• correct order of built-in commands; use POSIX special versus “all others”
plus “keeps assignments” as distinction, no longer play POSIX regular vs.
others game; sync manpage
• fix LP#1156707: map (( internally to “let]” which is no valid function
name and so can’t be overridden but is unlikely to be used otherwhere
and not strictly permitted (by POSIX) anyway
• we do not need -Wno-overflow any more, either
• bump to R45
that get used, plus one for the realpath-1 regression test; also make
sys_siglist_decl detection nicer and poison strerror() with non-const
return value ifdef DEBUG, make it always const
• tty_fd is now never closed
• new tty_hasstate tracks tty_state (cf. thread around
http://article.gmane.org/gmane.os.miros.mksh/79 and PLD bug)
• as users requested, importing COLUMNS or LINES from the environment
now removes its special-ness as does unsetting it
• otherwise, setting COLUMNS or LINES is honoured until the next SIGWINCH
arrives or change_winsz is otherwise run (e.g. before displaying the
prompt in the interactive command line editing modes)
• SIGWINCH is now honoured before each reading of $COLUMNS and $LINES too
• change the Uhr to match – it no longer calls stty(1) ☺
• all writers of exstat ensure the value is in [0; 0xFF]
• all readers of exstat AND it with 0xFF (not strictly needed thus)
• trap_exstat is “safe”, i.e. always either -1 or [0; 0xFF]
several conditions are met as outlined below; for more background, refer to
We don’t yet optimise 「% sh -c '{ echo a; sleep 10;}&'; sleep 1; ps T」 so
the FreeBSD® sh approach cannot work for us, but scanning the “sh -c” argu‐
ment for disallowed characters and, if not, setting a flag that enables the
shell to exec the tree when parsed as TCOM *and not c_trap()* was possible.
Disallowed characters are currently C_QUOTE except space, that is:
Tab Newline " # $ & ' ( ) * ; < = > ? [ \ ] ` |
This should catch all cases of magic, variables, subshells, pipelines, etc.
XXX we could track whether tty_fd has already been successfully opened,
XXX the ttystate initialised, and then just never close it unless it is
XXX necessary, then we can keep COLUMNS/LINES accurate in scripts, even