/* $OpenBSD: syn.c,v 1.28 2008/07/23 16:34:38 jaredy Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 * Thorsten Glaser * * Provided that these terms and disclaimer and all copyright notices * are retained or reproduced in an accompanying document, permission * is granted to deal in this work without restriction, including un- * limited rights to use, publicly perform, distribute, sell, modify, * merge, give away, or sublicence. * * This work is provided "AS IS" and WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind, to * the utmost extent permitted by applicable law, neither express nor * implied; without malicious intent or gross negligence. In no event * may a licensor, author or contributor be held liable for indirect, * direct, other damage, loss, or other issues arising in any way out * of dealing in the work, even if advised of the possibility of such * damage or existence of a defect, except proven that it results out * of said person's immediate fault when using the work as intended. */ #include "sh.h" __RCSID("$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/syn.c,v 1.42 2009/09/19 18:36:59 tg Exp $"); struct nesting_state { int start_token; /* token than began nesting (eg, FOR) */ int start_line; /* line nesting began on */ }; static void yyparse(void); static struct op *pipeline(int); static struct op *andor(void); static struct op *c_list(int); static struct ioword *synio(int); static struct op *nested(int, int, int); static struct op *get_command(int); static struct op *dogroup(void); static struct op *thenpart(void); static struct op *elsepart(void); static struct op *caselist(void); static struct op *casepart(int); static struct op *function_body(char *, bool); static char **wordlist(void); static struct op *block(int, struct op *, struct op *, char **); static struct op *newtp(int); static void syntaxerr(const char *) __attribute__((noreturn)); static void nesting_push(struct nesting_state *, int); static void nesting_pop(struct nesting_state *); static int assign_command(char *); static int inalias(struct source *); static int dbtestp_isa(Test_env *, Test_meta); static const char *dbtestp_getopnd(Test_env *, Test_op, bool); static int dbtestp_eval(Test_env *, Test_op, const char *, const char *, bool); static void dbtestp_error(Test_env *, int, const char *) __attribute__((noreturn)); static struct op *outtree; /* yyparse output */ static struct nesting_state nesting; /* \n changed to ; */ static int reject; /* token(cf) gets symbol again */ static int symbol; /* yylex value */ #define REJECT (reject = 1) #define ACCEPT (reject = 0) #define token(cf) ((reject) ? (ACCEPT, symbol) : (symbol = yylex(cf))) #define tpeek(cf) ((reject) ? (symbol) : (REJECT, symbol = yylex(cf))) #define musthave(c,cf) do { if (token(cf) != (c)) syntaxerr(NULL); } while (0) static void yyparse(void) { int c; ACCEPT; outtree = c_list(source->type == SSTRING); c = tpeek(0); if (c == 0 && !outtree) outtree = newtp(TEOF); else if (c != '\n' && c != 0) syntaxerr(NULL); } static struct op * pipeline(int cf) { struct op *t, *p, *tl = NULL; t = get_command(cf); if (t != NULL) { while (token(0) == '|') { if ((p = get_command(CONTIN)) == NULL) syntaxerr(NULL); if (tl == NULL) t = tl = block(TPIPE, t, p, NOWORDS); else tl = tl->right = block(TPIPE, tl->right, p, NOWORDS); } REJECT; } return (t); } static struct op * andor(void) { struct op *t, *p; int c; t = pipeline(0); if (t != NULL) { while ((c = token(0)) == LOGAND || c == LOGOR) { if ((p = pipeline(CONTIN)) == NULL) syntaxerr(NULL); t = block(c == LOGAND? TAND: TOR, t, p, NOWORDS); } REJECT; } return (t); } static struct op * c_list(int multi) { struct op *t = NULL, *p, *tl = NULL; int c, have_sep; while (1) { p = andor(); /* Token has always been read/rejected at this point, so * we don't worry about what flags to pass token() */ c = token(0); have_sep = 1; if (c == '\n' && (multi || inalias(source))) { if (!p) /* ignore blank lines */ continue; } else if (!p) break; else if (c == '&' || c == COPROC) p = block(c == '&' ? TASYNC : TCOPROC, p, NOBLOCK, NOWORDS); else if (c != ';') have_sep = 0; if (!t) t = p; else if (!tl) t = tl = block(TLIST, t, p, NOWORDS); else tl = tl->right = block(TLIST, tl->right, p, NOWORDS); if (!have_sep) break; } REJECT; return (t); } static struct ioword * synio(int cf) { struct ioword *iop; static struct ioword *nextiop = NULL; bool ishere; if (nextiop != NULL) { iop = nextiop; nextiop = NULL; return (iop); } if (tpeek(cf) != REDIR) return (NULL); ACCEPT; iop = yylval.iop; ishere = (iop->flag&IOTYPE) == IOHERE; musthave(LWORD, ishere ? HEREDELIM : 0); if (ishere) { iop->delim = yylval.cp; if (*ident != 0) /* unquoted */ iop->flag |= IOEVAL; if (herep > &heres[HERES - 1]) yyerror("too many <name = yylval.cp; if (iop->flag & IOBASH) { char *cp; nextiop = alloc(sizeof(*iop), ATEMP); nextiop->name = cp = alloc(5, ATEMP); if (iop->unit > 9) { *cp++ = CHAR; *cp++ = '0' + (iop->unit / 10); } *cp++ = CHAR; *cp++ = '0' + (iop->unit % 10); *cp = EOS; iop->flag &= ~IOBASH; nextiop->unit = 2; nextiop->flag = IODUP; nextiop->delim = NULL; nextiop->heredoc = NULL; } return (iop); } static struct op * nested(int type, int smark, int emark) { struct op *t; struct nesting_state old_nesting; nesting_push(&old_nesting, smark); t = c_list(true); musthave(emark, KEYWORD|ALIAS); nesting_pop(&old_nesting); return (block(type, t, NOBLOCK, NOWORDS)); } static struct op * get_command(int cf) { struct op *t; int c, iopn = 0, syniocf; struct ioword *iop, **iops; XPtrV args, vars; struct nesting_state old_nesting; iops = alloc((NUFILE + 1) * sizeof(struct ioword *), ATEMP); XPinit(args, 16); XPinit(vars, 16); syniocf = KEYWORD|ALIAS; switch (c = token(cf|KEYWORD|ALIAS|VARASN)) { default: REJECT; afree(iops, ATEMP); XPfree(args); XPfree(vars); return (NULL); /* empty line */ case LWORD: case REDIR: REJECT; syniocf &= ~(KEYWORD|ALIAS); t = newtp(TCOM); t->lineno = source->line; while (1) { cf = (t->u.evalflags ? ARRAYVAR : 0) | (XPsize(args) == 0 ? ALIAS|VARASN : CMDWORD); switch (tpeek(cf)) { case REDIR: while ((iop = synio(cf)) != NULL) { if (iopn >= NUFILE) yyerror("too many redirections\n"); iops[iopn++] = iop; } break; case LWORD: ACCEPT; /* the iopn == 0 and XPsize(vars) == 0 are * dubious but AT&T ksh acts this way */ if (iopn == 0 && XPsize(vars) == 0 && XPsize(args) == 0 && assign_command(ident)) t->u.evalflags = DOVACHECK; if ((XPsize(args) == 0 || Flag(FKEYWORD)) && is_wdvarassign(yylval.cp)) XPput(vars, yylval.cp); else XPput(args, yylval.cp); break; case '(': /* Check for "> foo (echo hi)" which AT&T ksh * allows (not POSIX, but not disallowed) */ afree(t, ATEMP); if (XPsize(args) == 0 && XPsize(vars) == 0) { ACCEPT; goto Subshell; } if ((XPsize(args) == 0 || Flag(FKEYWORD)) && XPsize(vars) == 1 && is_wdvarassign(yylval.cp)) goto is_wdarrassign; /* Must be a function */ if (iopn != 0 || XPsize(args) != 1 || XPsize(vars) != 0) syntaxerr(NULL); ACCEPT; /*(*/ musthave(')', 0); t = function_body(XPptrv(args)[0], false); goto Leave; is_wdarrassign: { static const char set_cmd0[] = { CHAR, 'e', CHAR, 'v', CHAR, 'a', CHAR, 'l', EOS }; static const char set_cmd1[] = { CHAR, 's', CHAR, 'e', CHAR, 't', CHAR, ' ', CHAR, '-', CHAR, 'A', EOS }; static const char set_cmd2[] = { CHAR, '-', CHAR, '-', EOS }; char *tcp; XPfree(vars); XPinit(vars, 16); /* * we know (or rather hope) that yylval.cp * contains a string "varname=" */ tcp = wdcopy(yylval.cp, ATEMP); tcp[wdscan(tcp, EOS) - tcp - 3] = EOS; /* now make an array assignment command */ t = newtp(TCOM); t->lineno = source->line; ACCEPT; XPput(args, wdcopy(set_cmd0, ATEMP)); XPput(args, wdcopy(set_cmd1, ATEMP)); XPput(args, tcp); XPput(args, wdcopy(set_cmd2, ATEMP)); musthave(LWORD,LETARRAY); XPput(args, yylval.cp); break; } default: goto Leave; } } Leave: break; Subshell: case '(': t = nested(TPAREN, '(', ')'); break; case '{': /*}*/ t = nested(TBRACE, '{', '}'); break; case MDPAREN: { static const char let_cmd[] = { CHAR, 'l', CHAR, 'e', CHAR, 't', EOS }; /* Leave KEYWORD in syniocf (allow if (( 1 )) then ...) */ t = newtp(TCOM); t->lineno = source->line; ACCEPT; XPput(args, wdcopy(let_cmd, ATEMP)); musthave(LWORD,LETEXPR); XPput(args, yylval.cp); break; } case DBRACKET: /* [[ .. ]] */ /* Leave KEYWORD in syniocf (allow if [[ -n 1 ]] then ...) */ t = newtp(TDBRACKET); ACCEPT; { Test_env te; te.flags = TEF_DBRACKET; te.pos.av = &args; te.isa = dbtestp_isa; te.getopnd = dbtestp_getopnd; te.eval = dbtestp_eval; te.error = dbtestp_error; test_parse(&te); } break; case FOR: case SELECT: t = newtp((c == FOR) ? TFOR : TSELECT); musthave(LWORD, ARRAYVAR); if (!is_wdvarname(yylval.cp, true)) yyerror("%s: bad identifier\n", c == FOR ? "for" : "select"); strdupx(t->str, ident, ATEMP); nesting_push(&old_nesting, c); t->vars = wordlist(); t->left = dogroup(); nesting_pop(&old_nesting); break; case WHILE: case UNTIL: nesting_push(&old_nesting, c); t = newtp((c == WHILE) ? TWHILE : TUNTIL); t->left = c_list(true); t->right = dogroup(); nesting_pop(&old_nesting); break; case CASE: t = newtp(TCASE); musthave(LWORD, 0); t->str = yylval.cp; nesting_push(&old_nesting, c); t->left = caselist(); nesting_pop(&old_nesting); break; case IF: nesting_push(&old_nesting, c); t = newtp(TIF); t->left = c_list(true); t->right = thenpart(); musthave(FI, KEYWORD|ALIAS); nesting_pop(&old_nesting); break; case BANG: syniocf &= ~(KEYWORD|ALIAS); t = pipeline(0); if (t == NULL) syntaxerr(NULL); t = block(TBANG, NOBLOCK, t, NOWORDS); break; case TIME: syniocf &= ~(KEYWORD|ALIAS); t = pipeline(0); if (t) { t->str = alloc(2, ATEMP); t->str[0] = '\0'; /* TF_* flags */ t->str[1] = '\0'; } t = block(TTIME, t, NOBLOCK, NOWORDS); break; case FUNCTION: musthave(LWORD, 0); t = function_body(yylval.cp, true); break; } while ((iop = synio(syniocf)) != NULL) { if (iopn >= NUFILE) yyerror("too many redirections\n"); iops[iopn++] = iop; } if (iopn == 0) { afree(iops, ATEMP); t->ioact = NULL; } else { iops[iopn++] = NULL; iops = aresize(iops, iopn * sizeof(struct ioword *), ATEMP); t->ioact = iops; } if (t->type == TCOM || t->type == TDBRACKET) { XPput(args, NULL); t->args = (const char **)XPclose(args); XPput(vars, NULL); t->vars = (char **) XPclose(vars); } else { XPfree(args); XPfree(vars); } return (t); } static struct op * dogroup(void) { int c; struct op *list; c = token(CONTIN|KEYWORD|ALIAS); /* A {...} can be used instead of do...done for for/select loops * but not for while/until loops - we don't need to check if it * is a while loop because it would have been parsed as part of * the conditional command list... */ if (c == DO) c = DONE; else if (c == '{') c = '}'; else syntaxerr(NULL); list = c_list(true); musthave(c, KEYWORD|ALIAS); return (list); } static struct op * thenpart(void) { struct op *t; musthave(THEN, KEYWORD|ALIAS); t = newtp(0); t->left = c_list(true); if (t->left == NULL) syntaxerr(NULL); t->right = elsepart(); return (t); } static struct op * elsepart(void) { struct op *t; switch (token(KEYWORD|ALIAS|VARASN)) { case ELSE: if ((t = c_list(true)) == NULL) syntaxerr(NULL); return (t); case ELIF: t = newtp(TELIF); t->left = c_list(true); t->right = thenpart(); return (t); default: REJECT; } return (NULL); } static struct op * caselist(void) { struct op *t, *tl; int c; c = token(CONTIN|KEYWORD|ALIAS); /* A {...} can be used instead of in...esac for case statements */ if (c == IN) c = ESAC; else if (c == '{') c = '}'; else syntaxerr(NULL); t = tl = NULL; while ((tpeek(CONTIN|KEYWORD|ESACONLY)) != c) { /* no ALIAS here */ struct op *tc = casepart(c); if (tl == NULL) t = tl = tc, tl->right = NULL; else tl->right = tc, tl = tc; } musthave(c, KEYWORD|ALIAS); return (t); } static struct op * casepart(int endtok) { struct op *t; XPtrV ptns; XPinit(ptns, 16); t = newtp(TPAT); /* no ALIAS here */ if (token(CONTIN | KEYWORD) != '(') REJECT; do { musthave(LWORD, 0); XPput(ptns, yylval.cp); } while (token(0) == '|'); REJECT; XPput(ptns, NULL); t->vars = (char **) XPclose(ptns); musthave(')', 0); t->left = c_list(true); /* Note: Posix requires the ;; */ if ((tpeek(CONTIN|KEYWORD|ALIAS)) != endtok) musthave(BREAK, CONTIN|KEYWORD|ALIAS); return (t); } static struct op * function_body(char *name, bool ksh_func) /* function foo { ... } vs foo() { .. } */ { char *sname, *p; struct op *t; bool old_func_parse; sname = wdstrip(name, false, false); /* Check for valid characters in name. posix and ksh93 say only * allow [a-zA-Z_0-9] but this allows more as old pdkshs have * allowed more (the following were never allowed: * nul space nl tab $ ' " \ ` ( ) & | ; = < > * C_QUOTE covers all but = and adds # [ ] ? *) */ for (p = sname; *p; p++) if (ctype(*p, C_QUOTE) || *p == '=') yyerror("%s: invalid function name\n", sname); /* Note that POSIX allows only compound statements after foo(), sh and * AT&T ksh allow any command, go with the later since it shouldn't * break anything. However, for function foo, AT&T ksh only accepts * an open-brace. */ if (ksh_func) { if (tpeek(CONTIN|KEYWORD|ALIAS) == '(' /* ) */) { struct tbl *tp; /* function foo () { */ ACCEPT; musthave(')', 0); /* degrade to POSIX function */ ksh_func = false; if ((tp = ktsearch(&aliases, sname, hash(sname)))) ktdelete(tp); } musthave('{', CONTIN|KEYWORD|ALIAS); /* } */ REJECT; } t = newtp(TFUNCT); t->str = sname; t->u.ksh_func = ksh_func; t->lineno = source->line; old_func_parse = e->flags & EF_FUNC_PARSE; e->flags |= EF_FUNC_PARSE; if ((t->left = get_command(CONTIN)) == NULL) { char *tv; /* * Probably something like foo() followed by eof or ;. * This is accepted by sh and ksh88. * To make "typeset -f foo" work reliably (so its output can * be used as input), we pretend there is a colon here. */ t->left = newtp(TCOM); t->left->args = alloc(2 * sizeof(char *), ATEMP); t->left->args[0] = tv = alloc(3, ATEMP); tv[0] = CHAR; tv[1] = ':'; tv[2] = EOS; t->left->args[1] = NULL; t->left->vars = alloc(sizeof(char *), ATEMP); t->left->vars[0] = NULL; t->left->lineno = 1; } if (!old_func_parse) e->flags &= ~EF_FUNC_PARSE; return (t); } static char ** wordlist(void) { int c; XPtrV args; XPinit(args, 16); /* Posix does not do alias expansion here... */ if ((c = token(CONTIN|KEYWORD|ALIAS)) != IN) { if (c != ';') /* non-POSIX, but AT&T ksh accepts a ; here */ REJECT; return (NULL); } while ((c = token(0)) == LWORD) XPput(args, yylval.cp); if (c != '\n' && c != ';') syntaxerr(NULL); if (XPsize(args) == 0) { XPfree(args); return (NULL); } else { XPput(args, NULL); return ((char **)XPclose(args)); } } /* * supporting functions */ static struct op * block(int type, struct op *t1, struct op *t2, char **wp) { struct op *t; t = newtp(type); t->left = t1; t->right = t2; t->vars = wp; return (t); } const struct tokeninfo { const char *name; short val; short reserved; } tokentab[] = { /* Reserved words */ { "if", IF, true }, { "then", THEN, true }, { "else", ELSE, true }, { "elif", ELIF, true }, { "fi", FI, true }, { "case", CASE, true }, { "esac", ESAC, true }, { "for", FOR, true }, { "select", SELECT, true }, { "while", WHILE, true }, { "until", UNTIL, true }, { "do", DO, true }, { "done", DONE, true }, { "in", IN, true }, { "function", FUNCTION, true }, { "time", TIME, true }, { "{", '{', true }, { "}", '}', true }, { "!", BANG, true }, { "[[", DBRACKET, true }, /* Lexical tokens (0[EOF], LWORD and REDIR handled specially) */ { "&&", LOGAND, false }, { "||", LOGOR, false }, { ";;", BREAK, false }, { "((", MDPAREN, false }, { "|&", COPROC, false }, /* and some special cases... */ { "newline", '\n', false }, { NULL, 0, false } }; void initkeywords(void) { struct tokeninfo const *tt; struct tbl *p; ktinit(&keywords, APERM, /* must be 80% of 2^n (currently 20 keywords) */ 32); for (tt = tokentab; tt->name; tt++) { if (tt->reserved) { p = ktenter(&keywords, tt->name, hash(tt->name)); p->flag |= DEFINED|ISSET; p->type = CKEYWD; p->val.i = tt->val; } } } static void syntaxerr(const char *what) { char redir[6]; /* 2<<- is the longest redirection, I think */ const char *s; struct tokeninfo const *tt; int c; if (!what) what = "unexpected"; REJECT; c = token(0); Again: switch (c) { case 0: if (nesting.start_token) { c = nesting.start_token; source->errline = nesting.start_line; what = "unmatched"; goto Again; } /* don't quote the EOF */ yyerror("%s: unexpected EOF\n", T_synerr); /* NOTREACHED */ case LWORD: s = snptreef(NULL, 32, "%S", yylval.cp); break; case REDIR: s = snptreef(redir, sizeof(redir), "%R", yylval.iop); break; default: for (tt = tokentab; tt->name; tt++) if (tt->val == c) break; if (tt->name) s = tt->name; else { if (c > 0 && c < 256) { redir[0] = c; redir[1] = '\0'; } else shf_snprintf(redir, sizeof(redir), "?%d", c); s = redir; } } yyerror("%s: '%s' %s\n", T_synerr, s, what); } static void nesting_push(struct nesting_state *save, int tok) { *save = nesting; nesting.start_token = tok; nesting.start_line = source->line; } static void nesting_pop(struct nesting_state *saved) { nesting = *saved; } static struct op * newtp(int type) { struct op *t; t = alloc(sizeof(struct op), ATEMP); t->type = type; t->u.evalflags = 0; t->args = NULL; t->vars = NULL; t->ioact = NULL; t->left = t->right = NULL; t->str = NULL; return (t); } struct op * compile(Source *s) { nesting.start_token = 0; nesting.start_line = 0; herep = heres; source = s; yyparse(); return (outtree); } /* This kludge exists to take care of sh/AT&T ksh oddity in which * the arguments of alias/export/readonly/typeset have no field * splitting, file globbing, or (normal) tilde expansion done. * AT&T ksh seems to do something similar to this since * $ touch a=a; typeset a=[ab]; echo "$a" * a=[ab] * $ x=typeset; $x a=[ab]; echo "$a" * a=a * $ */ static int assign_command(char *s) { if (!*s) return (0); return ((strcmp(s, "alias") == 0) || (strcmp(s, "export") == 0) || (strcmp(s, "readonly") == 0) || (strcmp(s, "typeset") == 0)); } /* Check if we are in the middle of reading an alias */ static int inalias(struct source *s) { for (; s && s->type == SALIAS; s = s->next) if (!(s->flags & SF_ALIASEND)) return (1); return (0); } /* Order important - indexed by Test_meta values * Note that ||, &&, ( and ) can't appear in as unquoted strings * in normal shell input, so these can be interpreted unambiguously * in the evaluation pass. */ static const char dbtest_or[] = { CHAR, '|', CHAR, '|', EOS }; static const char dbtest_and[] = { CHAR, '&', CHAR, '&', EOS }; static const char dbtest_not[] = { CHAR, '!', EOS }; static const char dbtest_oparen[] = { CHAR, '(', EOS }; static const char dbtest_cparen[] = { CHAR, ')', EOS }; const char *const dbtest_tokens[] = { dbtest_or, dbtest_and, dbtest_not, dbtest_oparen, dbtest_cparen }; const char db_close[] = { CHAR, ']', CHAR, ']', EOS }; const char db_lthan[] = { CHAR, '<', EOS }; const char db_gthan[] = { CHAR, '>', EOS }; /* Test if the current token is a whatever. Accepts the current token if * it is. Returns 0 if it is not, non-zero if it is (in the case of * TM_UNOP and TM_BINOP, the returned value is a Test_op). */ static int dbtestp_isa(Test_env *te, Test_meta meta) { int c = tpeek(ARRAYVAR | (meta == TM_BINOP ? 0 : CONTIN)); int uqword; char *save = NULL; int ret = 0; /* unquoted word? */ uqword = c == LWORD && *ident; if (meta == TM_OR) ret = c == LOGOR; else if (meta == TM_AND) ret = c == LOGAND; else if (meta == TM_NOT) ret = uqword && strcmp(yylval.cp, dbtest_tokens[(int) TM_NOT]) == 0; else if (meta == TM_OPAREN) ret = c == '(' /*)*/; else if (meta == TM_CPAREN) ret = c == /*(*/ ')'; else if (meta == TM_UNOP || meta == TM_BINOP) { if (meta == TM_BINOP && c == REDIR && (yylval.iop->flag == IOREAD || yylval.iop->flag == IOWRITE)) { ret = 1; save = wdcopy(yylval.iop->flag == IOREAD ? db_lthan : db_gthan, ATEMP); } else if (uqword && (ret = test_isop(meta, ident))) save = yylval.cp; } else /* meta == TM_END */ ret = uqword && strcmp(yylval.cp, db_close) == 0; if (ret) { ACCEPT; if (meta < NELEM(dbtest_tokens)) save = wdcopy(dbtest_tokens[(int)meta], ATEMP); if (save) XPput(*te->pos.av, save); } return (ret); } static const char * dbtestp_getopnd(Test_env *te, Test_op op __unused, bool do_eval __unused) { int c = tpeek(ARRAYVAR); if (c != LWORD) return (NULL); ACCEPT; XPput(*te->pos.av, yylval.cp); return (null); } static int dbtestp_eval(Test_env *te __unused, Test_op op __unused, const char *opnd1 __unused, const char *opnd2 __unused, bool do_eval __unused) { return (1); } static void dbtestp_error(Test_env *te, int offset, const char *msg) { te->flags |= TEF_ERROR; if (offset < 0) { REJECT; /* Kludgy to say the least... */ symbol = LWORD; yylval.cp = *(XPptrv(*te->pos.av) + XPsize(*te->pos.av) + offset); } syntaxerr(msg); }