/* Copyright (C) Charles Forsyth * See /doc/license/NOTICE.Plan9-9k.txt for details about the licensing. */ /* Portions of this file are Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Giacomo Tesio * See /doc/license/gpl-2.0.txt for details about the licensing. */ #include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "../port/error.h" typedef struct Mprof Mprof; typedef struct Mevents Mevents; typedef struct Mevent Mevent; enum { Qdir, Qctl, Qevent, Qprof, Qsum, }; static Dirtab memdir[] = { ".", {Qdir, 0, QTDIR}, 0, DMDIR|0555, "memctl", {Qctl}, 0, 0664, "memevent", {Qevent}, 0, 0444, "memprof", {Qprof}, 0, 0444, "memsum", {Qsum}, 0, 0444, }; enum { Nevent = 10000, BucketLg2= 15, /* for 512k kernel, allows allocation every 16 bytes */ Nbucket= 1< 0, alloc; < 0, free */ }; static struct Mevents { Lock; Ref; Rendez r; Mevent events[Nevent]; uint32_t rd; uint32_t wr; int want; uint32_t lost; } memevents; static Ref monitoring; extern void setmemprof(void (*)(void*, uint32_t, usize, int)); /* qmalloc.c */ static void aadd(int *addr, int delta) { int value; do value = *addr; while(!CASW(addr, value, value+delta)); } static int isnonempty(void *v) { Mevents *evs; evs = v; return evs->rd != evs->wr; } static int isnotfull(Mevents *evs) { return (evs->wr - evs->rd) < Nevent; } static void addmemevent(void *a, uint32_t tag, usize nb, int w) { Mevents *evs; Mevent e; int empty; e.tag = tag; e.koff = (uintptr_t)a - KZERO; if(nb > MaxInt) nb = MaxInt; e.size = w < 0? -nb: nb; evs = &memevents; ilock(evs); if(isnotfull(evs)){ empty = evs->rd == evs->wr; evs->events[evs->wr++] = e; }else{ evs->lost++; empty = 0; } iunlock(evs); if(empty) wakeup(&evs->r); } static void mprofmonitor(void *a, uint32_t tag, usize nb, int w) { Mprof *p; uint32_t n; if(memevents.ref != 0) addmemevent(a, tag, nb, w); n = ((tag-(KTZERO&0xFFFFFFFF))/(512*KiB/Nbucket))&BucketMask; if(n > Nbucket) n = Nbucket-1; for(;;){ p = &memprof.bucket[n]; if(p->tag == tag || p->tag == ~0) break; n = p->ovfl; if(n == 0){ if(w < 0) return; ilock(&memprof.ovlk); if(p->tag != 0 && p->tag != tag){ n = p->ovfl; if(n != 0){ iunlock(&memprof.ovlk); /* follow the overflow chain */ continue; } /* need an overflow entry */ n = memprof.novfl; if(n < Noverflow) memprof.novfl++; else tag = ~0; n += Nbucket; p->ovfl = n; p = &memprof.bucket[n]; } p->tag = tag; iunlock(&memprof.ovlk); break; } } if(w < 0){ aadd(&p->na, -1); aadd(&p->busy, -nb); }else{ aadd(&p->na, 1); aadd(&p->busy, nb); } } static void mput4(uint8_t *m, uint32_t v) { m[0] = v>>24; m[1] = v>>16; m[2] = v>>8; m[3] = v; } static void memprofinit(void) { incref(&monitoring); setmemprof(mprofmonitor); } static Chan* memattach(Chan *c, Chan *ac, char *spec, int flags) { return devattach('%', spec); } static Walkqid* memwalk(Chan *c, Chan *nc, char **name, int nname) { return devwalk(c, nc, name, nname, memdir, nelem(memdir), devgen); } static long memstat(Chan *c, uint8_t *db, long n) { return devstat(c, db, n, memdir, nelem(memdir), devgen); } static Chan* memopen(Chan *c, int omode) { Mevents *evs; c = devopen(c, omode, memdir, nelem(memdir), devgen); switch((uint32_t)c->qid.path){ case Qevent: evs = &memevents; if(incref(evs) != 1){ decref(evs); c->flag &= ~COPEN; error(Einuse); } evs->rd = evs->wr = 0; evs->want = 0; evs->lost = 0; incref(&monitoring); setmemprof(mprofmonitor); break; case Qprof: break; } return c; } static void memclose(Chan *c) { if((c->flag & COPEN) == 0) return; switch((uint32_t)c->qid.path) { case Qevent: if(decref(&monitoring) == 0) setmemprof(nil); decref(&memevents); break; case Qprof: break; } } static long memread(Chan *c, void *va, long count, int64_t offset) { uint8_t *a; int i; Mevent *pe; Mevents *evs; Mprof *p; if(c->qid.type & QTDIR) return devdirread(c, va, count, memdir, nelem(memdir), devgen); switch((uint32_t)c->qid.path) { default: error(Egreg); case Qctl: return 0; case Qsum: return mallocreadsummary(c, va, count, offset); case Qevent: evs = &memevents; while(!isnonempty(evs)){ evs->want = 1; sleep(&evs->r, isnonempty, evs); } a = va; do{ if((count -= Evreclen) < 0) break; pe = &evs->events[evs->rd]; mput4(a+0, 0); mput4(a+4, pe->tag); mput4(a+8, pe->koff); mput4(a+12, pe->size); a += Evreclen; }while(++evs->rd != evs->wr); return a-(uint8_t*)va; case Qprof: a = va; for(i = offset/Profreclen; i < nelem(memprof.bucket); i++){ p = &memprof.bucket[i]; if((p->tag|p->na|p->busy) != 0){ if((count -= Profreclen) < 0) break; mput4(a+0, p->tag); mput4(a+4, p->na); mput4(a+8, p->busy); a += Profreclen; } } return a-(uint8_t*)va; } } static long memwrite(Chan *c, void *a, long n, int64_t) { Cmdbuf *cb; if(c->qid.type & QTDIR) error(Eperm); switch((uint32_t)c->qid.path) { default: error(Egreg); case Qctl: cb = parsecmd(a, n); if(waserror()){ jehanne_free(cb); nexterror(); } if(cb->nf == 1 && jehanne_strcmp(cb->f[0], "start") == 0){ if(incref(&monitoring) == 1) setmemprof(mprofmonitor); }else if(cb->nf == 1 && jehanne_strcmp(cb->f[0], "stop") == 0){ if(decref(&monitoring) == 0) setmemprof(nil); }else cmderror(cb, "unknown command"); poperror(); jehanne_free(cb); break; } return n; } Dev memdevtab = { '%', "mem", devreset, memprofinit, //devinit, devshutdown, memattach, memwalk, memstat, memopen, devcreate, memclose, memread, devbread, memwrite, devbwrite, devremove, devwstat };