#include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "error.h" #include static void poolprint(Pool*, char*, ...); static void ppanic(Pool*, char*, ...); static void pool_lock(Pool*); static void pool_unlock(Pool*); typedef struct Private Private; struct Private { Lock lk; char msg[256]; /* a rock for messages to be printed at unlock */ }; static Private pmainpriv; static Pool pmainmem = { .name= "Main", .maxsize= 4*1024*1024, .minarena= 128*1024, .quantum= 32, .alloc= xalloc, .merge= xmerge, .flags= POOL_TOLERANCE, .lock= pool_lock, .unlock= pool_unlock, .print= poolprint, .panic= ppanic, .private= &pmainpriv, }; static Private pimagpriv; static Pool pimagmem = { .name= "Image", .maxsize= 16*1024*1024, .minarena= 2*1024*1024, .quantum= 32, .alloc= xalloc, .merge= xmerge, .flags= 0, .lock= pool_lock, .unlock= pool_unlock, .print= poolprint, .panic= ppanic, .private= &pimagpriv, }; static Private psecrpriv; static Pool psecrmem = { .name= "Secrets", .maxsize= 16*1024*1024, .minarena= 64*1024, .quantum= 32, .alloc= xalloc, .merge= xmerge, .flags= POOL_ANTAGONISM, .lock= pool_lock, .unlock= pool_unlock, .print= poolprint, .panic= ppanic, .private= &psecrpriv, }; Pool* mainmem = &pmainmem; Pool* imagmem = &pimagmem; Pool* secrmem = &psecrmem; /* * because we can't print while we're holding the locks, * we have the save the message and print it once we let go. */ static void poolprint(Pool *p, char *fmt, ...) { va_list v; Private *pv; pv = p->private; va_start(v, fmt); vseprint(pv->msg+strlen(pv->msg), pv->msg+sizeof pv->msg, fmt, v); va_end(v); } static void ppanic(Pool *p, char *fmt, ...) { va_list v; Private *pv; char msg[sizeof pv->msg]; pv = p->private; va_start(v, fmt); vseprint(pv->msg+strlen(pv->msg), pv->msg+sizeof pv->msg, fmt, v); va_end(v); memmove(msg, pv->msg, sizeof msg); iunlock(&pv->lk); panic("%s", msg); } static void pool_lock(Pool *p) { Private *pv; pv = p->private; ilock(&pv->lk); // pv->lk.pc = getcallerpc(); pv->msg[0] = 0; } static void pool_unlock(Pool *p) { Private *pv; char msg[sizeof pv->msg]; pv = p->private; if(pv->msg[0] == 0){ iunlock(&pv->lk); return; } memmove(msg, pv->msg, sizeof msg); iunlock(&pv->lk); iprint("%.*s", sizeof pv->msg, msg); } void poolsummary(Pool *p) { print("%s max %llud cur %llud free %llud alloc %llud\n", p->name, (uint64_t)p->maxsize, (uint64_t)p->cursize, (uint64_t)p->curfree, (uint64_t)p->curalloc); } void mallocsummary(void) { poolsummary(mainmem); poolsummary(imagmem); poolsummary(secrmem); } /* everything from here down should be the same in libc, libdebugmalloc, and the kernel */ /* - except the code for malloc(), which alternately doesn't clear or does. */ /* - except the code for smalloc(), which lives only in the kernel. */ /* * Npadlong is the number of uint32_t's to leave at the beginning of * each allocated buffer for our own bookkeeping. We return to the callers * a pointer that points immediately after our bookkeeping area. Incoming pointers * must be decremented by that much, and outgoing pointers incremented. * The malloc tag is stored at MallocOffset from the beginning of the block, * and the realloc tag at ReallocOffset. The offsets are from the true beginning * of the block, not the beginning the caller sees. * * The extra if(Npadlong != 0) in various places is a hint for the compiler to * compile out function calls that would otherwise be no-ops. */ /* non tracing * enum { Npadlong = 0, MallocOffset = 0, ReallocOffset = 0, }; * */ /* tracing */ enum { Npadlong = 2, MallocOffset = 0, ReallocOffset = 1 }; void* smalloc(uint32_t size) { void *v; while((v = poolalloc(mainmem, size+Npadlong*sizeof(uint32_t))) == nil){ if(!waserror()){ resrcwait(nil, nil); poperror(); } } if(Npadlong){ v = (uint32_t*)v+Npadlong; setmalloctag(v, getcallerpc()); } memset(v, 0, size); return v; } void* jehanne_malloc(uint32_t size) { void *v; v = poolalloc(mainmem, size+Npadlong*sizeof(uint32_t)); if(v == nil) return nil; if(Npadlong){ v = (uint32_t*)v+Npadlong; setmalloctag(v, getcallerpc()); setrealloctag(v, 0); } memset(v, 0, size); return v; } void* jehanne_mallocz(uint32_t size, int clr) { void *v; v = poolalloc(mainmem, size+Npadlong*sizeof(uint32_t)); if(Npadlong && v != nil){ v = (uint32_t*)v+Npadlong; setmalloctag(v, getcallerpc()); setrealloctag(v, 0); } if(clr && v != nil) memset(v, 0, size); return v; } void* jehanne_mallocalign(uint32_t size, uint32_t align, long offset, uint32_t span) { void *v; v = poolallocalign(mainmem, size+Npadlong*sizeof(uint32_t), align, offset-Npadlong*sizeof(uint32_t), span); if(Npadlong && v != nil){ v = (uint32_t*)v+Npadlong; setmalloctag(v, getcallerpc()); setrealloctag(v, 0); } if(v) memset(v, 0, size); return v; } void jehanne_free(void *v) { if(v != nil) poolfree(mainmem, (uint32_t*)v-Npadlong); } void* jehanne_realloc(void *v, uint32_t size) { void *nv; if(v != nil) v = (uint32_t*)v-Npadlong; if(Npadlong !=0 && size != 0) size += Npadlong*sizeof(uint32_t); if(nv = poolrealloc(mainmem, v, size)){ nv = (uint32_t*)nv+Npadlong; setrealloctag(nv, getcallerpc()); if(v == nil) setmalloctag(nv, getcallerpc()); } return nv; } uint32_t jehanne_msize(void *v) { return poolmsize(mainmem, (uint32_t*)v-Npadlong)-Npadlong*sizeof(uint32_t); } /* secret memory, used to back cryptographic keys and cipher states */ void* secalloc(uint32_t size) { void *v; while((v = poolalloc(secrmem, size+Npadlong*sizeof(uint32_t))) == nil){ if(!waserror()){ resrcwait(nil, nil); poperror(); } } if(Npadlong){ v = (uint32_t*)v+Npadlong; setmalloctag(v, getcallerpc()); setrealloctag(v, 0); } memset(v, 0, size); return v; } void secfree(void *v) { if(v != nil) poolfree(secrmem, (uint32_t*)v-Npadlong); } void jehanne_setmalloctag(void *v, uintptr_t pc) { USED(v, pc); if(Npadlong <= MallocOffset || v == nil) return; ((uint32_t*)v)[-Npadlong+MallocOffset] = (uint32_t)pc; } void jehanne_setrealloctag(void *v, uintptr_t pc) { USED(v, pc); if(Npadlong <= ReallocOffset || v == nil) return; ((uint32_t*)v)[-Npadlong+ReallocOffset] = (uint32_t)pc; } uintptr_t jehanne_getmalloctag(void *v) { USED(v); if(Npadlong <= MallocOffset) return ~0; return (int)((uint32_t*)v)[-Npadlong+MallocOffset]; } uintptr_t jehanne_getrealloctag(void *v) { USED(v); if(Npadlong <= ReallocOffset) return ~0; return (int)((uint32_t*)v)[-Npadlong+ReallocOffset]; }