#include #include #include #include #include "dns.h" /* * this comment used to say `our target is 4000 names cached, this should * be larger on large servers'. dns at Bell Labs starts off with * about 1780 names. * * aging seems to corrupt the cache, so raise the trigger from 4000 until we * figure it out. */ enum { /* these settings will trigger frequent aging */ Deftarget = 4000, Minage = 5*Min, Defagefreq = 15*Min, /* age names this often (seconds) */ }; /* * Hash table for domain names. The hash is based only on the * first element of the domain name. */ DN *ht[HTLEN]; static struct { Lock; uint32_t names; /* names allocated */ uint32_t oldest; /* longest we'll leave a name around */ int active; int mutex; uint16_t id; /* same size as in packet */ } dnvars; /* names of RR types */ char *rrtname[] = { [Ta] "ip", [Tns] "ns", [Tmd] "md", [Tmf] "mf", [Tcname] "cname", [Tsoa] "soa", [Tmb] "mb", [Tmg] "mg", [Tmr] "mr", [Tnull] "null", [Twks] "wks", [Tptr] "ptr", [Thinfo] "hinfo", [Tminfo] "minfo", [Tmx] "mx", [Ttxt] "txt", [Trp] "rp", [Tafsdb] "afsdb", [Tx25] "x.25", [Tisdn] "isdn", [Trt] "rt", [Tnsap] "nsap", [Tnsapptr] "nsap-ptr", [Tsig] "sig", [Tkey] "key", [Tpx] "px", [Tgpos] "gpos", [Taaaa] "ipv6", [Tloc] "loc", [Tnxt] "nxt", [Teid] "eid", [Tnimloc] "nimrod", [Tsrv] "srv", [Tatma] "atma", [Tnaptr] "naptr", [Tkx] "kx", [Tcert] "cert", [Ta6] "a6", [Tdname] "dname", [Tsink] "sink", [Topt] "opt", [Tapl] "apl", [Tds] "ds", [Tsshfp] "sshfp", [Tipseckey] "ipseckey", [Trrsig] "rrsig", [Tnsec] "nsec", [Tdnskey] "dnskey", [Tspf] "spf", [Tuinfo] "uinfo", [Tuid] "uid", [Tgid] "gid", [Tunspec] "unspec", [Ttkey] "tkey", [Ttsig] "tsig", [Tixfr] "ixfr", [Taxfr] "axfr", [Tmailb] "mailb", [Tmaila] "maila", [Tall] "all", 0, }; /* names of response codes */ char *rname[Rmask+1] = { [Rok] "ok", [Rformat] "format error", [Rserver] "server failure", [Rname] "bad name", [Runimplimented] "unimplemented", [Rrefused] "we don't like you", [Ryxdomain] "name should not exist", [Ryxrrset] "rr set should not exist", [Rnxrrset] "rr set should exist", [Rnotauth] "not authorative", [Rnotzone] "not in zone", [Rbadvers] "bad opt version", /* [Rbadsig] "bad signature", */ [Rbadkey] "bad key", [Rbadtime] "bad signature time", [Rbadmode] "bad mode", [Rbadname] "duplicate key name", [Rbadalg] "bad algorithm", }; unsigned nrname = nelem(rname); /* names of op codes */ char *opname[] = { [Oquery] "query", [Oinverse] "inverse query (retired)", [Ostatus] "status", [Oupdate] "update", }; uint32_t target = Deftarget; Lock dnlock; static uint32_t agefreq = Defagefreq; static int rrequiv(RR *r1, RR *r2); static int sencodefmt(Fmt*); static void ding(void* _1, char *msg) { if(strstr(msg, "alarm") != nil) { stats.alarms++; noted(NCONT); /* resume with system call error */ } else noted(NDFLT); /* die */ } void dninit(void) { fmtinstall('E', eipfmt); fmtinstall('I', eipfmt); fmtinstall('V', eipfmt); fmtinstall('R', rrfmt); fmtinstall('Q', rravfmt); fmtinstall('H', sencodefmt); dnvars.oldest = maxage; dnvars.names = 0; dnvars.id = truerand(); /* don't start with same id every time */ notify(ding); } /* * hash for a domain name */ static uint32_t dnhash(char *name) { uint32_t hash; uint8_t *val = (uint8_t*)name; for(hash = 0; *val; val++) hash = hash*13 + tolower(*val)-'a'; return hash % HTLEN; } /* * lookup a symbol. if enter is not zero and the name is * not found, create it. */ DN* dnlookup(char *name, int class, int enter) { DN **l; DN *dp; l = &ht[dnhash(name)]; lock(&dnlock); for(dp = *l; dp; dp = dp->next) { assert(dp->magic == DNmagic); if(dp->class == class && cistrcmp(dp->name, name) == 0){ dp->referenced = now; unlock(&dnlock); return dp; } l = &dp->next; } if(!enter){ unlock(&dnlock); return 0; } dnvars.names++; dp = emalloc(sizeof(*dp)); dp->magic = DNmagic; dp->name = estrdup(name); dp->class = class; dp->rr = nil; dp->referenced = now; /* add new DN to tail of the hash list. *l points to last next ptr. */ dp->next = nil; *l = dp; unlock(&dnlock); return dp; } DN* idnlookup(char *name, int class, int enter) { char dom[Domlen]; if(utf2idn(name, dom, sizeof dom) != nil) name = dom; return dnlookup(name, class, enter); } static int rrsame(RR *rr1, RR *rr2) { return rr1 == rr2 || rr2 && rrequiv(rr1, rr2) && rr1->db == rr2->db && rr1->auth == rr2->auth; } static int rronlist(RR *rp, RR *lp) { for(; lp; lp = lp->next) if (rrsame(lp, rp)) return 1; return 0; } /* * dump the stats */ void dnstats(char *file) { int i, fd; fd = ocreate(file, OWRITE, 0666); if(fd < 0) return; qlock(&stats); fprint(fd, "# system %s\n", sysname()); fprint(fd, "# slave procs high-water mark\t%lud\n", stats.slavehiwat); fprint(fd, "# queries received by 9p\t%lud\n", stats.qrecvd9p); fprint(fd, "# queries received by udp\t%lud\n", stats.qrecvdudp); fprint(fd, "# queries answered from memory\t%lud\n", stats.answinmem); fprint(fd, "# queries sent by udp\t%lud\n", stats.qsent); for (i = 0; i < nelem(stats.under10ths); i++) if (stats.under10ths[i] || i == nelem(stats.under10ths) - 1) fprint(fd, "# responses arriving within %.1f s.\t%lud\n", (double)(i+1)/10, stats.under10ths[i]); fprint(fd, "\n# queries sent & timed-out\t%lud\n", stats.tmout); fprint(fd, "# cname queries timed-out\t%lud\n", stats.tmoutcname); fprint(fd, "# ipv6 queries timed-out\t%lud\n", stats.tmoutv6); fprint(fd, "\n# negative answers received\t%lud\n", stats.negans); fprint(fd, "# negative answers w Rserver set\t%lud\n", stats.negserver); fprint(fd, "# negative answers w bad delegation\t%lud\n", stats.negbaddeleg); fprint(fd, "# negative answers w bad delegation & no answers\t%lud\n", stats.negbdnoans); fprint(fd, "# negative answers w no Rname set\t%lud\n", stats.negnorname); fprint(fd, "# negative answers cached\t%lud\n", stats.negcached); qunlock(&stats); lock(&dnlock); fprint(fd, "\n# domain names %lud target %lud\n", dnvars.names, target); unlock(&dnlock); close(fd); } /* * dump the cache */ void dndump(char *file) { int i, fd; DN *dp; RR *rp; fd = ocreate(file, OWRITE, 0666); if(fd < 0) return; lock(&dnlock); for(i = 0; i < HTLEN; i++) for(dp = ht[i]; dp; dp = dp->next){ fprint(fd, "%s\n", dp->name); for(rp = dp->rr; rp; rp = rp->next) { fprint(fd, "\t%R %c%c %ld/%lud\n", rp, rp->auth? 'A': 'U', rp->db? 'D': 'N', (int32_t)(rp->expire - now), rp->ttl); if (rronlist(rp, rp->next)) fprint(fd, "*** duplicate:\n"); } } unlock(&dnlock); close(fd); } /* * purge all records */ void dnpurge(void) { DN *dp; RR *rp, *srp; int i; lock(&dnlock); for(i = 0; i < HTLEN; i++) for(dp = ht[i]; dp; dp = dp->next){ srp = rp = dp->rr; dp->rr = nil; for(; rp != nil; rp = rp->next) rp->cached = 0; rrfreelist(srp); } unlock(&dnlock); } /* * delete head of *l and free the old head. * call with dnlock held. */ static void rrdelhead(RR **l) { RR *rp; if (canlock(&dnlock)) abort(); /* rrdelhead called with dnlock not held */ rp = *l; if(rp == nil) return; *l = rp->next; /* unlink head */ rp->cached = 0; /* avoid blowing an assertion in rrfree */ rrfree(rp); } /* * check the age of resource records, free any that have timed out. * call with dnlock held. */ void dnage(DN *dp) { RR **l, *rp; uint32_t diff; if (canlock(&dnlock)) abort(); /* dnage called with dnlock not held */ diff = now - dp->referenced; if(diff < Reserved || dp->mark != 0) return; l = &dp->rr; while ((rp = *l) != nil){ assert(rp->magic == RRmagic && rp->cached); if(!rp->db && ((int32_t)(rp->expire - now) <= 0 || diff > dnvars.oldest)) rrdelhead(l); /* rp == *l before; *l == rp->next after */ else l = &rp->next; } } #define MARK(dp) { if (dp) (dp)->mark |= 2; } /* mark a domain name and those in its RRs as never to be aged */ void dnagenever(DN *dp) { RR *rp; lock(&dnlock); /* mark all referenced domain names */ MARK(dp); for(rp = dp->rr; rp; rp = rp->next){ MARK(rp->owner); if(rp->negative){ MARK(rp->negsoaowner); continue; } switch(rp->type){ case Thinfo: MARK(rp->cpu); MARK(rp->os); break; case Ttxt: break; case Tcname: case Tmb: case Tmd: case Tmf: case Tns: case Tmx: case Tsrv: MARK(rp->host); break; case Tmg: case Tmr: MARK(rp->mb); break; case Tminfo: MARK(rp->rmb); MARK(rp->mb); break; case Trp: MARK(rp->rmb); MARK(rp->rp); break; case Ta: case Taaaa: MARK(rp->ip); break; case Tptr: MARK(rp->ptr); break; case Tsoa: MARK(rp->host); MARK(rp->rmb); break; case Tsig: MARK(rp->sig->signer); break; } } unlock(&dnlock); } #define REF(dp) { if (dp) (dp)->mark |= 1; } /* * periodicly sweep for old records and remove unreferenced domain names * * only called when all other threads are locked out */ void dnageall(int doit) { DN *dp, **l; int i; RR *rp; static uint32_t nextage; if(dnvars.names < target || ((int32_t)(nextage - now) > 0 && !doit)){ dnvars.oldest = maxage; return; } if(dnvars.names >= target) { dnslog("more names (%lud) than target (%lud)", dnvars.names, target); dnvars.oldest /= 2; if (dnvars.oldest < Minage) dnvars.oldest = Minage; /* don't be silly */ } if (agefreq > dnvars.oldest / 2) nextage = now + dnvars.oldest / 2; else nextage = now + (uint32_t)agefreq; lock(&dnlock); /* time out all old entries (and set refs to 0) */ for(i = 0; i < HTLEN; i++) for(dp = ht[i]; dp; dp = dp->next){ dp->mark &= ~1; dnage(dp); } /* mark all referenced domain names */ for(i = 0; i < HTLEN; i++) for(dp = ht[i]; dp; dp = dp->next) for(rp = dp->rr; rp; rp = rp->next){ REF(rp->owner); if(rp->negative){ REF(rp->negsoaowner); continue; } switch(rp->type){ case Thinfo: REF(rp->cpu); REF(rp->os); break; case Ttxt: break; case Tcname: case Tmb: case Tmd: case Tmf: case Tns: case Tmx: case Tsrv: REF(rp->host); break; case Tmg: case Tmr: REF(rp->mb); break; case Tminfo: REF(rp->rmb); REF(rp->mb); break; case Trp: REF(rp->rmb); REF(rp->rp); break; case Ta: case Taaaa: REF(rp->ip); break; case Tptr: REF(rp->ptr); break; case Tsoa: REF(rp->host); REF(rp->rmb); break; case Tsig: REF(rp->sig->signer); break; } } /* sweep and remove unreferenced domain names */ for(i = 0; i < HTLEN; i++){ l = &ht[i]; for(dp = *l; dp; dp = *l){ if(dp->rr == nil && dp->mark == 0){ assert(dp->magic == DNmagic); *l = dp->next; free(dp->name); memset(dp, 0, sizeof *dp); /* cause trouble */ dp->magic = ~DNmagic; free(dp); dnvars.names--; continue; } l = &dp->next; } } unlock(&dnlock); } /* * timeout all database records (used when rereading db) */ void dnagedb(void) { DN *dp; int i; RR *rp; lock(&dnlock); /* time out all database entries */ for(i = 0; i < HTLEN; i++) for(dp = ht[i]; dp; dp = dp->next) { dp->mark = 0; for(rp = dp->rr; rp; rp = rp->next) if(rp->db) rp->expire = 0; } unlock(&dnlock); } /* * mark all local db records about my area as authoritative, * delete timed out ones */ void dnauthdb(void) { int i; uint32_t minttl; Area *area; DN *dp; RR *rp, **l; lock(&dnlock); /* time out all database entries */ for(i = 0; i < HTLEN; i++) for(dp = ht[i]; dp; dp = dp->next){ area = inmyarea(dp->name); l = &dp->rr; for(rp = *l; rp; rp = *l){ if(rp->db){ if(rp->expire == 0){ rrdelhead(l); continue; } if(area){ minttl = area->soarr->soa->minttl; if(rp->ttl < minttl) rp->ttl = minttl; rp->auth = 1; } } l = &rp->next; } } unlock(&dnlock); } /* * keep track of other processes to know if we can * garbage collect. block while garbage collecting. */ int getactivity(Request *req, int recursive) { int rv; if(traceactivity) dnslog("get: %d active by pid %d from %p", dnvars.active, getpid(), getcallerpc()); lock(&dnvars); /* * can't block here if we're already holding one * of the dnvars.active (recursive). will deadlock. */ while(!recursive && dnvars.mutex){ unlock(&dnvars); sleep(100); /* tune; was 200 */ lock(&dnvars); } rv = ++dnvars.active; now = time(nil); nowns = nsec(); req->id = ++dnvars.id; req->aux = nil; unlock(&dnvars); return rv; } void putactivity(int recursive) { if(traceactivity) dnslog("put: %d active by pid %d", dnvars.active, getpid()); lock(&dnvars); dnvars.active--; assert(dnvars.active >= 0); /* "dnvars.active %d", dnvars.active */ /* * clean out old entries and check for new db periodicly * can't block here if being called to let go a "recursive" lock * or we'll deadlock waiting for ourselves to give up the dnvars.active. */ if (recursive || dnvars.mutex || (needrefresh == 0 && dnvars.active > 0)){ unlock(&dnvars); return; } /* wait till we're alone */ dnvars.mutex = 1; while(dnvars.active > 0){ unlock(&dnvars); sleep(100); /* tune; was 100 */ lock(&dnvars); } unlock(&dnvars); db2cache(needrefresh); dnageall(0); /* let others back in */ needrefresh = 0; dnvars.mutex = 0; } int rrlistlen(RR *rp) { int n; n = 0; for(; rp; rp = rp->next) ++n; return n; } /* * Attach a single resource record to a domain name (new->owner). * - Avoid duplicates with already present RR's * - Chain all RR's of the same type adjacent to one another * - chain authoritative RR's ahead of non-authoritative ones * - remove any expired RR's * If new is a stale duplicate, rrfree it. * Must be called with dnlock held. */ static void rrattach1(RR *new, int auth) { RR **l; RR *rp; DN *dp; uint32_t ttl; assert(new->magic == RRmagic && !new->cached); dp = new->owner; assert(dp != nil && dp->magic == DNmagic); new->auth |= auth; new->next = 0; /* * try not to let responses expire before we * can use them to complete this query, by extending * past (or nearly past) expiration time. */ if(new->db) ttl = Year; else ttl = new->ttl; if(ttl <= Min) ttl = 10*Min; new->expire = now + ttl; /* * find first rr of the right type */ l = &dp->rr; for(rp = *l; rp; rp = *l){ assert(rp->magic == RRmagic && rp->cached); if(rp->type == new->type) break; l = &rp->next; } /* * negative entries replace positive entries * positive entries replace negative entries * newer entries replace older entries with the same fields * * look farther ahead than just the next entry when looking * for duplicates; RRs of a given type can have different rdata * fields (e.g. multiple NS servers). */ while ((rp = *l) != nil){ assert(rp->magic == RRmagic && rp->cached); if(rp->type != new->type) break; if(rp->db == new->db && rp->auth == new->auth){ /* negative drives out positive and vice versa */ if(rp->negative != new->negative) { /* rp == *l before; *l == rp->next after */ rrdelhead(l); continue; } /* all things equal, pick the newer one */ else if(rp->arg0 == new->arg0 && rp->arg1 == new->arg1){ /* old drives out new */ if((int32_t)(rp->expire - new->expire) > 0) { rrfree(new); return; } /* rp == *l before; *l == rp->next after */ rrdelhead(l); continue; } /* * Hack for pointer records. This makes sure * the ordering in the list reflects the ordering * received or read from the database */ else if(rp->type == Tptr && !rp->negative && !new->negative && rp->ptr->ordinal > new->ptr->ordinal) break; } l = &rp->next; } if (rronlist(new, rp)) { /* should not happen; duplicates were processed above */ dnslog("adding duplicate %R to list of %R; aborting", new, rp); abort(); } /* * add to chain */ new->cached = 1; new->next = rp; *l = new; } /* * Attach a list of resource records to a domain name. * May rrfree any stale duplicate RRs; dismembers the list. * Upon return, every RR in the list will have been rrfree-d * or attached to its domain name. * See rrattach1 for properties preserved. */ void rrattach(RR *rp, int auth) { RR *next; DN *dp; lock(&dnlock); for(; rp; rp = next){ next = rp->next; rp->next = nil; dp = rp->owner; /* avoid any outside spoofing */ if(cfg.cachedb && !rp->db && inmyarea(dp->name)) rrfree(rp); else rrattach1(rp, auth); } unlock(&dnlock); } RR** rrcopy(RR *rp, RR **last) { RR *nrp; SOA *soa; Srv *srv; Key *key; Cert *cert; Sig *sig; Null *null; Txt *t, *nt, **l; assert(rp->magic == RRmagic); nrp = rralloc(rp->type); switch(rp->type){ case Tsoa: soa = nrp->soa; *nrp = *rp; nrp->soa = soa; *soa = *rp->soa; soa->slaves = copyserverlist(rp->soa->slaves); break; case Tsrv: srv = nrp->srv; *nrp = *rp; nrp->srv = srv; *srv = *rp->srv; break; case Tkey: key = nrp->key; *nrp = *rp; nrp->key = key; *key = *rp->key; key->data = emalloc(key->dlen); memmove(key->data, rp->key->data, rp->key->dlen); break; case Tcert: cert = nrp->cert; *nrp = *rp; nrp->cert = cert; *cert = *rp->cert; cert->data = emalloc(cert->dlen); memmove(cert->data, rp->cert->data, rp->cert->dlen); break; case Tsig: sig = nrp->sig; *nrp = *rp; nrp->sig = sig; *sig = *rp->sig; sig->data = emalloc(sig->dlen); memmove(sig->data, rp->sig->data, rp->sig->dlen); break; case Tnull: null = nrp->null; *nrp = *rp; nrp->null = null; *null = *rp->null; null->data = emalloc(null->dlen); memmove(null->data, rp->null->data, rp->null->dlen); break; case Ttxt: *nrp = *rp; l = &nrp->txt; *l = nil; for(t = rp->txt; t != nil; t = t->next){ nt = emalloc(sizeof(*nt)); nt->p = estrdup(t->p); nt->next = nil; *l = nt; l = &nt->next; } break; default: *nrp = *rp; break; } nrp->pc = getcallerpc(); setmalloctag(nrp, nrp->pc); nrp->cached = 0; nrp->next = nil; *last = nrp; return &nrp->next; } /* * lookup a resource record of a particular type and * class attached to a domain name. Return copies. * * Priority ordering is: * db authoritative * not timed out network authoritative * not timed out network unauthoritative * unauthoritative db * * if flag NOneg is set, don't return negative cached entries. * return nothing instead. */ RR* rrlookup(DN *dp, int type, int flag) { RR *rp, *first, **last; assert(dp->magic == DNmagic); first = nil; last = &first; lock(&dnlock); /* try for an authoritative db entry */ for(rp = dp->rr; rp; rp = rp->next){ assert(rp->magic == RRmagic && rp->cached); if(rp->db) if(rp->auth) if(tsame(type, rp->type)) last = rrcopy(rp, last); } if(first) goto out; /* try for a living authoritative network entry */ for(rp = dp->rr; rp; rp = rp->next){ if(!rp->db) if(rp->auth) if((int32_t)(rp->expire - now) > 0) if(tsame(type, rp->type)){ if(flag == NOneg && rp->negative) goto out; last = rrcopy(rp, last); } } if(first) goto out; /* try for a living unauthoritative network entry */ for(rp = dp->rr; rp; rp = rp->next){ if(!rp->db) if((int32_t)(rp->expire - now) > 0) if(tsame(type, rp->type)){ if(flag == NOneg && rp->negative) goto out; last = rrcopy(rp, last); } } if(first) goto out; /* try for an unauthoritative db entry */ for(rp = dp->rr; rp; rp = rp->next){ if(rp->db) if(tsame(type, rp->type)) last = rrcopy(rp, last); } if(first) goto out; /* otherwise, settle for anything we got (except for negative caches) */ for(rp = dp->rr; rp; rp = rp->next) if(tsame(type, rp->type)){ if(rp->negative) goto out; last = rrcopy(rp, last); } out: unlock(&dnlock); unique(first); return first; } /* * convert an ascii RR type name to its integer representation */ int rrtype(char *atype) { int i; for(i = 0; i <= Tall; i++) if(rrtname[i] && strcmp(rrtname[i], atype) == 0) return i; /* make any a synonym for all */ if(strcmp(atype, "any") == 0) return Tall; else if(isascii(atype[0]) && isdigit(atype[0])) return atoi(atype); else return -1; } /* * return 0 if not a supported rr type */ int rrsupported(int type) { if(type < 0 || type >Tall) return 0; return rrtname[type] != nil; } /* * compare 2 types */ int tsame(int t1, int t2) { return t1 == t2 || t1 == Tall; } /* * Add resource records to a list. */ RR* rrcat(RR **start, RR *rp) { RR *olp, *nlp; RR **last; /* check for duplicates */ for (olp = *start; 0 && olp; olp = olp->next) for (nlp = rp; nlp; nlp = nlp->next) if (rrsame(nlp, olp)) dnslog("rrcat: duplicate RR: %R", nlp); USED(olp); last = start; while(*last != nil) last = &(*last)->next; *last = rp; return *start; } RR* rrremfilter(RR **l, int (*filter)(RR*, void*), void *arg) { RR *first, *rp; RR **nl; first = nil; nl = &first; while(*l != nil){ rp = *l; if((*filter)(rp, arg)){ *l = rp->next; *nl = rp; nl = &rp->next; *nl = nil; } else l = &(*l)->next; } return first; } static int filterneg(RR *rp, void* _1) { return rp->negative; } static int filtertype(RR *rp, void *arg) { return rp->type == *((int*)arg); } static int filterowner(RR *rp, void *arg) { return rp->owner == (DN*)arg; } /* * remove negative cache rr's from an rr list */ RR* rrremneg(RR **l) { return rrremfilter(l, filterneg, nil); } /* * remove rr's of a particular type from an rr list */ RR* rrremtype(RR **l, int type) { return rrremfilter(l, filtertype, &type); } /* * remove rr's of a particular owner from an rr list */ RR* rrremowner(RR **l, DN *owner) { return rrremfilter(l, filterowner, owner); } static char * dnname(DN *dn) { return dn? dn->name: ""; } static char * idnname(DN *dn, char *buf, int nbuf) { char *name; name = dnname(dn); if(idn2utf(name, buf, nbuf) != nil) return buf; return name; } /* * print conversion for rr records */ int rrfmt(Fmt *f) { int rv; char *strp; char buf[Domlen]; Fmt fstr; RR *rp; Server *s; SOA *soa; Srv *srv; Txt *t; fmtstrinit(&fstr); rp = va_arg(f->args, RR*); if(rp == nil){ fmtprint(&fstr, ""); goto out; } fmtprint(&fstr, "%s %s", dnname(rp->owner), rrname(rp->type, buf, sizeof buf)); if(rp->negative){ fmtprint(&fstr, "\tnegative - rcode %d", rp->negrcode); goto out; } switch(rp->type){ case Thinfo: fmtprint(&fstr, "\t%s %s", dnname(rp->cpu), dnname(rp->os)); break; case Tcname: case Tmb: case Tmd: case Tmf: case Tns: fmtprint(&fstr, "\t%s", dnname(rp->host)); break; case Tmg: case Tmr: fmtprint(&fstr, "\t%s", dnname(rp->mb)); break; case Tminfo: fmtprint(&fstr, "\t%s %s", dnname(rp->mb), dnname(rp->rmb)); break; case Tmx: fmtprint(&fstr, "\t%lud %s", rp->pref, dnname(rp->host)); break; case Ta: case Taaaa: fmtprint(&fstr, "\t%s", dnname(rp->ip)); break; case Tptr: fmtprint(&fstr, "\t%s", dnname(rp->ptr)); break; case Tsoa: soa = rp->soa; fmtprint(&fstr, "\t%s %s %lud %lud %lud %lud %lud", dnname(rp->host), dnname(rp->rmb), (soa? soa->serial: 0), (soa? soa->refresh: 0), (soa? soa->retry: 0), (soa? soa->expire: 0), (soa? soa->minttl: 0)); if (soa) for(s = soa->slaves; s != nil; s = s->next) fmtprint(&fstr, " %s", s->name); break; case Tsrv: srv = rp->srv; fmtprint(&fstr, "\t%ud %ud %ud %s", (srv? srv->pri: 0), (srv? srv->weight: 0), rp->port, dnname(rp->host)); break; case Tnull: if (rp->null == nil) fmtprint(&fstr, "\t"); else fmtprint(&fstr, "\t%.*H", rp->null->dlen, rp->null->data); break; case Ttxt: fmtprint(&fstr, "\t"); for(t = rp->txt; t != nil; t = t->next) fmtprint(&fstr, "%s", t->p); break; case Trp: fmtprint(&fstr, "\t%s %s", dnname(rp->rmb), dnname(rp->rp)); break; case Tkey: if (rp->key == nil) fmtprint(&fstr, "\t "); else fmtprint(&fstr, "\t%d %d %d", rp->key->flags, rp->key->proto, rp->key->alg); break; case Tsig: if (rp->sig == nil) fmtprint(&fstr, "\t "); else fmtprint(&fstr, "\t%d %d %d %lud %lud %lud %d %s", rp->sig->type, rp->sig->alg, rp->sig->labels, rp->sig->ttl, rp->sig->exp, rp->sig->incep, rp->sig->tag, dnname(rp->sig->signer)); break; case Tcert: if (rp->cert == nil) fmtprint(&fstr, "\t "); else fmtprint(&fstr, "\t%d %d %d", rp->cert->type, rp->cert->tag, rp->cert->alg); break; } out: strp = fmtstrflush(&fstr); rv = fmtstrcpy(f, strp); free(strp); return rv; } /* * print conversion for rr records in attribute value form */ int rravfmt(Fmt *f) { int rv, quote; char buf[Domlen], *strp; Fmt fstr; RR *rp; Server *s; SOA *soa; Srv *srv; Txt *t; fmtstrinit(&fstr); rp = va_arg(f->args, RR*); if(rp == nil){ fmtprint(&fstr, ""); goto out; } if(rp->type == Tptr) fmtprint(&fstr, "ptr=%s", dnname(rp->owner)); else fmtprint(&fstr, "dom=%s", idnname(rp->owner, buf, sizeof(buf))); switch(rp->type){ case Thinfo: fmtprint(&fstr, " cpu=%s os=%s", idnname(rp->cpu, buf, sizeof(buf)), idnname(rp->os, buf, sizeof(buf))); break; case Tcname: fmtprint(&fstr, " cname=%s", idnname(rp->host, buf, sizeof(buf))); break; case Tmb: case Tmd: case Tmf: fmtprint(&fstr, " mbox=%s", idnname(rp->host, buf, sizeof(buf))); break; case Tns: fmtprint(&fstr, " ns=%s", idnname(rp->host, buf, sizeof(buf))); break; case Tmg: case Tmr: fmtprint(&fstr, " mbox=%s", idnname(rp->mb, buf, sizeof(buf))); break; case Tminfo: fmtprint(&fstr, " mbox=%s mbox=%s", idnname(rp->mb, buf, sizeof(buf)), idnname(rp->rmb, buf, sizeof(buf))); break; case Tmx: fmtprint(&fstr, " pref=%lud mx=%s", rp->pref, idnname(rp->host, buf, sizeof(buf))); break; case Ta: case Taaaa: fmtprint(&fstr, " ip=%s", dnname(rp->ip)); break; case Tptr: fmtprint(&fstr, " dom=%s", dnname(rp->ptr)); break; case Tsoa: soa = rp->soa; fmtprint(&fstr, " ns=%s mbox=%s serial=%lud refresh=%lud retry=%lud expire=%lud ttl=%lud", idnname(rp->host, buf, sizeof(buf)), idnname(rp->rmb, buf, sizeof(buf)), (soa? soa->serial: 0), (soa? soa->refresh: 0), (soa? soa->retry: 0), (soa? soa->expire: 0), (soa? soa->minttl: 0)); for(s = soa->slaves; s != nil; s = s->next) fmtprint(&fstr, " dnsslave=%s", s->name); break; case Tsrv: srv = rp->srv; fmtprint(&fstr, " pri=%ud weight=%ud port=%ud target=%s", (srv? srv->pri: 0), (srv? srv->weight: 0), rp->port, idnname(rp->host, buf, sizeof(buf))); break; case Tnull: if (rp->null == nil) fmtprint(&fstr, " null="); else fmtprint(&fstr, " null=%.*H", rp->null->dlen, rp->null->data); break; case Ttxt: fmtprint(&fstr, " txt="); quote = 0; for(t = rp->txt; t != nil; t = t->next) if(strchr(t->p, ' ')) quote = 1; if(quote) fmtprint(&fstr, "\""); for(t = rp->txt; t != nil; t = t->next) fmtprint(&fstr, "%s", t->p); if(quote) fmtprint(&fstr, "\""); break; case Trp: fmtprint(&fstr, " rp=%s txt=%s", idnname(rp->rmb, buf, sizeof(buf)), idnname(rp->rp, buf, sizeof(buf))); break; case Tkey: if (rp->key == nil) fmtprint(&fstr, " flags= proto= alg="); else fmtprint(&fstr, " flags=%d proto=%d alg=%d", rp->key->flags, rp->key->proto, rp->key->alg); break; case Tsig: if (rp->sig == nil) fmtprint(&fstr, " type= alg= labels= ttl= exp= incep= tag= signer="); else fmtprint(&fstr, " type=%d alg=%d labels=%d ttl=%lud exp=%lud incep=%lud tag=%d signer=%s", rp->sig->type, rp->sig->alg, rp->sig->labels, rp->sig->ttl, rp->sig->exp, rp->sig->incep, rp->sig->tag, idnname(rp->sig->signer, buf, sizeof(buf))); break; case Tcert: if (rp->cert == nil) fmtprint(&fstr, " type= tag= alg="); else fmtprint(&fstr, " type=%d tag=%d alg=%d", rp->cert->type, rp->cert->tag, rp->cert->alg); break; } out: strp = fmtstrflush(&fstr); rv = fmtstrcpy(f, strp); free(strp); return rv; } void warning(char *fmt, ...) { char dnserr[256]; va_list arg; va_start(arg, fmt); vseprint(dnserr, dnserr+sizeof(dnserr), fmt, arg); va_end(arg); syslog(1, logfile, dnserr); /* on console too */ } void dnslog(char *fmt, ...) { char dnserr[256]; va_list arg; va_start(arg, fmt); vseprint(dnserr, dnserr+sizeof(dnserr), fmt, arg); va_end(arg); syslog(0, logfile, dnserr); } /* * based on libthread's threadsetname, but drags in less library code. * actually just sets the arguments displayed. */ void procsetname(char *fmt, ...) { int fd; char *cmdname; char buf[128]; va_list arg; va_start(arg, fmt); cmdname = vsmprint(fmt, arg); va_end(arg); if (cmdname == nil) return; snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "#p/%d/args", getpid()); if((fd = open(buf, OWRITE)) >= 0){ write(fd, cmdname, strlen(cmdname)+1); close(fd); } free(cmdname); } /* * create a slave process to handle a request to avoid one request blocking * another */ void slave(Request *req) { int ppid, procs; if(req->isslave) return; /* we're already a slave process */ /* * These calls to putactivity cannot block. * After getactivity(), the current process is counted * twice in dnvars.active (one will pass to the child). * If putactivity tries to wait for dnvars.active == 0, * it will never happen. */ /* limit parallelism */ procs = getactivity(req, 1); if(procs > stats.slavehiwat) stats.slavehiwat = procs; if(procs > Maxactive){ if(traceactivity) dnslog("[%d] too much activity", getpid()); putactivity(1); return; } /* * parent returns to main loop, child does the work. * don't change note group. */ ppid = getpid(); switch(rfork(RFPROC|RFMEM|RFNOWAIT)){ case -1: putactivity(1); break; case 0: procsetname("request slave of pid %d", ppid); if(traceactivity) dnslog("[%d] take activity from %d", getpid(), ppid); req->isslave = 1; /* why not `= getpid()'? */ break; default: /* * this relies on rfork producing separate, initially-identical * stacks, thus giving us two copies of `req', one in each * process. */ alarm(0); longjmp(req->mret, 1); } } static int rrequiv(RR *r1, RR *r2) { return r1->owner == r2->owner && r1->type == r2->type && r1->arg0 == r2->arg0 && r1->arg1 == r2->arg1; } void unique(RR *rp) { RR **l, *nrp; for(; rp; rp = rp->next){ l = &rp->next; for(nrp = *l; nrp; nrp = *l) if(rrequiv(rp, nrp)){ *l = nrp->next; rrfree(nrp); } else l = &nrp->next; } } /* * true if second domain is subsumed by the first */ int subsume(char *higher, char *lower) { int hn, ln; ln = strlen(lower); hn = strlen(higher); if (ln < hn || cistrcmp(lower + ln - hn, higher) != 0 || ln > hn && hn != 0 && lower[ln - hn - 1] != '.') return 0; return 1; } /* * randomize the order we return items to provide some * load balancing for servers. * * only randomize the first class of entries */ RR* randomize(RR *rp) { RR *first, *last, *x, *base; uint32_t n; if(rp == nil || rp->next == nil) return rp; /* just randomize addresses, mx's and ns's */ for(x = rp; x; x = x->next) if(x->type != Ta && x->type != Taaaa && x->type != Tmx && x->type != Tns) return rp; base = rp; n = rand(); last = first = nil; while(rp != nil){ /* stop randomizing if we've moved past our class */ if(base->auth != rp->auth || base->db != rp->db){ last->next = rp; break; } /* unchain */ x = rp; rp = x->next; x->next = nil; if(n&1){ /* add to tail */ if(last == nil) first = x; else last->next = x; last = x; } else { /* add to head */ if(last == nil) last = x; x->next = first; first = x; } /* reroll the dice */ n >>= 1; } return first; } static int sencodefmt(Fmt *f) { int i, len, ilen, rv; char *out, *buf; uint8_t *b; char obuf[64]; /* rsc optimization */ if(!(f->flags&FmtPrec) || f->prec < 1) goto error; b = va_arg(f->args, uint8_t*); if(b == nil) goto error; /* if it's a printable, go for it */ len = f->prec; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) if(!isprint(b[i])) break; if(i == len){ if(len >= sizeof obuf) len = sizeof(obuf)-1; memmove(obuf, b, len); obuf[len] = 0; fmtstrcpy(f, obuf); return 0; } ilen = f->prec; f->prec = 0; f->flags &= ~FmtPrec; len = 2*ilen + 1; if(len > sizeof(obuf)){ buf = malloc(len); if(buf == nil) goto error; } else buf = obuf; /* convert */ out = buf; rv = enc16(out, len, b, ilen); if(rv < 0) goto error; fmtstrcpy(f, buf); if(buf != obuf) free(buf); return 0; error: return fmtstrcpy(f, ""); } void* emalloc(int size) { char *x; x = mallocz(size, 1); if(x == nil) abort(); setmalloctag(x, getcallerpc()); return x; } char* estrdup(char *s) { int size; char *p; size = strlen(s); p = mallocz(size+1, 0); if(p == nil) abort(); memmove(p, s, size); p[size] = 0; setmalloctag(p, getcallerpc()); return p; } /* * create a pointer record */ static RR* mkptr(DN *dp, char *ptr, uint32_t ttl) { DN *ipdp; RR *rp; ipdp = dnlookup(ptr, Cin, 1); rp = rralloc(Tptr); rp->ptr = dp; rp->owner = ipdp; rp->db = 1; if(ttl) rp->ttl = ttl; return rp; } void bytes2nibbles(uint8_t *nibbles, uint8_t *bytes, int nbytes); /* * look for all ip addresses in this network and make * pointer records for them. */ void dnptr(uint8_t *net, uint8_t *mask, char *dom, int forwtype, int subdoms, int ttl) { int i, j, len; char *p, *e; char ptr[Domlen]; uint8_t *ipp; uint8_t ip[IPaddrlen], nnet[IPaddrlen]; uint8_t nibip[IPaddrlen*2]; DN *dp; RR *rp, *nrp, *first, **l; l = &first; first = nil; for(i = 0; i < HTLEN; i++) for(dp = ht[i]; dp; dp = dp->next) for(rp = dp->rr; rp; rp = rp->next){ if(rp->type != forwtype || rp->negative) continue; parseip(ip, rp->ip->name); maskip(ip, mask, nnet); if(ipcmp(net, nnet) != 0) continue; ipp = ip; len = IPaddrlen; if (forwtype == Taaaa) { bytes2nibbles(nibip, ip, IPaddrlen); ipp = nibip; len = 2*IPaddrlen; } p = ptr; e = ptr+sizeof(ptr); for(j = len - 1; j >= len - subdoms; j--) p = seprint(p, e, (forwtype == Ta? "%d.": "%x."), ipp[j]); seprint(p, e, "%s", dom); nrp = mkptr(dp, ptr, ttl); *l = nrp; l = &nrp->next; } for(rp = first; rp != nil; rp = nrp){ nrp = rp->next; rp->next = nil; dp = rp->owner; rrattach(rp, Authoritative); dnagenever(dp); } } void addserver(Server **l, char *name) { Server *s; int n; while(*l) l = &(*l)->next; n = strlen(name); s = malloc(sizeof(Server)+n+1); if(s == nil) return; s->name = (char*)(s+1); memmove(s->name, name, n); s->name[n] = 0; s->next = nil; *l = s; } Server* copyserverlist(Server *s) { Server *ns; for(ns = nil; s != nil; s = s->next) addserver(&ns, s->name); return ns; } /* from here down is copied to ip/snoopy/dns.c periodically to update it */ /* * convert an integer RR type to it's ascii name */ char* rrname(int type, char *buf, int len) { char *t; t = nil; if(type >= 0 && type <= Tall) t = rrtname[type]; if(t==nil){ snprint(buf, len, "%d", type); t = buf; } return t; } /* * free a list of resource records and any related structs */ void rrfreelist(RR *rp) { RR *next; for(; rp; rp = next){ next = rp->next; rrfree(rp); } } void freeserverlist(Server *s) { Server *next; for(; s != nil; s = next){ next = s->next; memset(s, 0, sizeof *s); /* cause trouble */ free(s); } } /* * allocate a resource record of a given type */ RR* rralloc(int type) { RR *rp; rp = emalloc(sizeof(*rp)); rp->magic = RRmagic; rp->pc = getcallerpc(); rp->type = type; if (rp->type != type) dnslog("rralloc: bogus type %d", type); setmalloctag(rp, rp->pc); switch(type){ case Tsoa: rp->soa = emalloc(sizeof(*rp->soa)); rp->soa->slaves = nil; setmalloctag(rp->soa, rp->pc); break; case Tsrv: rp->srv = emalloc(sizeof(*rp->srv)); setmalloctag(rp->srv, rp->pc); break; case Tkey: rp->key = emalloc(sizeof(*rp->key)); setmalloctag(rp->key, rp->pc); break; case Tcert: rp->cert = emalloc(sizeof(*rp->cert)); setmalloctag(rp->cert, rp->pc); break; case Tsig: rp->sig = emalloc(sizeof(*rp->sig)); setmalloctag(rp->sig, rp->pc); break; case Tnull: rp->null = emalloc(sizeof(*rp->null)); setmalloctag(rp->null, rp->pc); break; } rp->ttl = 0; rp->expire = 0; rp->next = 0; return rp; } /* * free a resource record and any related structs */ void rrfree(RR *rp) { Txt *t; assert(rp->magic == RRmagic && !rp->cached); switch(rp->type){ case Tsoa: freeserverlist(rp->soa->slaves); memset(rp->soa, 0, sizeof *rp->soa); /* cause trouble */ free(rp->soa); break; case Tsrv: memset(rp->srv, 0, sizeof *rp->srv); /* cause trouble */ free(rp->srv); break; case Tkey: free(rp->key->data); memset(rp->key, 0, sizeof *rp->key); /* cause trouble */ free(rp->key); break; case Tcert: free(rp->cert->data); memset(rp->cert, 0, sizeof *rp->cert); /* cause trouble */ free(rp->cert); break; case Tsig: free(rp->sig->data); memset(rp->sig, 0, sizeof *rp->sig); /* cause trouble */ free(rp->sig); break; case Tnull: free(rp->null->data); memset(rp->null, 0, sizeof *rp->null); /* cause trouble */ free(rp->null); break; case Ttxt: while(t = rp->txt){ rp->txt = t->next; free(t->p); memset(t, 0, sizeof *t); /* cause trouble */ free(t); } break; } memset(rp, 0, sizeof *rp); /* cause trouble */ rp->magic = ~RRmagic; free(rp); }