and have it return an API-correct const char * • enhance and stylify comments • a little KNF and simplifications • #ifdef DEBUG: replace strchr and strstr with ucstrchr and ucstrstr that take and return a non-const char *, and fix the violations • new cstrchr, cstrstr (take and give const char *) • new vstrchr, vstrstr (take const or not, give boolean value) • new afreechk(x) = afreechv(x,x) = if (x1) afree(x2, ATEMP) • new ksh_isdash(str) = (str != NULL) && !strcmp(str, "-") • replace the only use of strrchr with inlined code to shrink • minor man page fixes • Minix 3 signames are autogenerated with gcc • rename strlfun.c to strlcpy.c since we don't do strlcat(3) anyway, only strlcpy(3), and shorten it • dot.mkshrc: move MKSH=… down to the export line to not disturb the PS1 visual impression ☺ • dot.mkshrc: Lstripcom(): optimise • bump version ¹) side effect from creating API-correct cstrchr, cstrstr, etc. uses goto so it must be better ☻ tested on mirbsd-current via both Makefile and
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__RCSID("$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/signames.c,v 1.2 2007/03/04 03:04:28 tg Exp $");
static const struct mksh_sigpair {
int nr;
const char *const name;
} mksh_sigpairs[] = {
#ifdef __Plan9__
#elif defined(__minix) && !defined(__GNUC__)
#elif defined(MKSH_SIGNAMES_CHECK)
#error no, must be OS supplied
#elif !defined(__IN_MKDEP)
#include ""
{ 0, NULL }