This opens an OpenBSD-mirabile (aka MirBSD) repository. ### MirBSD is: # Copyright (c) 1982-2003 by Thorsten "mirabile" Glaser <> # Copyright © 1968-2003 The authors of And contributors to UNIX®, the # C Language, BSD/Berkeley Unix; 386BSD, NetBSD 1.1 and OpenBSD. # # Anyone who obtained a copy of this work is hereby permitted to freely use, # distribute, modify, merge, sublicence, give away or sell it as long as the # authors are given due credit and the following notice is retained: # # This work is provided "as is", with no explicit or implicit warranty what- # soever. Use it only at your own risk. In no event may an author or contri- # butor be held liable for any damage, directly or indirectly, that origina- # ted through or is caused by creation or modification of this work. MirBSD is my private tree. MirBSD does not differ very much from OpenBSD and intentionally tracks OpenBSD. That's why it _is_ OpenBSD, just not the official one. It's like with DarrenBSD. At time of this writing, no advertising for MirBSD must be done, because the advertising clause has not yet been sorted out.
241 lines
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241 lines
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/* $OpenBSD: table.c,v 1.5 1999/01/10 17:55:03 millert Exp $ */
* dynamic hashed associative table for commands and variables
#include "sh.h"
#define INIT_TBLS 8 /* initial table size (power of 2) */
static void texpand ARGS((struct table *tp, int nsize));
static int tnamecmp ARGS((void *p1, void *p2));
unsigned int
register const char * n;
register unsigned int h = 0;
while (*n != '\0')
h = 2*h + *n++;
return h * 32821; /* scatter bits */
tinit(tp, ap, tsize)
register struct table *tp;
register Area *ap;
int tsize;
tp->areap = ap;
tp->tbls = NULL;
tp->size = tp->nfree = 0;
if (tsize)
texpand(tp, tsize);
static void
texpand(tp, nsize)
register struct table *tp;
int nsize;
register int i;
register struct tbl *tblp, **p;
register struct tbl **ntblp, **otblp = tp->tbls;
int osize = tp->size;
ntblp = (struct tbl**) alloc(sizeofN(struct tbl *, nsize), tp->areap);
for (i = 0; i < nsize; i++)
ntblp[i] = NULL;
tp->size = nsize;
tp->nfree = 8*nsize/10; /* table can get 80% full */
tp->tbls = ntblp;
if (otblp == NULL)
for (i = 0; i < osize; i++)
if ((tblp = otblp[i]) != NULL) {
if ((tblp->flag&DEFINED)) {
for (p = &ntblp[hash(tblp->name)
& (tp->size-1)];
*p != NULL; p--)
if (p == ntblp) /* wrap */
p += tp->size;
*p = tblp;
} else if (!(tblp->flag & FINUSE)) {
afree((void*)tblp, tp->areap);
afree((void*)otblp, tp->areap);
struct tbl *
tsearch(tp, n, h)
register struct table *tp; /* table */
register const char *n; /* name to enter */
unsigned int h; /* hash(n) */
register struct tbl **pp, *p;
if (tp->size == 0)
return NULL;
/* search for name in hashed table */
for (pp = &tp->tbls[h & (tp->size-1)]; (p = *pp) != NULL; pp--) {
if (*p->name == *n && strcmp(p->name, n) == 0
&& (p->flag&DEFINED))
return p;
if (pp == tp->tbls) /* wrap */
pp += tp->size;
return NULL;
struct tbl *
tenter(tp, n, h)
register struct table *tp; /* table */
register const char *n; /* name to enter */
unsigned int h; /* hash(n) */
register struct tbl **pp, *p;
register int len;
if (tp->size == 0)
texpand(tp, INIT_TBLS);
/* search for name in hashed table */
for (pp = &tp->tbls[h & (tp->size-1)]; (p = *pp) != NULL; pp--) {
if (*p->name == *n && strcmp(p->name, n) == 0)
return p; /* found */
if (pp == tp->tbls) /* wrap */
pp += tp->size;
if (tp->nfree <= 0) { /* too full */
texpand(tp, 2*tp->size);
goto Search;
/* create new tbl entry */
len = strlen(n) + 1;
p = (struct tbl *) alloc(offsetof(struct tbl, name[0]) + len,
p->flag = 0;
p->type = 0;
p->areap = tp->areap;
p->u2.field = 0;
p->u.array = (struct tbl *)0;
memcpy(p->name, n, len);
/* enter in tp->tbls */
*pp = p;
return p;
register struct tbl *p;
p->flag = 0;
twalk(ts, tp)
struct tstate *ts;
struct table *tp;
ts->left = tp->size;
ts->next = tp->tbls;
struct tbl *
struct tstate *ts;
while (--ts->left >= 0) {
struct tbl *p = *ts->next++;
if (p != NULL && (p->flag&DEFINED))
return p;
return NULL;
static int
tnamecmp(p1, p2)
void *p1, *p2;
return strcmp(((struct tbl *)p1)->name, ((struct tbl *)p2)->name);
struct tbl **
register struct table *tp;
register int i;
register struct tbl **p, **sp, **dp;
p = (struct tbl **)alloc(sizeofN(struct tbl *, tp->size+1), ATEMP);
sp = tp->tbls; /* source */
dp = p; /* dest */
for (i = 0; i < tp->size; i++)
if ((*dp = *sp++) != NULL && (((*dp)->flag&DEFINED) ||
i = dp - p;
qsortp((void**)p, (size_t)i, tnamecmp);
p[i] = NULL;
return p;
#ifdef PERF_DEBUG /* performance debugging */
void tprintinfo ARGS((struct table *tp));
struct table *tp;
struct tbl *te;
char *n;
unsigned int h;
int ncmp;
int totncmp = 0, maxncmp = 0;
int nentries = 0;
struct tstate ts;
shellf("table size %d, nfree %d\n", tp->size, tp->nfree);
shellf(" Ncmp name\n");
twalk(&ts, tp);
while ((te = tnext(&ts))) {
register struct tbl **pp, *p;
h = hash(n = te->name);
ncmp = 0;
/* taken from tsearch() and added counter */
for (pp = &tp->tbls[h & (tp->size-1)]; (p = *pp); pp--) {
if (*p->name == *n && strcmp(p->name, n) == 0
&& (p->flag&DEFINED))
break; /* return p; */
if (pp == tp->tbls) /* wrap */
pp += tp->size;
shellf(" %4d %s\n", ncmp, n);
totncmp += ncmp;
if (ncmp > maxncmp)
maxncmp = ncmp;
if (nentries)
shellf(" %d entries, worst ncmp %d, avg ncmp %d.%02d\n",
nentries, maxncmp,
totncmp / nentries,
(totncmp % nentries) * 100 / nentries);
#endif /* PERF_DEBUG */