• make fast character classes even faster by removing the C_SUBOP2 hack
in favour of a separate seldom-used ksh_issubop2 macro (which also
makes ctype() side-effect-safe) which is a slower class (no change there)
• optimise cases of ksh_isalphx followed by a ksh_isalnux loop
(used parsing variable names)
• remove a misleading comment in initctypes() about \0 from pdksh
• rename C_ALPHA to C_ALPHX to make it more clear the underscore is included
• sprinkle a few ord() in there
• add new ksh_isalpha() which tests for [A-Za-z] (slow character class)
• there is no '_:\' drive on OS/2 (which inspired the whole changeset)
install both lksh and mksh manpages from Build.sh (Martijn Dekker)
spelling fixes (Larry Hynes)
manpage improvements (Martijn Dekker)
initial port to Harvey-OS’ APEX (Ronald G. Minnich, Elbing Miss, Álvaro Jurado)
more from komh’s OS/2 port (KO Myung-Hun)
• if HAVE_STRING_POOLING is set to 1
• if HAVE_STRING_POOLING is set to 2 and not GCC < 4 is used
• if HAVE_STRING_POOLING is not set to 0 and LLVM or GCC >= 4 is used
Closes: LP#1580348
separate the backslash+newline things out of the *.opt files,
logically not 100% clean, but better as it is not generated
content anyway (keeping the one-liners in there for now, even
though more consistent would be shifting them out as well)
• ord() new, From: Daniel Richard G. <skunk@iSKUNK.ORG>
‣ used in some places
• (c - '0') → ksh_numdig(c) # may take *x++ argument
• (c - 'A') → ksh_numuc(c) # may NOT take *x+= argument
‣ idem for ksh_numlc(c) and 'a'
‣ these need changing for EBCDIC
‣ add testsuite for this
• use macros more, they exist already often
• use digits_lc[foo] instead of ('0' + foo), especially for letters
• caught another ksh_eq case…
• also caught a maybe-UB overflow check, but we don’t have TIME_T_MAX ☹
• all: bump version to R50-current; add more comments; whitespace
• all: remove all mkssert(); we’ll do full re-runs of scan-build and,
hopefully, Coverity Scan/Prevent
• check.t: fix a testcase (sed could exit false, but we don’t care)
• eval.c: fix tilde_ok data type (only unsigned may shl constantly)
• exec.c: fix shebang buf array accesses to always go via uint8_t *
‣ not like oksh did, but using mksh’s built-in features
• handle suggested __pure additions
• revert cid 1004F7F096867C83CF0
‣ always use our wcwidth code
‣ only use our strlcpy code if none found
• fix a couple of gcc-snapshot and clang/scan-build warnings
• mksh R49~rc1
TODO: I am seriously considering following Chet and changing
the way this works, by explicitly dropping privs unless the
shell is run with -p. Every other shell does it like mksh,
except Heirloom sh, which on the other hand doesn’t know any
explicit set -p or set +p (though it doesn’t know set +foo
for any foo either).
┌──┤ QUESTION: Do we need the ability to do this:
│ tg@blau:~ $ ./suidmksh -p -c 'whoami; set +p; whoami'
│ root
│ tg
If not, I’m seriously considering to drop set ±p as well,
only parse -p on the command line, with +p being the default,
and dropping FPRIVILEGED.
Thanks to RT for noticing and jilles for initial follow-up
discussion, as well as Chet Ramey for doing the sane/secure
thing instead of following Debian.
command; setting one still unsets the other at first)
• Change subst_exstat to be conformant unless -o sh is set and -o posix isn’t
• In lksh, make subst_exstat (newly) conformant if -o posix
• Sync lksh manpage precisely
is larger than the positive range of the latter (implementation-defined), so
avoid them in all explicit cases and rearrange stuff and check for it
(I’m gonna have to revise lots more code…)