This opens an OpenBSD-mirabile (aka MirBSD) repository. ### MirBSD is: # Copyright (c) 1982-2003 by Thorsten "mirabile" Glaser <> # Copyright © 1968-2003 The authors of And contributors to UNIX®, the # C Language, BSD/Berkeley Unix; 386BSD, NetBSD 1.1 and OpenBSD. # # Anyone who obtained a copy of this work is hereby permitted to freely use, # distribute, modify, merge, sublicence, give away or sell it as long as the # authors are given due credit and the following notice is retained: # # This work is provided "as is", with no explicit or implicit warranty what- # soever. Use it only at your own risk. In no event may an author or contri- # butor be held liable for any damage, directly or indirectly, that origina- # ted through or is caused by creation or modification of this work. MirBSD is my private tree. MirBSD does not differ very much from OpenBSD and intentionally tracks OpenBSD. That's why it _is_ OpenBSD, just not the official one. It's like with DarrenBSD. At time of this writing, no advertising for MirBSD must be done, because the advertising clause has not yet been sorted out.
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/* $OpenBSD: lex.h,v 1.7 2003/02/28 09:45:09 jmc Exp $ */
* Source input, lexer and parser
/* $From: lex.h,v 1.4 1994/05/31 13:34:34 michael Exp $ */
#define IDENT 64
typedef struct source Source;
struct source {
const char *str; /* input pointer */
int type; /* input type */
const char *start; /* start of current buffer */
union {
char **strv; /* string [] */
struct shf *shf; /* shell file */
struct tbl *tblp; /* alias (SALIAS) */
char *freeme; /* also for SREREAD */
} u;
char ugbuf[2]; /* buffer for ungetsc() (SREREAD) and
* alias (SALIAS) */
int line; /* line number */
int errline; /* line the error occurred on (0 if not set) */
const char *file; /* input file name */
int flags; /* SF_* */
Area *areap;
XString xs; /* input buffer */
Source *next; /* stacked source */
/* Source.type values */
#define SEOF 0 /* input EOF */
#define SFILE 1 /* file input */
#define SSTDIN 2 /* read stdin */
#define SSTRING 3 /* string */
#define SWSTR 4 /* string without \n */
#define SWORDS 5 /* string[] */
#define SWORDSEP 6 /* string[] separator */
#define SALIAS 7 /* alias expansion */
#define SREREAD 8 /* read ahead to be re-scanned */
/* Source.flags values */
#define SF_ECHO BIT(0) /* echo input to shlout */
#define SF_ALIAS BIT(1) /* faking space at end of alias */
#define SF_ALIASEND BIT(2) /* faking space at end of alias */
#define SF_TTY BIT(3) /* type == SSTDIN & it is a tty */
* states while lexing word
#define SBASE 0 /* outside any lexical constructs */
#define SWORD 1 /* implicit quoting for substitute() */
#ifdef KSH
#define SLETPAREN 2 /* inside (( )), implicit quoting */
#endif /* KSH */
#define SSQUOTE 3 /* inside '' */
#define SDQUOTE 4 /* inside "" */
#define SBRACE 5 /* inside ${} */
#define SCSPAREN 6 /* inside $() */
#define SBQUOTE 7 /* inside `` */
#define SASPAREN 8 /* inside $(( )) */
#define SHEREDELIM 9 /* parsing <<,<<- delimiter */
#define SHEREDQUOTE 10 /* parsing " in <<,<<- delimiter */
#define SPATTERN 11 /* parsing *(...|...) pattern (*+?@!) */
#define STBRACE 12 /* parsing ${..[#%]..} */
typedef union {
int i;
char *cp;
char **wp;
struct op *o;
struct ioword *iop;
/* If something is added here, add it to tokentab[] in syn.c as well */
#define LWORD 256
#define LOGAND 257 /* && */
#define LOGOR 258 /* || */
#define BREAK 259 /* ;; */
#define IF 260
#define THEN 261
#define ELSE 262
#define ELIF 263
#define FI 264
#define CASE 265
#define ESAC 266
#define FOR 267
#define SELECT 268
#define WHILE 269
#define UNTIL 270
#define DO 271
#define DONE 272
#define IN 273
#define FUNCTION 274
#define TIME 275
#define REDIR 276
#ifdef KSH
#define MDPAREN 277 /* (( )) */
#endif /* KSH */
#define BANG 278 /* ! */
#define DBRACKET 279 /* [[ .. ]] */
#define COPROC 280 /* |& */
#define YYERRCODE 300
/* flags to yylex */
#define CONTIN BIT(0) /* skip new lines to complete command */
#define ONEWORD BIT(1) /* single word for substitute() */
#define ALIAS BIT(2) /* recognize alias */
#define KEYWORD BIT(3) /* recognize keywords */
#define LETEXPR BIT(4) /* get expression inside (( )) */
#define VARASN BIT(5) /* check for var=word */
#define ARRAYVAR BIT(6) /* parse x[1 & 2] as one word */
#define ESACONLY BIT(7) /* only accept esac keyword */
#define CMDWORD BIT(8) /* parsing simple command (alias related) */
#define HEREDELIM BIT(9) /* parsing <<,<<- delimiter */
#define HERES 10 /* max << in line */
EXTERN Source *source; /* yyparse/yylex source */
EXTERN YYSTYPE yylval; /* result from yylex */
EXTERN struct ioword *heres [HERES], **herep;
EXTERN char ident [IDENT+1];
#ifdef HISTORY
# define HISTORYSIZE 128 /* size of saved history */
EXTERN char **history; /* saved commands */
EXTERN char **histptr; /* last history item */
EXTERN int histsize; /* history size */
#endif /* HISTORY */