp	1b				#  and loop
2:	movq	\$-8,%r11			# now decrement aux stack
	xaddq	%r11,$tls::stackptr(%r10)	#  and get pointer
	movq	-8(%r11),%r11			# get return address from signal stack
	decl	$tls::incyg(%r10)
	decl	$tls::stacklock(%r10)		# release lock
	jmp	*%r11				# "return" to caller

	.global	sigdelayed
	.seh_proc sigdelayed
	pushq	%r10				# used for return address injection
	.seh_pushreg %r10
	pushq	%rbp
	.seh_pushreg %rbp
	movq	%rsp,%rbp
	.seh_pushreg %rax			# fake, there's no .seh_pushreg for the flags
	# stack is aligned or unaligned on entry!
	# make sure it is aligned from here on
	# We could be called from an interrupted thread which doesn't know
	# about his fate, so save and restore everything and the kitchen sink.
	andq	\$0xfffffffffffffff0,%rsp
	.seh_setframe %rbp,0
	pushq	%r15
	.seh_pushreg %r15
	pushq	%r14
	.seh_pushreg %r14
	pushq	%r13
	.seh_pushreg %r13
	pushq	%r12
	.seh_pushreg %r12
	pushq	%r11
	.seh_pushreg %r11
	pushq	%r9
	.seh_pushreg %r9
	pushq	%r8
	.seh_pushreg %r8
	pushq	%rsi
	.seh_pushreg %rsi
	pushq	%rdi
	.seh_pushreg %rdi
	pushq	%rdx
	.seh_pushreg %rdx
	pushq	%rcx
	.seh_pushreg %rcx
	pushq	%rbx
	.seh_pushreg %rbx
	pushq	%rax
	.seh_pushreg %rax
	subq	\$0x128,%rsp
	.seh_stackalloc 0x128
	stmxcsr	0x124(%rsp)
	fnstcw	0x120(%rsp)
	movdqa	%xmm15,0x110(%rsp)
	movdqa	%xmm14,0x100(%rsp)
	movdqa	%xmm13,0xf0(%rsp)
	movdqa	%xmm12,0xe0(%rsp)
	movdqa	%xmm11,0xd0(%rsp)
	movdqa	%xmm10,0xc0(%rsp)
	movdqa	%xmm9,0xb0(%rsp)
	movdqa	%xmm8,0xa0(%rsp)
	movdqa	%xmm7,0x90(%rsp)
	movdqa	%xmm6,0x80(%rsp)
	movdqa	%xmm5,0x70(%rsp)
	movdqa	%xmm4,0x60(%rsp)
	movdqa	%xmm3,0x50(%rsp)
	movdqa	%xmm2,0x40(%rsp)
	movdqa	%xmm1,0x30(%rsp)
	movdqa	%xmm0,0x20(%rsp)

	movq	%gs:8,%r12			# get tls
	movl	$tls::saved_errno(%r12),%r15d	# temporarily save saved_errno
	movq	\$$tls::start_offset,%rcx	# point to beginning of tls block
	addq	%r12,%rcx			#  and store as first arg to method
	call	_ZN7_cygtls19call_signal_handlerEv	# call handler

1:	movl	\$1,%r11d			# potential lock value
	xchgl	%r11d,$tls::stacklock(%r12)	# see if we can grab it
	movl	%r11d,$tls::spinning(%r12)	# flag if we are waiting for lock
	testl	%r11d,%r11d			# it will be zero
	jz	2f				#  if so
	jmp	1b				#  and loop
2:	testl	%r15d,%r15d			# was saved_errno < 0
	jl	3f				# yup.  ignore it
	movq	$tls::errno_addr(%r12),%r11
	movl	%r15d,(%r11)
3:	movq	\$-8,%r11			# now decrement aux stack
	xaddq	%r11,$tls::stackptr(%r12)	#  and get pointer
	xorq	%r10,%r10
	xchgq	%r10,-8(%r11)			# get return address from signal stack
	xorl	%r11d,%r11d
	movl	%r11d,$tls::incyg(%r12)
	movl	%r11d,$tls::stacklock(%r12)	# unlock
	movdqa	0x20(%rsp),%xmm0
	movdqa	0x30(%rsp),%xmm1
	movdqa	0x40(%rsp),%xmm2
	movdqa	0x50(%rsp),%xmm3
	movdqa	0x60(%rsp),%xmm4
	movdqa	0x70(%rsp),%xmm5
	movdqa	0x80(%rsp),%xmm6
	movdqa	0x90(%rsp),%xmm7
	movdqa	0xa0(%rsp),%xmm8
	movdqa	0xb0(%rsp),%xmm9
	movdqa	0xc0(%rsp),%xmm10
	movdqa	0xd0(%rsp),%xmm11
	movdqa	0xe0(%rsp),%xmm12
	movdqa	0xf0(%rsp),%xmm13
	movdqa	0x100(%rsp),%xmm14
	movdqa	0x110(%rsp),%xmm15
	fldcw	0x120(%rsp)
	ldmxcsr	0x124(%rsp)
	addq	\$0x128,%rsp
	popq	%rax
	popq	%rbx
	popq	%rcx
	popq	%rdx
	popq	%rdi
	popq	%rsi
	popq	%r8
	popq	%r9
	popq	%r11
	popq	%r12
	popq	%r13
	popq	%r14
	popq	%r15
	movq	%rbp,%rsp
	subq	\$8, %rsp
	popq	%rbp
	xchgq	%r10,(%rsp)
	.global _sigdelayed_end

# _cygtls::pop
	.global _ZN7_cygtls3popEv
	.seh_proc _ZN7_cygtls3popEv
	movq	\$-8,%r11
	xaddq	%r11,$tls::pstackptr(%rcx)
	movq	-8(%r11),%rax

# _cygtls::lock
	.global _ZN7_cygtls4lockEv
	.seh_proc _ZN7_cygtls4lockEv
	pushq	%r12
	.seh_pushreg %r12
	movq	%rcx,%r12
1:	movl	\$1,%r11d
	xchgl	%r11d,$tls::pstacklock(%r12)
	testl   %r11d,%r11d
	jz	2f
	jmp	1b
2:	popq	%r12

# _cygtls::unlock
	.global _ZN7_cygtls6unlockEv
	.seh_proc _ZN7_cygtls6unlockEv
	decl	$tls::pstacklock(%rcx)

# _cygtls::locked
	.global _ZN7_cygtls6lockedEv
	.seh_proc _ZN7_cygtls6lockedEv
	movl	$tls::pstacklock(%rcx),%eax

	.seh_proc stabilize_sig_stack
	pushq	%r12
	.seh_pushreg %r12
	subq	\$0x20,%rsp
	.seh_stackalloc 32
	movq	%gs:8,%r12
1:	movl	\$1,%r10d
	xchgl	%r10d,$tls::stacklock(%r12)
	movl	%r10d,$tls::spinning(%r12)	# flag if we are waiting for lock
	testl	%r10d,%r10d
	jz	2f
	jmp	1b
2:	incl	$tls::incyg(%r12)
	cmpl	\$0,$tls::sig(%r12)
	jz	3f
	decl	$tls::stacklock(%r12)		# unlock
	movq	\$$tls::start_offset,%rcx	# point to beginning
	addq	%r12,%rcx			#  of tls block
	call	_ZN7_cygtls19call_signal_handlerEv
	jmp	1b
3:	decl	$tls::incyg(%r12)
	addq	\$0x20,%rsp
	movq	%r12,%r11			# return tls addr in r11
	popq	%r12
	} else {
	  $res = <<EOF . longjmp () . $res;

	pushl	%ebx
	pushl	%edx
	movl	%fs:4,%ebx			# location of bottom of stack
	addl	\$$tls::initialized,%ebx	# where we will be looking
	cmpl	%ebx,%esp			# stack loc > than tls
	jge	0f				# yep.  we don't have a tls.
	subl	\$$tls::initialized,%ebx	# where we will be looking
	movl	$tls::initialized(%ebx),%eax
	cmpl	\$0xc763173f,%eax		# initialized?
	je	1f
0:	popl	%edx
	popl	%ebx

	pushl	%ebx
	pushl	%edx
	movl	%fs:4,%ebx			# location of bottom of stack
1:	movl	\$1,%eax			# potential lock value
	xchgl	%eax,$tls::stacklock(%ebx)	# see if we can grab it
	movl	%eax,$tls::spinning(%ebx)	# flag if we are waiting for lock
	testl	%eax,%eax			# it will be zero
	jz	2f				#  if so
	call	_yield				# should be a short-time thing, so
	jmp	1b				# sleep and loop
2:	movl	\$4,%eax			# have the lock, now increment the
	xadd	%eax,$tls::stackptr(%ebx)	#  stack pointer and get pointer
	leal	__sigbe,%edx			# new place to return to
	xchgl	%edx,12(%esp)			# exchange with real return value
	movl	%edx,(%eax)			# store real return value on alt stack
	incl	$tls::incyg(%ebx)
	decl	$tls::stacklock(%ebx)		# remove lock
	popl	%edx				# restore saved value
	popl	%ebx

	.global	__sigbe
__sigbe:					# return here after cygwin syscall
	pushl	%eax				# don't clobber
	pushl	%ebx				# tls pointer
1:	movl	%fs:4,%ebx			# address of bottom of tls
	movl	\$1,%eax			# potential lock value
	xchgl	%eax,$tls::stacklock(%ebx)	# see if we can grab it
	movl	%eax,$tls::spinning(%ebx)	# flag if we are waiting for lock
	testl	%eax,%eax			# it will be zero
	jz	2f				#  if so
	call	_yield				# sleep
	jmp	1b				#  and loop
2:	movl	\$-4,%eax			# now decrement aux stack
	xadd	%eax,$tls::stackptr(%ebx)	#  and get pointer
	movl	-4(%eax),%eax			# get return address from signal stack
	xchgl	%eax,4(%esp)			# swap return address with saved eax
	decl	$tls::incyg(%ebx)
	decl	$tls::stacklock(%ebx)		# release lock
	popl	%ebx

	.global	_sigdelayed
	pushl   %ebp
	movl    %esp,%ebp
	# We could be called from an interrupted thread which doesn't know
	# about his fate, so save and restore everything and the kitchen sink.
	pushl   %esi
	pushl   %edi
	pushl   %edx
	pushl   %ecx
	pushl   %ebx
	pushl   %eax
	subl	\$0x84,%esp
	fnstcw  0x80(%esp)
	movdqu	%xmm7,0x70(%esp)
	movdqu	%xmm6,0x60(%esp)
	movdqu	%xmm5,0x50(%esp)
	movdqu	%xmm4,0x40(%esp)
	movdqu	%xmm3,0x30(%esp)
	movdqu	%xmm2,0x20(%esp)
	movdqu	%xmm1,0x10(%esp)
	movdqu	%xmm0,(%esp)
	movl	%fs:4,%ebx				# get tls
	pushl   $tls::saved_errno(%ebx) # saved errno

	movl	\$$tls::start_offset,%eax		# point to beginning
	addl	%ebx,%eax				#  of tls block
	call	__ZN7_cygtls19call_signal_handlerEv\@4	# call handler

	movl	%fs:4,%ebx				# reget tls
1:	movl	\$1,%eax				# potential lock value
	xchgl	%eax,$tls::stacklock(%ebx)		# see if we can grab it
	movl	%eax,$tls::spinning(%ebx)		# flag if we are waiting for lock
	testl	%eax,%eax				# it will be zero
	jz	2f					#  if so
	call	_yield					# sleep
	jmp	1b					#  and loop
2:	popl	%edx					# saved errno
	testl	%edx,%edx				# Is it < 0
	jl	3f					# yup.  ignore it
	movl	$tls::errno_addr(%ebx),%eax
	movl	%edx,(%eax)
3:	movl	\$-4,%eax				# now decrement aux stack
	xadd	%eax,$tls::stackptr(%ebx)		#  and get pointer
	xorl	%ebp,%ebp
	xchgl	%ebp,-4(%eax)				# get return address from signal stack
	xchgl	%ebp,0xa0(%esp)				# store real return address
leave:	xorl	%eax,%eax
	movl	%eax,$tls::incyg(%ebx)
	movl	%eax,$tls::stacklock(%ebx)		# unlock

	movdqu	(%esp),%xmm0
	movdqu	0x10(%esp),%xmm1
	movdqu	0x20(%esp),%xmm2
	movdqu	0x30(%esp),%xmm3
	movdqu	0x40(%esp),%xmm4
	movdqu	0x50(%esp),%xmm5
	movdqu	0x60(%esp),%xmm6
	movdqu	0x70(%esp),%xmm7
	fldcw   0x80(%esp)
	addl	\$0x84,%esp
	popl	%eax
	popl	%ebx
	popl	%ecx
	popl	%edx
	popl	%edi
	popl	%esi

	.global __ZN7_cygtls3popEv\@4
1:	pushl	%ebx
	movl	%eax,%ebx			# this
	movl	\$-4,%eax
	xadd	%eax,$tls::pstackptr(%ebx)
	movl	-4(%eax),%eax
	popl	%ebx

# _cygtls::lock
	.global	__ZN7_cygtls4lockEv\@4
	pushl	%ebx
	movl	%eax,%ebx
1:	movl	\$1,%eax
	xchgl	%eax,$tls::pstacklock(%ebx)
	testl	%eax,%eax
	jz	2f
	call	_yield
	jmp	1b
2:	popl	%ebx

# _cygtls::unlock
	.global	__ZN7_cygtls6unlockEv\@4
	decl	$tls::pstacklock(%eax)

	.global	__ZN7_cygtls6lockedEv
	movl	$tls::pstacklock(%eax),%eax

	.extern	__ZN7_cygtls19call_signal_handlerEv\@4
	movl	%fs:4,%ebx
1:	movl	\$1,%eax
	xchgl	%eax,$tls::stacklock(%ebx)
	movl	%eax,$tls::spinning(%ebx)		# flag if we are waiting for lock
	testl	%eax,%eax
	jz	2f
	call	_yield
	jmp	1b
2:	incl	$tls::incyg(%ebx)
	cmpl	\$0,$tls::sig(%ebx)
	jz	3f
	decl	$tls::stacklock(%ebx)			# unlock
	movl	\$$tls::start_offset,%eax		# point to beginning
	addl	%ebx,%eax				#  of tls block
	call	__ZN7_cygtls19call_signal_handlerEv\@4
	jmp	1b
3:	decl	$tls::incyg(%ebx)
    return $res;

sub longjmp {
    if ($is64bit) {
	return <<EOF;

	.globl	sigsetjmp
	.seh_proc sigsetjmp
	movl	%edx,0x100(%rcx)		# store savemask
	testl	%edx,%edx			# savemask != 0?
	je	setjmp				# no, skip fetching sigmask
	pushq	%rcx
	subq	\$0x20,%rsp
	leaq	0x108(%rcx),%r8			# &sigjmp_buf.sigmask
	xorq	%rdx,%rdx			# NULL
	xorl	%ecx,%ecx			# SIG_SETMASK
	call	pthread_sigmask
	addq	\$0x20,%rsp
	popq	%rcx
	jmp	setjmp

	.globl  setjmp
	.seh_proc setjmp
	# We use the Windows jmp_buf layout with two small twists.
	# - we store the tls stackptr in Frame, MSVCRT stores a second copy
	#   of %rbp in Frame (twice? why?)
	# - we just store %rsp as is, MSVCRT stores %rsp of the caller in Rsp
	movq	%rbx,0x8(%rcx)
	movq	%rsp,0x10(%rcx)
	movq	%rbp,0x18(%rcx)
	movq	%rsi,0x20(%rcx)
	movq	%rdi,0x28(%rcx)
	movq	%r12,0x30(%rcx)
	movq	%r13,0x38(%rcx)
	movq	%r14,0x40(%rcx)
	movq	%r15,0x48(%rcx)
	movq	(%rsp),%r10
	movq	%r10,0x50(%rcx)
	stmxcsr	0x58(%rcx)
	fnstcw	0x5c(%rcx)
	# jmp_buf is potentially unaligned!
	movdqu	%xmm6,0x60(%rcx)
	movdqu	%xmm7,0x70(%rcx)
	movdqu	%xmm8,0x80(%rcx)
	movdqu	%xmm9,0x90(%rcx)
	movdqu	%xmm10,0xa0(%rcx)
	movdqu	%xmm11,0xb0(%rcx)
	movdqu	%xmm12,0xc0(%rcx)
	movdqu	%xmm13,0xd0(%rcx)
	movdqu	%xmm14,0xe0(%rcx)
	movdqu	%xmm15,0xf0(%rcx)
	pushq	%rcx
	.seh_pushreg %rcx
	call	stabilize_sig_stack		# returns tls in r11
	popq	%rcx
	movq	$tls::stackptr(%r11),%r10
	movq	%r10,(%rcx)
	decl	$tls::stacklock(%r11)
	xorl	%eax,%eax

	.globl	siglongjmp
	.seh_proc siglongjmp
	pushq	%rcx
	.seh_pushreg %rcx
	movl	%edx, %r12d
	movl	0x100(%rcx),%r8d		# savemask
	testl	%r8d,%r8d			# savemask != 0?
	je	1f				# no, jmp to longjmp
	xorq	%r8,%r8				# NULL
	leaq    0x108(%rcx),%rdx		# &sigjmp_buf.sigmask
	xorl	%ecx,%ecx			# SIG_SETMASK
	subq	\$0x20,%rsp
	call	pthread_sigmask
	addq	\$0x20,%rsp
	jmp	1f

	.globl  longjmp
	.seh_proc longjmp
	pushq	%rcx
	.seh_pushreg %rcx
	movl	%edx,%r12d			# save return value
	call	stabilize_sig_stack		# returns tls in r11
	popq	%rcx
	movl	%r12d,%eax			# restore return value
	movq	(%rcx),%r10			# get old signal stack
	movq	%r10,$tls::stackptr(%r11)	# restore
	decl	$tls::stacklock(%r11)		# relinquish lock
	xorl	%r10d,%r10d
	movl	%r10d,$tls::incyg(%r11)		# we're not in cygwin anymore
	movq	0x8(%rcx),%rbx
	movq	0x10(%rcx),%rsp
	movq	0x18(%rcx),%rbp
	movq	0x20(%rcx),%rsi
	movq	0x28(%rcx),%rdi
	movq	0x30(%rcx),%r12
	movq	0x38(%rcx),%r13
	movq	0x40(%rcx),%r14
	movq	0x48(%rcx),%r15
	movq	0x50(%rcx),%r10
	movq	%r10,(%rsp)
	ldmxcsr	0x58(%rcx)
	fldcw	0x5c(%rcx)
	# jmp_buf is potentially unaligned!
	movdqu	0x60(%rcx),%xmm6
	movdqu	0x70(%rcx),%xmm7
	movdqu	0x80(%rcx),%xmm8
	movdqu	0x90(%rcx),%xmm9
	movdqu	0xa0(%rcx),%xmm10
	movdqu	0xb0(%rcx),%xmm11
	movdqu	0xc0(%rcx),%xmm12
	movdqu	0xd0(%rcx),%xmm13
	movdqu	0xe0(%rcx),%xmm14
	movdqu	0xf0(%rcx),%xmm15
	testl	%eax,%eax
	jne	0f
	incl	%eax
0:	ret
    } else {
	return <<EOF;

	.globl	_sigsetjmp
	pushl   %ebp
	movl    %esp,%ebp
	pushl   %edi
	movl	8(%ebp),%edi			# &sigjmp_buf
	movl	12(%ebp),%eax			# savemask
	movl	%eax,208(%edi)			# store savemask
	testl	%eax,%eax			# savemask != 0?
	je	1f				# no, skip fetching sigmask
	subl	\$12,%esp
	leal	212(%edi),%eax			# &sigjmp_buf.sigmask
	movl	%eax,8(%esp)			# -> 3rd param "oldset"
	xorl	%eax,%eax
	movl	%eax,4(%esp)			# NULL -> 2nd param "set"
	movl	%eax,(%esp)			# SIG_SETMASK -> 1st param "how"
	call	_pthread_sigmask
	addl	\$12,%esp
	jmp	1f

	.globl	_setjmp
	pushl	%ebp
	movl	%esp,%ebp
	pushl	%edi
	movl	8(%ebp),%edi
	movl	%eax,0(%edi)
	movl	%ebx,4(%edi)
	movl	%ecx,8(%edi)
	movl	%edx,12(%edi)
	movl	%esi,16(%edi)
	movl	-4(%ebp),%eax
	movl	%eax,20(%edi)
	movl	0(%ebp),%eax
	movl	%eax,24(%edi)
	movl	%esp,%eax
	addl	\$12,%eax
	movl	%eax,28(%edi)
	movl	4(%ebp),%eax
	movl	%eax,32(%edi)
	movw	%es,%ax
	movw	%ax,36(%edi)
	movw	%fs,%ax
	movw	%ax,38(%edi)
	movw	%gs,%ax
	movw	%ax,40(%edi)
	movw	%ss,%ax
	movw	%ax,42(%edi)
	movl	%fs:0,%eax
	movl	%eax,44(%edi)
	fnstcw  48(%edi)
	pushl	%ebx
	call	stabilize_sig_stack
	movl	$tls::stackptr(%ebx),%eax	# save stack pointer contents
	decl	$tls::stacklock(%ebx)
	popl	%ebx
	movl	%eax,52(%edi)
	popl	%edi
	movl	\$0,%eax

	.globl	___sjfault
	pushl	%ebp
	movl	%esp,%ebp
	pushl	%edi
	movl	8(%ebp),%edi
	movl	%eax,0(%edi)
	movl	%ebx,4(%edi)
	movl	%ecx,8(%edi)
	movl	%edx,12(%edi)
	movl	%esi,16(%edi)
	movl	-4(%ebp),%eax
	movl	%eax,20(%edi)
	movl	0(%ebp),%eax
	movl	%eax,24(%edi)
	movl	%esp,%eax
	addl	\$12,%eax
	movl	%eax,28(%edi)
	movl	4(%ebp),%eax
	movl	%eax,32(%edi)
	movw	%es,%ax
	movw	%ax,36(%edi)
	movw	%fs,%ax
	movw	%ax,38(%edi)
	movw	%gs,%ax
	movw	%ax,40(%edi)
	movw	%ss,%ax
	movw	%ax,42(%edi)
	movl	%fs:0,%eax
	movl	%eax,44(%edi)
	popl	%edi
	movl	\$0,%eax

	.global	___ljfault
	pushl	%ebp
	movl	%esp,%ebp
	movl	8(%ebp),%edi

	movl	12(%ebp),%eax
	testl	%eax,%eax
	jne	0f
	incl	%eax

0:	movl	%eax,0(%edi)
	movl	24(%edi),%ebp
	popl	%ebx
	movl	44(%edi),%eax
	movl	%eax,%fs:0
	movw	42(%edi),%ax
	movw	%ax,%ss
	movl	28(%edi),%esp
	pushl	32(%edi)
	pushl	%ebx
	movw	36(%edi),%ax
	movw	%ax,%es
	movw	40(%edi),%ax
	movw	%ax,%gs
	movl	0(%edi),%eax
	movl	4(%edi),%ebx
	movl	8(%edi),%ecx
	movl	16(%edi),%esi
	movl	12(%edi),%edx
	movl	20(%edi),%edi

	.globl	_siglongjmp
	pushl	%ebp
	movl	%esp,%ebp
	movl	8(%ebp),%edi			# &sigjmp_buf
	movl	208(%edi),%eax			# load savemask
	testl	%eax,%eax			# savemask != 0?
	je	1f				# no, skip restoring sigmask
	subl	\$12,%esp
	leal	212(%edi),%eax			# &sigjmp_buf.sigmask
	movl	%eax,4(%esp)			# -> 2nd param "set"
	xorl	%eax,%eax
	movl	%eax,8(%esp)			# NULL -> 3rd param "oldset"
	movl	%eax,(%esp)			# SIG_SETMASK -> 1st param "how"
	call	_pthread_sigmask
	addl	\$12,%esp
	jmp	1f

	.globl	_longjmp
	pushl	%ebp
	movl	%esp,%ebp
	movl	8(%ebp),%edi			# &jmp_buf
	call	stabilize_sig_stack
	movl	52(%edi),%eax			# get old signal stack
	movl	%eax,$tls::stackptr(%ebx)	# restore
	decl	$tls::stacklock(%ebx)		# relinquish lock
	xorl	%eax,%eax
	movl	%eax,$tls::incyg(%ebx)		# we're not in cygwin anymore

	movl	12(%ebp),%eax
	testl	%eax,%eax
	jne	3f
	incl	%eax

3:	movl	%eax,0(%edi)
	movl	24(%edi),%ebp
	popl	%ebx
	fldcw   48(%edi)
	movl	44(%edi),%eax
	movl	%eax,%fs:0
	movw	42(%edi),%ax
	movw	%ax,%ss
	movl	28(%edi),%esp
	pushl	32(%edi)
	pushl	%ebx
	movw	36(%edi),%ax
	movw	%ax,%es
	movw	40(%edi),%ax
	movw	%ax,%gs
	movl	0(%edi),%eax
	movl	4(%edi),%ebx
	movl	8(%edi),%ecx
	movl	16(%edi),%esi
	movl	12(%edi),%edx
	movl	20(%edi),%edi

sub cleanup(@) {
    grep {s/\r//og; s/#.*//og; s/\s+\n//sog; !/^$/o && $_} @_;