2004-10-28 11:53:44 +00:00
/** $MirBSD: tree.h,v 1.4 2004/10/28 11:53:43 tg Exp $ */
2004-09-21 11:57:17 +00:00
/* $OpenBSD: tree.h,v 1.8 2003/10/22 07:40:38 jmc Exp $ */
/* $From: tree.h,v 1.3 1994/05/31 13:34:34 michael Exp $ */
Import OpenBSD 3.3 source repository from CTM 3132 the first time
This opens an OpenBSD-mirabile (aka MirBSD) repository.
### MirBSD is:
# Copyright (c) 1982-2003 by Thorsten "mirabile" Glaser <x86@ePost.de>
# Copyright © 1968-2003 The authors of And contributors to UNIX®, the
# C Language, BSD/Berkeley Unix; 386BSD, NetBSD 1.1 and OpenBSD.
# Anyone who obtained a copy of this work is hereby permitted to freely use,
# distribute, modify, merge, sublicence, give away or sell it as long as the
# authors are given due credit and the following notice is retained:
# This work is provided "as is", with no explicit or implicit warranty what-
# soever. Use it only at your own risk. In no event may an author or contri-
# butor be held liable for any damage, directly or indirectly, that origina-
# ted through or is caused by creation or modification of this work.
MirBSD is my private tree. MirBSD does not differ very much from OpenBSD
and intentionally tracks OpenBSD. That's why it _is_ OpenBSD, just not the
official one. It's like with DarrenBSD.
At time of this writing, no advertising for MirBSD must be done,
because the advertising clause has not yet been sorted out.
2003-03-22 17:35:03 +00:00
2004-10-28 11:53:44 +00:00
#ifndef TREE_H
#define TREE_H
Import OpenBSD 3.3 source repository from CTM 3132 the first time
This opens an OpenBSD-mirabile (aka MirBSD) repository.
### MirBSD is:
# Copyright (c) 1982-2003 by Thorsten "mirabile" Glaser <x86@ePost.de>
# Copyright © 1968-2003 The authors of And contributors to UNIX®, the
# C Language, BSD/Berkeley Unix; 386BSD, NetBSD 1.1 and OpenBSD.
# Anyone who obtained a copy of this work is hereby permitted to freely use,
# distribute, modify, merge, sublicence, give away or sell it as long as the
# authors are given due credit and the following notice is retained:
# This work is provided "as is", with no explicit or implicit warranty what-
# soever. Use it only at your own risk. In no event may an author or contri-
# butor be held liable for any damage, directly or indirectly, that origina-
# ted through or is caused by creation or modification of this work.
MirBSD is my private tree. MirBSD does not differ very much from OpenBSD
and intentionally tracks OpenBSD. That's why it _is_ OpenBSD, just not the
official one. It's like with DarrenBSD.
At time of this writing, no advertising for MirBSD must be done,
because the advertising clause has not yet been sorted out.
2003-03-22 17:35:03 +00:00
* command trees for compile/execute
#define NOBLOCK ((struct op *)NULL)
#define NOWORD ((char *)NULL)
#define NOWORDS ((char **)NULL)
* Description of a command or an operation on commands.
struct op {
short type; /* operation type, see below */
union { /* WARNING: newtp(), tcopy() use evalflags = 0 to clear union */
short evalflags; /* TCOM: arg expansion eval() flags */
short ksh_func; /* TFUNC: function x (vs x()) */
} u;
char **args; /* arguments to a command */
char **vars; /* variable assignments */
struct ioword **ioact; /* IO actions (eg, < > >>) */
struct op *left, *right; /* descendents */
char *str; /* word for case; identifier for for,
* select, and functions;
* path to execute for TEXEC;
* time hook for TCOM.
int lineno; /* TCOM/TFUNC: LINENO for this */
/* Tree.type values */
#define TEOF 0
#define TCOM 1 /* command */
#define TPAREN 2 /* (c-list) */
#define TPIPE 3 /* a | b */
#define TLIST 4 /* a ; b */
#define TOR 5 /* || */
#define TAND 6 /* && */
#define TBANG 7 /* ! */
#define TDBRACKET 8 /* [[ .. ]] */
#define TFOR 9
#define TSELECT 10
#define TCASE 11
#define TIF 12
#define TWHILE 13
#define TUNTIL 14
#define TELIF 15
#define TPAT 16 /* pattern in case */
#define TBRACE 17 /* {c-list} */
#define TASYNC 18 /* c & */
#define TFUNCT 19 /* function name { command; } */
#define TTIME 20 /* time pipeline */
#define TEXEC 21 /* fork/exec eval'd TCOM */
#define TCOPROC 22 /* coprocess |& */
* prefix codes for words in command tree
#define EOS 0 /* end of string */
#define CHAR 1 /* unquoted character */
#define QCHAR 2 /* quoted character */
#define COMSUB 3 /* $() substitution (0 terminated) */
#define EXPRSUB 4 /* $(()) substitution (0 terminated) */
#define OQUOTE 5 /* opening " or ' */
#define CQUOTE 6 /* closing " or ' */
#define OSUBST 7 /* opening ${ subst (followed by { or X) */
#define CSUBST 8 /* closing } of above (followed by } or X) */
#define OPAT 9 /* open pattern: *(, @(, etc. */
#define SPAT 10 /* separate pattern: | */
#define CPAT 11 /* close pattern: ) */
* IO redirection
struct ioword {
int unit; /* unit affected */
int flag; /* action (below) */
char *name; /* file name (unused if heredoc) */
char *delim; /* delimiter for <<,<<- */
char *heredoc;/* content of heredoc */
/* ioword.flag - type of redirection */
#define IOTYPE 0xF /* type: bits 0:3 */
#define IOREAD 0x1 /* < */
#define IOWRITE 0x2 /* > */
#define IORDWR 0x3 /* <>: todo */
#define IOHERE 0x4 /* << (here file) */
#define IOCAT 0x5 /* >> */
#define IODUP 0x6 /* <&/>& */
#define IOEVAL BIT(4) /* expand in << */
#define IOSKIP BIT(5) /* <<-, skip ^\t* */
#define IOCLOB BIT(6) /* >|, override -o noclobber */
#define IORDUP BIT(7) /* x<&y (as opposed to x>&y) */
#define IONAMEXP BIT(8) /* name has been expanded */
/* execute/exchild flags */
#define XEXEC BIT(0) /* execute without forking */
#define XFORK BIT(1) /* fork before executing */
#define XBGND BIT(2) /* command & */
#define XPIPEI BIT(3) /* input is pipe */
#define XPIPEO BIT(4) /* output is pipe */
#define XPIPE (XPIPEI|XPIPEO) /* member of pipe */
#define XXCOM BIT(5) /* `...` command */
#define XPCLOSE BIT(6) /* exchild: close close_fd in parent */
#define XCCLOSE BIT(7) /* exchild: close close_fd in child */
#define XERROK BIT(8) /* non-zero exit ok (for set -e) */
#define XCOPROC BIT(9) /* starting a co-process */
2003-12-22 20:22:51 +00:00
#define XTIME BIT(10) /* timing TCOM command */
Import OpenBSD 3.3 source repository from CTM 3132 the first time
This opens an OpenBSD-mirabile (aka MirBSD) repository.
### MirBSD is:
# Copyright (c) 1982-2003 by Thorsten "mirabile" Glaser <x86@ePost.de>
# Copyright © 1968-2003 The authors of And contributors to UNIX®, the
# C Language, BSD/Berkeley Unix; 386BSD, NetBSD 1.1 and OpenBSD.
# Anyone who obtained a copy of this work is hereby permitted to freely use,
# distribute, modify, merge, sublicence, give away or sell it as long as the
# authors are given due credit and the following notice is retained:
# This work is provided "as is", with no explicit or implicit warranty what-
# soever. Use it only at your own risk. In no event may an author or contri-
# butor be held liable for any damage, directly or indirectly, that origina-
# ted through or is caused by creation or modification of this work.
MirBSD is my private tree. MirBSD does not differ very much from OpenBSD
and intentionally tracks OpenBSD. That's why it _is_ OpenBSD, just not the
official one. It's like with DarrenBSD.
At time of this writing, no advertising for MirBSD must be done,
because the advertising clause has not yet been sorted out.
2003-03-22 17:35:03 +00:00
#define XINTACT BIT(11) /* OS2: proc started from interactive session */
* flags to control expansion of words (assumed by t->evalflags to fit
* in a short)
#define DOBLANK BIT(0) /* perform blank interpretation */
#define DOGLOB BIT(1) /* expand [?* */
#define DOPAT BIT(2) /* quote *?[ */
#define DOTILDE BIT(3) /* normal ~ expansion (first char) */
#define DONTRUNCOMMAND BIT(4) /* do not run $(command) things */
#define DOASNTILDE BIT(5) /* assignment ~ expansion (after =, :) */
#define DOBRACE_ BIT(6) /* used by expand(): do brace expansion */
#define DOMAGIC_ BIT(7) /* used by expand(): string contains MAGIC */
#define DOTEMP_ BIT(8) /* ditto : in word part of ${..[%#=?]..} */
#define DOVACHECK BIT(9) /* var assign check (for typeset, set, etc) */
#define DOMARKDIRS BIT(10) /* force markdirs behaviour */
* The arguments of [[ .. ]] expressions are kept in t->args[] and flags
* indicating how the arguments have been munged are kept in t->vars[].
* The contents of t->vars[] are stuffed strings (so they can be treated
* like all other t->vars[]) in which the second character is the one that
* is examined. The DB_* defines are the values for these second characters.
#define DB_NORM 1 /* normal argument */
#define DB_OR 2 /* || -> -o conversion */
#define DB_AND 3 /* && -> -a conversion */
#define DB_BE 4 /* an inserted -BE */
#define DB_PAT 5 /* a pattern argument */
2004-10-28 11:53:44 +00:00
#endif /* ndef TREE_H */