This opens an OpenBSD-mirabile (aka MirBSD) repository. ### MirBSD is: # Copyright (c) 1982-2003 by Thorsten "mirabile" Glaser <> # Copyright © 1968-2003 The authors of And contributors to UNIX®, the # C Language, BSD/Berkeley Unix; 386BSD, NetBSD 1.1 and OpenBSD. # # Anyone who obtained a copy of this work is hereby permitted to freely use, # distribute, modify, merge, sublicence, give away or sell it as long as the # authors are given due credit and the following notice is retained: # # This work is provided "as is", with no explicit or implicit warranty what- # soever. Use it only at your own risk. In no event may an author or contri- # butor be held liable for any damage, directly or indirectly, that origina- # ted through or is caused by creation or modification of this work. MirBSD is my private tree. MirBSD does not differ very much from OpenBSD and intentionally tracks OpenBSD. That's why it _is_ OpenBSD, just not the official one. It's like with DarrenBSD. At time of this writing, no advertising for MirBSD must be done, because the advertising clause has not yet been sorted out.
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/* $OpenBSD: table.h,v 1.5 1999/06/15 01:18:36 millert Exp $ */
/* $From: table.h,v 1.3 1994/05/31 13:34:34 michael Exp $ */
* generic hashed associative table for commands and variables.
struct table {
Area *areap; /* area to allocate entries */
short size, nfree; /* hash size (always 2^^n), free entries */
struct tbl **tbls; /* hashed table items */
struct tbl { /* table item */
Tflag flag; /* flags */
int type; /* command type (see below), base (if INTEGER),
* or offset from val.s of value (if EXPORT) */
Area *areap; /* area to allocate from */
union {
char *s; /* string */
long i; /* integer */
int (*f) ARGS((char **)); /* int function */
struct op *t; /* "function" tree */
} val; /* value */
int index; /* index for an array */
union {
int field; /* field with for -L/-R/-Z */
int errno_; /* CEXEC/CTALIAS */
} u2;
union {
struct tbl *array; /* array values */
char *fpath; /* temporary path to undef function */
} u;
char name[4]; /* name -- variable length */
/* common flag bits */
#define ALLOC BIT(0) /* val.s has been allocated */
#define DEFINED BIT(1) /* is defined in block */
#define ISSET BIT(2) /* has value, vp->val.[si] */
#define EXPORT BIT(3) /* exported variable/function */
#define TRACE BIT(4) /* var: user flagged, func: execution tracing */
/* (start non-common flags at 8) */
/* flag bits used for variables */
#define SPECIAL BIT(8) /* PATH, IFS, SECONDS, etc */
#define INTEGER BIT(9) /* val.i contains integer value */
#define RDONLY BIT(10) /* read-only variable */
#define LOCAL BIT(11) /* for local typeset() */
#define ARRAY BIT(13) /* array */
#define LJUST BIT(14) /* left justify */
#define RJUST BIT(15) /* right justify */
#define ZEROFIL BIT(16) /* 0 filled if RJUSTIFY, strip 0s if LJUSTIFY */
#define LCASEV BIT(17) /* convert to lower case */
#define UCASEV_AL BIT(18)/* convert to upper case / autoload function */
#define INT_U BIT(19) /* unsigned integer */
#define INT_L BIT(20) /* long integer (no-op) */
#define IMPORT BIT(21) /* flag to typeset(): no arrays, must have = */
#define LOCAL_COPY BIT(22) /* with LOCAL - copy attrs from existing var */
#define EXPRINEVAL BIT(23) /* contents currently being evaluated */
#define EXPRLVALUE BIT(24) /* useable as lvalue (temp flag) */
/* flag bits used for taliases/builtins/aliases/keywords/functions */
#define KEEPASN BIT(8) /* keep command assignments (eg, var=x cmd) */
#define FINUSE BIT(9) /* function being executed */
#define FDELETE BIT(10) /* function deleted while it was executing */
#define FKSH BIT(11) /* function defined with function x (vs x()) */
#define SPEC_BI BIT(12) /* a POSIX special builtin */
#define REG_BI BIT(13) /* a POSIX regular builtin */
/* Attributes that can be set by the user (used to decide if an unset param
* should be repoted by set/typeset). Does not include ARRAY or LOCAL.
/* command types */
#define CNONE 0 /* undefined */
#define CSHELL 1 /* built-in */
#define CFUNC 2 /* function */
#define CEXEC 4 /* executable command */
#define CALIAS 5 /* alias */
#define CKEYWD 6 /* keyword */
#define CTALIAS 7 /* tracked alias */
/* Flags for findcom()/comexec() */
#define FC_SPECBI BIT(0) /* special builtin */
#define FC_FUNC BIT(1) /* function builtin */
#define FC_REGBI BIT(2) /* regular builtin */
#define FC_UNREGBI BIT(3) /* un-regular builtin (!special,!regular) */
#define FC_PATH BIT(4) /* do path search */
#define FC_DEFPATH BIT(5) /* use default path in path search */
#define AF_ARGV_ALLOC 0x1 /* argv[] array allocated */
#define AF_ARGS_ALLOCED 0x2 /* argument strings allocated */
#define AI_ARGV(a, i) ((i) == 0 ? (a).argv[0] : (a).argv[(i) - (a).skip])
#define AI_ARGC(a) ((a).argc_ - (a).skip)
/* Argument info. Used for $#, $* for shell, functions, includes, etc. */
struct arg_info {
int flags; /* AF_* */
char **argv;
int argc_;
int skip; /* first arg is argv[0], second is argv[1 + skip] */
* activation record for function blocks
struct block {
Area area; /* area to allocate things */
/*struct arg_info argi;*/
char **argv;
int argc;
int flags; /* see BF_* */
struct table vars; /* local variables */
struct table funs; /* local functions */
Getopt getopts_state;
#if 1
char * error; /* error handler */
char * exit; /* exit handler */
Trap error, exit;
struct block *next; /* enclosing block */
/* Values for struct block.flags */
#define BF_DOGETOPTS BIT(0) /* save/restore getopts state */
* Used by twalk() and tnext() routines.
struct tstate {
int left;
struct tbl **next;
EXTERN struct table taliases; /* tracked aliases */
EXTERN struct table builtins; /* built-in commands */
EXTERN struct table aliases; /* aliases */
EXTERN struct table keywords; /* keywords */
EXTERN struct table homedirs; /* homedir() cache */
struct builtin {
const char *name;
int (*func) ARGS((char **));
/* these really are externs! Look in table.c for them */
extern const struct builtin shbuiltins [], kshbuiltins [];
/* var spec values */
#define V_NONE 0
#define V_PATH 1
#define V_IFS 2
#define V_SECONDS 3
#define V_OPTIND 4
#define V_MAIL 5
#define V_MAILPATH 6
#define V_MAILCHECK 7
#define V_RANDOM 8
#define V_HISTSIZE 9
#define V_HISTFILE 10
#define V_VISUAL 11
#define V_EDITOR 12
#define V_COLUMNS 13
#define V_TMOUT 15
#define V_TMPDIR 16
#define V_LINENO 17
/* values for set_prompt() */
#define PS1 0 /* command */
#define PS2 1 /* command continuation */
EXTERN char *path; /* copy of either PATH or def_path */
EXTERN const char *def_path; /* path to use if PATH not set */
EXTERN char *tmpdir; /* TMPDIR value */
EXTERN const char *prompt;
EXTERN int cur_prompt; /* PS1 or PS2 */
EXTERN int current_lineno; /* LINENO value */