• new regression tests
• (tests/th) better tmpfile handling
• exec.c 1.50: POSIX specifies that for an AND/OR list,
only the last command's exit status matters for "set -e"
• ksh.1 1.147: document the above
• eval.c 1.39: “Make $(< /nonexistent) have the same behaviour
as $(cat /nonexistent) wrt. errors (do not unwind and do not
treat this as fatal if set -e is used).”
‣ additionally make shf_open() return errno and actually show
the error message from the system
• regression-39 test: remove the “maybe” marker
‣ but decide on correct POSIX behaviour
already been fixed in mksh:
• (tests/th) exit 1 if tests fail
not merged:
• main.c 1.52: run traps in unwind() before exiting;
I’m pretty sure this is already working as-should in mksh
• eval.c 1.38: “Commands executed via `foo` or $( bar ) should
not inherit "set -e" status.” As discussed in IRC, this is
just plainly WRONG.
• sig_t detection was a bit insane, it is a function-pointer type after all
• fix uninitialised variable in c_select which led to mistakenly accepting
invalid (nōn-numeric) input and acting, randomly, upon it
• keep SIGCHLD blocked in child after forking longer, for job list manip
• block SIGCHLD ifdef DEBUG_LEAKS to not run job foo during/after afreeall
• fix annoying ISO C90 vs. C99 (un)signed constant warning
(as, on some systems and for some pedants, it may be *better* suited
due to its broken use of the host C “long” data type for arithmetics)
but warn that this can only work with -DMKSH_BINSHPOSIX really
command; setting one still unsets the other at first)
• Change subst_exstat to be conformant unless -o sh is set and -o posix isn’t
• In lksh, make subst_exstat (newly) conformant if -o posix
• Sync lksh manpage precisely
• make parsing numbers with leading digit-zero as octal independent of
mksh/lksh and dependent on set -o posix; adjust manpages to match
• warn about these changes and why mksh uses 32-bit consistent arithmetics
and point people to lksh for host-long undefined-behaviour arithmetics
• point out, explicitly, that it is *legal* for the operating environment
to make 'print $((2147483647 + 1))' (on a 32-bit system; adjust for a
64-bit system) to run 'rm -rf ~ /' instead
• correct order of built-in commands; use POSIX special versus “all others”
plus “keeps assignments” as distinction, no longer play POSIX regular vs.
others game; sync manpage
• fix LP#1156707: map (( internally to “let]” which is no valid function
name and so can’t be overridden but is unlikely to be used otherwhere
and not strictly permitted (by POSIX) anyway
• we do not need -Wno-overflow any more, either
• bump to R45
• mail.c was removed anyway
• we do not use “long long” in mksh, since it’s not in ANSI C89
instead, we probably need some 64-bit ops in the long run, but we can
use some host types (might want to use time_t for tv_sec, but we cannot
print that yet); might need to handle them in some generic manner…
do the correct operations for comparisons (just keep using the
signed/unsigned switch from bivui for them), division (by working
on absolutes and adding the sign at the end), modulo (stupidly by
divising in signed, multiplying and subtracting, to get the sign
of the result right)
also adds rotation
XXX to check: do we need to AND before assigning the result in division?
to $SECONDS (tbh, in 2038 we’ll have more problems than just that,
which is why 64-bit arithmetics, or unlimited-precision ones, are
on the “plans” list)
[17:27:44] Tonnerre: csh: alias doch sudo \!-1 bash: alias doch='sudo $(history -p !-1)' zsh: alias doch='sudo $(fc -ln -1)'
[17:28:03] mirabilos: ?
[17:28:34] Tonnerre: Na ganz einfach:
[17:28:36] Tonnerre: % ls /root
[17:28:39] Tonnerre: ls: cannot open directory /root: Permission denied
[17:28:42] Tonnerre: % doch
[17:28:45] Tonnerre: [sudo] password for tonnerre:
[17:28:49] Tonnerre: anaconda-ks.cfg cgminer-1.6.2-1.rf.src.rpm rpmbuild upgrade.log upgrade.log.syslog
[17:28:53] Tonnerre: %
This is one of two mksh variants; the other uses a tmpfile:
alias doch='sudo mksh -c "${ fc -ln -1;}"'
Both quote correctly, unlike the above.
Maybe use $MKSH instead? (Quoted or unquoted? Hm. Probably quoted.)
Input on that welcome…
is larger than the positive range of the latter (implementation-defined), so
avoid them in all explicit cases and rearrange stuff and check for it
(I’m gonna have to revise lots more code…)