/* * Start-up request IPI handler. * * This code is executed on an application processor in response to receiving * a Start-up IPI (SIPI) from another processor. * This must be placed on a 4KiB boundary * somewhere in the 1st MiB of conventional memory. However, * due to some shortcuts below it's restricted further to within the 1st 64KiB. * The AP starts in real-mode, with * CS selector set to the startup memory address/16; * CS base set to startup memory address; * CS limit set to 64KiB; * CPL and IP set to 0. */ #include "mem.h" #include "amd64.h" #ifndef __ASSEMBLER__ #define __ASSEMBLER__ #endif .section .text .code16 .align 4 apbootstrap: ljmp $0x0, $_apbootstrap nop nop nop _apvector: /* address APBOOTSTRAP+0x08 */ .quad 0 _appml4: /* address APBOOTSTRAP+0x10 */ .quad 0 _apapic: /* address APBOOTSTRAP+0x18 */ .quad 0 _apmach: /* address APBOOTSTRAP+0x20 */ .quad 0 _apbootstrap: mov %cs, %ax mov %ax, %ds lgdt _gdtptr32p movl %cr0, %eax or $0x1, %ax mov %eax, %cr0 jmp 1f 1: ljmp $0x18, $_ap32 .code32 _ap32: movl $SELECTOR(2, SELGDT, 0), %eax movw %ax, %ds movw %ax, %es movw %ax, %fs movw %ax, %gs movw %ax, %ss movl _appml4, %eax /* physical address of PML4 */ movl %eax, %cr3 /* load the mmu */ jmp 2f 2: movl %cr4, %eax andl $0xffffffef, %eax /* Page Size (~0x00000010 = 0xffffffef) */ orl $0xa0, %eax /* Page Global, Phys. Address */ movl %eax, %cr4 movl $0xc0000080, %ecx /* Extended Feature Enable */ rdmsr orl $0x00000100, %eax /* Long Mode Enable */ wrmsr movl %cr0, %edx andl $0x9ffffff5, %edx /* (~0x6000000a = 0x9ffffff5) */ orl $0x80010000, %edx /* Paging Enable, Write Protect */ movl %edx, %cr0 ljmp $0x8, $(_ap64) .code64 _ap64: movq $_gdtptr64v, %rax lgdt (%rax) xorq %rax, %rax movw %ax, %ds /* not used in long mode */ movw %ax, %es /* not used in long mode */ movw %ax, %fs movw %ax, %gs movw %ax, %ss /* not used in long mode */ lldt %ax movq _apmach, %rsp movq %rax, %r14 /* up = nil; */ movq %rsp, %r15 /* m = apmach */ addq $MACHSIZE, %rsp pushq %rax /* clear flags */ popfq movq _apvector, %rax movq _apapic, %rdi pushq %rbp call *%rax _halt: hlt jmp _halt .align 16 _gdt: /* null descriptor */ .long 0 .long 0 /* (KESEG) 64 bit long mode exec segment */ .long 0xFFFF .long SEGL|SEGG|SEGP|(0xF<<16)|SEGPL(0)|SEGEXEC|SEGR /* 32 bit data segment descriptor for 4 gigabytes (PL 0) */ .long 0xFFFF .long SEGG|SEGB|(0xF<<16)|SEGP|SEGPL(0)|SEGDATA|SEGW /* 32 bit exec segment descriptor for 4 gigabytes (PL 0) */ .long 0xFFFF .long SEGG|SEGD|(0xF<<16)|SEGP|SEGPL(0)|SEGEXEC|SEGR .align 4 _gdtptr32p: .word 4*8-1 .long _gdt-KZERO .align 4 _gdtptr64p: .word 4*8-1 .quad _gdt-KZERO .align 4 _gdtptr64v: .word 4*8-1 .quad _gdt