Giacomo Tesio 61f47bce83 Fix posix.h license header
LibPOSIX is distributed as Affero GNU General Purpose License version 3, as you can see in the code. This was just a typo.
2017-04-20 01:01:47 +02:00

153 lines
5.7 KiB

* This file is part of Jehanne.
* Copyright (C) 2017 Giacomo Tesio <>
* This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Jehanne is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with Jehanne. If not, see <>.
* This API is designed to help porting other POSIX compliant C
* libraries (such as newlib or musl) to Jehanne, so that they can be
* used to port further software.
* POSIX_* functions provide a facade between the Jehanne's libc and
* the POSIX 1-2008 semantics.
* libposix_* functions provide the configuration point.
* #include <u.h>
* #include <posix.h>
typedef unsigned long clock_t;
#define __POSIX_EXIT_PREFIX "posix error "
#define __POSIX_SIGNAL_PREFIX "posix: "
extern void POSIX_exit(int code) __attribute__((noreturn));
extern int POSIX_close(int *errnop, int file);
extern int POSIX_execve(int *errnop, const char *name, char * const*argv, char * const*env);
extern int POSIX_fork(int *errnop);
extern int POSIX_fstat(int *errnop, int file, void *stat);
extern int POSIX_getpid(int *errnop);
extern int POSIX_isatty(int *errnop, int file);
extern int POSIX_kill(int *errnop, int pid, int sig);
extern int POSIX_link(int *errnop, const char *old, const char *new);
extern off_t POSIX_lseek(int *errnop, int fd, off_t pos, int whence);
extern int POSIX_open(int *errnop, const char *name, int flags, int mode);
extern long POSIX_read(int *errnop, int fd, char *buf, size_t len);
extern int POSIX_stat(int *errnop, const char *file, void *stat);
extern clock_t POSIX_times(int *errnop, void *tms);
extern int POSIX_unlink(int *errnop, const char *name);
extern int POSIX_wait(int *errnop, int *status);
extern long POSIX_write(int *errnop, int fd, const void *buf, size_t len);
extern int POSIX_gettimeofday(int *errnop, void *timeval, void *timezone);
extern char* POSIX_getenv(int *errnop, const char *name);
extern void *POSIX_sbrk(int *errnop, ptrdiff_t incr);
extern void * POSIX_malloc(int *errnop, size_t size);
extern void *POSIX_realloc(int *errnop, void *ptr, size_t size);
extern void *POSIX_calloc(int *errnop, size_t nelem, size_t size);
extern void POSIX_free(void *ptr);
/* Library initialization
#define _ERRNO_H // skip the Posix part, we just need the enum
#include <apw/errno.h>
/* Initialize libposix. Should call
* libposix_define_errno to set the value of each PosixError
* libposix_translate_error to translate error strings to PosixError
* libposix_set_stat_reader
* libposix_set_tms_reader
* libposix_set_timeval_reader
* libposix_set_timezone_reader
typedef void (*PosixInit)(void);
extern void libposix_init(int argc, char *argv[], PosixInit init) __attribute__((noreturn));
/* Translate an error string to a PosixError, in the context of the
* calling function (typically a pointer to a POSIX_* function).
* Must return 0 if unable to identify a PosixError.
* Translators are tried in reverse registration order.
typedef PosixError (*PosixErrorTranslator)(char* error, uintptr_t caller);
/* Register a translation between Jehanne error strings and PosixErrors.
* If caller is not zero, it is a pointer to the calling
* functions to consider. Otherwise the translation will be tried whenever
* for any caller, after the specialized ones.
extern int libposix_translate_error(PosixErrorTranslator translation, uintptr_t caller);
/* define the value of a specific PosixError according to the library headers */
extern int libposix_define_errno(PosixError e, int errno);
/* Map a Dir to the stat structure expected by the library.
* Must return 0 on success or a PosixError on failure.
typedef PosixError (*PosixStatReader)(void *statp, const Dir *dir);
extern int libposix_set_stat_reader(PosixStatReader reader);
/* Map a time provided by times() tms structure
* expected by the library.
* Must return 0 on success or a PosixError on failure.
typedef PosixError (*PosixTMSReader)(void *tms,
unsigned int proc_userms, unsigned int proc_sysms,
unsigned int children_userms, unsigned int children_sysms);
extern int libposix_set_tms_reader(PosixTMSReader reader);
/* Map a time provided by gmtime() or localtime() to a timeval
* expected by the library.
* Must return 0 on success or a PosixError on failure.
typedef PosixError (*PosixTimevalReader)(void *timeval, const Tm *time);
extern int libposix_set_timeval_reader(PosixTimevalReader reader);
/* Map a time provided by gmtime() or localtime() to a timezone
* expected by the library.
* Must return 0 on success or a PosixError on failure.
typedef PosixError (*PosixTimezoneReader)(void *timezone, const Tm *time);
extern int libposix_set_timezone_reader(PosixTimezoneReader reader);
/* Map the POSIX_open flag and mode to Jehanne's arguments to open
* or create.
* omode is a pointer to the open/create omode argument
* cperm is a pointer to the create perm argument that must be filled
* only if O_CREATE has been set in mode.
* Must return 0 on success or a PosixError on failure.
typedef PosixError (*PosixOpenTranslator)(int flag, int mode, long *omode, long *cperm);
extern int libposix_translate_open(PosixOpenTranslator translation);
extern int libposix_translate_seek_whence(int seek_set, int seek_cur, int seek_end);
typedef int (*PosixSignalTrampoline)(int signal);
extern int libposix_set_signal_trampoline(PosixSignalTrampoline trampoline);