This opens an OpenBSD-mirabile (aka MirBSD) repository. ### MirBSD is: # Copyright (c) 1982-2003 by Thorsten "mirabile" Glaser <> # Copyright © 1968-2003 The authors of And contributors to UNIX®, the # C Language, BSD/Berkeley Unix; 386BSD, NetBSD 1.1 and OpenBSD. # # Anyone who obtained a copy of this work is hereby permitted to freely use, # distribute, modify, merge, sublicence, give away or sell it as long as the # authors are given due credit and the following notice is retained: # # This work is provided "as is", with no explicit or implicit warranty what- # soever. Use it only at your own risk. In no event may an author or contri- # butor be held liable for any damage, directly or indirectly, that origina- # ted through or is caused by creation or modification of this work. MirBSD is my private tree. MirBSD does not differ very much from OpenBSD and intentionally tracks OpenBSD. That's why it _is_ OpenBSD, just not the official one. It's like with DarrenBSD. At time of this writing, no advertising for MirBSD must be done, because the advertising clause has not yet been sorted out.
948 lines
20 KiB
948 lines
20 KiB
/* $OpenBSD: syn.c,v 1.13 2002/06/09 05:47:27 todd Exp $ */
* shell parser (C version)
#include "sh.h"
#include "c_test.h"
struct nesting_state {
int start_token; /* token than began nesting (eg, FOR) */
int start_line; /* line nesting began on */
static void yyparse ARGS((void));
static struct op *pipeline ARGS((int cf));
static struct op *andor ARGS((void));
static struct op *c_list ARGS((int multi));
static struct ioword *synio ARGS((int cf));
static void musthave ARGS((int c, int cf));
static struct op *nested ARGS((int type, int smark, int emark));
static struct op *get_command ARGS((int cf));
static struct op *dogroup ARGS((void));
static struct op *thenpart ARGS((void));
static struct op *elsepart ARGS((void));
static struct op *caselist ARGS((void));
static struct op *casepart ARGS((int endtok));
static struct op *function_body ARGS((char *name, int ksh_func));
static char ** wordlist ARGS((void));
static struct op *block ARGS((int type, struct op *t1, struct op *t2,
char **wp));
static struct op *newtp ARGS((int type));
static void syntaxerr ARGS((const char *what))
static void nesting_push ARGS((struct nesting_state *save, int tok));
static void nesting_pop ARGS((struct nesting_state *saved));
static int assign_command ARGS((char *s));
static int inalias ARGS((struct source *s));
#ifdef KSH
static int dbtestp_isa ARGS((Test_env *te, Test_meta meta));
static const char *dbtestp_getopnd ARGS((Test_env *te, Test_op op,
int do_eval));
static int dbtestp_eval ARGS((Test_env *te, Test_op op, const char *opnd1,
const char *opnd2, int do_eval));
static void dbtestp_error ARGS((Test_env *te, int offset, const char *msg));
#endif /* KSH */
static struct op *outtree; /* yyparse output */
static struct nesting_state nesting; /* \n changed to ; */
static int reject; /* token(cf) gets symbol again */
static int symbol; /* yylex value */
#define REJECT (reject = 1)
#define ACCEPT (reject = 0)
#define token(cf) \
((reject) ? (ACCEPT, symbol) : (symbol = yylex(cf)))
#define tpeek(cf) \
((reject) ? (symbol) : (REJECT, symbol = yylex(cf)))
static void
int c;
outtree = c_list(source->type == SSTRING);
c = tpeek(0);
if (c == 0 && !outtree)
outtree = newtp(TEOF);
else if (c != '\n' && c != 0)
syntaxerr((char *) 0);
static struct op *
int cf;
register struct op *t, *p, *tl = NULL;
t = get_command(cf);
if (t != NULL) {
while (token(0) == '|') {
if ((p = get_command(CONTIN)) == NULL)
syntaxerr((char *) 0);
if (tl == NULL)
t = tl = block(TPIPE, t, p, NOWORDS);
tl = tl->right = block(TPIPE, tl->right, p, NOWORDS);
return (t);
static struct op *
register struct op *t, *p;
register int c;
t = pipeline(0);
if (t != NULL) {
while ((c = token(0)) == LOGAND || c == LOGOR) {
if ((p = pipeline(CONTIN)) == NULL)
syntaxerr((char *) 0);
t = block(c == LOGAND? TAND: TOR, t, p, NOWORDS);
return (t);
static struct op *
int multi;
register struct op *t = NULL, *p, *tl = NULL;
register int c;
int have_sep;
while (1) {
p = andor();
/* Token has always been read/rejected at this point, so
* we don't worry about what flags to pass token()
c = token(0);
have_sep = 1;
if (c == '\n' && (multi || inalias(source))) {
if (!p) /* ignore blank lines */
} else if (!p)
else if (c == '&' || c == COPROC)
p = block(c == '&' ? TASYNC : TCOPROC,
else if (c != ';')
have_sep = 0;
if (!t)
t = p;
else if (!tl)
t = tl = block(TLIST, t, p, NOWORDS);
tl = tl->right = block(TLIST, tl->right, p, NOWORDS);
if (!have_sep)
return t;
static struct ioword *
int cf;
register struct ioword *iop;
int ishere;
if (tpeek(cf) != REDIR)
return NULL;
iop = yylval.iop;
ishere = (iop->flag&IOTYPE) == IOHERE;
musthave(LWORD, ishere ? HEREDELIM : 0);
if (ishere) {
iop->delim = yylval.cp;
if (*ident != 0) /* unquoted */
iop->flag |= IOEVAL;
if (herep >= &heres[HERES])
yyerror("too many <<'s\n");
*herep++ = iop;
} else
iop->name = yylval.cp;
return iop;
static void
musthave(c, cf)
int c, cf;
if ((token(cf)) != c)
syntaxerr((char *) 0);
static struct op *
nested(type, smark, emark)
int type, smark, emark;
register struct op *t;
struct nesting_state old_nesting;
nesting_push(&old_nesting, smark);
t = c_list(TRUE);
musthave(emark, KEYWORD|ALIAS);
return (block(type, t, NOBLOCK, NOWORDS));
static struct op *
int cf;
register struct op *t;
register int c, iopn = 0, syniocf;
struct ioword *iop, **iops;
XPtrV args, vars;
struct nesting_state old_nesting;
iops = (struct ioword **) alloc(sizeofN(struct ioword *, NUFILE+1),
XPinit(args, 16);
XPinit(vars, 16);
syniocf = KEYWORD|ALIAS;
switch (c = token(cf|KEYWORD|ALIAS|VARASN)) {
afree((void*) iops, ATEMP);
return NULL; /* empty line */
case LWORD:
case REDIR:
syniocf &= ~(KEYWORD|ALIAS);
t = newtp(TCOM);
t->lineno = source->line;
while (1) {
cf = (t->u.evalflags ? ARRAYVAR : 0)
| (XPsize(args) == 0 ? ALIAS|VARASN : CMDWORD);
switch (tpeek(cf)) {
case REDIR:
if (iopn >= NUFILE)
yyerror("too many redirections\n");
iops[iopn++] = synio(cf);
case LWORD:
/* the iopn == 0 and XPsize(vars) == 0 are
* dubious but at&t ksh acts this way
if (iopn == 0 && XPsize(vars) == 0
&& XPsize(args) == 0
&& assign_command(ident))
t->u.evalflags = DOVACHECK;
if ((XPsize(args) == 0 || Flag(FKEYWORD))
&& is_wdvarassign(yylval.cp))
XPput(vars, yylval.cp);
XPput(args, yylval.cp);
case '(':
/* Check for "> foo (echo hi)", which at&t ksh
* allows (not POSIX, but not disallowed)
afree(t, ATEMP);
if (XPsize(args) == 0 && XPsize(vars) == 0) {
goto Subshell;
/* Must be a function */
if (iopn != 0 || XPsize(args) != 1
|| XPsize(vars) != 0)
syntaxerr((char *) 0);
musthave(')', 0);
t = function_body(XPptrv(args)[0], FALSE);
goto Leave;
goto Leave;
case '(':
t = nested(TPAREN, '(', ')');
case '{': /*}*/
t = nested(TBRACE, '{', '}');
#ifdef KSH
static const char let_cmd[] = { CHAR, 'l', CHAR, 'e',
CHAR, 't', EOS };
/* Leave KEYWORD in syniocf (allow if (( 1 )) then ...) */
t = newtp(TCOM);
t->lineno = source->line;
XPput(args, wdcopy(let_cmd, ATEMP));
XPput(args, yylval.cp);
#endif /* KSH */
#ifdef KSH
case DBRACKET: /* [[ .. ]] */
/* Leave KEYWORD in syniocf (allow if [[ -n 1 ]] then ...) */
t = newtp(TDBRACKET);
Test_env te;
te.flags = TEF_DBRACKET;
te.pos.av = &args;
te.isa = dbtestp_isa;
te.getopnd = dbtestp_getopnd;
te.eval = dbtestp_eval;
te.error = dbtestp_error;
#endif /* KSH */
case FOR:
case SELECT:
t = newtp((c == FOR) ? TFOR : TSELECT);
musthave(LWORD, ARRAYVAR);
if (!is_wdvarname(yylval.cp, TRUE))
yyerror("%s: bad identifier\n",
c == FOR ? "for" : "select");
t->str = str_save(ident, ATEMP);
nesting_push(&old_nesting, c);
t->vars = wordlist();
t->left = dogroup();
case WHILE:
case UNTIL:
nesting_push(&old_nesting, c);
t = newtp((c == WHILE) ? TWHILE : TUNTIL);
t->left = c_list(TRUE);
t->right = dogroup();
case CASE:
t = newtp(TCASE);
musthave(LWORD, 0);
t->str = yylval.cp;
nesting_push(&old_nesting, c);
t->left = caselist();
case IF:
nesting_push(&old_nesting, c);
t = newtp(TIF);
t->left = c_list(TRUE);
t->right = thenpart();
musthave(FI, KEYWORD|ALIAS);
case BANG:
syniocf &= ~(KEYWORD|ALIAS);
t = pipeline(0);
if (t == (struct op *) 0)
syntaxerr((char *) 0);
t = block(TBANG, NOBLOCK, t, NOWORDS);
case TIME:
syniocf &= ~(KEYWORD|ALIAS);
t = pipeline(0);
t = block(TTIME, t, NOBLOCK, NOWORDS);
musthave(LWORD, 0);
t = function_body(yylval.cp, TRUE);
while ((iop = synio(syniocf)) != NULL) {
if (iopn >= NUFILE)
yyerror("too many redirections\n");
iops[iopn++] = iop;
if (iopn == 0) {
afree((void*) iops, ATEMP);
t->ioact = NULL;
} else {
iops[iopn++] = NULL;
iops = (struct ioword **) aresize((void*) iops,
sizeofN(struct ioword *, iopn), ATEMP);
t->ioact = iops;
if (t->type == TCOM || t->type == TDBRACKET) {
XPput(args, NULL);
t->args = (char **) XPclose(args);
XPput(vars, NULL);
t->vars = (char **) XPclose(vars);
} else {
return t;
static struct op *
register int c;
register struct op *list;
/* A {...} can be used instead of do...done for for/select loops
* but not for while/until loops - we don't need to check if it
* is a while loop because it would have been parsed as part of
* the conditional command list...
if (c == DO)
c = DONE;
else if (c == '{')
c = '}';
syntaxerr((char *) 0);
list = c_list(TRUE);
musthave(c, KEYWORD|ALIAS);
return list;
static struct op *
register struct op *t;
t = newtp(0);
t->left = c_list(TRUE);
if (t->left == NULL)
syntaxerr((char *) 0);
t->right = elsepart();
return (t);
static struct op *
register struct op *t;
switch (token(KEYWORD|ALIAS|VARASN)) {
case ELSE:
if ((t = c_list(TRUE)) == NULL)
syntaxerr((char *) 0);
return (t);
case ELIF:
t = newtp(TELIF);
t->left = c_list(TRUE);
t->right = thenpart();
return (t);
return NULL;
static struct op *
register struct op *t, *tl;
int c;
/* A {...} can be used instead of in...esac for case statements */
if (c == IN)
c = ESAC;
else if (c == '{')
c = '}';
syntaxerr((char *) 0);
t = tl = NULL;
while ((tpeek(CONTIN|KEYWORD|ESACONLY)) != c) { /* no ALIAS here */
struct op *tc = casepart(c);
if (tl == NULL)
t = tl = tc, tl->right = NULL;
tl->right = tc, tl = tc;
musthave(c, KEYWORD|ALIAS);
return (t);
static struct op *
int endtok;
register struct op *t;
register int c;
XPtrV ptns;
XPinit(ptns, 16);
t = newtp(TPAT);
c = token(CONTIN|KEYWORD); /* no ALIAS here */
if (c != '(')
do {
musthave(LWORD, 0);
XPput(ptns, yylval.cp);
} while ((c = token(0)) == '|');
XPput(ptns, NULL);
t->vars = (char **) XPclose(ptns);
musthave(')', 0);
t->left = c_list(TRUE);
/* Note: Posix requires the ;; */
if ((tpeek(CONTIN|KEYWORD|ALIAS)) != endtok)
return (t);
static struct op *
function_body(name, ksh_func)
char *name;
int ksh_func; /* function foo { ... } vs foo() { .. } */
char *sname, *p;
struct op *t;
int old_func_parse;
sname = wdstrip(name);
/* Check for valid characters in name. posix and ksh93 say only
* allow [a-zA-Z_0-9] but this allows more as old pdksh's have
* allowed more (the following were never allowed:
* nul space nl tab $ ' " \ ` ( ) & | ; = < >
* C_QUOTE covers all but = and adds # [ ? *)
for (p = sname; *p; p++)
if (ctype(*p, C_QUOTE) || *p == '=')
yyerror("%s: invalid function name\n", sname);
t = newtp(TFUNCT);
t->str = sname;
t->u.ksh_func = ksh_func;
t->lineno = source->line;
/* Note that POSIX allows only compound statements after foo(), sh and
* at&t ksh allow any command, go with the later since it shouldn't
* break anything. However, for function foo, at&t ksh only accepts
* an open-brace.
if (ksh_func) {
musthave('{', CONTIN|KEYWORD|ALIAS); /* } */
old_func_parse = e->flags & EF_FUNC_PARSE;
e->flags |= EF_FUNC_PARSE;
if ((t->left = get_command(CONTIN)) == (struct op *) 0) {
* Probably something like foo() followed by eof or ;.
* This is accepted by sh and ksh88.
* To make "typset -f foo" work reliably (so its output can
* be used as input), we pretend there is a colon here.
t->left = newtp(TCOM);
t->left->args = (char **) alloc(sizeof(char *) * 2, ATEMP);
t->left->args[0] = alloc(sizeof(char) * 3, ATEMP);
t->left->args[0][0] = CHAR;
t->left->args[0][1] = ':';
t->left->args[0][2] = EOS;
t->left->args[1] = (char *) 0;
t->left->vars = (char **) alloc(sizeof(char *), ATEMP);
t->left->vars[0] = (char *) 0;
t->left->lineno = 1;
if (!old_func_parse)
e->flags &= ~EF_FUNC_PARSE;
return t;
static char **
register int c;
XPtrV args;
XPinit(args, 16);
/* Posix does not do alias expansion here... */
if ((c = token(CONTIN|KEYWORD|ALIAS)) != IN) {
if (c != ';') /* non-POSIX, but at&t ksh accepts a ; here */
return NULL;
while ((c = token(0)) == LWORD)
XPput(args, yylval.cp);
if (c != '\n' && c != ';')
syntaxerr((char *) 0);
if (XPsize(args) == 0) {
return NULL;
} else {
XPput(args, NULL);
return (char **) XPclose(args);
* supporting functions
static struct op *
block(type, t1, t2, wp)
int type;
struct op *t1, *t2;
char **wp;
register struct op *t;
t = newtp(type);
t->left = t1;
t->right = t2;
t->vars = wp;
return (t);
const struct tokeninfo {
const char *name;
short val;
short reserved;
} tokentab[] = {
/* Reserved words */
{ "if", IF, TRUE },
{ "then", THEN, TRUE },
{ "else", ELSE, TRUE },
{ "elif", ELIF, TRUE },
{ "fi", FI, TRUE },
{ "case", CASE, TRUE },
{ "esac", ESAC, TRUE },
{ "for", FOR, TRUE },
#ifdef KSH
{ "select", SELECT, TRUE },
#endif /* KSH */
{ "while", WHILE, TRUE },
{ "until", UNTIL, TRUE },
{ "do", DO, TRUE },
{ "done", DONE, TRUE },
{ "in", IN, TRUE },
{ "function", FUNCTION, TRUE },
{ "time", TIME, TRUE },
{ "{", '{', TRUE },
{ "}", '}', TRUE },
{ "!", BANG, TRUE },
#ifdef KSH
{ "[[", DBRACKET, TRUE },
#endif /* KSH */
/* Lexical tokens (0[EOF], LWORD and REDIR handled specially) */
{ "&&", LOGAND, FALSE },
{ "||", LOGOR, FALSE },
{ ";;", BREAK, FALSE },
#ifdef KSH
{ "((", MDPAREN, FALSE },
{ "|&", COPROC, FALSE },
#endif /* KSH */
/* and some special cases... */
{ "newline", '\n', FALSE },
{ 0 }
register struct tokeninfo const *tt;
register struct tbl *p;
tinit(&keywords, APERM, 32); /* must be 2^n (currently 20 keywords) */
for (tt = tokentab; tt->name; tt++) {
if (tt->reserved) {
p = tenter(&keywords, tt->name, hash(tt->name));
p->flag |= DEFINED|ISSET;
p->type = CKEYWD;
p->val.i = tt->val;
static void
const char *what;
char redir[6]; /* 2<<- is the longest redirection, I think */
const char *s;
struct tokeninfo const *tt;
int c;
if (!what)
what = "unexpected";
c = token(0);
switch (c) {
case 0:
if (nesting.start_token) {
c = nesting.start_token;
source->errline = nesting.start_line;
what = "unmatched";
goto Again;
/* don't quote the EOF */
yyerror("syntax error: unexpected EOF\n");
case LWORD:
s = snptreef((char *) 0, 32, "%S", yylval.cp);
case REDIR:
s = snptreef(redir, sizeof(redir), "%R", yylval.iop);
for (tt = tokentab; tt->name; tt++)
if (tt->val == c)
if (tt->name)
s = tt->name;
else {
if (c > 0 && c < 256) {
redir[0] = c;
redir[1] = '\0';
} else
shf_snprintf(redir, sizeof(redir),
"?%d", c);
s = redir;
yyerror("syntax error: `%s' %s\n", s, what);
static void
nesting_push(save, tok)
struct nesting_state *save;
int tok;
*save = nesting;
nesting.start_token = tok;
nesting.start_line = source->line;
static void
struct nesting_state *saved;
nesting = *saved;
static struct op *
int type;
register struct op *t;
t = (struct op *) alloc(sizeof(*t), ATEMP);
t->type = type;
t->u.evalflags = 0;
t->args = t->vars = NULL;
t->ioact = NULL;
t->left = t->right = NULL;
t->str = NULL;
return (t);
struct op *
Source *s;
nesting.start_token = 0;
nesting.start_line = 0;
herep = heres;
source = s;
return outtree;
/* This kludge exists to take care of sh/at&t ksh oddity in which
* the arguments of alias/export/readonly/typeset have no field
* splitting, file globbing, or (normal) tilde expansion done.
* at&t ksh seems to do something similar to this since
* $ touch a=a; typeset a=[ab]; echo "$a"
* a=[ab]
* $ x=typeset; $x a=[ab]; echo "$a"
* a=a
* $
static int
char *s;
char c = *s;
if (Flag(FPOSIX) || !*s)
return 0;
return (c == 'a' && strcmp(s, "alias") == 0)
|| (c == 'e' && strcmp(s, "export") == 0)
|| (c == 'r' && strcmp(s, "readonly") == 0)
|| (c == 't' && strcmp(s, "typeset") == 0);
/* Check if we are in the middle of reading an alias */
static int
struct source *s;
for (; s && s->type == SALIAS; s = s->next)
if (!(s->flags & SF_ALIASEND))
return 1;
return 0;
#ifdef KSH
/* Order important - indexed by Test_meta values
* Note that ||, &&, ( and ) can't appear in as unquoted strings
* in normal shell input, so these can be interpreted unambiguously
* in the evaluation pass.
static const char dbtest_or[] = { CHAR, '|', CHAR, '|', EOS };
static const char dbtest_and[] = { CHAR, '&', CHAR, '&', EOS };
static const char dbtest_not[] = { CHAR, '!', EOS };
static const char dbtest_oparen[] = { CHAR, '(', EOS };
static const char dbtest_cparen[] = { CHAR, ')', EOS };
const char *const dbtest_tokens[] = {
dbtest_or, dbtest_and, dbtest_not,
dbtest_oparen, dbtest_cparen
const char db_close[] = { CHAR, ']', CHAR, ']', EOS };
const char db_lthan[] = { CHAR, '<', EOS };
const char db_gthan[] = { CHAR, '>', EOS };
/* Test if the current token is a whatever. Accepts the current token if
* it is. Returns 0 if it is not, non-zero if it is (in the case of
* TM_UNOP and TM_BINOP, the returned value is a Test_op).
static int
dbtestp_isa(te, meta)
Test_env *te;
Test_meta meta;
int c = tpeek(ARRAYVAR | (meta == TM_BINOP ? 0 : CONTIN));
int uqword = 0;
char *save = (char *) 0;
int ret = 0;
/* unquoted word? */
uqword = c == LWORD && *ident;
if (meta == TM_OR)
ret = c == LOGOR;
else if (meta == TM_AND)
ret = c == LOGAND;
else if (meta == TM_NOT)
ret = uqword && strcmp(yylval.cp, dbtest_tokens[(int) TM_NOT]) == 0;
else if (meta == TM_OPAREN)
ret = c == '(' /*)*/;
else if (meta == TM_CPAREN)
ret = c == /*(*/ ')';
else if (meta == TM_UNOP || meta == TM_BINOP) {
if (meta == TM_BINOP && c == REDIR
&& (yylval.iop->flag == IOREAD
|| yylval.iop->flag == IOWRITE))
ret = 1;
save = wdcopy(yylval.iop->flag == IOREAD ?
db_lthan : db_gthan, ATEMP);
} else if (uqword && (ret = (int) test_isop(te, meta, ident)))
save = yylval.cp;
} else /* meta == TM_END */
ret = uqword && strcmp(yylval.cp, db_close) == 0;
if (ret) {
if (meta != TM_END) {
if (!save)
save = wdcopy(dbtest_tokens[(int) meta], ATEMP);
XPput(*te->pos.av, save);
return ret;
static const char *
dbtestp_getopnd(te, op, do_eval)
Test_env *te;
Test_op op;
int do_eval;
int c = tpeek(ARRAYVAR);
if (c != LWORD)
return (const char *) 0;
XPput(*te->pos.av, yylval.cp);
return null;
static int
dbtestp_eval(te, op, opnd1, opnd2, do_eval)
Test_env *te;
Test_op op;
const char *opnd1;
const char *opnd2;
int do_eval;
return 1;
static void
dbtestp_error(te, offset, msg)
Test_env *te;
int offset;
const char *msg;
te->flags |= TEF_ERROR;
if (offset < 0) {
/* Kludgy to say the least... */
symbol = LWORD;
yylval.cp = *(XPptrv(*te->pos.av) + XPsize(*te->pos.av)
+ offset);
#endif /* KSH */