tg a34b05d2e6 Import OpenBSD 3.3 source repository from CTM 3132 the first time
This opens an OpenBSD-mirabile (aka MirBSD) repository.

### MirBSD is:
# Copyright (c) 1982-2003 by Thorsten "mirabile" Glaser <>
# Copyright © 1968-2003  The authors of And contributors to UNIX®, the
#       C Language, BSD/Berkeley Unix; 386BSD, NetBSD 1.1 and OpenBSD.
# Anyone who obtained a copy of this work is hereby permitted to freely use,
# distribute, modify, merge, sublicence, give away or sell it as long as the
# authors are given due credit and the following notice is retained:
# This work is provided "as is", with no explicit or implicit warranty what-
# soever. Use it only at your own risk. In no event may an author or contri-
# butor be held liable for any damage, directly or indirectly, that origina-
# ted through or is caused by creation or modification of this work.

MirBSD is my private tree. MirBSD does not differ very much from OpenBSD
and intentionally tracks OpenBSD. That's why it _is_ OpenBSD, just not the
official one. It's like with DarrenBSD.

At time of this writing, no advertising for MirBSD must be done,
because the advertising clause has not yet been sorted out.
2003-03-22 17:35:03 +00:00

304 lines
12 KiB

/* $OpenBSD: proto.h,v 1.9 2001/02/19 09:49:54 camield Exp $ */
* prototypes for PD-KSH
* originally generated using "cproto.c 3.5 92/04/11 19:28:01 cthuang "
* $From: proto.h,v 1.3 1994/05/19 18:32:40 michael Exp michael $
/* alloc.c */
Area * ainit ARGS((Area *ap));
void afreeall ARGS((Area *ap));
void * alloc ARGS((size_t size, Area *ap));
void * aresize ARGS((void *ptr, size_t size, Area *ap));
void afree ARGS((void *ptr, Area *ap));
/* c_ksh.c */
int c_hash ARGS((char **wp));
int c_cd ARGS((char **wp));
int c_pwd ARGS((char **wp));
int c_print ARGS((char **wp));
int c_whence ARGS((char **wp));
int c_command ARGS((char **wp));
int c_typeset ARGS((char **wp));
int c_alias ARGS((char **wp));
int c_unalias ARGS((char **wp));
int c_let ARGS((char **wp));
int c_jobs ARGS((char **wp));
int c_fgbg ARGS((char **wp));
int c_kill ARGS((char **wp));
void getopts_reset ARGS((int val));
int c_getopts ARGS((char **wp));
int c_bind ARGS((char **wp));
/* c_sh.c */
int c_label ARGS((char **wp));
int c_shift ARGS((char **wp));
int c_umask ARGS((char **wp));
int c_dot ARGS((char **wp));
int c_wait ARGS((char **wp));
int c_read ARGS((char **wp));
int c_eval ARGS((char **wp));
int c_trap ARGS((char **wp));
int c_brkcont ARGS((char **wp));
int c_exitreturn ARGS((char **wp));
int c_set ARGS((char **wp));
int c_unset ARGS((char **wp));
int c_ulimit ARGS((char **wp));
int c_times ARGS((char **wp));
int timex ARGS((struct op *t, int f));
void timex_hook ARGS((struct op *t, char ** volatile *app));
int c_exec ARGS((char **wp));
int c_builtin ARGS((char **wp));
/* c_test.c */
int c_test ARGS((char **wp));
/* edit.c: most prototypes in edit.h */
void x_init ARGS((void));
int x_read ARGS((char *buf, size_t len));
void set_editmode ARGS((const char *ed));
/* emacs.c: most prototypes in edit.h */
int x_bind ARGS((const char *a1, const char *a2, int macro,
int list));
/* eval.c */
char * substitute ARGS((const char *cp, int f));
char ** eval ARGS((char **ap, int f));
char * evalstr ARGS((char *cp, int f));
char * evalonestr ARGS((char *cp, int f));
char *debunk ARGS((char *dp, const char *sp));
void expand ARGS((char *cp, XPtrV *wp, int f));
int glob_str ARGS((char *cp, XPtrV *wp, int markdirs));
/* exec.c */
int fd_clexec ARGS((int fd));
int execute ARGS((struct op * volatile t, volatile int flags));
int shcomexec ARGS((char **wp));
struct tbl * findfunc ARGS((const char *name, unsigned int h, int create));
int define ARGS((const char *name, struct op *t));
void builtin ARGS((const char *name, int (*func)(char **)));
struct tbl * findcom ARGS((const char *name, int flags));
void flushcom ARGS((int all));
char * search ARGS((const char *name, const char *path, int mode,
int *errnop));
int search_access ARGS((const char *path, int mode, int *errnop));
int pr_menu ARGS((char *const *ap));
int pr_list ARGS((char *const *ap));
/* expr.c */
int evaluate ARGS((const char *expr, long *rval, int error_ok));
int v_evaluate ARGS((struct tbl *vp, const char *expr, volatile int error_ok));
/* history.c */
void init_histvec ARGS((void));
void hist_init ARGS((Source *s));
void hist_finish ARGS((void));
void histsave ARGS((int lno, const char *cmd, int dowrite));
#ifdef HISTORY
int c_fc ARGS((register char **wp));
void sethistsize ARGS((int n));
void sethistfile ARGS((const char *name));
void histappend ARGS((const char *cmd, int nl_separate));
# endif
char ** histpos ARGS((void));
int histN ARGS((void));
int histnum ARGS((int n));
int findhist ARGS((int start, int fwd, const char *str,
int anchored));
#endif /* HISTORY */
/* io.c */
void errorf ARGS((const char *fmt, ...))
GCC_FUNC_ATTR2(noreturn, format(printf, 1, 2));
void warningf ARGS((int fileline, const char *fmt, ...))
GCC_FUNC_ATTR(format(printf, 2, 3));
void bi_errorf ARGS((const char *fmt, ...))
GCC_FUNC_ATTR(format(printf, 1, 2));
void internal_errorf ARGS((int jump, const char *fmt, ...))
GCC_FUNC_ATTR(format(printf, 2, 3));
void error_prefix ARGS((int fileline));
void shellf ARGS((const char *fmt, ...))
GCC_FUNC_ATTR(format(printf, 1, 2));
void shprintf ARGS((const char *fmt, ...))
GCC_FUNC_ATTR(format(printf, 1, 2));
#ifdef KSH_DEBUG
void kshdebug_init_ ARGS((void));
void kshdebug_printf_ ARGS((const char *fmt, ...))
GCC_FUNC_ATTR(format(printf, 1, 2));
void kshdebug_dump_ ARGS((const char *str, const void *mem, int nbytes));
#endif /* KSH_DEBUG */
int can_seek ARGS((int fd));
void initio ARGS((void));
int ksh_dup2 ARGS((int ofd, int nfd, int errok));
int savefd ARGS((int fd, int noclose));
void restfd ARGS((int fd, int ofd));
void openpipe ARGS((int *pv));
void closepipe ARGS((int *pv));
int check_fd ARGS((char *name, int mode, const char **emsgp));
#ifdef KSH
void coproc_init ARGS((void));
void coproc_read_close ARGS((int fd));
void coproc_readw_close ARGS((int fd));
void coproc_write_close ARGS((int fd));
int coproc_getfd ARGS((int mode, const char **emsgp));
void coproc_cleanup ARGS((int reuse));
#endif /* KSH */
struct temp *maketemp ARGS((Area *ap, Temp_type type, struct temp **tlist));
/* jobs.c */
void j_init ARGS((int mflagset));
void j_exit ARGS((void));
void j_change ARGS((void));
int exchild ARGS((struct op *t, int flags, int close_fd));
void startlast ARGS((void));
int waitlast ARGS((void));
int waitfor ARGS((const char *cp, int *sigp));
int j_kill ARGS((const char *cp, int sig));
int j_resume ARGS((const char *cp, int bg));
int j_jobs ARGS((const char *cp, int slp, int nflag));
void j_notify ARGS((void));
pid_t j_async ARGS((void));
int j_stopped_running ARGS((void));
/* lex.c */
int yylex ARGS((int cf));
void yyerror ARGS((const char *fmt, ...))
GCC_FUNC_ATTR2(noreturn, format(printf, 1, 2));
Source * pushs ARGS((int type, Area *areap));
void set_prompt ARGS((int to, Source *s));
void pprompt ARGS((const char *cp, int ntruncate));
/* mail.c */
#ifdef KSH
void mcheck ARGS((void));
void mcset ARGS((long interval));
void mbset ARGS((char *p));
void mpset ARGS((char *mptoparse));
#endif /* KSH */
/* main.c */
int include ARGS((const char *name, int argc, char **argv,
int intr_ok));
int command ARGS((const char *comm));
int shell ARGS((Source *volatile s, int volatile toplevel));
void unwind ARGS((int i)) GCC_FUNC_ATTR(noreturn);
void newenv ARGS((int type));
void quitenv ARGS((void));
void cleanup_parents_env ARGS((void));
void cleanup_proc_env ARGS((void));
void aerror ARGS((Area *ap, const char *msg))
/* misc.c */
void setctypes ARGS((const char *s, int t));
void initctypes ARGS((void));
char * ulton ARGS((unsigned long n, int base));
char * str_save ARGS((const char *s, Area *ap));
char * str_nsave ARGS((const char *s, int n, Area *ap));
int option ARGS((const char *n));
char * getoptions ARGS((void));
void change_flag ARGS((enum sh_flag f, int what, int newval));
int parse_args ARGS((char **argv, int what, int *setargsp));
int getn ARGS((const char *as, int *ai));
int bi_getn ARGS((const char *as, int *ai));
char * strerror ARGS((int i));
int gmatch ARGS((const char *s, const char *p, int isfile));
int has_globbing ARGS((const char *xp, const char *xpe));
const unsigned char *pat_scan ARGS((const unsigned char *p,
const unsigned char *pe, int match_sep));
void qsortp ARGS((void **base, size_t n, int (*f)(void *, void *)));
int xstrcmp ARGS((void *p1, void *p2));
void ksh_getopt_reset ARGS((Getopt *go, int));
int ksh_getopt ARGS((char **argv, Getopt *go, const char *options));
void print_value_quoted ARGS((const char *s));
void print_columns ARGS((struct shf *shf, int n,
char *(*func)(void *, int, char *, int),
void *arg, int max_width, int prefcol));
int strip_nuls ARGS((char *buf, int nbytes));
char *str_zcpy ARGS((char *dst, const char *src, int dsize));
int blocking_read ARGS((int fd, char *buf, int nbytes));
int reset_nonblock ARGS((int fd));
char *ksh_get_wd ARGS((char *buf, int bsize));
/* path.c */
int make_path ARGS((const char *cwd, const char *file,
char **pathlist, XString *xsp, int *phys_pathp));
void simplify_path ARGS((char *path));
char *get_phys_path ARGS((const char *path));
void set_current_wd ARGS((char *path));
/* syn.c */
void initkeywords ARGS((void));
struct op * compile ARGS((Source *s));
/* table.c */
unsigned int hash ARGS((const char *n));
void tinit ARGS((struct table *tp, Area *ap, int tsize));
struct tbl * tsearch ARGS((struct table *tp, const char *n, unsigned int h));
struct tbl * tenter ARGS((struct table *tp, const char *n, unsigned int h));
void tdelete ARGS((struct tbl *p));
void twalk ARGS((struct tstate *ts, struct table *tp));
struct tbl * tnext ARGS((struct tstate *ts));
struct tbl ** tsort ARGS((struct table *tp));
/* trace.c */
/* trap.c */
void inittraps ARGS((void));
#ifdef KSH
void alarm_init ARGS((void));
#endif /* KSH */
Trap * gettrap ARGS((const char *name, int igncase));
RETSIGTYPE trapsig ARGS((int i));
void intrcheck ARGS((void));
int fatal_trap_check ARGS((void));
int trap_pending ARGS((void));
void runtraps ARGS((int intr));
void runtrap ARGS((Trap *p));
void cleartraps ARGS((void));
void restoresigs ARGS((void));
void settrap ARGS((Trap *p, char *s));
int block_pipe ARGS((void));
void restore_pipe ARGS((int restore_dfl));
int setsig ARGS((Trap *p, handler_t f, int flags));
void setexecsig ARGS((Trap *p, int restore));
/* tree.c */
int fptreef ARGS((struct shf *f, int indent, const char *fmt, ...));
char * snptreef ARGS((char *s, int n, const char *fmt, ...));
struct op * tcopy ARGS((struct op *t, Area *ap));
char * wdcopy ARGS((const char *wp, Area *ap));
char * wdscan ARGS((const char *wp, int c));
char * wdstrip ARGS((const char *wp));
void tfree ARGS((struct op *t, Area *ap));
/* var.c */
void newblock ARGS((void));
void popblock ARGS((void));
void initvar ARGS((void));
struct tbl * global ARGS((const char *n));
struct tbl * local ARGS((const char *n, bool_t copy));
char * str_val ARGS((struct tbl *vp));
long intval ARGS((struct tbl *vp));
int setstr ARGS((struct tbl *vq, const char *s, int error_ok));
struct tbl *setint_v ARGS((struct tbl *vq, struct tbl *vp));
void setint ARGS((struct tbl *vq, long n));
int getint ARGS((struct tbl *vp, long *nump));
struct tbl * typeset ARGS((const char *var, Tflag set, Tflag clr, int field, int base));
void unset ARGS((struct tbl *vp, int array_ref));
char * skip_varname ARGS((const char *s, int aok));
char *skip_wdvarname ARGS((const char *s, int aok));
int is_wdvarname ARGS((const char *s, int aok));
int is_wdvarassign ARGS((const char *s));
char ** makenv ARGS((void));
void change_random ARGS((void));
int array_ref_len ARGS((const char *cp));
char * arrayname ARGS((const char *str));
void set_array ARGS((const char *var, int reset, char **vals));
/* version.c */
/* vi.c: see edit.h */
/* Hack to avoid billions of compile warnings on SunOS 4.1.x */
#if defined(MUN) && defined(sun) && !defined(__svr4__)
extern void bcopy ARGS((const void *src, void *dst, size_t size));
extern int fclose ARGS((FILE *fp));
extern int fprintf ARGS((FILE *fp, const char *fmt, ...));
extern int fread ARGS((void *buf, int size, int num, FILE *fp));
extern int ioctl ARGS((int fd, int request, void *arg));
extern int killpg ARGS((int pgrp, int sig));
extern int nice ARGS((int n));
extern int readlink ARGS((const char *path, char *buf, int bufsize));
extern int setpgrp ARGS((int pid, int pgrp));
extern int strcasecmp ARGS((const char *s1, const char *s2));
extern int tolower ARGS((int));
extern int toupper ARGS((int));
/* Include files aren't included yet */
extern int getrlimit ARGS(( /* int resource, struct rlimit *rpl */ ));
extern int getrusage ARGS(( /* int who, struct rusage *rusage */ ));
extern int gettimeofday ARGS(( /* struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz */ ));
extern int setrlimit ARGS(( /* int resource, struct rlimit *rlp */ ));
extern int lstat ARGS(( /* const char *path, struct stat *buf */ ));