remainging CIDs not listed are either
• false positive (bug in coverity)
• intentional (possibly with lint override coverity doesn't parse)
• VLA (XXX find out how to mix C99 and ANSI VLAs)
• things flagged as possible resource leaks I have no idea about
(no biggie though, and only in error cases I think)
This was actually more evil:
• use a recursive function to display blocks in reverse order,
so that local variable values overwrite global ones
• add array support to typeset -p (from typeset -p -)
• display 'set -A varname' line before setting values, for -p
• if -p got arguments, only display those (from the innermost scope)
Also, the usual amount of code cleanup…
to get rid of the bias introduced by making the hash never zero
… he also pointed out a memory (heap) usage optimisation… which
may impact code size a bit though as I’d need to pass an additional
argument on hashtable function calls… or, forgo the benefit of not
having to pointer-align the key in the structure, which can be as
much as 3/7 octets per item, heap storage… OTOH the saved space is
4/8 octets per not-allocated item, possibly some code (use of an
multiply-add opcode), but the function call overhead/cost would
possibly be quite a bit… I guess I’ll have to measure…
XXX in the future, the entire scheme must be rethinked when we need more
XXX entropy for the hash tables; possibly a cheap add using NZAT and re-
XXX initialise the LCG only on access and when added (so keep NZAT state
XXX separate from LCG state); also, then we will need a more elaborate
XXX scheme, such as adding from environment, editor keypresses and timing
• strlcpy
• utf_wcwidth
note strchr/strstr from misc.c are still #ifdef DEBUG only, as they are
not eligible: they’re for const-cleanliness debugging purposes
XXX get rid of multiple occurrences of binary search code, too…
• promote SCO OpenServer and UnixWare to !oswarn
• omit trying -O2/-O on OpenServer 5 and USL C
• cast mksh_ari_t to int, mksh_uari_t to unsigned int for printf
• skip ulimit-1 on syllable (which is still too broken)
• write ((mksh_ari_t)-2147483648) ipv UB ((mksh_ari_t)1 << 31)
and add a comment that that is actually meant
• rewrite functions returning !void ending in NOTREACHED
so they’ve got a jump target returning an error at the
end, to aid older compilers and just to be safe
• cast struct stat.st_size to off_t or size_t explicitly when needed
• shorten struct env by two bytes and an alignment, at least
also, optimise control flow and fix more paren matching cases