#include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "../port/error.h" enum { Qdir = 0, Qboot = 0x1000, Nrootfiles = 32, Nbootfiles = 32, }; typedef struct Dirlist Dirlist; struct Dirlist { uint32_t base; Dirtab *dir; uint8_t **data; int ndir; int mdir; }; static Dirtab rootdir[Nrootfiles] = { "#/", {Qdir, 0, QTDIR}, 0, DMDIR|0555, "boot", {Qboot, 0, QTDIR}, 0, DMDIR|0500, }; static uint8_t *rootdata[Nrootfiles]; static Dirlist rootlist = { 0, rootdir, rootdata, 2, Nrootfiles }; static Dirtab bootdir[Nbootfiles] = { "boot", {Qboot, 0, QTDIR}, 0, DMDIR|0555, }; static uint8_t *bootdata[Nbootfiles]; static Dirlist bootlist = { Qboot, bootdir, bootdata, 1, Nbootfiles }; /* * add a file to the list */ static void addlist(Dirlist *l, char *name, uint8_t *contents, uint32_t len, int perm) { Dirtab *d; if(l->ndir >= l->mdir) panic("too many root files"); l->data[l->ndir] = contents; d = &l->dir[l->ndir]; strcpy(d->name, name); d->length = len; d->perm = perm; d->qid.type = 0; d->qid.vers = 0; d->qid.path = ++l->ndir + l->base; if(perm & DMDIR) d->qid.type |= QTDIR; } /* * add a /boot file */ void addbootfile(char *name, uint8_t *contents, uint32_t len) { addlist(&bootlist, name, contents, len, 0500); } /* * add a root directory */ static void addrootdir(char *name) { addlist(&rootlist, name, nil, 0, DMDIR|0555); } static void rootreset(void) { addrootdir("cmd"); addrootdir("dev"); addrootdir("env"); addrootdir("fd"); addrootdir("mnt"); addrootdir("n"); addrootdir("net"); addrootdir("net.alt"); addrootdir("proc"); addrootdir("root"); addrootdir("srv"); addrootdir("shr"); } static Chan* rootattach(Chan *c, Chan *ac, char *spec, int flags) { return devattach('/', spec); } static int rootgen(Chan *c, char *name, Dirtab* _1, int _2, int s, Dir *dp) { int t; Dirtab *d; Dirlist *l; switch((int)c->qid.path){ case Qdir: if(s == DEVDOTDOT){ devdir(c, (Qid){Qdir, 0, QTDIR}, "#/", 0, eve, 0555, dp); return 1; } return devgen(c, name, rootlist.dir, rootlist.ndir, s, dp); case Qboot: if(s == DEVDOTDOT){ devdir(c, (Qid){Qdir, 0, QTDIR}, "#/", 0, eve, 0555, dp); return 1; } return devgen(c, name, bootlist.dir, bootlist.ndir, s, dp); default: if(s == DEVDOTDOT){ if((int)c->qid.path < Qboot) devdir(c, (Qid){Qdir, 0, QTDIR}, "#/", 0, eve, 0555, dp); else devdir(c, (Qid){Qboot, 0, QTDIR}, "#/", 0, eve, 0555, dp); return 1; } if(s != 0) return -1; if((int)c->qid.path < Qboot){ t = c->qid.path-1; l = &rootlist; }else{ t = c->qid.path - Qboot - 1; l = &bootlist; } if(t >= l->ndir) return -1; if(t < 0){ print("rootgen %#llux %d %d\n", c->qid.path, s, t); panic("whoops"); } d = &l->dir[t]; devdir(c, d->qid, d->name, d->length, eve, d->perm, dp); return 1; } } static Walkqid* rootwalk(Chan *c, Chan *nc, char **name, int nname) { return devwalk(c, nc, name, nname, nil, 0, rootgen); } static long rootstat(Chan *c, uint8_t *dp, long n) { return devstat(c, dp, n, nil, 0, rootgen); } static Chan* rootopen(Chan *c, unsigned long omode) { return devopen(c, omode, nil, 0, devgen); } /* * sysremove() knows this is a nop */ static void rootclose(Chan* _1) { } static long rootread(Chan *c, void *buf, long n, int64_t off) { uint32_t t; Dirtab *d; Dirlist *l; uint8_t *data; uint32_t offset = off; t = c->qid.path; switch(t){ case Qdir: case Qboot: return devdirread(c, buf, n, nil, 0, rootgen); } if(t= l->ndir) error(Egreg); d = &l->dir[t]; data = l->data[t]; if(offset >= d->length) return 0; if(offset+n > d->length) n = d->length - offset; memmove(buf, data+offset, n); return n; } static long rootwrite(Chan* _1, void* _2, long _3, int64_t _4) { error(Egreg); return 0; } Dev rootdevtab = { '/', "root", rootreset, devinit, devshutdown, rootattach, rootwalk, rootstat, rootopen, devcreate, rootclose, rootread, devbread, rootwrite, devbwrite, devremove, devwstat, };