sitory whose ChangeLog follows. mksh R21 is licenced under the MirOS li- cence, shown in "sh.h", and a two-clause UCB-style licence by Marc Espie as shown in "alloc.c". This executable is a fair bit smaller and shorter than our /bin/ksh that it is designed to eventually replace (as /bin/sh hardlink), with the old /bin/ksh to completely vanish. It is still in beta testing though, and I don't think it will compile on other operating systems. mksh R21 is a completely new port, bringing together the OpenBSD-current /bin/ksh, the MirOS-current /bin/ksh and the older mksh R20 (which still was portable, ocvs-based).
1292 lines
42 KiB
1292 lines
42 KiB
/** $MirOS: src/bin/mksh/sh.h,v 1.1 2005/05/23 03:06:09 tg Exp $ */
/* $OpenBSD: sh.h,v 1.27 2005/03/28 21:33:04 deraadt Exp $ */
/* $OpenBSD: shf.h,v 1.5 2005/03/30 17:16:37 deraadt Exp $ */
/* $OpenBSD: table.h,v 1.6 2004/12/18 20:55:52 millert Exp $ */
/* $OpenBSD: tree.h,v 1.10 2005/03/28 21:28:22 deraadt Exp $ */
/* $OpenBSD: expand.h,v 1.6 2005/03/30 17:16:37 deraadt Exp $ */
/* $OpenBSD: lex.h,v 1.9 2004/12/18 21:04:52 millert Exp $ */
/* $OpenBSD: proto.h,v 1.26 2005/03/28 21:28:22 deraadt Exp $ */
/* $OpenBSD: c_test.h,v 1.4 2004/12/20 11:34:26 otto Exp $ */
/* $OpenBSD: tty.h,v 1.5 2004/12/20 11:34:26 otto Exp $ */
* Copyright (c) 2005
* Thorsten "mirabile" Glaser <>
* Licensee is hereby permitted to deal in this work without restric-
* tion, including unlimited rights to use, publicly perform, modify,
* merge, distribute, sell, give away or sublicence, provided all co-
* pyright notices above, these terms and the disclaimer are retained
* in all redistributions or reproduced in accompanying documentation
* or other materials provided with binary redistributions.
* All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this soft-
* ware must display the following acknowledgement:
* This product includes material provided by Thorsten Glaser.
* Licensor hereby provides this work "AS IS" and WITHOUT WARRANTY of
* any kind, expressed or implied, to the maximum extent permitted by
* applicable law, but with the warranty of being written without ma-
* licious intent or gross negligence; in no event shall licensor, an
* author or contributor be held liable for any damage, direct, indi-
* rect or other, however caused, arising in any way out of the usage
* of this work, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
#ifndef SH_H
#define SH_H
#include <sys/types.h>
#if defined(__gnu_linux__)
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#if !defined(__sun__) /* not on Solaris */
#include <paths.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#if defined(__sun__) || defined(__gnu_linux__)
#include <values.h>
/* some useful #defines */
#ifdef EXTERN
# define I__(i) = i
# define I__(i)
# define EXTERN extern
#define EXECSHELL "/bin/mksh"
#define NELEM(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))
#define sizeofN(type, n) (sizeof(type) * (n))
#define BIT(i) (1<<(i)) /* define bit in flag */
/* Table flag type - needs > 16 and < 32 bits */
typedef int32_t Tflag;
#define NUFILE 32 /* Number of user-accessible files */
#define FDBASE 10 /* First file usable by Shell */
/* Make MAGIC a char that might be printed to make bugs more obvious, but
* not a char that is used often. Also, can't use the high bit as it causes
* portability problems (calling strchr(x, 0x80|'x') is error prone).
#define MAGIC (7) /* prefix for *?[!{,} during expand */
#define ISMAGIC(c) ((unsigned char)(c) == MAGIC)
#define NOT '!' /* might use ^ (ie, [!...] vs [^..]) */
#define LINE 4096 /* input line size */
#ifndef PATH_MAX
#define PATH_MAX 1024 /* pathname size (todo: PATH_MAX/pathconf()) */
EXTERN char * kshname; /* $0 */
EXTERN pid_t kshpid; /* $$, shell pid */
EXTERN pid_t procpid; /* pid of executing process */
EXTERN uid_t ksheuid; /* effective uid of shell */
EXTERN int exstat; /* exit status */
EXTERN int subst_exstat; /* exit status of last $(..)/`..` */
EXTERN const char *safe_prompt; /* safe prompt if PS1 substitution fails */
* Area-based allocation built on malloc/free
typedef struct Area {
struct link *freelist; /* free list */
} Area;
EXTERN Area aperm; /* permanent object space */
#define APERM &aperm
#define ATEMP &e->area
* parsing & execution environment
EXTERN struct env {
short type; /* environment type - see below */
short flags; /* EF_* */
Area area; /* temporary allocation area */
struct block *loc; /* local variables and functions */
short *savefd; /* original redirected fds */
struct env *oenv; /* link to previous environment */
sigjmp_buf jbuf; /* long jump back to env creator */
struct temp *temps; /* temp files */
} *e;
/* struct env.type values */
#define E_NONE 0 /* dummy environment */
#define E_PARSE 1 /* parsing command # */
#define E_FUNC 2 /* executing function # */
#define E_INCL 3 /* including a file via . # */
#define E_EXEC 4 /* executing command tree */
#define E_LOOP 5 /* executing for/while # */
#define E_ERRH 6 /* general error handler # */
/* # indicates env has valid jbuf (see unwind()) */
/* struct env.flag values */
#define EF_FUNC_PARSE BIT(0) /* function being parsed */
#define EF_BRKCONT_PASS BIT(1) /* set if E_LOOP must pass break/continue on */
#define EF_FAKE_SIGDIE BIT(2) /* hack to get info from unwind to quitenv */
/* Do breaks/continues stop at env type e? */
#define STOP_BRKCONT(t) ((t) == E_NONE || (t) == E_PARSE \
|| (t) == E_FUNC || (t) == E_INCL)
/* Do returns stop at env type e? */
#define STOP_RETURN(t) ((t) == E_FUNC || (t) == E_INCL)
/* values for siglongjmp(e->jbuf, 0) */
#define LRETURN 1 /* return statement */
#define LEXIT 2 /* exit statement */
#define LERROR 3 /* errorf() called */
#define LLEAVE 4 /* untrappable exit/error */
#define LINTR 5 /* ^C noticed */
#define LBREAK 6 /* break statement */
#define LCONTIN 7 /* continue statement */
#define LSHELL 8 /* return to interactive shell() */
#define LAEXPR 9 /* error in arithmetic expression */
/* option processing */
#define OF_CMDLINE 0x01 /* command line */
#define OF_SET 0x02 /* set builtin */
#define OF_SPECIAL 0x04 /* a special variable changing */
#define OF_INTERNAL 0x08 /* set internally by shell */
#define OF_FIRSTTIME 0x10 /* as early as possible, once */
struct option {
const char *name; /* long name of option */
char c; /* character flag (if any) */
short flags; /* OF_* */
extern const struct option options[];
* flags (the order of these enums MUST match the order in misc.c(options[]))
enum sh_flag {
FEXPORT = 0, /* -a: export all */
FBRACEEXPAND, /* enable {} globbing */
FBGNICE, /* bgnice */
FCOMMAND, /* -c: (invocation) execute specified command */
FEMACS, /* emacs command editing */
FEMACSUSEMETA, /* use 8th bit as meta */
FERREXIT, /* -e: quit on error */
FGMACS, /* gmacs command editing */
FIGNOREEOF, /* eof does not exit */
FTALKING, /* -i: interactive */
FKEYWORD, /* -k: name=value anywhere */
FLOGIN, /* -l: a login shell */
FMARKDIRS, /* mark dirs with / in file name completion */
FMONITOR, /* -m: job control monitoring */
FNOCLOBBER, /* -C: don't overwrite existing files */
FNOEXEC, /* -n: don't execute any commands */
FNOGLOB, /* -f: don't do file globbing */
FNOHUP, /* -H: don't kill running jobs when login shell exits */
FNOLOG, /* don't save functions in history (ignored) */
FNOTIFY, /* -b: asynchronous job completion notification */
FNOUNSET, /* -u: using an unset var is an error */
FPHYSICAL, /* -o physical: don't do logical cds/pwds */
FPOSIX, /* -o posix: be posixly correct */
FPRIVILEGED, /* -p: use suid_profile */
FRESTRICTED, /* -r: restricted shell */
FSH, /* -o sh: favor sh behaviour */
FSTDIN, /* -s: (invocation) parse stdin */
FTRACKALL, /* -h: create tracked aliases for all commands */
FVERBOSE, /* -v: echo input */
FVI, /* vi command editing */
FVIRAW, /* always read in raw mode (ignored) */
FVISHOW8, /* display chars with 8th bit set as is (versus M-) */
FVITABCOMPLETE, /* enable tab as file name completion char */
FVIESCCOMPLETE, /* enable ESC as file name completion in command mode */
FXTRACE, /* -x: execution trace */
FTALKING_I, /* (internal): initial shell was interactive */
FNFLAGS /* (place holder: how many flags are there) */
#define Flag(f) (shell_flags[(int) (f)])
EXTERN char shell_flags [FNFLAGS];
EXTERN char null [] I__(""); /* null value for variable */
EXTERN char space [] I__(" ");
EXTERN char newline [] I__("\n");
EXTERN char slash [] I__("/");
enum temp_type {
TT_HEREDOC_EXP, /* expanded heredoc */
TT_HIST_EDIT /* temp file used for history editing (fc -e) */
typedef enum temp_type Temp_type;
/* temp/heredoc files. The file is removed when the struct is freed. */
struct temp {
struct temp *next;
struct shf *shf;
int pid; /* pid of process parsed here-doc */
Temp_type type;
char *name;
* stdio and our IO routines
#define shl_spare (&shf_iob[0]) /* for c_read()/c_print() */
#define shl_stdout (&shf_iob[1])
#define shl_out (&shf_iob[2])
EXTERN int shl_stdout_ok;
* trap handlers
typedef struct trap {
int signal; /* signal number */
const char *name; /* short name */
const char *mess; /* descriptive name */
char *trap; /* trap command */
volatile sig_atomic_t set; /* trap pending */
int flags; /* TF_* */
sig_t cursig; /* current handler (valid if TF_ORIG_* set) */
sig_t shtrap; /* shell signal handler */
} Trap;
/* values for Trap.flags */
#define TF_SHELL_USES BIT(0) /* shell uses signal, user can't change */
#define TF_USER_SET BIT(1) /* user has (tried to) set trap */
#define TF_ORIG_IGN BIT(2) /* original action was SIG_IGN */
#define TF_ORIG_DFL BIT(3) /* original action was SIG_DFL */
#define TF_EXEC_IGN BIT(4) /* restore SIG_IGN just before exec */
#define TF_EXEC_DFL BIT(5) /* restore SIG_DFL just before exec */
#define TF_DFL_INTR BIT(6) /* when received, default action is LINTR */
#define TF_TTY_INTR BIT(7) /* tty generated signal (see j_waitj) */
#define TF_CHANGED BIT(8) /* used by runtrap() to detect trap changes */
#define TF_FATAL BIT(9) /* causes termination if not trapped */
/* values for setsig()/setexecsig() flags argument */
#define SS_RESTORE_MASK 0x3 /* how to restore a signal before an exec() */
#define SS_RESTORE_CURR 0 /* leave current handler in place */
#define SS_RESTORE_ORIG 1 /* restore original handler */
#define SS_RESTORE_DFL 2 /* restore to SIG_DFL */
#define SS_RESTORE_IGN 3 /* restore to SIG_IGN */
#define SS_FORCE BIT(3) /* set signal even if original signal ignored */
#define SS_USER BIT(4) /* user is doing the set (ie, trap command) */
#define SS_SHTRAP BIT(5) /* trap for internal use (CHLD,ALRM,WINCH) */
#define SIGEXIT_ 0 /* for trap EXIT */
#define SIGERR_ NSIG /* for trap ERR */
EXTERN volatile sig_atomic_t trap; /* traps pending? */
EXTERN volatile sig_atomic_t intrsig; /* pending trap interrupts command */
EXTERN volatile sig_atomic_t fatal_trap;/* received a fatal signal */
extern Trap sigtraps[NSIG+1];
* TMOUT support
/* values for ksh_tmout_state */
enum tmout_enum {
TMOUT_EXECUTING = 0, /* executing commands */
TMOUT_READING, /* waiting for input */
TMOUT_LEAVING /* have timed out */
EXTERN unsigned int ksh_tmout;
EXTERN enum tmout_enum ksh_tmout_state I__(TMOUT_EXECUTING);
/* For "You have stopped jobs" message */
EXTERN int really_exit;
* fast character classes
#define C_ALPHA BIT(0) /* a-z_A-Z */
#define C_DIGIT BIT(1) /* 0-9 */
#define C_LEX1 BIT(2) /* \0 \t\n|&;<>() */
#define C_VAR1 BIT(3) /* *@#!$-? */
#define C_IFSWS BIT(4) /* \t \n (IFS white space) */
#define C_SUBOP1 BIT(5) /* "=-+?" */
#define C_SUBOP2 BIT(6) /* "#%" */
#define C_IFS BIT(7) /* $IFS */
#define C_QUOTE BIT(8) /* \n\t"#$&'()*;<>?[]\`| (needing quoting) */
extern short chtypes[];
#define ctype(c, t) !!(chtypes[(unsigned char)(c)]&(t))
#define letter(c) ctype(c, C_ALPHA)
#define digit(c) ctype(c, C_DIGIT)
#define letnum(c) ctype(c, C_ALPHA|C_DIGIT)
EXTERN int ifs0 I__(' '); /* for "$*" */
/* Argument parsing for built-in commands and getopts command */
/* Values for Getopt.flags */
#define GF_ERROR BIT(0) /* call errorf() if there is an error */
#define GF_PLUSOPT BIT(1) /* allow +c as an option */
#define GF_NONAME BIT(2) /* don't print argv[0] in errors */
/* Values for */
#define GI_MINUS BIT(0) /* an option started with -... */
#define GI_PLUS BIT(1) /* an option started with +... */
#define GI_MINUSMINUS BIT(2) /* arguments were ended with -- */
typedef struct {
int optind;
int uoptind;/* what user sees in $OPTIND */
char *optarg;
int flags; /* see GF_* */
int info; /* see GI_* */
unsigned int p; /* 0 or index into argv[optind - 1] */
char buf[2]; /* for bad option OPTARG value */
} Getopt;
EXTERN Getopt builtin_opt; /* for shell builtin commands */
EXTERN Getopt user_opt; /* parsing state for getopts builtin command */
/* This for co-processes */
typedef int32_t Coproc_id; /* something that won't (realisticly) wrap */
struct coproc {
int read; /* pipe from co-process's stdout */
int readw; /* other side of read (saved temporarily) */
int write; /* pipe to co-process's stdin */
Coproc_id id; /* id of current output pipe */
int njobs; /* number of live jobs using output pipe */
void *job; /* 0 or job of co-process using input pipe */
EXTERN struct coproc coproc;
/* Used in jobs.c and by coprocess stuff in exec.c */
EXTERN sigset_t sm_default, sm_sigchld;
extern const char ksh_version[];
/* name of called builtin function (used by error functions) */
EXTERN char *builtin_argv0;
EXTERN Tflag builtin_flag; /* flags of called builtin (SPEC_BI, etc.) */
/* current working directory, and size of memory allocated for same */
EXTERN char *current_wd;
EXTERN int current_wd_size;
/* Minimum required space to work with on a line - if the prompt leaves less
* space than this on a line, the prompt is truncated.
#define MIN_EDIT_SPACE 7
/* Minimum allowed value for x_cols: 2 for prompt, 3 for " < " at end of line
#define MIN_COLS (2 + MIN_EDIT_SPACE + 3)
EXTERN int x_cols I__(80); /* tty columns */
/* These to avoid bracket matching problems */
#define OPAREN '('
#define CPAREN ')'
#define OBRACK '['
#define CBRACK ']'
#define OBRACE '{'
#define CBRACE '}'
/* Determine the location of the system (common) profile */
#define KSH_SYSTEM_PROFILE "/etc/profile"
/* Used by v_evaluate() and setstr() to control action when error occurs */
#define KSH_UNWIND_ERROR 0 /* unwind the stack (longjmp) */
#define KSH_RETURN_ERROR 1 /* return 1/0 for success/failure */
* Shell file I/O routines
#define SHF_BSIZE 512
#define shf_fileno(shf) ((shf)->fd)
#define shf_setfileno(shf,nfd) ((shf)->fd = (nfd))
#define shf_getc(shf) ((shf)->rnleft > 0 ? (shf)->rnleft--, *(shf)->rp++ : \
#define shf_putc(c, shf) ((shf)->wnleft == 0 ? shf_putchar((c), (shf)) : \
((shf)->wnleft--, *(shf)->wp++ = (c)))
#define shf_eof(shf) ((shf)->flags & SHF_EOF)
#define shf_error(shf) ((shf)->flags & SHF_ERROR)
#define shf_errno(shf) ((shf)->errno_)
#define shf_clearerr(shf) ((shf)->flags &= ~(SHF_EOF | SHF_ERROR))
/* Flags passed to shf_*open() */
#define SHF_RD 0x0001
#define SHF_WR 0x0002
#define SHF_ACCMODE 0x0003 /* mask */
#define SHF_GETFL 0x0004 /* use fcntl() to figure RD/WR flags */
#define SHF_UNBUF 0x0008 /* unbuffered I/O */
#define SHF_CLEXEC 0x0010 /* set close on exec flag */
#define SHF_MAPHI 0x0020 /* make fd > FDBASE (and close orig)
* (shf_open() only) */
#define SHF_DYNAMIC 0x0040 /* string: increase buffer as needed */
#define SHF_INTERRUPT 0x0080 /* EINTR in read/write causes error */
/* Flags used internally */
#define SHF_STRING 0x0100 /* a string, not a file */
#define SHF_ALLOCS 0x0200 /* shf and shf->buf were alloc()ed */
#define SHF_ALLOCB 0x0400 /* shf->buf was alloc()ed */
#define SHF_ERROR 0x0800 /* read()/write() error */
#define SHF_EOF 0x1000 /* read eof (sticky) */
#define SHF_READING 0x2000 /* currently reading: rnleft,rp valid */
#define SHF_WRITING 0x4000 /* currently writing: wnleft,wp valid */
struct shf {
int flags; /* see SHF_* */
unsigned char *rp; /* read: current position in buffer */
int rbsize; /* size of buffer (1 if SHF_UNBUF) */
int rnleft; /* read: how much data left in buffer */
unsigned char *wp; /* write: current position in buffer */
int wbsize; /* size of buffer (0 if SHF_UNBUF) */
int wnleft; /* write: how much space left in buffer */
unsigned char *buf; /* buffer */
int fd; /* file descriptor */
int errno_; /* saved value of errno after error */
int bsize; /* actual size of buf */
Area *areap; /* area shf/buf were allocated in */
extern struct shf shf_iob[];
struct shf *shf_open(const char *, int, int, int);
struct shf *shf_fdopen(int, int, struct shf *);
struct shf *shf_reopen(int, int, struct shf *);
struct shf *shf_sopen(char *, int, int, struct shf *);
int shf_close(struct shf *);
int shf_fdclose(struct shf *);
char *shf_sclose(struct shf *);
int shf_finish(struct shf *);
int shf_flush(struct shf *);
int shf_seek(struct shf *, off_t, int);
int shf_read(char *, int, struct shf *);
char *shf_getse(char *, int, struct shf *);
int shf_getchar(struct shf *s);
int shf_ungetc(int, struct shf *);
int shf_putchar(int, struct shf *);
int shf_puts(const char *, struct shf *);
int shf_write(const char *, int, struct shf *);
int shf_fprintf(struct shf *, const char *, ...);
int shf_snprintf(char *, int, const char *, ...);
char *shf_smprintf(const char *, ...);
int shf_vfprintf(struct shf *, const char *, va_list);
struct table {
Area *areap; /* area to allocate entries */
short size, nfree; /* hash size (always 2^^n), free entries */
struct tbl **tbls; /* hashed table items */
struct tbl { /* table item */
Tflag flag; /* flags */
int type; /* command type (see below), base (if INTEGER),
* or offset from val.s of value (if EXPORT) */
Area *areap; /* area to allocate from */
union {
char *s; /* string */
long i; /* integer */
int (*f)(char **); /* int function */
struct op *t; /* "function" tree */
} val; /* value */
int index; /* index for an array */
union {
int field; /* field with for -L/-R/-Z */
int errno_; /* CEXEC/CTALIAS */
} u2;
union {
struct tbl *array; /* array values */
char *fpath; /* temporary path to undef function */
} u;
char name[4]; /* name -- variable length */
/* common flag bits */
#define ALLOC BIT(0) /* val.s has been allocated */
#define DEFINED BIT(1) /* is defined in block */
#define ISSET BIT(2) /* has value, vp->val.[si] */
#define EXPORT BIT(3) /* exported variable/function */
#define TRACE BIT(4) /* var: user flagged, func: execution tracing */
/* (start non-common flags at 8) */
/* flag bits used for variables */
#define SPECIAL BIT(8) /* PATH, IFS, SECONDS, etc */
#define INTEGER BIT(9) /* val.i contains integer value */
#define RDONLY BIT(10) /* read-only variable */
#define LOCAL BIT(11) /* for local typeset() */
#define ARRAY BIT(13) /* array */
#define LJUST BIT(14) /* left justify */
#define RJUST BIT(15) /* right justify */
#define ZEROFIL BIT(16) /* 0 filled if RJUSTIFY, strip 0s if LJUSTIFY */
#define LCASEV BIT(17) /* convert to lower case */
#define UCASEV_AL BIT(18)/* convert to upper case / autoload function */
#define INT_U BIT(19) /* unsigned integer */
#define INT_L BIT(20) /* long integer (no-op) */
#define IMPORT BIT(21) /* flag to typeset(): no arrays, must have = */
#define LOCAL_COPY BIT(22) /* with LOCAL - copy attrs from existing var */
#define EXPRINEVAL BIT(23) /* contents currently being evaluated */
#define EXPRLVALUE BIT(24) /* useable as lvalue (temp flag) */
/* flag bits used for taliases/builtins/aliases/keywords/functions */
#define KEEPASN BIT(8) /* keep command assignments (eg, var=x cmd) */
#define FINUSE BIT(9) /* function being executed */
#define FDELETE BIT(10) /* function deleted while it was executing */
#define FKSH BIT(11) /* function defined with function x (vs x()) */
#define SPEC_BI BIT(12) /* a POSIX special builtin */
#define REG_BI BIT(13) /* a POSIX regular builtin */
/* Attributes that can be set by the user (used to decide if an unset param
* should be repoted by set/typeset). Does not include ARRAY or LOCAL.
/* command types */
#define CNONE 0 /* undefined */
#define CSHELL 1 /* built-in */
#define CFUNC 2 /* function */
#define CEXEC 4 /* executable command */
#define CALIAS 5 /* alias */
#define CKEYWD 6 /* keyword */
#define CTALIAS 7 /* tracked alias */
/* Flags for findcom()/comexec() */
#define FC_SPECBI BIT(0) /* special builtin */
#define FC_FUNC BIT(1) /* function builtin */
#define FC_REGBI BIT(2) /* regular builtin */
#define FC_UNREGBI BIT(3) /* un-regular builtin (!special,!regular) */
#define FC_PATH BIT(4) /* do path search */
#define FC_DEFPATH BIT(5) /* use default path in path search */
#define AF_ARGV_ALLOC 0x1 /* argv[] array allocated */
#define AF_ARGS_ALLOCED 0x2 /* argument strings allocated */
#define AI_ARGV(a, i) ((i) == 0 ? (a).argv[0] : (a).argv[(i) - (a).skip])
#define AI_ARGC(a) ((a).argc_ - (a).skip)
/* Argument info. Used for $#, $* for shell, functions, includes, etc. */
struct arg_info {
int flags; /* AF_* */
char **argv;
int argc_;
int skip; /* first arg is argv[0], second is argv[1 + skip] */
* activation record for function blocks
struct block {
Area area; /* area to allocate things */
/*struct arg_info argi;*/
char **argv;
int argc;
int flags; /* see BF_* */
struct table vars; /* local variables */
struct table funs; /* local functions */
Getopt getopts_state;
char * error; /* error handler */
char * exit; /* exit handler */
struct block *next; /* enclosing block */
/* Values for struct block.flags */
#define BF_DOGETOPTS BIT(0) /* save/restore getopts state */
* Used by twalk() and tnext() routines.
struct tstate {
int left;
struct tbl **next;
EXTERN struct table taliases; /* tracked aliases */
EXTERN struct table builtins; /* built-in commands */
EXTERN struct table aliases; /* aliases */
EXTERN struct table keywords; /* keywords */
EXTERN struct table homedirs; /* homedir() cache */
struct builtin {
const char *name;
int (*func)(char **);
extern const struct builtin shbuiltins [], kshbuiltins [];
/* var spec values */
#define V_NONE 0
#define V_PATH 1
#define V_IFS 2
#define V_SECONDS 3
#define V_OPTIND 4
#define V_RANDOM 8
#define V_HISTSIZE 9
#define V_HISTFILE 10
#define V_VISUAL 11
#define V_EDITOR 12
#define V_COLUMNS 13
#define V_TMOUT 15
#define V_TMPDIR 16
#define V_LINENO 17
#define V_PGRP 18
/* values for set_prompt() */
#define PS1 0 /* command */
#define PS2 1 /* command continuation */
EXTERN char *path; /* copy of either PATH or def_path */
EXTERN const char *def_path; /* path to use if PATH not set */
EXTERN char *tmpdir; /* TMPDIR value */
EXTERN const char *prompt;
EXTERN int cur_prompt; /* PS1 or PS2 */
EXTERN int current_lineno; /* LINENO value */
#define NOBLOCK ((struct op *)NULL)
#define NOWORD ((char *)NULL)
#define NOWORDS ((char **)NULL)
* Description of a command or an operation on commands.
struct op {
short type; /* operation type, see below */
union { /* WARNING: newtp(), tcopy() use evalflags = 0 to clear union */
short evalflags; /* TCOM: arg expansion eval() flags */
short ksh_func; /* TFUNC: function x (vs x()) */
} u;
char **args; /* arguments to a command */
char **vars; /* variable assignments */
struct ioword **ioact; /* IO actions (eg, < > >>) */
struct op *left, *right; /* descendents */
char *str; /* word for case; identifier for for,
* select, and functions;
* path to execute for TEXEC;
* time hook for TCOM.
int lineno; /* TCOM/TFUNC: LINENO for this */
/* Tree.type values */
#define TEOF 0
#define TCOM 1 /* command */
#define TPAREN 2 /* (c-list) */
#define TPIPE 3 /* a | b */
#define TLIST 4 /* a ; b */
#define TOR 5 /* || */
#define TAND 6 /* && */
#define TBANG 7 /* ! */
#define TDBRACKET 8 /* [[ .. ]] */
#define TFOR 9
#define TSELECT 10
#define TCASE 11
#define TIF 12
#define TWHILE 13
#define TUNTIL 14
#define TELIF 15
#define TPAT 16 /* pattern in case */
#define TBRACE 17 /* {c-list} */
#define TASYNC 18 /* c & */
#define TFUNCT 19 /* function name { command; } */
#define TTIME 20 /* time pipeline */
#define TEXEC 21 /* fork/exec eval'd TCOM */
#define TCOPROC 22 /* coprocess |& */
* prefix codes for words in command tree
#define EOS 0 /* end of string */
#define CHAR 1 /* unquoted character */
#define QCHAR 2 /* quoted character */
#define COMSUB 3 /* $() substitution (0 terminated) */
#define EXPRSUB 4 /* $(()) substitution (0 terminated) */
#define OQUOTE 5 /* opening " or ' */
#define CQUOTE 6 /* closing " or ' */
#define OSUBST 7 /* opening ${ subst (followed by { or X) */
#define CSUBST 8 /* closing } of above (followed by } or X) */
#define OPAT 9 /* open pattern: *(, @(, etc. */
#define SPAT 10 /* separate pattern: | */
#define CPAT 11 /* close pattern: ) */
* IO redirection
struct ioword {
int unit; /* unit affected */
int flag; /* action (below) */
char *name; /* file name (unused if heredoc) */
char *delim; /* delimiter for <<,<<- */
char *heredoc;/* content of heredoc */
/* ioword.flag - type of redirection */
#define IOTYPE 0xF /* type: bits 0:3 */
#define IOREAD 0x1 /* < */
#define IOWRITE 0x2 /* > */
#define IORDWR 0x3 /* <>: todo */
#define IOHERE 0x4 /* << (here file) */
#define IOCAT 0x5 /* >> */
#define IODUP 0x6 /* <&/>& */
#define IOEVAL BIT(4) /* expand in << */
#define IOSKIP BIT(5) /* <<-, skip ^\t* */
#define IOCLOB BIT(6) /* >|, override -o noclobber */
#define IORDUP BIT(7) /* x<&y (as opposed to x>&y) */
#define IONAMEXP BIT(8) /* name has been expanded */
/* execute/exchild flags */
#define XEXEC BIT(0) /* execute without forking */
#define XFORK BIT(1) /* fork before executing */
#define XBGND BIT(2) /* command & */
#define XPIPEI BIT(3) /* input is pipe */
#define XPIPEO BIT(4) /* output is pipe */
#define XPIPE (XPIPEI|XPIPEO) /* member of pipe */
#define XXCOM BIT(5) /* `...` command */
#define XPCLOSE BIT(6) /* exchild: close close_fd in parent */
#define XCCLOSE BIT(7) /* exchild: close close_fd in child */
#define XERROK BIT(8) /* non-zero exit ok (for set -e) */
#define XCOPROC BIT(9) /* starting a co-process */
#define XTIME BIT(10) /* timing TCOM command */
* flags to control expansion of words (assumed by t->evalflags to fit
* in a short)
#define DOBLANK BIT(0) /* perform blank interpretation */
#define DOGLOB BIT(1) /* expand [?* */
#define DOPAT BIT(2) /* quote *?[ */
#define DOTILDE BIT(3) /* normal ~ expansion (first char) */
#define DONTRUNCOMMAND BIT(4) /* do not run $(command) things */
#define DOASNTILDE BIT(5) /* assignment ~ expansion (after =, :) */
#define DOBRACE_ BIT(6) /* used by expand(): do brace expansion */
#define DOMAGIC_ BIT(7) /* used by expand(): string contains MAGIC */
#define DOTEMP_ BIT(8) /* ditto : in word part of ${..[%#=?]..} */
#define DOVACHECK BIT(9) /* var assign check (for typeset, set, etc) */
#define DOMARKDIRS BIT(10) /* force markdirs behaviour */
* The arguments of [[ .. ]] expressions are kept in t->args[] and flags
* indicating how the arguments have been munged are kept in t->vars[].
* The contents of t->vars[] are stuffed strings (so they can be treated
* like all other t->vars[]) in which the second character is the one that
* is examined. The DB_* defines are the values for these second characters.
#define DB_NORM 1 /* normal argument */
#define DB_OR 2 /* || -> -o conversion */
#define DB_AND 3 /* && -> -a conversion */
#define DB_BE 4 /* an inserted -BE */
#define DB_PAT 5 /* a pattern argument */
#define X_EXTRA 8 /* this many extra bytes in X string */
typedef struct XString {
char *end, *beg; /* end, begin of string */
size_t len; /* length */
Area *areap; /* area to allocate/free from */
} XString;
typedef char *XStringP;
/* initialize expandable string */
#define Xinit(xs, xp, length, area) do { \
(xs).len = length; \
(xs).areap = (area); \
(xs).beg = alloc((xs).len + X_EXTRA, (xs).areap); \
(xs).end = (xs).beg + (xs).len; \
xp = (xs).beg; \
} while (0)
/* stuff char into string */
#define Xput(xs, xp, c) (*xp++ = (c))
/* check if there are at least n bytes left */
#define XcheckN(xs, xp, n) do { \
int more = ((xp) + (n)) - (xs).end; \
if (more > 0) \
xp = Xcheck_grow_(&xs, xp, more); \
} while (0)
/* check for overflow, expand string */
#define Xcheck(xs, xp) XcheckN(xs, xp, 1)
/* free string */
#define Xfree(xs, xp) afree((void*) (xs).beg, (xs).areap)
/* close, return string */
#define Xclose(xs, xp) (char*) aresize((void*)(xs).beg, \
(size_t)((xp) - (xs).beg), (xs).areap)
/* begin of string */
#define Xstring(xs, xp) ((xs).beg)
#define Xnleft(xs, xp) ((xs).end - (xp)) /* may be less than 0 */
#define Xlength(xs, xp) ((xp) - (xs).beg)
#define Xsize(xs, xp) ((xs).end - (xs).beg)
#define Xsavepos(xs, xp) ((xp) - (xs).beg)
#define Xrestpos(xs, xp, n) ((xs).beg + (n))
char * Xcheck_grow_(XString *, char *, unsigned);
* expandable vector of generic pointers
typedef struct XPtrV {
void **cur; /* next avail pointer */
void **beg, **end; /* begin, end of vector */
} XPtrV;
#define XPinit(x, n) do { \
void **vp__; \
vp__ = (void**) alloc(sizeofN(void*, n), ATEMP); \
(x).cur = (x).beg = vp__; \
(x).end = vp__ + n; \
} while (0)
#define XPput(x, p) do { \
if ((x).cur >= (x).end) { \
int n = XPsize(x); \
(x).beg = (void**) aresize((void*) (x).beg, \
sizeofN(void*, n*2), ATEMP); \
(x).cur = (x).beg + n; \
(x).end = (x).cur + n; \
} \
*(x).cur++ = (p); \
} while (0)
#define XPptrv(x) ((x).beg)
#define XPsize(x) ((x).cur - (x).beg)
#define XPclose(x) (void**) aresize((void*)(x).beg, \
sizeofN(void*, XPsize(x)), ATEMP)
#define XPfree(x) afree((void*) (x).beg, ATEMP)
#define IDENT 64
typedef struct source Source;
struct source {
const char *str; /* input pointer */
int type; /* input type */
const char *start; /* start of current buffer */
union {
char **strv; /* string [] */
struct shf *shf; /* shell file */
struct tbl *tblp; /* alias (SALIAS) */
char *freeme; /* also for SREREAD */
} u;
char ugbuf[2]; /* buffer for ungetsc() (SREREAD) and
* alias (SALIAS) */
int line; /* line number */
int errline; /* line the error occurred on (0 if not set) */
const char *file; /* input file name */
int flags; /* SF_* */
Area *areap;
XString xs; /* input buffer */
Source *next; /* stacked source */
/* Source.type values */
#define SEOF 0 /* input EOF */
#define SFILE 1 /* file input */
#define SSTDIN 2 /* read stdin */
#define SSTRING 3 /* string */
#define SWSTR 4 /* string without \n */
#define SWORDS 5 /* string[] */
#define SWORDSEP 6 /* string[] separator */
#define SALIAS 7 /* alias expansion */
#define SREREAD 8 /* read ahead to be re-scanned */
/* Source.flags values */
#define SF_ECHO BIT(0) /* echo input to shlout */
#define SF_ALIAS BIT(1) /* faking space at end of alias */
#define SF_ALIASEND BIT(2) /* faking space at end of alias */
#define SF_TTY BIT(3) /* type == SSTDIN & it is a tty */
* states while lexing word
#define SBASE 0 /* outside any lexical constructs */
#define SWORD 1 /* implicit quoting for substitute() */
#define SLETPAREN 2 /* inside (( )), implicit quoting */
#define SSQUOTE 3 /* inside '' */
#define SDQUOTE 4 /* inside "" */
#define SBRACE 5 /* inside ${} */
#define SCSPAREN 6 /* inside $() */
#define SBQUOTE 7 /* inside `` */
#define SASPAREN 8 /* inside $(( )) */
#define SHEREDELIM 9 /* parsing <<,<<- delimiter */
#define SHEREDQUOTE 10 /* parsing " in <<,<<- delimiter */
#define SPATTERN 11 /* parsing *(...|...) pattern (*+?@!) */
#define STBRACE 12 /* parsing ${..[#%]..} */
typedef union {
int i;
char *cp;
char **wp;
struct op *o;
struct ioword *iop;
/* If something is added here, add it to tokentab[] in syn.c as well */
#define LWORD 256
#define LOGAND 257 /* && */
#define LOGOR 258 /* || */
#define BREAK 259 /* ;; */
#define IF 260
#define THEN 261
#define ELSE 262
#define ELIF 263
#define FI 264
#define CASE 265
#define ESAC 266
#define FOR 267
#define SELECT 268
#define WHILE 269
#define UNTIL 270
#define DO 271
#define DONE 272
#define IN 273
#define FUNCTION 274
#define TIME 275
#define REDIR 276
#define MDPAREN 277 /* (( )) */
#define BANG 278 /* ! */
#define DBRACKET 279 /* [[ .. ]] */
#define COPROC 280 /* |& */
#define YYERRCODE 300
/* flags to yylex */
#define CONTIN BIT(0) /* skip new lines to complete command */
#define ONEWORD BIT(1) /* single word for substitute() */
#define ALIAS BIT(2) /* recognize alias */
#define KEYWORD BIT(3) /* recognize keywords */
#define LETEXPR BIT(4) /* get expression inside (( )) */
#define VARASN BIT(5) /* check for var=word */
#define ARRAYVAR BIT(6) /* parse x[1 & 2] as one word */
#define ESACONLY BIT(7) /* only accept esac keyword */
#define CMDWORD BIT(8) /* parsing simple command (alias related) */
#define HEREDELIM BIT(9) /* parsing <<,<<- delimiter */
#define HERES 10 /* max << in line */
EXTERN Source *source; /* yyparse/yylex source */
EXTERN YYSTYPE yylval; /* result from yylex */
EXTERN struct ioword *heres [HERES], **herep;
EXTERN char ident [IDENT+1];
#define HISTORYSIZE 500 /* size of saved history */
EXTERN char **history; /* saved commands */
EXTERN char **histptr; /* last history item */
EXTERN int histsize; /* history size */
/* alloc.c */
Area * ainit(Area *);
void afreeall(Area *);
void * alloc(size_t, Area *);
void * aresize(void *, size_t, Area *);
void afree(void *, Area *);
/* c_funcs.c */
int c_hash(char **);
int c_cd(char **);
int c_pwd(char **);
int c_print(char **);
int c_whence(char **);
int c_command(char **);
int c_typeset(char **);
int c_alias(char **);
int c_unalias(char **);
int c_let(char **);
int c_jobs(char **);
int c_fgbg(char **);
int c_kill(char **);
void getopts_reset(int);
int c_getopts(char **);
int c_bind(char **);
int c_label(char **);
int c_shift(char **);
int c_umask(char **);
int c_dot(char **);
int c_wait(char **);
int c_read(char **);
int c_eval(char **);
int c_trap(char **);
int c_brkcont(char **);
int c_exitreturn(char **);
int c_set(char **);
int c_unset(char **);
int c_ulimit(char **);
int c_times(char **);
int timex(struct op *, int);
void timex_hook(struct op *, char ** volatile *);
int c_exec(char **);
int c_builtin(char **);
int c_test(char **);
/* edit.c */
void x_init(void);
int x_read(char *, size_t);
void set_editmode(const char *);
int x_bind(const char *, const char *, int, int);
/* eval.c */
char * substitute(const char *, int);
char ** eval(char **, int);
char * evalstr(char *cp, int);
char * evalonestr(char *cp, int);
char *debunk(char *, const char *, size_t);
void expand(char *, XPtrV *, int);
int glob_str(char *, XPtrV *, int);
/* exec.c */
int execute(struct op * volatile, volatile int);
int shcomexec(char **);
struct tbl * findfunc(const char *, unsigned int, int);
int define(const char *, struct op *);
void builtin(const char *, int (*)(char **));
struct tbl * findcom(const char *, int);
void flushcom(int);
char * search(const char *, const char *, int, int *);
int search_access(const char *, int, int *);
int pr_menu(char *const *);
int pr_list(char *const *);
/* expr.c */
int evaluate(const char *, long *, int, bool);
int v_evaluate(struct tbl *, const char *, volatile int, bool);
/* histrap.c */
void init_histvec(void);
void hist_init(Source *);
void hist_finish(void);
void histsave(int, const char *, int);
int c_fc(char **);
void sethistsize(int);
void sethistfile(const char *);
char ** histpos(void);
int histN(void);
int histnum(int);
int findhist(int, int, const char *, int);
int findhistrel(const char *);
char **hist_get_newest(int);
void inittraps(void);
void alarm_init(void);
Trap * gettrap(const char *, int);
void trapsig(int);
void intrcheck(void);
int fatal_trap_check(void);
int trap_pending(void);
void runtraps(int intr);
void runtrap(Trap *);
void cleartraps(void);
void restoresigs(void);
void settrap(Trap *, char *);
int block_pipe(void);
void restore_pipe(int);
int setsig(Trap *, sig_t, int);
void setexecsig(Trap *, int);
/* jobs.c */
void j_init(int);
void j_exit(void);
void j_change(void);
int exchild(struct op *, int, int);
void startlast(void);
int waitlast(void);
int waitfor(const char *, int *);
int j_kill(const char *, int);
int j_resume(const char *, int);
int j_jobs(const char *, int, int);
int j_njobs(void);
void j_notify(void);
pid_t j_async(void);
int j_stopped_running(void);
/* lex.c */
int yylex(int);
void yyerror(const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__noreturn__, __format__ (printf, 1, 2)));
Source * pushs(int, Area *);
void set_prompt(int, Source *);
void pprompt(const char *, int);
/* main.c */
int include(const char *, int, char **, int);
int command(const char *);
int shell(Source *volatile, int volatile);
void unwind(int) __attribute__((__noreturn__));
void newenv(int);
void quitenv(struct shf *);
void cleanup_parents_env(void);
void cleanup_proc_env(void);
void aerror(Area *, const char *) __attribute__((__noreturn__));
void errorf(const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__noreturn__, __format__ (printf, 1, 2)));
void warningf(int, const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__ (printf, 2, 3)));
void bi_errorf(const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__ (printf, 1, 2)));
void internal_errorf(int, const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__ (printf, 2, 3)));
void error_prefix(int);
void shellf(const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__ (printf, 1, 2)));
void shprintf(const char *, ...)
__attribute__((__format__ (printf, 1, 2)));
int can_seek(int);
void initio(void);
int ksh_dup2(int, int, int);
int savefd(int, int);
void restfd(int, int);
void openpipe(int *);
void closepipe(int *);
int check_fd(char *, int, const char **);
void coproc_init(void);
void coproc_read_close(int);
void coproc_readw_close(int);
void coproc_write_close(int);
int coproc_getfd(int, const char **);
void coproc_cleanup(int);
struct temp *maketemp(Area *, Temp_type, struct temp **);
unsigned int hash(const char *);
void tinit(struct table *, Area *, int);
struct tbl * tsearch(struct table *, const char *, unsigned int);
struct tbl * tenter(struct table *, const char *, unsigned int);
void tdelete(struct tbl *);
void twalk(struct tstate *, struct table *);
struct tbl * tnext(struct tstate *);
struct tbl ** tsort(struct table *);
/* misc.c */
void setctypes(const char *, int);
void initctypes(void);
char * ulton(unsigned long, int);
char * str_save(const char *, Area *);
char * str_nsave(const char *, int, Area *);
int option(const char *);
char * getoptions(void);
void change_flag(enum sh_flag, int, int);
int parse_args(char **, int, int *);
int getn(const char *, int *);
int bi_getn(const char *, int *);
int gmatch(const char *, const char *, int);
int has_globbing(const char *, const char *);
const unsigned char *pat_scan(const unsigned char *, const unsigned char *,
void qsortp(void **, size_t, int (*)(void *, void *));
int xstrcmp(void *, void *);
void ksh_getopt_reset(Getopt *, int);
int ksh_getopt(char **, Getopt *, const char *);
void print_value_quoted(const char *);
void print_columns(struct shf *, int, char *(*)(void *, int, char *, int),
void *, int, int prefcol);
int strip_nuls(char *, int);
int blocking_read(int, char *, int);
int reset_nonblock(int);
char *ksh_get_wd(char *, int);
int make_path(const char *, const char *, char **, XString *, int *);
void simplify_path(char *);
char *get_phys_path(const char *);
void set_current_wd(char *);
/* syn.c */
void initkeywords(void);
struct op * compile(Source *);
/* tree.c */
int fptreef(struct shf *, int, const char *, ...);
char * snptreef(char *, int, const char *, ...);
struct op * tcopy(struct op *, Area *);
char * wdcopy(const char *, Area *);
char * wdscan(const char *, int);
char * wdstrip(const char *);
void tfree(struct op *, Area *);
/* var.c */
void newblock(void);
void popblock(void);
void initvar(void);
struct tbl * global(const char *);
struct tbl * local(const char *, bool);
char * str_val(struct tbl *);
long intval(struct tbl *);
int setstr(struct tbl *, const char *, int);
struct tbl *setint_v(struct tbl *, struct tbl *, bool);
void setint(struct tbl *, long);
int getint(struct tbl *, long *, bool);
struct tbl * typeset(const char *, Tflag, Tflag, int, int);
void unset(struct tbl *, int);
char * skip_varname(const char *, int);
char *skip_wdvarname(const char *, int);
int is_wdvarname(const char *, int);
int is_wdvarassign(const char *);
char ** makenv(void);
void change_random(void);
int array_ref_len(const char *);
char * arrayname(const char *);
void set_array(const char *, int, char **);
enum Test_op {
TO_NONOP = 0, /* non-operator */
/* unary operators */
/* binary operators */
typedef enum Test_op Test_op;
/* Used by Test_env.isa() (order important - used to index *_tokens[] arrays) */
enum Test_meta {
TM_OR, /* -o or || */
TM_AND, /* -a or && */
TM_NOT, /* ! */
TM_OPAREN, /* ( */
TM_CPAREN, /* ) */
TM_UNOP, /* unary operator */
TM_BINOP, /* binary operator */
TM_END /* end of input */
typedef enum Test_meta Test_meta;
#define TEF_ERROR BIT(0) /* set if we've hit an error */
#define TEF_DBRACKET BIT(1) /* set if [[ .. ]] test */
typedef struct test_env Test_env;
struct test_env {
int flags; /* TEF_* */
union {
char **wp; /* used by ptest_* */
XPtrV *av; /* used by dbtestp_* */
} pos;
char **wp_end; /* used by ptest_* */
int (*isa)(Test_env *, Test_meta);
const char *(*getopnd) (Test_env *, Test_op, int);
int (*eval)(Test_env *, Test_op, const char *, const char *, int);
void (*error)(Test_env *, int, const char *);
Test_op test_isop(Test_env *, Test_meta, const char *);
int test_eval(Test_env *, Test_op, const char *, const char *, int);
int test_parse(Test_env *);
EXTERN int tty_fd I__(-1); /* dup'd tty file descriptor */
EXTERN int tty_devtty; /* true if tty_fd is from /dev/tty */
EXTERN struct termios tty_state; /* saved tty state */
extern void tty_init(int);
extern void tty_close(void);
/* be sure not to interfere with anyone else's idea about EXTERN */
# undef EXTERN
#undef I__