Giacomo Tesio e70feee4a3 libc: introduce "jehanne_" namespace
With this commit all functions declared in libc.h have been renamed
with the "jehanne_" prefix. This is done for several reason:

- it removes conflicts during symbol resolution when linking
  standard C libraries like newlib or musl
- it allows programs depending on a standard C library to directly
  link to a library depending on our non standard libc (eg libsec).

To ease transiction two files are provided:

- sys/include/lib9.h that can be included instead of <libc.h> to use
  the old names (via a simple set of macros)
- sys/src/lib/c/lib9.c that can be compiled with a program where the
  macro provided by lib9.h are too dumb (see for example rc or grep).

In the kernel port/lib.h has been modified accordingly and some of
the functions it directly provides has been renamed too (eg malloc
in qmalloc.c and print in devcons.c).
2017-04-19 23:48:21 +02:00

69 lines
2.1 KiB

* This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
* terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
* distribution and at No
* part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
* modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
* in the LICENSE file.
#include <u.h>
#include <lib9.h>
#include <ip.h>
/* from the kernel. Sorry. */
enum {
Nipht = 521, /* convenient prime */
/* Jehanne iphash() from ip/ipaux.c */
iphash(uint8_t *sa, uint16_t sp, uint8_t *da, uint16_t dp)
return (((uint32_t)(sa[IPaddrlen-1])<<24) ^ (sp << 16) ^ (((uint32_t)da[IPaddrlen-1])<<8) ^ dp ) % Nipht;
/* old Nix iphash (worked with kenc) */
uint32_t oldiphash(uint8_t * sa, uint16_t sp, uint8_t * da, uint16_t dp)
return ((sa[IPaddrlen - 1] << 24) ^ (sp << 16) ^ (da[IPaddrlen - 1] << 8) ^
dp) % Nipht;
/* conventions.
* informational messages go on fd 2.
* PASS/FAIL go on fd 1 and there is only ever one of each.
* The first four characters of passing tests are PASS
* The first four characters of failing tests are FAIL
* It is an error to print both PASS and FAIL
* FAIL tests should exits() with a message
* We may consider not printing PASS/FAIL and using exits instead.
static uint8_t sa[IPaddrlen] = { 0x80, };
static uint8_t da[IPaddrlen];
uint16_t sp = 4;
uint16_t dp = 5;
uint32_t ohash, nhash;
sa[IPaddrlen - 1] = 0x80;
ohash = oldiphash(sa, sp, da, dp);
if (ohash > Nipht)
fprint(2, "oldiphash returns bad value: 0x%ulx, should be < 0x%ulx\n",
ohash, Nipht);
nhash = iphash(sa, sp, da, dp);
if (nhash > Nipht)
fprint(2, "iphash returns bad value: 0x%ulx, should be < 0x%ulx\n",
ohash, Nipht);
fprint(2, "ohash is 0x%ulx, nhash is 0x%ulx\n", ohash, nhash);
if (ohash == nhash) {
/* ohash and nhash should differs on gcc due to type promotion rules */
fprint(2, "FAIL: iphash equals\n");
/* Always print PASS at the end. */