/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include #include static Rune empty[] = { 0 }; int _stringnwidth(Font *f, char *s, Rune *r, int len) { int wid, twid, n, max, l; char *name; enum { Max = 64 }; uint16_t cbuf[Max]; Rune rune, **rptr; char *subfontname, **sptr; Font *def; if(s == nil){ s = ""; sptr = nil; }else sptr = &s; if(r == nil){ r = empty; rptr = nil; }else rptr = &r; twid = 0; while(len>0 && (*s || *r)){ max = Max; if(len < max) max = len; n = 0; while((l = cachechars(f, sptr, rptr, cbuf, max, &wid, &subfontname)) <= 0){ if(++n > 10){ if(*r) rune = *r; else chartorune(&rune, s); if(f->name != nil) name = f->name; else name = "unnamed font"; fprint(2, "stringwidth: bad character set for rune 0x%.4ux in %s\n", rune, name); return twid; } if(subfontname){ if(_getsubfont(f->display, subfontname) == 0){ def = f->display->defaultfont; if(def && f!=def) f = def; else break; } } } agefont(f); twid += wid; len -= l; } return twid; } int stringnwidth(Font *f, char *s, int len) { return _stringnwidth(f, s, nil, len); } int stringwidth(Font *f, char *s) { return _stringnwidth(f, s, nil, 1<<24); } Point stringsize(Font *f, char *s) { return Pt(_stringnwidth(f, s, nil, 1<<24), f->height); } int runestringnwidth(Font *f, Rune *r, int len) { return _stringnwidth(f, nil, r, len); } int runestringwidth(Font *f, Rune *r) { return _stringnwidth(f, nil, r, 1<<24); } Point runestringsize(Font *f, Rune *r) { return Pt(_stringnwidth(f, nil, r, 1<<24), f->height); }