• more int → bool • more regression tests: check if the utf8-hack flag is really disabled at non-interactive startup, enabled at interactive startup, if the current locale is a UTF-8 one • make the mksh-local multibyte handling functions globally accessible, change their names, syntax and semantics a little (XXX more work needed) • optimise • utf_wctomb: src → dst, as we’re writing to that char array (pasto?) • edit.c:x_e_getmbc(): if the second byte of a 2- or 3-byte multibyte sequence is invalid utf-8, ungetc it (not possible for the 3rd byte yet) • edit.c:x_zotc3(): easier (and faster) handling of UTF-8 • implement, document and test for base-1 numbers: they just get the ASCII (8-bit) or Unicode (UTF-8) value of the octet(s) after the ‘1#’, or do the same as print \x## or \u#### (depending on the utf8-hack flag), plus support the PUA assignment of EF80‥EFFF for the MirBSD encoding “hack” (print doesn’t, as it has \x## and \u#### to distinguish, but we cannot use base-0 numbers which I had planned to use for raw octets first, as they are used internally): http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.os.miros.general/7938 • as an application example, add a hexdumper to the regression tests ☺
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