for Yofuh: implement Emacs mode PgUp as Vi insert mode CurUp

This commit is contained in:
tg 2013-05-02 15:33:30 +00:00
parent 689c179254
commit f2906c79df
2 changed files with 51 additions and 5 deletions


@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
__RCSID("$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/edit.c,v 1.265 2013/02/10 19:05:36 tg Exp $");
__RCSID("$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/edit.c,v 1.266 2013/05/02 15:33:28 tg Exp $");
* in later versions we might use libtermcap for this, but since external
@ -3411,11 +3411,11 @@ static const unsigned char classify[128] = {
/* 8 @ A B C D E F G */
vC|vX, vC, vM, vC, vC, vM, vM|vX, vC|vU|vZ,
/* 9 H I J K L M N O */
0, vC, 0, 0, 0, 0, vC|vU, 0,
0, vC, 0, 0, 0, 0, vC|vU, vU,
/* A P Q R S T U V W */
vC, 0, vC, vC, vM|vX, vC, 0, vM,
/* B X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ */
vC, vC|vU, 0, 0, vC|vZ, 0, vM, vC|vZ,
vC, vC|vU, 0, vU, vC|vZ, 0, vM, vC|vZ,
/* C ` a b c d e f g */
0, vC, vM, vE, vE, vM, vM|vX, vC|vZ,
/* D h i j k l m n o */
@ -3443,6 +3443,7 @@ static const unsigned char classify[128] = {
#define VLIT 8 /* ^V */
#define VSEARCH 9 /* /, ? */
#define VVERSION 10 /* <ESC> ^V */
#define VPREFIX2 11 /* ^[[ and ^[O in insert mode */
static char undocbuf[LINE];
@ -3805,10 +3806,35 @@ vi_hook(int ch)
return (0);
case VPREFIX2:
state = VFAIL;
switch (ch) {
case 'A':
/* the cursor may not be at the BOL */
if (!es->cursor)
/* nor further in the line than we can search for */
if ((size_t)es->cursor >= sizeof(srchpat) - 1)
es->cursor = sizeof(srchpat) - 2;
/* anchor the search pattern */
srchpat[0] = '^';
/* take the current line up to the cursor */
memmove(srchpat + 1, es->cbuf, es->cursor);
srchpat[es->cursor + 1] = '\0';
/* set a magic flag */
argc1 = 2 + (int)es->cursor;
/* and emulate a backwards history search */
lastsearch = '/';
*curcmd = 'n';
goto pseudo_VCMD;
switch (state) {
case VCMD:
state = VNORMAL;
switch (vi_cmd(argc1, curcmd)) {
case -1:
@ -4378,6 +4404,11 @@ vi_cmd(int argcnt, const char *cmd)
hnum = c2;
ohnum = hnum;
if (argcnt >= 2) {
/* flag from cursor-up command */
es->cursor = argcnt - 2;
return (0);
case '_':
@ -4498,6 +4529,16 @@ vi_cmd(int argcnt, const char *cmd)
case Ctrl('x'):
/* mksh: cursor movement */
case '[':
case 'O':
state = VPREFIX2;
if (es->linelen != 0)
insert = INSERT;
return (0);
if (insert == 0 && es->cursor != 0 && es->cursor >= es->linelen)


@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
.\" $MirOS: src/bin/mksh/mksh.1,v 1.312 2013/04/27 19:16:25 tg Exp $
.\" $MirOS: src/bin/mksh/mksh.1,v 1.313 2013/05/02 15:33:30 tg Exp $
.\" $OpenBSD: ksh.1,v 1.146 2013/03/18 11:10:52 mpi Exp $
.\" Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
.\" with -mandoc, it might implement .Mx itself, but we want to
.\" use our own definition. And .Dd must come *first*, always.
.Dd $Mdocdate: April 27 2013 $
.Dd $Mdocdate: May 2 2013 $
.\" Check which macro package we use, and do other -mdoc setup.
@ -6035,6 +6035,11 @@ Search for the
.Ar n Ns th
occurrence of the last search string;
the direction of the search is the opposite of the last search.
.It Ar ANSI-CurUp
Take the characters from the beginning of the line to the current
cursor position as search string and do a backwards history search
for lines beginning with this string; keep the cursor position.
This works only in insert mode and keeps it enabled.
Edit commands