: ${EDITOR:=/bin/ed} ${TERM:=vt100} ${HOSTNAME:=$(ulimit -c 0;hostname -s 2>&-)} [[ $HOSTNAME = @(localhost|*([ ])) ]] && HOSTNAME=$(ulimit -c 0;hostname 2>&-) PS1='# '; [[ "$(ulimit -c 0; id -u 2>&-)" -eq 0 ]] || PS1='$ ' PS1='$(integer e=$?; ((e)) && print $e\|)${USER:=$(ulimit -c 0; id -un 2>&- || \ print nobody)}@${HOSTNAME:=nil}:$(local pfx=~ wd=${PWD:-$(builtin pwd)} integer n=${COLUMNS:-80}/3; let n="n < 7 ? 7 : n" [[ ${wd#$pfx} = $wd || $pfx = ?(/) ]] || wd=\~${wd#$pfx} pfx=; while (( (${#pfx} + ${#wd}) > n )); do if [[ $wd = */* ]]; then pfx=.../ wd=${wd#*/} else pfx=... wd=${wd#?????} fi done; print -r -- "$pfx$wd") '$PS1 export EDITOR HOSTNAME MKSH=$(whence -p mksh) PS1 TERM USER alias l='/bin/ls -F' alias la='l -a' alias ll='l -l' alias lo='la -lo' alias which='whence -p' whence -p rot13 >&- || alias rot13='tr [A-Za-z] [N-ZA-Mn-za-m]' whence -p hd >&- || function hd { hexdump -e '"%08.8_ax " 8/1 "%02X " " - " 8/1 "%02X "' \ -e '" |" "%_p"' -e '"|\n"' "$@" } # strip comments (and leading/trailing whitespace if IFS is set) from # any file(s) given as argument, or stdin if none, and spew to stdout function Lstripcom { cat "$@" | { set -o noglob; while read _line; do _line=${_line%%#*} [[ -n $_line ]] && print -r -- $_line done; } } # place customisations between this line and the “: RCSID” line below : $MirOS: src/bin/mksh/dot.mkshrc,v 1.15 2007/05/25 13:51:42 tg Rel $