/* $OpenBSD: misc.c,v 1.34 2008/07/12 12:33:42 miod Exp $ */ /* $OpenBSD: path.c,v 1.12 2005/03/30 17:16:37 deraadt Exp $ */ #include "sh.h" #if HAVE_GRP_H #include #endif __RCSID("$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/misc.c,v 1.90 2008/11/11 23:50:30 tg Exp $"); #undef USE_CHVT #if defined(TIOCSCTTY) && !defined(MKSH_SMALL) #define USE_CHVT #endif unsigned char chtypes[UCHAR_MAX + 1]; /* type bits for unsigned char */ #if !HAVE_SETRESUGID uid_t kshuid; gid_t kshgid, kshegid; #endif static int do_gmatch(const unsigned char *, const unsigned char *, const unsigned char *, const unsigned char *); static const unsigned char *cclass(const unsigned char *, int); #ifdef USE_CHVT static void chvt(const char *); #endif static char *do_phys_path(XString *, char *, const char *); /* * Fast character classes */ void setctypes(const char *s, int t) { unsigned int i; if (t & C_IFS) { for (i = 0; i < UCHAR_MAX + 1; i++) chtypes[i] &= ~C_IFS; chtypes[0] |= C_IFS; /* include \0 in C_IFS */ } while (*s != 0) chtypes[(unsigned char)*s++] |= t; } void initctypes(void) { int c; for (c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) chtypes[c] |= C_ALPHA; for (c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++) chtypes[c] |= C_ALPHA; chtypes['_'] |= C_ALPHA; setctypes("0123456789", C_DIGIT); setctypes(" \t\n|&;<>()", C_LEX1); /* \0 added automatically */ setctypes("*@#!$-?", C_VAR1); setctypes(" \t\n", C_IFSWS); setctypes("=-+?", C_SUBOP1); setctypes(" \n\t\"#$&'()*;<>?[]\\`|", C_QUOTE); } /* called from XcheckN() to grow buffer */ char * Xcheck_grow_(XString *xsp, const char *xp, unsigned int more) { const char *old_beg = xsp->beg; xsp->len += more > xsp->len ? more : xsp->len; xsp->beg = aresize(xsp->beg, xsp->len + 8, xsp->areap); xsp->end = xsp->beg + xsp->len; return xsp->beg + (xp - old_beg); } const struct shoption options[] = { /* Special cases (see parse_args()): -A, -o, -s. * Options are sorted by their longnames - the order of these * entries MUST match the order of sh_flag F* enumerations in sh.h. */ { "allexport", 'a', OF_ANY }, #if HAVE_ARC4RANDOM { "arc4random", 0, OF_ANY }, #endif { "braceexpand", 0, OF_ANY }, /* non-standard */ #if HAVE_NICE { "bgnice", 0, OF_ANY }, #endif { NULL, 'c', OF_CMDLINE }, { "emacs", 0, OF_ANY }, { "errexit", 'e', OF_ANY }, { "gmacs", 0, OF_ANY }, { "ignoreeof", 0, OF_ANY }, { "interactive",'i', OF_CMDLINE }, { "keyword", 'k', OF_ANY }, { "login", 'l', OF_CMDLINE }, { "markdirs", 'X', OF_ANY }, { "monitor", 'm', OF_ANY }, { "noclobber", 'C', OF_ANY }, { "noexec", 'n', OF_ANY }, { "noglob", 'f', OF_ANY }, { "nohup", 0, OF_ANY }, { "nolog", 0, OF_ANY }, /* no effect */ { "notify", 'b', OF_ANY }, { "nounset", 'u', OF_ANY }, { "physical", 0, OF_ANY }, /* non-standard */ { "posix", 0, OF_ANY }, /* non-standard */ { "privileged", 'p', OF_ANY }, { "restricted", 'r', OF_CMDLINE }, { "stdin", 's', OF_CMDLINE }, /* pseudo non-standard */ { "trackall", 'h', OF_ANY }, { "utf8-hack", 'U', OF_ANY }, /* non-standard */ { "verbose", 'v', OF_ANY }, #ifndef MKSH_NOVI { "vi", 0, OF_ANY }, { "viraw", 0, OF_ANY }, /* no effect */ { "vi-tabcomplete", 0, OF_ANY }, /* non-standard */ { "vi-esccomplete", 0, OF_ANY }, /* non-standard */ #endif { "xtrace", 'x', OF_ANY }, /* Anonymous flags: used internally by shell only * (not visible to user) */ { NULL, 0, OF_INTERNAL }, /* FTALKING_I */ }; /* * translate -o option into F* constant (also used for test -o option) */ size_t option(const char *n) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < NELEM(options); i++) if (options[i].name && strcmp(options[i].name, n) == 0) return (i); return ((size_t)-1); } struct options_info { int opt_width; int opts[NELEM(options)]; }; static char *options_fmt_entry(const void *arg, int, char *, int); static void printoptions(int); /* format a single select menu item */ static char * options_fmt_entry(const void *arg, int i, char *buf, int buflen) { const struct options_info *oi = (const struct options_info *)arg; shf_snprintf(buf, buflen, "%-*s %s", oi->opt_width, options[oi->opts[i]].name, Flag(oi->opts[i]) ? "on" : "off"); return buf; } static void printoptions(int verbose) { unsigned int i; if (verbose) { struct options_info oi; int n, len; /* verbose version */ shf_puts("Current option settings\n", shl_stdout); for (i = n = oi.opt_width = 0; i < NELEM(options); i++) if (options[i].name) { len = strlen(options[i].name); oi.opts[n++] = i; if (len > oi.opt_width) oi.opt_width = len; } print_columns(shl_stdout, n, options_fmt_entry, &oi, oi.opt_width + 5, 1); } else { /* short version ala ksh93 */ shf_puts("set", shl_stdout); for (i = 0; i < NELEM(options); i++) if (Flag(i) && options[i].name) shprintf(" -o %s", options[i].name); shf_putc('\n', shl_stdout); } } char * getoptions(void) { unsigned int i; char m[(int) FNFLAGS + 1]; char *cp = m; for (i = 0; i < NELEM(options); i++) if (options[i].c && Flag(i)) *cp++ = options[i].c; strndupx(cp, m, cp - m, ATEMP); return (cp); } /* change a Flag(*) value; takes care of special actions */ void change_flag(enum sh_flag f, int what, /* flag to change */ char newval) /* what is changing the flag (command line vs set) */ { char oldval; oldval = Flag(f); Flag(f) = newval ? 1 : 0; /* needed for tristates */ if (f == FMONITOR) { if (what != OF_CMDLINE && newval != oldval) j_change(); } else if (( #ifndef MKSH_NOVI f == FVI || #endif f == FEMACS || f == FGMACS) && newval) { #ifndef MKSH_NOVI Flag(FVI) = #endif Flag(FEMACS) = Flag(FGMACS) = 0; Flag(f) = newval; } else if (f == FPRIVILEGED && oldval && !newval) { /* Turning off -p? */ #if HAVE_SETRESUGID gid_t kshegid = getgid(); setresgid(kshegid, kshegid, kshegid); #if HAVE_SETGROUPS setgroups(1, &kshegid); #endif setresuid(ksheuid, ksheuid, ksheuid); #else seteuid(ksheuid = kshuid = getuid()); setuid(ksheuid); setegid(kshegid = kshgid = getgid()); setgid(kshegid); #endif } else if (f == FPOSIX && newval) { Flag(FBRACEEXPAND) = 0; } /* Changing interactive flag? */ if (f == FTALKING) { if ((what == OF_CMDLINE || what == OF_SET) && procpid == kshpid) Flag(FTALKING_I) = newval; } } /* parse command line & set command arguments. returns the index of * non-option arguments, -1 if there is an error. */ int parse_args(const char **argv, int what, /* OF_CMDLINE or OF_SET */ int *setargsp) { static char cmd_opts[NELEM(options) + 5]; /* o:T:\0 */ static char set_opts[NELEM(options) + 6]; /* A:o;s\0 */ char set, *opts; const char *array = NULL; Getopt go; size_t i; int optc, sortargs = 0, arrayset = 0; /* First call? Build option strings... */ if (cmd_opts[0] == '\0') { char *p = cmd_opts, *q = set_opts; /* see cmd_opts[] declaration */ *p++ = 'o'; *p++ = ':'; #ifndef MKSH_SMALL *p++ = 'T'; *p++ = ':'; #endif /* see set_opts[] declaration */ *q++ = 'A'; *q++ = ':'; *q++ = 'o'; *q++ = ';'; *q++ = 's'; for (i = 0; i < NELEM(options); i++) { if (options[i].c) { if (options[i].flags & OF_CMDLINE) *p++ = options[i].c; if (options[i].flags & OF_SET) *q++ = options[i].c; } } *p = '\0'; *q = '\0'; } if (what == OF_CMDLINE) { const char *p = argv[0], *q; /* Set FLOGIN before parsing options so user can clear * flag using +l. */ if (*p != '-') for (q = p; *q; ) if (*q++ == '/') p = q; Flag(FLOGIN) = (*p == '-'); opts = cmd_opts; } else if (what == OF_FIRSTTIME) { opts = cmd_opts; } else opts = set_opts; ksh_getopt_reset(&go, GF_ERROR|GF_PLUSOPT); while ((optc = ksh_getopt(argv, &go, opts)) != -1) { set = (go.info & GI_PLUS) ? 0 : 1; switch (optc) { case 'A': if (what == OF_FIRSTTIME) break; arrayset = set ? 1 : -1; array = go.optarg; break; case 'o': if (what == OF_FIRSTTIME) break; if (go.optarg == NULL) { /* lone -o: print options * * Note that on the command line, -o requires * an option (ie, can't get here if what is * OF_CMDLINE). */ printoptions(set); break; } i = option(go.optarg); if ((i != (size_t)-1) && set == Flag(i)) /* Don't check the context if the flag * isn't changing - makes "set -o interactive" * work if you're already interactive. Needed * if the output of "set +o" is to be used. */ ; else if ((i != (size_t)-1) && (options[i].flags & what)) change_flag((enum sh_flag)i, what, set); else { bi_errorf("%s: bad option", go.optarg); return (-1); } break; #ifndef MKSH_SMALL case 'T': if (what != OF_FIRSTTIME) break; #ifndef USE_CHVT errorf("no TIOCSCTTY ioctl"); #else change_flag(FTALKING, OF_CMDLINE, 1); chvt(go.optarg); break; #endif #endif case '?': return -1; default: if (what == OF_FIRSTTIME) break; /* -s: sort positional params (at&t ksh stupidity) */ if (what == OF_SET && optc == 's') { sortargs = 1; break; } for (i = 0; i < NELEM(options); i++) if (optc == options[i].c && (what & options[i].flags)) { change_flag((enum sh_flag)i, what, set); break; } if (i == NELEM(options)) internal_errorf("parse_args: '%c'", optc); } } if (!(go.info & GI_MINUSMINUS) && argv[go.optind] && (argv[go.optind][0] == '-' || argv[go.optind][0] == '+') && argv[go.optind][1] == '\0') { /* lone - clears -v and -x flags */ if (argv[go.optind][0] == '-') Flag(FVERBOSE) = Flag(FXTRACE) = 0; /* set skips lone - or + option */ go.optind++; } if (setargsp) /* -- means set $#/$* even if there are no arguments */ *setargsp = !arrayset && ((go.info & GI_MINUSMINUS) || argv[go.optind]); if (arrayset && (!*array || *skip_varname(array, false))) { bi_errorf("%s: is not an identifier", array); return -1; } if (sortargs) { for (i = go.optind; argv[i]; i++) ; qsort(&argv[go.optind], i - go.optind, sizeof (void *), xstrcmp); } if (arrayset) { set_array(array, arrayset, argv + go.optind); for (; argv[go.optind]; go.optind++) ; } return go.optind; } /* parse a decimal number: returns 0 if string isn't a number, 1 otherwise */ int getn(const char *s, int *ai) { int i, c, rv = 0; bool neg = false; do { c = *s++; } while (ksh_isspace(c)); if (c == '-') { neg = true; c = *s++; } else if (c == '+') c = *s++; *ai = i = 0; do { if (!ksh_isdigit(c)) goto getn_out; i *= 10; if (i < *ai) /* overflow */ goto getn_out; i += c - '0'; *ai = i; } while ((c = *s++)); rv = 1; getn_out: if (neg) *ai = -*ai; return (rv); } /* getn() that prints error */ int bi_getn(const char *as, int *ai) { int rv; if (!(rv = getn(as, ai))) bi_errorf("%s: bad number", as); return (rv); } /* -------- gmatch.c -------- */ /* * int gmatch(string, pattern) * char *string, *pattern; * * Match a pattern as in sh(1). * pattern character are prefixed with MAGIC by expand. */ int gmatchx(const char *s, const char *p, bool isfile) { const char *se, *pe; if (s == NULL || p == NULL) return 0; se = s + strlen(s); pe = p + strlen(p); /* isfile is false iff no syntax check has been done on * the pattern. If check fails, just to a strcmp(). */ if (!isfile && !has_globbing(p, pe)) { size_t len = pe - p + 1; char tbuf[64]; char *t = len <= sizeof(tbuf) ? tbuf : (char *)alloc(len, ATEMP); debunk(t, p, len); return !strcmp(t, s); } return do_gmatch((const unsigned char *) s, (const unsigned char *) se, (const unsigned char *) p, (const unsigned char *) pe); } /* Returns if p is a syntacticly correct globbing pattern, false * if it contains no pattern characters or if there is a syntax error. * Syntax errors are: * - [ with no closing ] * - imbalanced $(...) expression * - [...] and *(...) not nested (eg, [a$(b|]c), *(a[b|c]d)) */ /*XXX - if no magic, if dest given, copy to dst return ? - if magic && (no globbing || syntax error) debunk to dst return ? - return ? */ int has_globbing(const char *xp, const char *xpe) { const unsigned char *p = (const unsigned char *) xp; const unsigned char *pe = (const unsigned char *) xpe; int c; int nest = 0, bnest = 0; int saw_glob = 0; int in_bracket = 0; /* inside [...] */ for (; p < pe; p++) { if (!ISMAGIC(*p)) continue; if ((c = *++p) == '*' || c == '?') saw_glob = 1; else if (c == '[') { if (!in_bracket) { saw_glob = 1; in_bracket = 1; if (ISMAGIC(p[1]) && p[2] == NOT) p += 2; if (ISMAGIC(p[1]) && p[2] == ']') p += 2; } /* XXX Do we need to check ranges here? POSIX Q */ } else if (c == ']') { if (in_bracket) { if (bnest) /* [a*(b]) */ return 0; in_bracket = 0; } } else if ((c & 0x80) && vstrchr("*+?@! ", c & 0x7f)) { saw_glob = 1; if (in_bracket) bnest++; else nest++; } else if (c == '|') { if (in_bracket && !bnest) /* *(a[foo|bar]) */ return 0; } else if (c == /*(*/ ')') { if (in_bracket) { if (!bnest--) /* *(a[b)c] */ return 0; } else if (nest) nest--; } /* else must be a MAGIC-MAGIC, or MAGIC-!, MAGIC--, MAGIC-] MAGIC-{, MAGIC-,, MAGIC-} */ } return saw_glob && !in_bracket && !nest; } /* Function must return either 0 or 1 (assumed by code for 0x80|'!') */ static int do_gmatch(const unsigned char *s, const unsigned char *se, const unsigned char *p, const unsigned char *pe) { int sc, pc; const unsigned char *prest, *psub, *pnext; const unsigned char *srest; if (s == NULL || p == NULL) return 0; while (p < pe) { pc = *p++; sc = s < se ? *s : '\0'; s++; if (!ISMAGIC(pc)) { if (sc != pc) return 0; continue; } switch (*p++) { case '[': if (sc == 0 || (p = cclass(p, sc)) == NULL) return 0; break; case '?': if (sc == 0) return 0; break; case '*': if (p == pe) return 1; s--; do { if (do_gmatch(s, se, p, pe)) return 1; } while (s++ < se); return 0; /* * [*+?@!](pattern|pattern|..) * This is also needed for ${..%..}, etc. */ case 0x80|'+': /* matches one or more times */ case 0x80|'*': /* matches zero or more times */ if (!(prest = pat_scan(p, pe, 0))) return 0; s--; /* take care of zero matches */ if (p[-1] == (0x80 | '*') && do_gmatch(s, se, prest, pe)) return 1; for (psub = p; ; psub = pnext) { pnext = pat_scan(psub, pe, 1); for (srest = s; srest <= se; srest++) { if (do_gmatch(s, srest, psub, pnext - 2) && (do_gmatch(srest, se, prest, pe) || (s != srest && do_gmatch(srest, se, p - 2, pe)))) return 1; } if (pnext == prest) break; } return 0; case 0x80|'?': /* matches zero or once */ case 0x80|'@': /* matches one of the patterns */ case 0x80|' ': /* simile for @ */ if (!(prest = pat_scan(p, pe, 0))) return 0; s--; /* Take care of zero matches */ if (p[-1] == (0x80 | '?') && do_gmatch(s, se, prest, pe)) return 1; for (psub = p; ; psub = pnext) { pnext = pat_scan(psub, pe, 1); srest = prest == pe ? se : s; for (; srest <= se; srest++) { if (do_gmatch(s, srest, psub, pnext - 2) && do_gmatch(srest, se, prest, pe)) return 1; } if (pnext == prest) break; } return 0; case 0x80|'!': /* matches none of the patterns */ if (!(prest = pat_scan(p, pe, 0))) return 0; s--; for (srest = s; srest <= se; srest++) { int matched = 0; for (psub = p; ; psub = pnext) { pnext = pat_scan(psub, pe, 1); if (do_gmatch(s, srest, psub, pnext - 2)) { matched = 1; break; } if (pnext == prest) break; } if (!matched && do_gmatch(srest, se, prest, pe)) return 1; } return 0; default: if (sc != p[-1]) return 0; break; } } return s == se; } static const unsigned char * cclass(const unsigned char *p, int sub) { int c, d, not, found = 0; const unsigned char *orig_p = p; if ((not = (ISMAGIC(*p) && *++p == NOT))) p++; do { c = *p++; if (ISMAGIC(c)) { c = *p++; if ((c & 0x80) && !ISMAGIC(c)) { c &= 0x7f;/* extended pattern matching: *+?@! */ /* XXX the ( char isn't handled as part of [] */ if (c == ' ') /* simile for @: plain (..) */ c = '(' /*)*/; } } if (c == '\0') /* No closing ] - act as if the opening [ was quoted */ return sub == '[' ? orig_p : NULL; if (ISMAGIC(p[0]) && p[1] == '-' && (!ISMAGIC(p[2]) || p[3] != ']')) { p += 2; /* MAGIC- */ d = *p++; if (ISMAGIC(d)) { d = *p++; if ((d & 0x80) && !ISMAGIC(d)) d &= 0x7f; } /* POSIX says this is an invalid expression */ if (c > d) return NULL; } else d = c; if (c == sub || (c <= sub && sub <= d)) found = 1; } while (!(ISMAGIC(p[0]) && p[1] == ']')); return (found != not) ? p+2 : NULL; } /* Look for next ) or | (if match_sep) in *(foo|bar) pattern */ const unsigned char * pat_scan(const unsigned char *p, const unsigned char *pe, int match_sep) { int nest = 0; for (; p < pe; p++) { if (!ISMAGIC(*p)) continue; if ((*++p == /*(*/ ')' && nest-- == 0) || (*p == '|' && match_sep && nest == 0)) return (p + 1); if ((*p & 0x80) && vstrchr("*+?@! ", *p & 0x7f)) nest++; } return (NULL); } int xstrcmp(const void *p1, const void *p2) { return (strcmp(*(char * const *)p1, *(char * const *)p2)); } /* Initialise a Getopt structure */ void ksh_getopt_reset(Getopt *go, int flags) { go->optind = 1; go->optarg = NULL; go->p = 0; go->flags = flags; go->info = 0; go->buf[1] = '\0'; } /* getopt() used for shell built-in commands, the getopts command, and * command line options. * A leading ':' in options means don't print errors, instead return '?' * or ':' and set go->optarg to the offending option character. * If GF_ERROR is set (and option doesn't start with :), errors result in * a call to bi_errorf(). * * Non-standard features: * - ';' is like ':' in options, except the argument is optional * (if it isn't present, optarg is set to 0). * Used for 'set -o'. * - ',' is like ':' in options, except the argument always immediately * follows the option character (optarg is set to the null string if * the option is missing). * Used for 'read -u2', 'print -u2' and fc -40. * - '#' is like ':' in options, expect that the argument is optional * and must start with a digit. If the argument doesn't start with a * digit, it is assumed to be missing and normal option processing * continues (optarg is set to 0 if the option is missing). * Used for 'typeset -LZ4'. * - accepts +c as well as -c IF the GF_PLUSOPT flag is present. If an * option starting with + is accepted, the GI_PLUS flag will be set * in go->info. */ int ksh_getopt(const char **argv, Getopt *go, const char *optionsp) { char c; const char *o; if (go->p == 0 || (c = argv[go->optind - 1][go->p]) == '\0') { const char *arg = argv[go->optind], flag = arg ? *arg : '\0'; go->p = 1; if (flag == '-' && arg[1] == '-' && arg[2] == '\0') { go->optind++; go->p = 0; go->info |= GI_MINUSMINUS; return -1; } if (arg == NULL || ((flag != '-' ) && /* neither a - nor a + (if + allowed) */ (!(go->flags & GF_PLUSOPT) || flag != '+')) || (c = arg[1]) == '\0') { go->p = 0; return -1; } go->optind++; go->info &= ~(GI_MINUS|GI_PLUS); go->info |= flag == '-' ? GI_MINUS : GI_PLUS; } go->p++; if (c == '?' || c == ':' || c == ';' || c == ',' || c == '#' || !(o = cstrchr(optionsp, c))) { if (optionsp[0] == ':') { go->buf[0] = c; go->optarg = go->buf; } else { warningf(true, "%s%s-%c: unknown option", (go->flags & GF_NONAME) ? "" : argv[0], (go->flags & GF_NONAME) ? "" : ": ", c); if (go->flags & GF_ERROR) bi_errorfz(); } return '?'; } /* : means argument must be present, may be part of option argument * or the next argument * ; same as : but argument may be missing * , means argument is part of option argument, and may be null. */ if (*++o == ':' || *o == ';') { if (argv[go->optind - 1][go->p]) go->optarg = argv[go->optind - 1] + go->p; else if (argv[go->optind]) go->optarg = argv[go->optind++]; else if (*o == ';') go->optarg = NULL; else { if (optionsp[0] == ':') { go->buf[0] = c; go->optarg = go->buf; return ':'; } warningf(true, "%s%s-'%c' requires argument", (go->flags & GF_NONAME) ? "" : argv[0], (go->flags & GF_NONAME) ? "" : ": ", c); if (go->flags & GF_ERROR) bi_errorfz(); return '?'; } go->p = 0; } else if (*o == ',') { /* argument is attached to option character, even if null */ go->optarg = argv[go->optind - 1] + go->p; go->p = 0; } else if (*o == '#') { /* argument is optional and may be attached or unattached * but must start with a digit. optarg is set to 0 if the * argument is missing. */ if (argv[go->optind - 1][go->p]) { if (ksh_isdigit(argv[go->optind - 1][go->p])) { go->optarg = argv[go->optind - 1] + go->p; go->p = 0; } else go->optarg = NULL; } else { if (argv[go->optind] && ksh_isdigit(argv[go->optind][0])) { go->optarg = argv[go->optind++]; go->p = 0; } else go->optarg = NULL; } } return c; } /* print variable/alias value using necessary quotes * (POSIX says they should be suitable for re-entry...) * No trailing newline is printed. */ void print_value_quoted(const char *s) { const char *p; int inquote = 0; /* Test if any quotes are needed */ for (p = s; *p; p++) if (ctype(*p, C_QUOTE)) break; if (!*p) { shf_puts(s, shl_stdout); return; } for (p = s; *p; p++) { if (*p == '\'') { if (inquote) shf_putc('\'', shl_stdout); shf_putc('\\', shl_stdout); inquote = 0; } else if (!inquote) { shf_putc('\'', shl_stdout); inquote = 1; } shf_putc(*p, shl_stdout); } if (inquote) shf_putc('\'', shl_stdout); } /* Print things in columns and rows - func() is called to format the ith * element */ void print_columns(struct shf *shf, int n, char *(*func) (const void *, int, char *, int), const void *arg, int max_width, int prefcol) { char *str = (char *)alloc(max_width + 1, ATEMP); int i, r, c, rows, cols, nspace; /* max_width + 1 for the space. Note that no space * is printed after the last column to avoid problems * with terminals that have auto-wrap. */ cols = x_cols / (max_width + 1); if (!cols) cols = 1; rows = (n + cols - 1) / cols; if (prefcol && n && cols > rows) { int tmp = rows; rows = cols; cols = tmp; if (rows > n) rows = n; } nspace = (x_cols - max_width * cols) / cols; if (nspace <= 0) nspace = 1; for (r = 0; r < rows; r++) { for (c = 0; c < cols; c++) { i = c * rows + r; if (i < n) { shf_fprintf(shf, "%-*s", max_width, (*func)(arg, i, str, max_width + 1)); if (c + 1 < cols) shf_fprintf(shf, "%*s", nspace, null); } } shf_putchar('\n', shf); } afree(str, ATEMP); } /* Strip any nul bytes from buf - returns new length (nbytes - # of nuls) */ void strip_nuls(char *buf, int nbytes) { char *dst; /* nbytes check because some systems (older FreeBSDs) have a buggy * memchr() */ if (nbytes && (dst = memchr(buf, '\0', nbytes))) { char *end = buf + nbytes; char *p, *q; for (p = dst; p < end; p = q) { /* skip a block of nulls */ while (++p < end && *p == '\0') ; /* find end of non-null block */ if (!(q = memchr(p, '\0', end - p))) q = end; memmove(dst, p, q - p); dst += q - p; } *dst = '\0'; } } /* Like read(2), but if read fails due to non-blocking flag, resets flag * and restarts read. */ int blocking_read(int fd, char *buf, int nbytes) { int ret; int tried_reset = 0; while ((ret = read(fd, buf, nbytes)) < 0) { if (!tried_reset && errno == EAGAIN) { if (reset_nonblock(fd) > 0) { tried_reset = 1; continue; } errno = EAGAIN; } break; } return ret; } /* Reset the non-blocking flag on the specified file descriptor. * Returns -1 if there was an error, 0 if non-blocking wasn't set, * 1 if it was. */ int reset_nonblock(int fd) { int flags; if ((flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0)) < 0) return -1; if (!(flags & O_NONBLOCK)) return 0; flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK; if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags) < 0) return -1; return 1; } /* Like getcwd(), except bsize is ignored if buf is 0 (PATH_MAX is used) */ char * ksh_get_wd(size_t *dlen) { char *ret, *b; size_t len = 1; if ((ret = getcwd((b = alloc(PATH_MAX + 1, ATEMP)), PATH_MAX))) ret = aresize(b, len = (strlen(b) + 1), ATEMP); else afree(b, ATEMP); if (dlen) *dlen = len; return ret; } /* * Makes a filename into result using the following algorithm. * - make result NULL * - if file starts with '/', append file to result & set cdpathp to NULL * - if file starts with ./ or ../ append cwd and file to result * and set cdpathp to NULL * - if the first element of cdpathp doesnt start with a '/' xx or '.' xx * then cwd is appended to result. * - the first element of cdpathp is appended to result * - file is appended to result * - cdpathp is set to the start of the next element in cdpathp (or NULL * if there are no more elements. * The return value indicates whether a non-null element from cdpathp * was appended to result. */ int make_path(const char *cwd, const char *file, char **cdpathp, /* & of : separated list */ XString *xsp, int *phys_pathp) { int rval = 0; int use_cdpath = 1; char *plist; int len; int plen = 0; char *xp = Xstring(*xsp, xp); if (!file) file = null; if (file[0] == '/') { *phys_pathp = 0; use_cdpath = 0; } else { if (file[0] == '.') { char c = file[1]; if (c == '.') c = file[2]; if (c == '/' || c == '\0') use_cdpath = 0; } plist = *cdpathp; if (!plist) use_cdpath = 0; else if (use_cdpath) { char *pend; for (pend = plist; *pend && *pend != ':'; pend++) ; plen = pend - plist; *cdpathp = *pend ? pend + 1 : NULL; } if ((use_cdpath == 0 || !plen || plist[0] != '/') && (cwd && *cwd)) { len = strlen(cwd); XcheckN(*xsp, xp, len); memcpy(xp, cwd, len); xp += len; if (cwd[len - 1] != '/') Xput(*xsp, xp, '/'); } *phys_pathp = Xlength(*xsp, xp); if (use_cdpath && plen) { XcheckN(*xsp, xp, plen); memcpy(xp, plist, plen); xp += plen; if (plist[plen - 1] != '/') Xput(*xsp, xp, '/'); rval = 1; } } len = strlen(file) + 1; XcheckN(*xsp, xp, len); memcpy(xp, file, len); if (!use_cdpath) *cdpathp = NULL; return rval; } /* * Simplify pathnames containing "." and ".." entries. * ie, simplify_path("/a/b/c/./../d/..") returns "/a/b" */ void simplify_path(char *pathl) { char *cur; char *t; int isrooted; char *very_start = pathl; char *start; if (!*pathl) return; if ((isrooted = pathl[0] == '/')) very_start++; /* Before After * /foo/ /foo * /foo/../../bar /bar * /foo/./blah/.. /foo * . . * .. .. * ./foo foo * foo/../../../bar ../../bar */ for (cur = t = start = very_start; ; ) { /* treat multiple '/'s as one '/' */ while (*t == '/') t++; if (*t == '\0') { if (cur == pathl) /* convert empty path to dot */ *cur++ = '.'; *cur = '\0'; break; } if (t[0] == '.') { if (!t[1] || t[1] == '/') { t += 1; continue; } else if (t[1] == '.' && (!t[2] || t[2] == '/')) { if (!isrooted && cur == start) { if (cur != very_start) *cur++ = '/'; *cur++ = '.'; *cur++ = '.'; start = cur; } else if (cur != start) while (--cur > start && *cur != '/') ; t += 2; continue; } } if (cur != very_start) *cur++ = '/'; /* find/copy next component of pathname */ while (*t && *t != '/') *cur++ = *t++; } } void set_current_wd(char *pathl) { size_t len = 1; char *p = pathl; if (p == NULL) { if ((p = ksh_get_wd(&len)) == NULL) p = null; } else len = strlen(p) + 1; if (len > current_wd_size) current_wd = aresize(current_wd, current_wd_size = len, APERM); memcpy(current_wd, p, len); if (p != pathl && p != null) afree(p, ATEMP); } char * get_phys_path(const char *pathl) { XString xs; char *xp; Xinit(xs, xp, strlen(pathl) + 1, ATEMP); xp = do_phys_path(&xs, xp, pathl); if (!xp) return NULL; if (Xlength(xs, xp) == 0) Xput(xs, xp, '/'); Xput(xs, xp, '\0'); return Xclose(xs, xp); } static char * do_phys_path(XString *xsp, char *xp, const char *pathl) { const char *p, *q; int len, llen; int savepos; char lbuf[PATH_MAX]; Xcheck(*xsp, xp); for (p = pathl; p; p = q) { while (*p == '/') p++; if (!*p) break; len = (q = cstrchr(p, '/')) ? q - p : (int)strlen(p); if (len == 1 && p[0] == '.') continue; if (len == 2 && p[0] == '.' && p[1] == '.') { while (xp > Xstring(*xsp, xp)) { xp--; if (*xp == '/') break; } continue; } savepos = Xsavepos(*xsp, xp); Xput(*xsp, xp, '/'); XcheckN(*xsp, xp, len + 1); memcpy(xp, p, len); xp += len; *xp = '\0'; llen = readlink(Xstring(*xsp, xp), lbuf, sizeof(lbuf) - 1); if (llen < 0) { /* EINVAL means it wasn't a symlink... */ if (errno != EINVAL) return NULL; continue; } lbuf[llen] = '\0'; /* If absolute path, start from scratch.. */ xp = lbuf[0] == '/' ? Xstring(*xsp, xp) : Xrestpos(*xsp, xp, savepos); if (!(xp = do_phys_path(xsp, xp, lbuf))) return NULL; } return xp; } #ifdef USE_CHVT static void chvt(const char *fn) { char dv[20]; struct stat sb; int fd; if (*fn == '-') { memcpy(dv, "-/dev/null", sizeof ("-/dev/null")); fn = dv + 1; } else { if (stat(fn, &sb)) { memcpy(dv, "/dev/ttyC", 9); strlcpy(dv + 9, fn, 20 - 9); if (stat(dv, &sb)) { strlcpy(dv + 8, fn, 20 - 8); if (stat(dv, &sb)) errorf("chvt: can't find tty %s", fn); } fn = dv; } if (!(sb.st_mode & S_IFCHR)) errorf("chvt: not a char device: %s", fn); if ((sb.st_uid != 0) && chown(fn, 0, 0)) warningf(false, "chvt: cannot chown root %s", fn); if (((sb.st_mode & 07777) != 0600) && chmod(fn, 0600)) warningf(false, "chvt: cannot chmod 0600 %s", fn); #if HAVE_REVOKE if (revoke(fn)) #endif warningf(false, "chvt: cannot revoke %s, new shell is" " potentially insecure", fn); } if ((fd = open(fn, O_RDWR)) == -1) { sleep(1); if ((fd = open(fn, O_RDWR)) == -1) errorf("chvt: cannot open %s", fn); } switch (fork()) { case -1: errorf("chvt: %s failed", "fork"); case 0: break; default: exit(0); } if (setsid() == -1) errorf("chvt: %s failed", "setsid"); if (fn != dv + 1) { if (ioctl(fd, TIOCSCTTY, NULL) == -1) errorf("chvt: %s failed", "TIOCSCTTY"); if (tcflush(fd, TCIOFLUSH)) errorf("chvt: %s failed", "TCIOFLUSH"); } ksh_dup2(fd, 0, false); ksh_dup2(fd, 1, false); ksh_dup2(fd, 2, false); if (fd > 2) close(fd); } #endif #ifdef DEBUG char * strchr(char *p, int ch) { for (;; ++p) { if (*p == ch) return (p); if (!*p) return (NULL); } /* NOTREACHED */ } char * strstr(char *b, const char *l) { char first, c; size_t n; if ((first = *l++) == '\0') return (b); n = strlen(l); strstr_look: while ((c = *b++) != first) if (c == '\0') return (NULL); if (strncmp(b, l, n)) goto strstr_look; return (b - 1); } #endif #ifndef MKSH_ASSUME_UTF8 #if !HAVE_STRCASESTR const char * stristr(const char *b, const char *l) { char first, c; size_t n; if ((first = *l++), ((first = ksh_tolower(first)) == '\0')) return (b); n = strlen(l); stristr_look: while ((c = *b++), ((c = ksh_tolower(c)) != first)) if (c == '\0') return (NULL); if (strncasecmp(b, l, n)) goto stristr_look; return (b - 1); } #endif #endif #ifdef MKSH_SMALL char * strndup_(const char *src, size_t len, PArea ap) { char *dst = NULL; if (src != NULL) { dst = alloc(++len, ap); strlcpy(dst, src, len); } return (dst); } char * strdup_(const char *src, PArea ap) { return (src == NULL ? NULL : strndup_(src, strlen(src), ap)); } #endif