/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include #include "fmtdef.h" /* format the output into f->to and return the number of characters fmted */ int dofmt(Fmt *f, const char *fmt) { Rune rune, *rt, *rs; int r; char *t, *s; int n, nfmt; nfmt = f->nfmt; for(;;){ if(f->runes){ rt = f->to; rs = f->stop; while((r = *(uint8_t*)fmt) && r != '%'){ if(r < Runeself) fmt++; else{ fmt += chartorune(&rune, fmt); r = rune; } FMTRCHAR(f, rt, rs, r); } fmt++; f->nfmt += rt - (Rune *)f->to; f->to = rt; if(!r) return f->nfmt - nfmt; f->stop = rs; }else{ t = f->to; s = f->stop; while((r = *(uint8_t*)fmt) && r != '%'){ if(r < Runeself){ FMTCHAR(f, t, s, r); fmt++; }else{ n = chartorune(&rune, fmt); if(t + n > s){ t = _fmtflush(f, t, n); if(t != nil) s = f->stop; else return -1; } while(n--) *t++ = *fmt++; } } fmt++; f->nfmt += t - (char *)f->to; f->to = t; if(!r) return f->nfmt - nfmt; f->stop = s; } fmt = _fmtdispatch(f, fmt, 0); if(fmt == nil) return -1; } } void * _fmtflush(Fmt *f, void *t, int len) { if(f->runes) f->nfmt += (Rune*)t - (Rune*)f->to; else f->nfmt += (char*)t - (char *)f->to; f->to = t; if(f->flush == 0 || (*f->flush)(f) == 0 || (char*)f->to + len > (char*)f->stop){ f->stop = f->to; return nil; } return f->to; } /* * put a formatted block of memory sz bytes long of n runes into the output buffer, * left/right justified in a field of at least f->width charactes */ int _fmtpad(Fmt *f, int n) { char *t, *s; int i; t = f->to; s = f->stop; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) FMTCHAR(f, t, s, ' '); f->nfmt += t - (char *)f->to; f->to = t; return 0; } int _rfmtpad(Fmt *f, int n) { Rune *t, *s; int i; t = f->to; s = f->stop; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) FMTRCHAR(f, t, s, ' '); f->nfmt += t - (Rune *)f->to; f->to = t; return 0; } int _fmtcpy(Fmt *f, const void *vm, int n, int sz) { Rune *rt, *rs, r; char *t, *s; const char *m, *me; uint32_t fl; int nc, w; m = vm; me = m + sz; w = f->width; fl = f->flags; if((fl & FmtPrec) && n > f->prec) n = f->prec; if(f->runes){ if(!(fl & FmtLeft) && _rfmtpad(f, w - n) < 0) return -1; rt = f->to; rs = f->stop; for(nc = n; nc > 0; nc--){ r = *(uint8_t*)m; if(r < Runeself) m++; else if((me - m) >= UTFmax || fullrune(m, me-m)) m += chartorune(&r, m); else break; FMTRCHAR(f, rt, rs, r); } f->nfmt += rt - (Rune *)f->to; f->to = rt; if(fl & FmtLeft && _rfmtpad(f, w - n) < 0) return -1; }else{ if(!(fl & FmtLeft) && _fmtpad(f, w - n) < 0) return -1; t = f->to; s = f->stop; for(nc = n; nc > 0; nc--){ r = *(uint8_t*)m; if(r < Runeself) m++; else if((me - m) >= UTFmax || fullrune(m, me-m)) m += chartorune(&r, m); else break; FMTRUNE(f, t, s, r); } f->nfmt += t - (char *)f->to; f->to = t; if(fl & FmtLeft && _fmtpad(f, w - n) < 0) return -1; } return 0; } int _fmtrcpy(Fmt *f, const void *vm, int n) { Rune r, *rt, *rs; const Rune *m, *me; char *t, *s; uint32_t fl; int w; m = vm; w = f->width; fl = f->flags; if((fl & FmtPrec) && n > f->prec) n = f->prec; if(f->runes){ if(!(fl & FmtLeft) && _rfmtpad(f, w - n) < 0) return -1; rt = f->to; rs = f->stop; for(me = m + n; m < me; m++) FMTRCHAR(f, rt, rs, *m); f->nfmt += rt - (Rune *)f->to; f->to = rt; if(fl & FmtLeft && _rfmtpad(f, w - n) < 0) return -1; }else{ if(!(fl & FmtLeft) && _fmtpad(f, w - n) < 0) return -1; t = f->to; s = f->stop; for(me = m + n; m < me; m++){ r = *m; FMTRUNE(f, t, s, r); } f->nfmt += t - (char *)f->to; f->to = t; if(fl & FmtLeft && _fmtpad(f, w - n) < 0) return -1; } return 0; } /* fmt out one character */ int _charfmt(Fmt *f) { char x[1]; x[0] = va_arg(f->args, int); f->prec = 1; return _fmtcpy(f, x, 1, 1); } /* fmt out one rune */ int _runefmt(Fmt *f) { Rune x[1]; x[0] = va_arg(f->args, int); return _fmtrcpy(f, x, 1); } /* public helper routine: fmt out a null terminated string already in hand */ int fmtstrcpy(Fmt *f, const char *s) { int i, j; Rune r; if(!s) return _fmtcpy(f, "", 5, 5); /* if precision is specified, make sure we don't wander off the end */ if(f->flags & FmtPrec){ i = 0; for(j=0; jprec && s[i]; j++) i += chartorune(&r, s+i); return _fmtcpy(f, s, j, i); } return _fmtcpy(f, s, utflen(s), strlen(s)); } /* fmt out a null terminated utf string */ int _strfmt(Fmt *f) { char *s; s = va_arg(f->args, char *); return fmtstrcpy(f, s); } /* public helper routine: fmt out a null terminated rune string already in hand */ int fmtrunestrcpy(Fmt *f, const Rune *s) { const Rune *e; int n, p; if(!s) return _fmtcpy(f, "", 5, 5); /* if precision is specified, make sure we don't wander off the end */ if(f->flags & FmtPrec){ p = f->prec; for(n = 0; n < p; n++) if(s[n] == 0) break; }else{ for(e = s; *e; e++) ; n = e - s; } return _fmtrcpy(f, s, n); } /* fmt out a null terminated rune string */ int _runesfmt(Fmt *f) { Rune *s; s = va_arg(f->args, Rune *); return fmtrunestrcpy(f, s); } /* fmt a % */ int _percentfmt(Fmt *f) { Rune x[1]; x[0] = f->r; f->prec = 1; return _fmtrcpy(f, x, 1); } enum { /* %,#llb could emit a sign, "0b" and 64 digits with 21 commas */ Maxintwidth = 1 + 2 + 64 + 64/3, }; /* fmt an integer */ int _ifmt(Fmt *f) { char buf[Maxintwidth + 1], *p, *conv; uint64_t vu; uint32_t u; uintptr_t pu; int neg, base, i, n, fl, w, isv; neg = 0; fl = f->flags; isv = 0; vu = 0; u = 0; if(f->r == 'p'){ pu = va_arg(f->args, uintptr_t); if(sizeof(uintptr_t) == sizeof(uint64_t)){ vu = pu; isv = 1; }else u = pu; f->r = 'x'; fl |= FmtUnsigned; }else if(fl & FmtVLong){ isv = 1; if(fl & FmtUnsigned) vu = va_arg(f->args, uint64_t); else vu = va_arg(f->args, int64_t); }else if(fl & FmtLong){ if(fl & FmtUnsigned) u = va_arg(f->args, uint32_t); else u = va_arg(f->args, int32_t); }else if(fl & FmtByte){ if(fl & FmtUnsigned) u = (uint8_t)va_arg(f->args, int); else u = (char)va_arg(f->args, int); }else if(fl & FmtShort){ if(fl & FmtUnsigned) u = (uint16_t)va_arg(f->args, int); else u = (int16_t)va_arg(f->args, int); }else{ if(fl & FmtUnsigned) u = va_arg(f->args, uint32_t); else u = va_arg(f->args, int); } conv = "0123456789abcdef"; switch(f->r){ case 'd': base = 10; break; case 'x': base = 16; break; case 'X': base = 16; conv = "0123456789ABCDEF"; break; case 'b': base = 2; break; case 'o': base = 8; break; default: return -1; } if(!(fl & FmtUnsigned)){ if(isv && (int64_t)vu < 0){ vu = -(int64_t)vu; neg = 1; }else if(!isv && (int32_t)u < 0){ u = -(int32_t)u; neg = 1; } } p = buf + sizeof buf - 1; n = 0; if(isv){ while(vu){ i = vu % base; vu /= base; if((fl & FmtComma) && n % 4 == 3){ *p-- = ','; n++; } *p-- = conv[i]; n++; } }else{ while(u){ i = u % base; u /= base; if((fl & FmtComma) && n % 4 == 3){ *p-- = ','; n++; } *p-- = conv[i]; n++; } } if(n == 0){ *p-- = '0'; n = 1; } for(w = f->prec; n < w && p > buf+3; n++) *p-- = '0'; if(neg || (fl & (FmtSign|FmtSpace))) n++; if(fl & FmtSharp){ if(base == 16) n += 2; else if(base == 8){ if(p[1] == '0') fl &= ~FmtSharp; else n++; } } if((fl & FmtZero) && !(fl & (FmtLeft|FmtPrec))){ for(w = f->width; n < w && p > buf+3; n++) *p-- = '0'; f->width = 0; } if(fl & FmtSharp){ if(base == 16) *p-- = f->r; if(base == 16 || base == 8) *p-- = '0'; } if(neg) *p-- = '-'; else if(fl & FmtSign) *p-- = '+'; else if(fl & FmtSpace) *p-- = ' '; f->flags &= ~FmtPrec; return _fmtcpy(f, p + 1, n, n); } int _countfmt(Fmt *f) { void *p; uint32_t fl; fl = f->flags; p = va_arg(f->args, void*); if(fl & FmtVLong){ *(int64_t*)p = f->nfmt; }else if(fl & FmtLong){ *(int32_t*)p = f->nfmt; }else if(fl & FmtByte){ *(char*)p = f->nfmt; }else if(fl & FmtShort){ *(int16_t*)p = f->nfmt; }else{ *(int*)p = f->nfmt; } return 0; } int _flagfmt(Fmt *f) { switch(f->r){ case ',': f->flags |= FmtComma; break; case '-': f->flags |= FmtLeft; break; case '+': f->flags |= FmtSign; break; case '#': f->flags |= FmtSharp; break; case ' ': f->flags |= FmtSpace; break; case 'u': f->flags |= FmtUnsigned; break; case 'h': if(f->flags & FmtShort) f->flags |= FmtByte; f->flags |= FmtShort; break; case 'l': if(f->flags & FmtLong) f->flags |= FmtVLong; f->flags |= FmtLong; break; } return 1; } /* default error format */ int _badfmt(Fmt *f) { Rune x[3]; x[0] = '%'; x[1] = f->r; x[2] = '%'; f->prec = 3; _fmtrcpy(f, x, 3); return 0; }